6 research outputs found

    Operating a full tungsten actively cooled tokamak: overview of WEST first phase of operation

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    WEST is an MA class superconducting, actively cooled, full tungsten (W) tokamak, designed to operate in long pulses up to 1000 s. In support of ITER operation and DEMO conceptual activities, key missions of WEST are: (i) qualification of high heat flux plasma-facing components in integrating both technological and physics aspects in relevant heat and particle exhaust conditions, particularly for the tungsten monoblocks foreseen in ITER divertor; (ii) integrated steady-state operation at high confinement, with a focus on power exhaust issues. During the phase 1 of operation (2017–2020), a set of actively cooled ITER-grade plasma facing unit prototypes was integrated into the inertially cooled W coated startup lower divertor. Up to 8.8 MW of RF power has been coupled to the plasma and divertor heat flux of up to 6 MW m−2 were reached. Long pulse operation was started, using the upper actively cooled divertor, with a discharge of about 1 min achieved. This paper gives an overview of the results achieved in phase 1. Perspectives for phase 2, operating with the full capability of the device with the complete ITER-grade actively cooled lower divertor, are also described

    Kirjallisuuskatsaus mielenterveyskuntoutujien osallisuudesta

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    Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata mielenterveyskutoutujien osallisuuden kokemusta kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla. Tavoitteena oli kehittää mielenterveys- ja päihdetyön opetusta. Työn tilaaja oli Satakunnan Ammattikorkeakoulu. Mielenterveydenkuntoutujien osallisuutta on pyritty tukemaan viime vuosikymmenien aikana. Mielenterveyspalveluja on viime aikoina leikattu, joka voi vaikeuttaa kuntoutumista ja hoitoa, siksi olisi tärkeää tietää mitkä tekijät voimaannuttavat kuntoutujia jaksamaan ja pyrkiä mahdollisimman hyvään hoitoon. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena syksyllä 2019. Työn suunnittelu alkoi jo keväällä 2019. Tutkimuksia haettiin Medicin, SAMK Finnan, Google Scholarin, sekä CINAHL:in avulla. Tutkimuksia valittiin neljä mukaan kirjallisuuskatsaukseen. Tutkimukset oli toteutettu kaikki hieman eri tavalla. Näistä tutkimuksista 3 oli suomenkielisiä Suomessa toteutettuja tutkimuksia ja yksi oli englanninkielinen tutkimus Norjasta. Valittujen tutkimusten kuntoutujat ovat kokeneet voivansa vaikuttaa omaan kuntoutukseensa, mutta rajallisesti, sillä osa koki, että viimekädessä hoitajat tekevät päätökset heidän puolestaan. Kaikissa tutkimuksissa yhteisöllisyys ja yhteinen tekeminen ja ryhmät koettiin miellyttävinä ja osallisuuden tunnetta lisäävinä. Osallisuuden tunnetta tukevia tekijöitä olivat ammattitaitoinen henkilökunta, arjen tuki, tasa-arvoinen ohjaaminen, läsnäolo, sekä yhteisöllisyys. Näiden tekijöiden tukeminen tukee kuntoutujien kokemusta osallisuudesta. Osallisuutta ja sen toteutumista voitaisiin tutkia enemmänkin mielenterveyden palvelujen osalta. Suurin osa tutkimuksista, joita löydettiin, oli tehty asumisyksiköissä asuvista kuntoutujista. Olisi mielenkiintoista tietää miten avohoidon palvelujenpiirissä olevat mielenterveyspalvelujen potilaat ja kuntoutujat kokevat osallisuuden toteutuvan ja onko heillä eri käsitys osallisuudesta.The purpose of this thesis was to identify and describe the patient involvement in psychiatric rehabilitation. The aim was to create a comprehensive literature review that could be used to improve mental health and substance abuse tuition in Satakunta University of Applied Sciences. Involvement of patients in psychiatric rehabilitation has been promoted within the last century. Mental health services have been cut down recently, which may affect rehabilitation and care of the patients, and thus it is important to empower the patients and aim for good rehabilitation care. This thesis was carried out as a narrative literature review in Autumn 2019. Planning of this thesis was started already in Spring 2019. Used studies were searched from Medic, SAMK Finna, Google Scholar and CINAHL. Four research papers were chosen. Each study was carried out a bit differently. Three of these studies were in Finnish and made in Finland, and one was in English and done in Norway. In these studies the patients in psychiatric rehabilitation felt like they could affect their own rehabilitation albeit limitedly, because some of the patients felt like the staff made the decisions in the end. Communality, group activities and doing things together with others were seen as pleasant and empowering factors. Factors supporting the sense of involvement were competent staff, everyday support, coequal guidance, presence and community. Supporting these factors empowers the sense of involvement within the patients in psychiatric rehabilitation. Involvement and its actualization could be studied more within the grasp of mental health services. Most of the found studies were done on patients living in rehabilitation centers. It would be intriguing to find out how client participation comes true in noninstitutional care and how the patients experience it

    The Role of Social Health Protection in Reducing Poverty: The Case of Africa

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    Operating a full tungsten actively cooled tokamak: overview of WEST first phase of operation

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    International audienceAbstract WEST is an MA class superconducting, actively cooled, full tungsten (W) tokamak, designed to operate in long pulses up to 1000 s. In support of ITER operation and DEMO conceptual activities, key missions of WEST are: (i) qualification of high heat flux plasma-facing components in integrating both technological and physics aspects in relevant heat and particle exhaust conditions, particularly for the tungsten monoblocks foreseen in ITER divertor; (ii) integrated steady-state operation at high confinement, with a focus on power exhaust issues. During the phase 1 of operation (2017–2020), a set of actively cooled ITER-grade plasma facing unit prototypes was integrated into the inertially cooled W coated startup lower divertor. Up to 8.8 MW of RF power has been coupled to the plasma and divertor heat flux of up to 6 MW m −2 were reached. Long pulse operation was started, using the upper actively cooled divertor, with a discharge of about 1 min achieved. This paper gives an overview of the results achieved in phase 1. Perspectives for phase 2, operating with the full capability of the device with the complete ITER-grade actively cooled lower divertor, are also described