20 research outputs found

    Improved stabilization scheme for extreme ultraviolet quantum interference experiments

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    Interferometric pump-probe experiments in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) domain are experimentally very challenging due to the high phase stability required between the XUV pulses. Recently, an efficient phase stabilization scheme was introduced for seeded XUV free electron lasers (FELs) combining shot-to-shot phase modulation with lock-in detection. This method stabilized the seed laser beampath on the fundamental ultraviolet wavelength to a high degree. Here, we extend this scheme including the stabilization of the XUV beampath, incorporating phase fluctuations from the FEL high gain harmonic generation process. Our analysis reveals a clear signal improvement with the new method compared to the previous stabilization scheme

    High-Gain Harmonic Generation with temporally overlapping seed pulses and application to ultrafast spectroscopy

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    Collinear double-pulse seeding of the High-Gain Harmonic Generation (HGHG) process in a free-electron laser (FEL) is a promising approach to facilitate various coherent nonlinear spectroscopy schemes in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) spectral range. However, in collinear arrangements using a single nonlinear medium, temporally overlapping seed pulses may introduce nonlinear mixing signals that compromise the experiment at short time delays. Here, we investigate these effects in detail by extending the analysis described in a recent publication (Wituschek et al., Nat. Commun., 11, 883, 2020). High-order fringe-resolved autocorrelation and wave-packet interferometry experiments at photon energies > 2323\,eV are performed, accompanied by numerical simulations. It turns out that both the autocorrelation and the wave-packet interferometry data are very sensitive to saturation effects and can thus be used to characterize saturation in the HGHG process. Our results further imply that time-resolved spectroscopy experiments are feasible even for time delays smaller than the seed pulse duration.Comment: This is accepted version of the article. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.40124

    NMR structure of the A730 loop of the Neurospora VS ribozyme: insights into the formation of the active site

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    The Neurospora VS ribozyme is a small nucleolytic ribozyme with unique primary, secondary and global tertiary structures, which displays mechanistic similarities to the hairpin ribozyme. Here, we determined the high-resolution NMR structure of a stem–loop VI fragment containing the A730 internal loop, which forms part of the active site. In the presence of magnesium ions, the A730 loop adopts a structure that is consistent with existing biochemical data and most likely reflects its conformation in the VS ribozyme prior to docking with the cleavage site internal loop. Interestingly, the A730 loop adopts an S-turn motif that is also present in loop B within the hairpin ribozyme active site. The S-turn appears necessary to expose the Watson–Crick edge of a catalytically important residue (A756) so that it can fulfill its role in catalysis. The A730 loop and the cleavage site loop of the VS ribozyme display structural similarities to internal loops found in the active site of the hairpin ribozyme. These similarities provided a rationale to build a model of the VS ribozyme active site based on the crystal structure of the hairpin ribozyme

    Real-time observation of water radiolysis and hydrated electron formation induced by extreme-ultraviolet pulses

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    The dominant pathway of radiation damage begins with the ionization of water. Thus far, however, the underlying primary processes could not be conclusively elucidated. Here, we directly study the earliest steps of extreme ultraviolet (XUV)–induced water radiolysis through one-photon excitation of large water clusters using time-resolved photoelectron imaging. Results are presented for H2O and D2O clusters using femtosecond pump pulses centered at 133 or 80 nm. In both excitation schemes, hydrogen or proton transfer is observed to yield a prehydrated electron within 30 to 60 fs, followed by its solvation in 0.3 to 1.0 ps and its decay through geminate recombination on a ∼10-ps time scale. These results are interpreted by comparison with detailed multiconfigurational non-adiabatic ab-initio molecular dynamics calculations. Our results provide the first comprehensive picture of the primary steps of radiation chemistry and radiation damage and demonstrate new approaches for their study with unprecedented time resolution.ISSN:2375-254

    Time-resolved formation of excited atomic and molecular states in XUV-induced nanoplasmas in ammonia clusters

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    High intensity XUV radiation from a free-electron laser (FEL) was used to create a nanoplasma inside ammonia clusters with the intent of studying the resulting electron-ion interactions and their interplay with plasma evolution. In a plasma-like state, electrons with kinetic energy lower than the local collective Coulomb potential of the positive ionic core are trapped in the cluster and take part in secondary processes (e.g. electron-impact excitation/ionization and electron-ion recombination) which lead to subsequent excited and neutral molecular fragmentation. Using a time-delayed UV laser, the dynamics of the excited atomic and molecular states are probed from -0.1 ps to 18 ps. We identify three different phases of molecular fragmentation that are clearly distinguished by the effect of the probe laser on the ionic and electronic yield. We propose a simple model to rationalize our data and further identify two separate channels leading to the formation of excited hydrogen

    Time-resolved Ultrafast Interatomic Coulombic Decay in Superexcited Sodium-doped Helium Nanodroplets

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    The autoionization dynamics of superexcited superfluid He nanodroplets doped with Na atoms is studied by extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) time-resolved electron spectroscopy. Following excitation into the higher-lying droplet absorption band, the droplet relaxes into the lowest metastable atomic 1s2s1s2s 1,3^{1,\,3}S states from which Interatomic Coulombic Decay (ICD) takes places either between two excited He atoms or between an excited He atom and a Na atom attached to the droplet surface. Four main ICD channels are identified and their time constants are determined by varying the delay between the XUV pulse and a UV pulse that ionizes the initial excited state and thereby quenches ICD. The time constants for the different channels all fall in the range \sim1~ps indicating that the ICD dynamics are mainly determined by the droplet environment. A periodic modulation of the transient ICD signals is tentatively attributed to the oscillation of the bubble forming around the localized He excitation. The ICD efficiency depends on the total number of excited states in a droplet rather than the density of excited states pointing to a collective enhancement of ICD

    High-gain harmonic generation with temporally overlapping seed pulses and application to ultrafast spectroscopy

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    Collinear double-pulse seeding of the High-Gain Harmonic Generation (HGHG) process in a free-electron laser (FEL) is a promising approach to facilitate various coherent nonlinear spectroscopy schemes in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) spectral range. However, in collinear arrangements using a single nonlinear medium, temporally overlapping seed pulses may introduce nonlinear mixing signals that compromise the experiment at short time delays. Here, we investigate these effects in detail by extending the analysis described in a recent publication (Wituschek et al., Nat. Commun., 11, 883, 2020). High-order fringe-resolved autocorrelation and wave packet interferometry experiments at photon energies > 23 eV are performed, accompanied by numerical simulations. It turns out that both the autocorrelation and the wave-packet interferometry data are very sensitive to saturation effects and can thus be used to characterize saturation in the HGHG process. Our results further imply that time-resolved spectroscopy experiments are feasible even for time delays smaller than the seed pulse duration

    Unravelling the full relaxation dynamics of superexcited helium nanodroplets

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    The relaxation dynamics of superexcited superfluid He nanodroplets is thoroughly investigated by means of extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) femtosecond electron and ion spectroscopy complemented by time- dependent density functional theory (TDDFT). Three main paths leading to the emission of electrons and ions are identified: droplet autoionization, pump-probe photoionization, and autoionization induced by re-excitation of droplets relaxing into levels below the droplet ionization threshold. The most abundant product ions are He2+, generated by droplet autoionization and by photoionization of droplet-bound excited He atoms. He+ appear with some pump-probe delay as a result of the ejection He atoms in their lowest excited states from the droplets. The state-resolved time-dependent photoelectron spectra reveal that intermediate excited states of the droplets are populated in the course of the relaxation, terminating in the lowest-lying metastable singlet and triplet He atomic states. The slightly faster relaxation of the triplet state compared to the singlet state is in agreement with the simulation showing faster formation of a bubble around a He atom in the triplet state

    Extreme Ultraviolet Wave Packet Interferometry of the Autoionizing HeNe Dimer

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    Femtosecond extreme ultraviolet wave packet interferometry (XUV-WPI) was applied to study resonant interatomic Coulombic decay (ICD) in the HeNe dimer. The high demands on phase stability and sensitivity for vibronic XUV-WPI of molecular-beam targets are met using an XUV phase-cycling scheme. The detected quantum interferences exhibit vibronic dephasing and rephasing signatures along with an ultrafast decoherence assigned to the ICD process. A Fourier analysis reveals the molecular absorption spectrum with high resolution. The demonstrated experiment shows a promising route for the real-time analysis of ultrafast ICD processes with both high temporal and high spectral resolution