137 research outputs found

    On the influence of opacity variation on spatial structure of radiative shocks

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    International audienceWe provide a theoretical analysis of Radiative Shocks, defined as supercritical shocks accompanied by an ionization wave in front of the density jump. In particular, we look at the influence of opacity variation with temperature and photon energy on spatial structure of radiative shocks, with a view to understanding a split precursor feature observed in recent experiments. We show that multigroup processing, a more refined angular description and improved low temperature opacities are needed to explore the radiative precursor structure, at least in some temperature regimes where rapid change of ionization can be found

    Measure of precursor electron density profiles of laser launched radiative shocks

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    We have studied the dynamics of strong radiative shocks generated with the high-energy subnanosecond iodine laser at Prague Asterix Laser System facilityComment: with small correction in Fig.1

    Zika virus envelope domain III recombinant protein delivered with saponin-based nanoadjuvant from Quillaja brasiliensis enhances anti-zika immune responses, including neutralizing antibodies and splenocyte proliferation

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    Nanoadjuvants that combine immunostimulatory properties and delivery systems reportedly bestow major improvements on the efficacy of recombinant, protein-based vaccines. Among these, self-assembled micellar formulations named ISCOMs (immune stimulating complexes) show a great ability to trigger powerful immunological responses against infectious pathogens. Here, a nanoadjuvant preparation, based on saponins from Quillaja brasiliensis, was evaluated together with an experimental Zika virus (ZIKV) vaccine (IQB80-zEDIII) and compared to an equivalent vaccine with alum as the standard adjuvant. The preparations were administered to mice in two doses (on days zero and 14) and immune responses were evaluated on day 28 post-priming. Serum levels of anti-Zika virus IgG, IgG1, IgG2b, IgG2c, IgG3 were significantly increased by the nanoadjuvant vaccine, compared to the mice that received the alum-adjuvanted vaccine or the unadjuvanted vaccine. In addition, a robust production of neutralizing antibodies and in vitro splenocyte proliferative responses were observed in mice immunized with IQB80-zEDIII nanoformulated vaccine. Therefore, the IQB80-zEDIII recombinant preparation seems to be a suitable candidate vaccine for ZIKV. Overall, this study identified saponin-based delivery systems as an adequate adjuvant for recombinant ZIKV vaccines and has important implications for recombinant protein-based vaccine formulations against other flaviviruses and possibly enveloped viruses

    Genomic characterization of novel circular ssDNA viruses from insectivorous bats in southern Brazil

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    Circoviruses are highly prevalent porcine and avian pathogens. In recent years, novel circular ssDNA genomes have recently been detected in a variety of fecal and environmental samples using deep sequencing approaches. In this study the identification of genomes of novel circoviruses and cycloviruses in feces of insectivorous bats is reported. Pan-reactive primers were used targeting the conserved rep region of circoviruses and cycloviruses to screen DNA bat fecal samples. Using this approach, partial rep sequences were detected which formed five phylogenetic groups distributed among the Circovirusand the recently proposed Cyclovirus genera of the Circoviridae. Further analysis using inverse PCR and Sanger sequencing led to the characterization of four new putative members of the family Circoviridae with genome size ranging from 1,608 to 1,790 nt, two inversely arranged ORFs, and canonical nonamer sequences atop a stem loop


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    Objetivo: Identificar a relação entre os Comportamentos de Cidadania Organizacional (CCO), Espiritualidade e Satisfação no Ambiente de Trabalho (EAT e ST). Método/abordagem: Este estudo é de abordagem quantitativa e descritiva, com a utilização de uma estratégia survey. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionário contendo 53 perguntas, aplicados a todos os 233 trabalhadores de uma prefeitura do RS. Para os resultados foram utilizados as análises descritivas e Correlação de Pearson. Principais resultados: Os resultados revelam a existência de uma relação direta e positiva entre os construtos CCO, EAT e ST. O que sinaliza a existência dos CCO, vivência da espiritualidade e índices de satisfação na prefeitura de acordo com a perspectiva dos trabalhadores do referido setor. Contribuições metodológicas/sociais/gerenciais: Este estudo contribui para que os gestores de organizações públicas possam compreender a importância das temáticas trabalhadas e como elas se relacionam com o trabalho. Além disso, os resultados revelam que os CCO podem contribuir para o bom funcionamento das organizações, principalmente, considerando a dimensão espiritual e a satisfação.  Originalidade/relevância: O estudo se revela como o primeiro realizado com a proposta de identificar as relações entre os construtos no setor público. Considerando os construtos, este estudo visa contribuir para uma maior compreensão e seu impacto no ambiente laboral. Ainda, este estudo contribui para o desenvolvimento teórico das temáticas em âmbito nacional e internacional


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    Para um planejamento de farmacovigilância ser bem sucedido, os termos utilizados para segurança no uso dos medicamentos precisam ser cuidadosamente definidos, visto que as classificações adotadas atualmente são bastante confusas e limitadas. Nesse sentido, o presente artigo tem como objetivo descrever as principais definições de eventos adversos a medicamentos e seus componentes, a fim de esclarecer pontos importantes sobre a segurança no uso de medicamentos e auxiliar no acompanhamento, prevenção, diagnóstico e resolução de eventos adversos relacionados ao uso de medicamentos. Os resultados demonstram que atualmente existe uma grande diversidade de definições diferentes ligadas à segurança do paciente relacionada com os medicamentos. Torna-se evidente a necessidade de padronização dos termos e definições utilizados no que diz respeito à segurança no uso de medicamentos.

    Three Cases of Exclusively Extragenital Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor (cTVT)

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    Background: Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor (cTVT) is a neoplasia that affects mainly the genital organs of dogs, but can rich extragenital sites as well. It´s a tumor characterized microscopically by the presence of vacuolized round cells. Transmission occurs by implantation of these cells in non-affected tissues and the treatment is based on vincristine chemotherapy.Cases: Case 1. A 5-year-old intact male Poodle, presenting an increase volume of nasal plane came for veterinary care at a private veterinary clinic. The animal had bilateral bloody nasal secretion and dyspnea. The external genitalia had no alterations. The cytological evaluation confirmed cTVT. Treatment with vincristine sulfate weekly showed a rapid responsewith improvement of the respiratory condition, total remission of the mass and absence of neoplastic cells in cytology. Case 2. A 5-year-old mixed-breed canine bitch, weighing 6.7 kg, was brought to the State University of Santa Cruz Veterinary Hospital (UESC-VH), showing an increase volume in the nasal plan region, with complaints about sneezing, nasal bleeding,respiratory distress with approximately 4 months of evolution. The owner informed that the mother of these female dog, that lived in the same environment, died a month before the beginning of clinical signs of the bitch of this case, and showed a reddish vaginal mass with intense bleeding. Intranasal exfoliative cytology showed moderately cellular sample compatible with cTVT. The treatment with vincristine sulphate for 6 weeks, showed completely remission of all clinical signs. Case 3. A 3-year-old mixed-breed male dog was brought to the UESC-VH with a reddish, friable mass located in the left eye. The citology confirmed the clinical suspicion of cTVT. After six weekly sessions of chemotherapy with vincristine sulfate, the tumor regressed and a new cytological evaluation was performed, without visible of tumor cells. By the end of the treatment, the dog was diagnosed with phitisis bulbi, and one year later, due to recurrent ulcerative keratitis, the enucleation was performed and the histopathological examination of the eye did not identify the presence of tumor cells.Discussion: Two of the dogs cited in this report had freely streets access, without supervision of the owners, and they are likely to have contracted cTVT on one of those occasions. The animal’s care style acts as a risk factor for the development of neoplasia. Regarding the third animal, the close contact with another female dog, who had compatible vaginal cTVTclinical signs was probably the factor that determined the transmission. None of the animals cited in this report had lesions on their external genitalia. The extragenital presentation may be attributed to the social behavior of licking and sniffing the genitalia of carrier animals, which may lead to the natural implantation of the viable cells of the cTVT into the ocular and nasal mucosa. About the clinical signs manifested, in the cases of involvement of the nasal structures, the main signs described in literature are bloody nasal secretion, sneezing, dyspnea and increased nasal plane volume, and are similar to those observed in the animals cited in this report. In the case of ocular cTVT, the increase volume with impairment and deformity of all ocular structures, as well as pain and pruritus corroborate with the clinical findings observed in the literature. The cytopathological test was the diagnostic tool used in all cases cited in this report and the cytopathological findings corroborates with those described in the literature. Vincristine sulfate is the drug of choice for the treatment of cTVT cases, and in the dogs of this report, this drug was successfully used leading to complete remission of lesions and clinical signs, as observed in other studies.Keywords: nasal mucosa, ocular mucosa, venereal disease, round cells

    The Extracellular Matrix of the Lateral Pharyngeal Wall in Obstructive Sleep Apnea

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    Study Objectives: To compare the components of the extracellular matrix in the lateral pharyngeal muscular wall in patients with and without obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This may help to explain the origin of the increased collapsibility of the pharynx in patients with OSA. Design: Specimens from the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle, obtained during pharyngeal surgeries, were evaluated using histochemical and immunohistochemical analyses to determine the fractional area of collagen types I and II, elastic fibers, versican, fibronectin, and matrix metalloproteinases 1 and 2 in the endomysium. Setting: Academic tertiary center. Patiens: A total of 51 nonobese adult patients, divided into 38 patients with OSA and 13 nonsnoring control subjects without OSA. Interventions: Postintervention study performed on tissues from patients after elective surgery. Measurements and Results: Pharyngeal muscles of patients with OSA had significantly more collagen type I than pharyngeal muscles in control subjects. Collagen type I was correlated positively and independently with age. The other tested components of the extracellular matrix did not differ significantly between groups. In a logistic regression, an additive effect of both the increase of collagen type I and the increase in age with the presence of OSA was observed (odds ratio (OR), 2.06; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.17-3.63), when compared with the effect of increased age alone (OR, 1.11; 95% CI, 1.03-1.20). Conclusion: Collagen type I in the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle was more prevalent in patients with OSA and also increased with age. It was hypothesized that this increase could delay contractile-relaxant responses in the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle at the expiratory-inspiratory phase transition, thus increasing pharyngeal collapsibility.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo [06/50630-7