401 research outputs found

    Revealing per-grain and neighbourhood stress interactions of a deforming ferritic steel via three-dimensional X-ray diffraction

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    The structural performance of polycrystalline alloys is strongly controlled by the characteristics of individual grains and their interactions, motivating this study to understand the dynamic micromechanical response within the microstructure. Here, a high ductility single-phase ferritic steel during uniaxial deformation is explored using three-dimensional X-ray diffraction. Grains well aligned for dislocation slip are shown to possess a wide intergranular stress range, controlled by per-grain dependent hardening activity. Contrariwise, grains orientated poorly for slip have a narrow stress range. A grain neighbourhood effect is observed of statistical significance: the Schmid factor of serial adjoining grains influences the stress state of a grain of interest, whereas parallel neighbours are less influential. This phenomenon is strongest at low plastic strains, with the effect diminishing as grains rotate during plasticity to eliminate any orientation dependent load shedding. The ability of the ferrite to eliminate such neighbourhood interactions is considered key to the high ductility possessed by these materials

    Revealing per-grain and neighbourhood stress interactions of a deforming ferritic steel via three-dimensional X-ray diffraction

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    The structural performance of polycrystalline alloys is strongly controlled by the characteristics of individual grains and their interactions, motivating this study to understand the dynamic micromechanical response within the microstructure. Here, a high ductility single-phase ferritic steel during uniaxial deformation is explored using three-dimensional X-ray diffraction. Grains well aligned for dislocation slip are shown to possess a wide intergranular stress range, controlled by per-grain dependent hardening activity. Contrariwise, grains orientated poorly for slip have a narrow stress range. A grain neighbourhood effect is observed of statistical significance: the Schmid factor of serial adjoining grains influences the stress state of a grain of interest, whereas parallel neighbours are less influential. This phenomenon is strongest at low plastic strains, with the effect diminishing as grains rotate during plasticity to eliminate any orientation dependent load shedding. The ability of the ferrite to eliminate such neighbourhood interactions is considered key to the high ductility possessed by these materials

    Time-resolved in-situ X-ray diffraction study of CaO and CaO:Ca3Al2O6 composite catalysts for biodiesel production

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    The authors would like to acknowledge Innovate UK (Project Nos. 103498 and 106037) and EPSRC (EP/K015540/1 and EP/P007821/1) for funding. This work was carried out with the support of the Diamond Light Source, instrument I12 (proposal EE20820).Alternative and sustainable waste sources are receiving increasing attention as they can be used to produce biofuels with a low carbon footprint. Waste fish oil is one such example and can be considered an abundant and sustainable waste source to produce biodiesel. Ultimately this could lead to fishing communities having their own "off-grid" source of fuel for boats and vehicles. At the industrial level biodiesel is currently produced by homogeneous catalysis because of the high catalyst activity and selectivity. In contrast, heterogeneous catalysis offers several advantages such as improved reusability, reduced waste and lower processing costs. Here we investigate the phase evolution of two heterogeneous catalysts, CaO and a Ca3Al2O6:CaO ('C3A:CaO') composite, under in-situ conditions for biodiesel production from fish oil. A new reactor was designed to monitor the evolution of the crystalline catalyst during the reaction using synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD). The amount of calcium diglyceroxide (CaDG) began to increase rapidly after approximately 30 minutes, for both catalysts. This rapid increase in CaDG could be linked to ex-situ NMR studies which showed that the conversion of fish oil to biodiesel rapidly increased after 30 minutes. The key to the difference in activity of the two catalysts appears to be that the Ca3Al2O6:CaO composite maintains a high rate of calcium diglyceroxide formation for longer than CaO, although the initial formation rates and reaction kinetics are similar. Overall this specialised in-situ set-up has been shown to be suitable to monitor the phase evolution of heterogeneous crystalline catalysts during the triglycerides transesterification reaction, offering the opportunity to correlate the crystalline phases to activity, deactivation and stability.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Shape modeling technique KOALA validated by ESA Rosetta at (21) Lutetia

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    We present a comparison of our results from ground-based observations of asteroid (21) Lutetia with imaging data acquired during the flyby of the asteroid by the ESA Rosetta mission. This flyby provided a unique opportunity to evaluate and calibrate our method of determination of size, 3-D shape, and spin of an asteroid from ground-based observations. We present our 3-D shape-modeling technique KOALA which is based on multi-dataset inversion. We compare the results we obtained with KOALA, prior to the flyby, on asteroid (21) Lutetia with the high-spatial resolution images of the asteroid taken with the OSIRIS camera on-board the ESA Rosetta spacecraft, during its encounter with Lutetia. The spin axis determined with KOALA was found to be accurate to within two degrees, while the KOALA diameter determinations were within 2% of the Rosetta-derived values. The 3-D shape of the KOALA model is also confirmed by the spectacular visual agreement between both 3-D shape models (KOALA pre- and OSIRIS post-flyby). We found a typical deviation of only 2 km at local scales between the profiles from KOALA predictions and OSIRIS images, resulting in a volume uncertainty provided by KOALA better than 10%. Radiometric techniques for the interpretation of thermal infrared data also benefit greatly from the KOALA shape model: the absolute size and geometric albedo can be derived with high accuracy, and thermal properties, for example the thermal inertia, can be determined unambiguously. We consider this to be a validation of the KOALA method. Because space exploration will remain limited to only a few objects, KOALA stands as a powerful technique to study a much larger set of small bodies using Earth-based observations.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in P&S

    Internal stress distribution in weld-affected zone under the effect of constrained loads

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    The paper presents the experimental results of identify the redistribution pattern under the influence of mechanic cycle loads. The subject of the research was the weld metal zone of the uniform joint made of steel X12Cr1MoV. The research method was to organize the mechanic cyclic deformation of sample and to increase the load in each regular load cycle. The result of the work is the determination of sign-variable pattern of internal stress changes under deformation leading to propagation of fatigue and destruction

    Planetary Transits of the Trans-Atlantic Exoplanet Survey- Candidate TrES-1b

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    The AAVSO compiled 10,560 CCD observations of the suspected exoplanet transit object TrES-1b covering seven complete transit windows, three windows of partial coverage, and coverage of baseline non-transit periods. Visual inspection of the light curves reveals the presence of slight humps at the egress points of some transits. A boot strap Monte Carlo simulation was applied to the data to confirm that the humps exist to a statistically significant degree. However, it does not rule out systemic effects which will be tested with campaigns in the 2005 observing season