69 research outputs found

    Simulation of Negotiation and Argumentation Protocols

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    Tato práce se zabývá komunikací v multiagentních systémech, a to konkrétně vyjednáváním a argumentací. Jsou popsány protokoly pro argumentaci a vyjednávání, a je uveden modelový příklad jejich využití. Je popsán hierarchický model důvěry v kontextu, který slouží agentům k reprezentaci jejich představ o systému. Pro tyto agenty je pak navržen argumentační protokol, kterým jsou řešeny konflikty.This work deals with communication in multiagent systems. The protocols for negotiation and argumentation are shown, and model example of their usage is described. We describe hierarchical model of trust in contexts, that is used for representation of agent's believes. The argumentation protocol for those agents is designed, and is used for solving conflicts.

    Emergent Behavior of Cellular Automata

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    Práce se zabývá simulací emergentního chování v celulárních automatech, konkrétně problémy majority, synchronizace a šachovnice. Pro řešení je využito evolučních algoritmů.This work deals with the simulation of an emergent behavior in cellular automata. In particular, density task, synchronization task and chessboard generation problem are investigated. It uses evolutionary algorithm to solve this problem.

    Legislative Quality Assurance Toolbox in the context of the Czech Republic

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    Legislative Quality Assurance Toolbox in the context of the Czech Republic Michal Riha Abstract The aim of the rigorosum thesis is to describe and evaluate the tools used for the control of legislation quality ("legislative toolbox") at both the parliamentary and pre-parliamentary stage of the legislative process. The main focus is on the situation in the Czech Republic, although the tools used in other jurisdictions are introduced in order to encourage potential discussion regarding an expansion of the Czech legislative toolbox. The toolbox is shown on the background of the principles of proper law making - for example a sceptic lawmaker approach employed with the aim of securing a stable legal environment. This method helps us better understand the potential conflicts between certain legislative principles; one example can be a clash between the legislative needs and the quality control tool when, for example, a required legislative solution might be slowed down by repeated debates within the Legislative Council due to theoretical marginalities. This example indicates a conflict between the principle of sound legislation and the need for reasonable speed of the legislative process. The author also considers the influence of EU law, which is not usually taken into account, despite the European Union law...Nástroje kontroly kvality legislativy v kontextu České republiky Michal Říha Abstrakt Cílem této práce je popis a zhodnocení nástrojů používaných ke kontrole kvality legislativy v parlamentní i předparlamentní fázi legislativního procesu. Hlavním zájmem je situace v Česku, ale práce se věnuje i představení nástrojů požívaných v jiných státech, aby práce mohla podpořit diskuzi o jejich uplatnění i v tuzemsku. Nástroje jsou představovány na pozadí zásad dobré legislativy, např. přístup skeptického zákonodárce uplatňovaný s cílem zajištění stabilního právního prostředí. Tato zvolená metoda slouží k lepšímu uvědomění si konfliktů mezi některými zásadami, což se v praxi projevuje střetem legislativní reality a konkrétního nástroje, např. případy, kdy potřebný legislativní zásah je opožděn opakovaným projednáváním v Legislativní radě z důvodu dílčího teoretického problému, což ukazuje konflikt zásady rozumnosti a rozumné délky projednávání. Práce také neopomíjí vliv práva Evropské unie, který je zpravidla ponecháván stranou, přestože právo Evropské unie významně ovlivňuje tvorbu práva v členských státech, ať už vlastní legislativní tvorbou nebo přímým efektem. Ideově práce vychází z MacCormickovy teorie o sdílených principech mezi členskými státy. Další ideové zdroje jsou práce Helen Xanthaki. Rigorózní práce...Katedra ústavního právaDepartment of Constitutional LawFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Interpersonal communications in company

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou interpersonální komunikace ve společnosti AUTO – BAYER, s.r.o. Snahou je aplikovat teoretické poznatky v praxi. Pomocí této práce bych chtěl posoudit stav interpersonální komunikace a navrhnout změny pro lepší a efektivnější komunikaci ve výše uvedené obchodní společnosti.This bachelor’s thesis deals with analyse of interpersonal communitation in company AUTO – BAYER, Ltd. My effort is to apply theoretic knowledge in practice. By the help of this work I would like to write up the status of interpersonal communitation and to project the changes for better and more effectively communitation in above-mentioned company.

    Ethylene-octene-copolymer with embedded carbon and organic conductive nanostructures for thermoelectric applications

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    Hybrid thermoelectric composites consisting of organic ethylene-octene-copolymer matrices (EOC) and embedded inorganic pristine and functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes, carbon nanofibers or organic polyaniline and polypyrrole particles were used to form conductive nanostructures with thermoelectric properties, which at the same time had sufficient strength, elasticity, and stability. Oxygen doping of carbon nanotubes increased the concentration of carboxyl and C-O functional groups on the nanotube surfaces and enhanced the thermoelectric power of the respective composites by up to 150%. A thermocouple assembled from EOC composites generated electric current by heat supplied with a mere short touch of the finger. A practical application of this thermocouple was provided by a self-powered vapor sensor, for operation of which an electric current in the range of microvolts sufficed, and was readily induced by (waste) heat. The heat-induced energy ensured the functioning of this novel sensor device, which converted chemical signals elicited by the presence of heptane vapors to the electrical domain through the resistance changes of the comprising EOC composites. © 2020 by the authors.Operational Program Research and Development for Innovations - European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)European Union (EU); Operational Program Education for Competitiveness - European Social Fund (ESF); National Budget of the Czech Republic [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0111, CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0104]; Fund of Institute of Hydrodynamics [AV0Z20600510

    Imaging plant germline differentiation within Arabidopsis flowers by light sheet microscopy

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    In higher plants, germline differentiation occurs during a relatively short period within developing flowers. Understanding of the mechanisms that govern germline differentiation lags behind other plant developmental processes. This is largely because the germline is restricted to relatively few cells buried deep within floral tissues, which makes them difficult to study. To overcome this limitation, we have developed a methodology for live imaging of the germ cell lineage within floral organs of Arabidopsis using light sheet fluorescence microscopy. We have established reporter lines, cultivation conditions, and imaging protocols for high-resolution microscopy of developing flowers continuously for up to several days. We used multiview imagining to reconstruct a three-dimensional model of a flower at subcellular resolution. We demonstrate the power of this approach by capturing male and female meiosis, asymmetric pollen division, movement of meiotic chromosomes, and unusual restitution mitosis in tapetum cells. This method will enable new avenues of research into plant sexual reproduction.Web of Science9art. no. e5254


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    BIORHEOMETRY AS DETECTION TOOL OF THE THERAPY OF THE KNEE JOINT DEFECTS. The apparatus called biorheometer has been constructed at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of the Charles University in Prague. The apparatus demonstrate the biorheological properties of the knee joint by a non-invasive method. It has been used for the control of the surgery eff ect and rehabilitation of the rupture of the ligament cruciate anterior and the knee cartilage defects. Description of the biorheometer, its function, and examples of the obtained biorheographs are given in the article

    Seasonal habitat use of three predatory fishes in a freshwater ecosystem

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    To understand the spatiotemporal overlap in the habitat use of sympatric predators, we studied longitudinal activity and reservoir section and depth use of pike (Esox lucius), pikeperch (Sander lucioerca) and catfsh (Silurus glanis) in the Římov Reservoir, using an autonomous telemetry system for 11 months. We found signifcant diferences among these species in studied parameters that varied considerably over tracked period. Pike consistently used the same sections of the reservoir, while pikeperch and catfsh frequently visited a tributary during the warm season (late spring and early autumn), and moved closer to the dam during the cold season (late autumn to early spring). Pike longitudinal activity was highest in the cold season, pikeperch in the warm season, and catfsh activity peaked in both seasons. Overlap in the depth use among species was higher in the warm season, when all species used the upper layer of the water column, and lower in the cold season, when pikeperch and catfsh used deeper areas. These results demonstrated overlay and temporal variation of habitat use among these predators, as well as potential spatiotemporal space for their direct ecological interactions. Acoustic telemetry · Predators · Habitat use · Movement ecology · Winter ecologypublishedVersio