15 research outputs found

    Testové proměnné v Blochově Vícedimenzionálním kresebném testu (Mehrdimensionale Zeichentest - MDZT) u epileptiků

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    Key algorithms used in layer separation. A, Code to determine how the signature peaks are located. B, How each of the ten stratum are generated (complementary to Additional file 5: Figure S5). C, Preset values used in “Use percentile value” function to bin IPL

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of IPLaminator: an ImageJ plugin for automated binning and quantification of retinal lamination

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    IPLaminator interface. A, Angle tool was selected to determinate rotation and the degree was displayed in the Fiji interface under tool selection area. B, Rotation tool was used to rotate image so that the RGC layer is facing left and the retina is vertically aligned. C, User interface of IPLaminator, it simply asks user to define 3 elements. First, the image used to define nuclear layer boundaries. Second S2/S4 Plot Profile is an image of ChAT or equivalent staining that will be used to automatically define layers. Last, all image channels that need to be analyzed are selected