114 research outputs found

    A New Gd³⁺ Spin Label for Gd³⁺-Gd³⁺ Distance Measurements in Proteins Produces Narrow Distance Distributions

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    Gd(3+) tags have been shown to be useful for performing distance measurements in biomolecules via the double electron-electron resonance (DEER) technique at Q- and W-band frequencies. We introduce a new cyclen-based Gd(3+) tag that exhibits a relatively narrow electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum, affording high sensitivity, and which yields exceptionally narrow Gd(3+)-Gd(3+) distance distributions in doubly tagged proteins owing to a very short tether. Both the maxima and widths of distance distributions measured for tagged mutants of the proteins ERp29 and T4 lysozyme, featuring Gd(3+)-Gd(3+) distances of ca. 6 and 4 nm, respectively, were well reproduced by simulated distance distributions based on available crystal structures and sterically allowed rotamers of the tag. The precision of the position of the Gd(3+) ion is comparable to that of the nitroxide radical in an MTSL-tagged protein and thus the new tag represents an attractive tool for performing accurate distance measurements and potentially probing protein conformational equilibria.This work was supported by the Israel Science Foundation, the Australian Research Council (ARC), and an AustraliaWeizmann Making Connections grant. B.G. thanks the ARC for a Future Fellowship (FT130100838). D.G. holds the Erich Klieger Professorial Chair in Physical Chemistry

    Redefining the Expression and Function of the Inhibitor of Differentiation 1 in Mammary Gland Development

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    The accumulation of poorly differentiated cells is a hallmark of breast neoplasia and progression. Thus an understanding of the factors controlling mammary differentiation is critical to a proper understanding of breast tumourigenesis. The Inhibitor of Differentiation 1 (Id1) protein has well documented roles in the control of mammary epithelial differentiation and proliferation in vitro and breast cancer progression in vivo. However, it has not been determined whether Id1 expression is sufficient for the inhibition of mammary epithelial differentiation or the promotion of neoplastic transformation in vivo. We now show that Id1 is not commonly expressed by the luminal mammary epithelia, as previously reported. Generation and analysis of a transgenic mouse model of Id1 overexpression in the mammary gland reveals that Id1 is insufficient for neoplastic progression in virgin animals or to prevent terminal differentiation of the luminal epithelia during pregnancy and lactation. Together, these data demonstrate that there is no luminal cell-autonomous role for Id1 in mammary epithelial cell fate determination, ductal morphogenesis and terminal differentiation

    Overcoming artificial broadening in Gd³⁺–Gd³⁺ distance distributions arising from dipolar pseudo-secular terms in DEER experiments

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    By providing accurate distance measurements between spin labels site-specifically attached to bio-macromolecules, double electron–electron resonance (DEER) spectroscopy provides a unique tool to probe the structural and conformational changes in these molecules. Gd3+-tags present an important family of spin-labels for such purposes, as they feature high chemical stability and high sensitivity in high-field DEER measurements. The high sensitivity of the Gd3+ ion is associated with its high spin (S = 7/2) and small zero field splitting (ZFS), resulting in a narrow spectral width of its central transition at high fields. However, under the conditions of short distances and exceptionally small ZFS, the weak coupling approximation, which is essential for straightforward DEER data analysis, becomes invalid and the pseudo-secular terms of the dipolar Hamiltonian can no longer be ignored. This work further explores the effects of pseudo-secular terms on Gd3+–Gd3+ DEER measurements using a specifically designed ruler molecule; a rigid bis-Gd3+-DOTA model compound with an expected Gd3+–Gd3+ distance of 2.35 nm and a very narrow central transition at the W-band (95 GHz). We show that the DEER dipolar modulations are damped under the standard W-band DEER measurement conditions with a frequency separation, Δν, of 100 MHz between the pump and observe pulses. Consequently, the DEER spectrum deviates considerably from the expected Pake pattern. We show that the Pake pattern and the associated dipolar modulations can be restored with the aid of a dual mode cavity by increasing Δν from 100 MHz to 1.09 GHz, allowing for a straightforward measurement of a Gd3+–Gd3+ distance of 2.35 nm. The increase in Δν increases the contribution of the |−5/2〉 → |−3/2〉 and |−7/2〉 → |−5/2〉 transitions to the signal at the expense of the |−3/2 〉 → |−1/2〉 transition, thus minimizing the effect of dipolar pseudo-secular terms and restoring the validity of the weak coupling approximation. We apply this approach to the A93C/N140C mutant of T4 lysozyme labeled with two different Gd3+ tags that have narrow central transitions and show that even for a distance of 4 nm there is still a significant (about two-fold) broadening that is removed by increasing Δν to 636 MHz and 898 MHz.This research was supported by the Israeli Science Foundation (grant 334/14) and made possible in part by the historic generosity of the Harold Perlman Family. D. G. holds the Erich Klieger professorial chair in Chemical Physic

    Lack of Support for the Association between GAD2 Polymorphisms and Severe Human Obesity

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    The demonstration of association between common genetic variants and chronic human diseases such as obesity could have profound implications for the prediction, prevention, and treatment of these conditions. Unequivocal proof of such an association, however, requires independent replication of initial positive findings. Recently, three (−243 A>G, +61450 C>A, and +83897 T>A) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within glutamate decarboxylase 2 (GAD2) were found to be associated with class III obesity (body mass index > 40 kg/m(2)). The association was observed among 188 families (612 individuals) segregating the condition, and a case-control study of 575 cases and 646 lean controls. Functional data supporting a pathophysiological role for one of the SNPs (−243 A>G) were also presented. The gene GAD2 encodes the 65-kDa subunit of glutamic acid decarboxylase—GAD65. In the present study, we attempted to replicate this association in larger groups of individuals, and to extend the functional studies of the −243 A>G SNP. Among 2,359 individuals comprising 693 German nuclear families with severe, early-onset obesity, we found no evidence for a relationship between the three GAD2 SNPs and obesity, whether SNPs were studied individually or as haplotypes. In two independent case-control studies (a total of 680 class III obesity cases and 1,186 lean controls), there was no significant relationship between the −243 A>G SNP and obesity (OR = 0.99, 95% CI 0.83–1.18, p = 0.89) in the pooled sample. These negative findings were recapitulated in a meta-analysis, incorporating all published data for the association between the −243G allele and class III obesity, which yielded an OR of 1.11 (95% CI 0.90–1.36, p = 0.28) in a total sample of 1,252 class III obese cases and 1,800 lean controls. Moreover, analysis of common haplotypes encompassing the GAD2 locus revealed no association with severe obesity in families with the condition. We also obtained functional data for the −243 A>G SNP that does not support a pathophysiological role for this variant in obesity. Potential confounding variables in association studies involving common variants and complex diseases (low power to detect modest genetic effects, overinterpretation of marginal data, population stratification, and biological plausibility) are also discussed in the context of GAD2 and severe obesity

    Structure of S. aureus HPPK and the Discovery of a New Substrate Site Inhibitor

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    The first structural and biophysical data on the folate biosynthesis pathway enzyme and drug target, 6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropterin pyrophosphokinase (SaHPPK), from the pathogen Staphylococcus aureus is presented. HPPK is the second essential enzyme in the pathway catalysing the pyrophosphoryl transfer from cofactor (ATP) to the substrate (6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropterin, HMDP). In-silico screening identified 8-mercaptoguanine which was shown to bind with an equilibrium dissociation constant, Kd, of ∼13 µM as measured by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and surface plasmon resonance (SPR). An IC50 of ∼41 µM was determined by means of a luminescent kinase assay. In contrast to the biological substrate, the inhibitor has no requirement for magnesium or the ATP cofactor for competitive binding to the substrate site. The 1.65 Å resolution crystal structure of the inhibited complex showed that it binds in the pterin site and shares many of the key intermolecular interactions of the substrate. Chemical shift and 15N heteronuclear NMR measurements reveal that the fast motion of the pterin-binding loop (L2) is partially dampened in the SaHPPK/HMDP/α,β-methylene adenosine 5′-triphosphate (AMPCPP) ternary complex, but the ATP loop (L3) remains mobile on the µs-ms timescale. In contrast, for the SaHPPK/8-mercaptoguanine/AMPCPP ternary complex, the loop L2 becomes rigid on the fast timescale and the L3 loop also becomes more ordered – an observation that correlates with the large entropic penalty associated with inhibitor binding as revealed by ITC. NMR data, including 15N-1H residual dipolar coupling measurements, indicate that the sulfur atom in the inhibitor is important for stabilizing and restricting important motions of the L2 and L3 catalytic loops in the inhibited ternary complex. This work describes a comprehensive analysis of a new HPPK inhibitor, and may provide a foundation for the development of novel antimicrobials targeting the folate biosynthetic pathway

    STAT3 gain-of-function mutations connect leukemia with autoimmune disease by pathological NKG2Dhi CD8+T cell dysregulation and accumulation

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    The association between cancer and autoimmune disease is unexplained, exemplified by T cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia (T-LGL) where gain-of-function (GOF) somatic STAT3 mutations correlate with co -exist-ing autoimmunity. To investigate whether these mutations are the cause or consequence of CD8+ T cell clonal expansions and autoimmunity, we analyzed patients and mice with germline STAT3 GOF mutations. STAT3 GOF mutations drove the accumulation of effector CD8+ T cell clones highly expressing NKG2D, the receptor for stress-induced MHC-class-I-related molecules. This subset also expressed genes for granzymes, perforin, interferon-y, and Ccl5/Rantes and required NKG2D and the IL-15/IL-2 receptor IL2RB for maximal accumula-tion. Leukocyte-restricted STAT3 GOF was sufficient and CD8+ T cells were essential for lethal pathology in mice. These results demonstrate that STAT3 GOF mutations cause effector CD8+ T cell oligoclonal accumu-lation and that these rogue cells contribute to autoimmune pathology, supporting the hypothesis that somatic mutations in leukemia/lymphoma driver genes contribute to autoimmune disease.Peer reviewe

    Cancer cell CCL5 mediates bone marrow independent angiogenesis in breast cancer

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    It has recently been suggested that the chemokine receptor (CCR5) is required for bone marrow (BM) derived endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) mediated angiogenesis. Here we show that suppression of either cancer cell produced CCL5, or host CCR5 leads to distinctive vascular and tumor growth defects in breast cancer. Surprisingly, CCR5 restoration in the BM alone was not sufficient to rescue the wild type phenotype, suggesting that impaired tumor growth associated with inhibiting CCL5/CCR5 is not due to defects in EPC biology. Instead, to promote angiogenesis cancer cell CCL5 may signal directly to endothelium in the tumor-stroma. In support of this hypothesis, we have also shown: (i) that endothelial cell CCR5 levels increases in response to tumor-conditioned media; (ii) that the amount of CCR5+ tumor vasculature correlates with invasive grade; and (iii) that inhibition of CCL5/CCR5 signaling impairs endothelial cell migration, associated with a decrease in activation of mTOR/AKT pathway members. Finally, we show that treatment with CCR5 antagonist results in less vasculature, impaired tumor growth, reduced metastases and improved survival. Taken as a whole, this work demonstrates that directly inhibiting CCR5 expressing vasculature constitutes a novel strategy for inhibiting angiogenesis and blocking metastatic progression in breast cancer

    Development and validation of a targeted gene sequencing panel for application to disparate cancers

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    Next generation sequencing has revolutionised genomic studies of cancer, having facilitated the development of precision oncology treatments based on a tumour’s molecular profile. We aimed to develop a targeted gene sequencing panel for application to disparate cancer types with particular focus on tumours of the head and neck, plus test for utility in liquid biopsy. The final panel designed through Roche/Nimblegen combined 451 cancer-associated genes (2.01 Mb target region). 136 patient DNA samples were collected for performance and application testing. Panel sensitivity and precision were measured using well-characterised DNA controls (n = 47), and specificity by Sanger sequencing of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Interacting Protein (AIP) gene in 89 patients. Assessment of liquid biopsy application employed a pool of synthetic circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA). Library preparation and sequencing were conducted on Illumina-based platforms prior to analysis with our accredited (ISO15189) bioinformatics pipeline. We achieved a mean coverage of 395x, with sensitivity and specificity of >99% and precision of >97%. Liquid biopsy revealed detection to 1.25% variant allele frequency. Application to head and neck tumours/cancers resulted in detection of mutations aligned to published databases. In conclusion, we have developed an analytically-validated panel for application to cancers of disparate types with utility in liquid biopsy

    RNA interference-mediated c-MYC inhibition prevents cell growth and decreases sensitivity to radio- and chemotherapy in childhood medulloblastoma cells

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    BACKGROUND: With current treatment strategies, nearly half of all medulloblastoma (MB) patients die from progressive tumors. Accordingly, the identification of novel therapeutic strategies remains a major goal. Deregulation of c-MYC is evident in numerous human cancers. In MB, over-expression of c-MYC has been shown to cause anaplasia and correlate with unfavorable prognosis. METHODS: To study the role of c-MYC in MB biology, we down-regulated c-MYC expression by using small interfering RNA (siRNA) and investigated changes in cellular proliferation, cell cycle analysis, apoptosis, telomere maintenance, and response to ionizing radiation (IR) and chemotherapeutics in a representative panel of human MB cell lines expressing different levels of c-MYC (DAOY wild-type, DAOY transfected with the empty vector, DAOY transfected with c-MYC, D341, and D425). RESULTS: siRNA-mediated c-MYC down-regulation resulted in an inhibition of cellular proliferation and clonogenic growth, inhibition of G1-S phase cell cycle progression, and a decrease in human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) expression and telomerase activity. On the other hand, down-regulation of c-MYC reduced apoptosis and decreased the sensitivity of human MB cells to IR, cisplatin, and etoposide. This effect was more pronounced in DAOY cells expressing high levels of c-MYC when compared with DAOY wild-type or DAOY cells transfected with the empty vector. CONCLUSION: In human MB cells, in addition to its roles in growth and proliferation, c-MYC is also a potent inducer of apoptosis. Therefore, targeting c-MYC might be of therapeutic benefit when used sequentially with chemo- and radiotherapy rather than concomitantly