56 research outputs found

    Automictic Reproduction in Interspecific Hybrids of Poeciliid Fish

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    SummaryAutomixis, the process whereby the fusion of meiotic products restores the diploid state of the egg, is a common mode of reproduction in plants but has also been described in invertebrate animals [1, 2]. In vertebrates, however, automixis has so far only been discussed as one of several explanations for isolated cases of facultative parthenogenesis [3, 4]. Analyzing oocyte formation in F1 hybrids derived from Poecilia mexicana limantouri and P. latipinna crosses (the cross that led to the formation of the gynogenetic Poecilia formosa[5, 6]), we found molecular evidence for automictic oocyte production [7]. The mechanism involves the random fusion of meiotic products after the second meiotic division. The fertilization of diploid oocytes gives rise to fully viable triploid offspring. Although the automictic production of diploid oocytes as seen in these F1 hybrids clearly represents a preadaptation to parthenogenetic reproduction [8], it is also a powerful intrinsic postzygotic isolation mechanism because the resulting next generation triploids were always sterile. The mechanism described here can explain facultative parthenogenesis [9], as well as varying ploidy levels reported in different animal groups [10]. Most importantly, at least some of the reported cases of triploidy in humans [11] can now be traced back to automixis

    Transcriptional Rewiring of the Sex Determining dmrt1 Gene Duplicate by Transposable Elements

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    Control and coordination of eukaryotic gene expression rely on transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulatory networks. Evolutionary innovations and adaptations often require rapid changes of such networks. It has long been hypothesized that transposable elements (TE) might contribute to the rewiring of regulatory interactions. More recently it emerged that TEs might bring in ready-to-use transcription factor binding sites to create alterations to the promoters by which they were captured. A process where the gene regulatory architecture is of remarkable plasticity is sex determination. While the more downstream components of the sex determination cascades are evolutionary conserved, the master regulators can switch between groups of organisms even on the interspecies level or between populations. In the medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) a duplicated copy of dmrt1, designated dmrt1bY or DMY, on the Y chromosome was shown to be the master regulator of male development, similar to Sry in mammals. We found that the dmrt1bY gene has acquired a new feedback downregulation of its expression. Additionally, the autosomal dmrt1a gene is also able to regulate transcription of its duplicated paralog by binding to a unique target Dmrt1 site nested within the dmrt1bY proximal promoter region. We could trace back this novel regulatory element to a highly conserved sequence within a new type of TE that inserted into the upstream region of dmrt1bY shortly after the duplication event. Our data provide functional evidence for a role of TEs in transcriptional network rewiring for sub- and/or neo-functionalization of duplicated genes. In the particular case of dmrt1bY, this contributed to create new hierarchies of sex-determining genes

    Chromosomal-level assembly of the Asian Seabass genome using long sequence reads and multi-layered scaffolding

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    We report here the ~670 Mb genome assembly of the Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer), a tropical marine teleost. We used long-read sequencing augmented by transcriptomics, optical and genetic mapping along with shared synteny from closely related fish species to derive a chromosome-level assembly with a contig N50 size over 1 Mb and scaffold N50 size over 25 Mb that span ~90% of the genome. The population structure of L. calcarifer species complex was analyzed by re-sequencing 61 individuals representing various regions across the species' native range. SNP analyses identified high levels of genetic diversity and confirmed earlier indications of a population stratification comprising three clades with signs of admixture apparent in the South-East Asian population. The quality of the Asian seabass genome assembly far exceeds that of any other fish species, and will serve as a new standard for fish genomics

    Highly Asynchronous and Asymmetric Cleavage Divisions Accompany Early Transcriptional Activity in Pre-Blastula Medaka Embryos

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    In the initial phase of development of fish embryos, a prominent and critical event is the midblastula transition (MBT). Before MBT cell cycle is rapid, highly synchronous and zygotic gene transcription is turned off. Only during MBT the cell cycle desynchronizes and transcription is activated. Multiple mechanisms, primarily the nucleocytoplasmic ratio, are supposed to control MBT activation. Unexpectedly, we find in the small teleost fish medaka (Oryzias latipes) that at very early stages, well before midblastula, cell division becomes asynchronous and cell volumes diverge. Furthermore, zygotic transcription is extensively activated already after the 64-cell stage. Thus, at least in medaka, the transition from maternal to zygotic transcription is uncoupled from the midblastula stage and not solely controlled by the nucleocytoplasmic ratio

    Gene expression analysis after receptor tyrosine kinase activation reveals new potential melanoma proteins

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Melanoma is an aggressive tumor with increasing incidence. To develop accurate prognostic markers and targeted therapies, changes leading to malignant transformation of melanocytes need to be understood. In the <it>Xiphophorus </it>melanoma model system, a mutated version of the EGF receptor Xmrk (<it>Xiphophorus </it>melanoma receptor kinase) triggers melanomagenesis. Cellular events downstream of Xmrk, such as the activation of Akt, Ras, B-Raf or Stat5, were also shown to play a role in human melanomagenesis. This makes the elucidation of Xmrk downstream targets a useful method for identifying processes involved in melanoma formation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Here, we analyzed Xmrk-induced gene expression using a microarray approach. Several highly expressed genes were confirmed by realtime PCR, and pathways responsible for their induction were revealed using small molecule inhibitors. The expression of these genes was also monitored in human melanoma cell lines, and the target gene <it>FOSL1 </it>was knocked down by siRNA. Proliferation and migration of siRNA-treated melanoma cell lines were then investigated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Genes with the strongest upregulation after receptor activation were FOS-like antigen 1 (<it>Fosl1</it>), early growth response 1 (<it>Egr1</it>), osteopontin (<it>Opn</it>), insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (<it>Igfbp3</it>), dual-specificity phosphatase 4 (<it>Dusp4</it>), and tumor-associated antigen L6 (<it>Taal6</it>). Interestingly, most genes were blocked in presence of a SRC kinase inhibitor. Importantly, we found that <it>FOSL1</it>, <it>OPN</it>, <it>IGFBP3</it>, <it>DUSP4</it>, and <it>TAAL6 </it>also exhibited increased expression levels in human melanoma cell lines compared to human melanocytes. Knockdown of <it>FOSL1 </it>in human melanoma cell lines reduced their proliferation and migration.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Altogether, the data show that the receptor tyrosine kinase Xmrk is a useful tool in the identification of target genes that are commonly expressed in Xmrk-transgenic melanocytes and melanoma cell lines. The identified molecules constitute new possible molecular players in melanoma development. Specifically, a role of FOSL1 in melanomagenic processes is demonstrated. These data are the basis for future detailed analyses of the investigated target genes.</p

    Primitive sex chromosomes in poeciliid fishes harbor simple repetitive DNA sequences

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    The demonstration ofthe chromosomal mode ofsex determinationvia genetic experiments as well as the absence of heteromorphic sex chromosomes affirm poeciliid fishes as a unique group among vertebrates that are endowed with the mostprimitive form of sex chromosornes. In many different taxa the evolutionary process involved in the differentiation ofadvanced sex chromosomes is outlined through sex specifically organized repetitive sequences. In this investigation hydridization of synthetic probes specific to genomic simple repeat motifs uncovers a sex-specific hybridization pattern in certain viviparaus fishes ofthe family Poeciliidae. The hybridization pattern together with specific staining ofthe constitutive heterochromatin by C-banding reveals heterogamety in males (Poecilia reticulata) as weil as in females (P. sphenops). In P. velifera, however, C-banding alone fails to unravel the heterogametic status. The female specific W-chromosome can be detected by simple repetitive sequence probes. Therefore, the principal significance of heterochromatization as a means of generating differentiated sex chromosomes is evident
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