343 research outputs found

    Estimating Surface Soil Moisture in Simulated AVIRIS Spectra

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    Soil albedo is influenced by many physical and chemical constituents, with moisture being the most influential on the spectra general shape and albedo (Stoner and Baumgardner, 1981). Without moisture, the intrinsic or matrix reflectance of dissimilar soils varies widely due to differences in surface roughness, particle and aggregate sizes, mineral types, including salts, and organic matter contents. The influence of moisture on soil reflectance can be isolated by comparing similar soils in a study of the effects that small differences in moisture content have on reflectance. However, without prior knowledge of the soil physical and chemical constituents within every pixel, it is nearly impossible to accurately attribute the reflectance variability in an image to moisture or to differences in the physical and chemical constituents in the soil. The effect of moisture on the spectra must be eliminated to use hyperspectral imagery for determining minerals and organic matter abundances of bare agricultural soils. Accurate soil mineral and organic matter abundance maps from air- and space-borne imagery can improve GIS models for precision farming prescription, and managing irrigation and salinity. Better models of soil moisture and reflectance will also improve the selection of soil endmembers for spectral mixture analysis

    The Spectra of Red Quasars

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    We measure the spectral properties of a representative sub-sample of 187 quasars, drawn from the Parkes Half-Jansky, Flat-radio-spectrum Sample (PHFS). Quasars with a wide range of rest-frame optical/UV continuum slopes are included in the analysis: their colours range from 2 < B-K < 7. The median H-beta and [O III] emission-line equivalent widths of the red quasar sub-sample are a factor of ten weaker than those of the blue quasar sub-sample. Both the colours and the emission-line equivalent widths of the red quasars can be explained by the addition of a featureless red synchrotron continuum component to an otherwise normal blue quasar spectrum. The relative strengths of the blue and red components span two orders of magnitude at rest-frame 500nm. The blue component is weaker relative to the red component in low optical luminosity sources. This suggests that the fraction of accretion energy going into optical emission from the jet is greater in low luminosity quasars. This synchrotron model does not, however, fit around 10% of the quasars, which have both red colours and high equivalent width emission-lines. We hypothesise that these red, strong-lined quasars have intrinsically weak Big Blue Bumps. There is no discontinuity in spectral properties between the BL Lac objects in our sample and the other quasars. The synchrotron emission component only dominates the spectrum at longer wavelengths, so existing BL Lac surveys will be biassed against high redshift objects.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in PASA. Data tables and composite spectra from the paper can be found at http://msowww.anu.edu.au/~pfrancis

    Maximizing the relationship of yield to site-specific management zones with object-oriented segmentation of hyperspectral images

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    Quick and low cost delineation of site-specific management zones (SSMZ) would improve applications of precision agriculture. In this study, a new method for delineating SSMZ using object-oriented segmentation of airborne imagery was demonstrated. Three remote sensing domains—spectral, spatial, and temporal- are exploited to improve the SSMZ relationship to yield. Common vegetation indices (VI), and first and second derivatives ([Formula: see text], [Formula: see text]) from twelve airborne hyperspectral images of a cotton field for one season [Formula: see text] were used as input layers for object-oriented segmentation. The optimal combination of VI, SSMZ size and crop phenological stage were used as input variables for SSMZ delineation, determined by maximizing the correlation to segmented yield monitor maps. Combining narrow band vegetation indices and object-oriented segmentation provided higher correlation between VI and yield at SSMZ scale than that at pixel scale by reducing multi-resource data noise. VI performance varied during the cotton growing season, providing better SSMZ delineation at the beginning and middle of the season (days after planting (DAP) 66–143).The optimal scale determined for SSMZ delineation was approximately 240 polygons for the study field, but the method also provided flexibility enabling the setting of practical scales for a given field. For a defined scale, the optimal single phenological stage for the study field was near July 11 (DAP 87) early in the growing season. SSMZs determined from multispectral VIs at a single stage were also satisfactory; compared to hyperspectral indices, temporal resolution of multi-spectral data seems more important for SSMZ delineation

    Leaf spectral clusters as potential optical leaf functional types within California ecosystems

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    Our ability to measure and map plant function at multiple ecological scales is critical for understanding current and future changes in Earth's ecosystems and the global carbon budget. Conventional plant functional types (cPFTs) based on a few productivity-related traits have been previously used to simplify and represent major differences in global plant functions, but more recent research has directly focused on the use of functional trait information. Still, sampling limitations have constrained efforts to truly understand the variance and covariance of functional traits globally. Reflectance spectra offer a fast, repeatable, simultaneous measurement of a wide variety of leaf functional traits and could be used to optically define leaf functional types. To evaluate this concept, we measured leaf reflectance from a wide range of species in a diverse set of ecosystems across central and northern California, including observations from multiple individuals, sites, and seasons. Using principal components analysis, we analyzed spectral variation in relation to categorical attributes such as species and cPFTs, as well as to a set of functional trait metrics calculated from the spectra. We found the first three principal components (PCs) to be weakly related to categorical attributes and more strongly related to spectrally-derived functional metrics. Each PC was more strongly associated with different portions of the spectrum and contained different functional information. We applied a hybrid clustering algorithm to the PC coordinates of the observations to define potential optical leaf functional types. Twelve spectral clusters were identified, and these did not correspond directly to either single cPFTs or species. However, each cluster had a unique functional metric profile. Clusters represented both inter- and intra-species and cPFT functional differences driven by taxonomy, trait evolution and environmental responses, demonstrating their value as optical leaf functional types and the value of the clustering approach used here for defining optical types from leaf spectra. Our findings support the notion that cPFTs do not adequately capture differences in leaf function. They demonstrate that spectral measurements can be used to improve both the definition of PFTs as well as our knowledge regarding the covariance of functional traits within these classes

    Long gravitational-wave transients and associated detection strategies for a network of terrestrial interferometers

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    Searches for gravitational waves (GWs) traditionally focus on persistent sources (e.g., pulsars or the stochastic background) or on transients sources (e.g., compact binary inspirals or core-collapse supernovae), which last for time scales of milliseconds to seconds. We explore the possibility of long GW transients with unknown waveforms lasting from many seconds to weeks. We propose a novel analysis technique to bridge the gap between short O(s) “burst” analyses and persistent stochastic analyses. Our technique utilizes frequency-time maps of GW strain cross power between two spatially separated terrestrial GW detectors. The application of our cross power statistic to searches for GW transients is framed as a pattern recognition problem, and we discuss several pattern-recognition techniques. We demonstrate these techniques by recovering simulated GW signals in simulated detector noise. We also recover environmental noise artifacts, thereby demonstrating a novel technique for the identification of such artifacts in GW interferometers. We compare the efficiency of this framework to other techniques such as matched filtering

    Restocking Northern Bobwhites in East Texas: A Genetic Assessment

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    Habitat on a 610-ha study area in the Pineywoods Ecological Region of eastern Texas was enhanced for northern bobwhites ( Coli nus virginianus). In February and March 1990, 1991, and 1992, bobwhites from south Texas (C. v. texanus) and disjunct areas of east Texas (C. v. mexicanus) were captured, radio tagged, and relocated to the study area which had a small ( \u3c25 birds) resident population. Blood samples were collected from the birds relocated in 1991. Samples were also collected from birds in the resident population during 1991 and 1992; these birds were assumed to be offspring of the previous years\u27 resident and relocated bobwhites. Restriction site variation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) revealed geographic subdivision between the subspecies but not between resident and east Texas relocated birds. The observed frequency differences of mtDNA haplotypes were used to assess the relative reproductive success of the 2 subspecies. Among the birds examined for mtDNA variation, offspring produced on the study area during 1990 and 1991 were genetically more similar to the east Texas subspecies than to the south Texas subspecies. These results suggest that efforts to restock northern bobwhite should involve either local birds or birds from the same subspecies. Management implications of these findings are discussed

    Regions based on social structure

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    Boas argued that anthropologists should make historical comparisons within well-defined regional contexts. A century later, we have many improvements in the statistical methodologies for comparative research, yet most of our regional constructs remain without a valid empirical basis. We present a new method for developing and testing regions. The method takes into account older anthropological concerns with relationships between culture history and the environment, embodied in the culture-area concept, as well as contemporary concerns with historical linkages of societies into world systems. We develop nine new regions based on social structural data and test them using data on 35 I societies. We compare the new regions with Murdock's regional constructs and find that our regional classification is a strong improvement over Murdock's. In so doiig we obtain evidence for the cross-cultural importance of gender and descent systems, for the importance of constraint relationships upon sociocultural systems, for the historical importance of two precapitalist world systems, and for strikingly different geographical alignments of cultural systems in the Old World and the Americas

    Comparative study of in situ N2 rotational Raman spectroscopy methods for probing energy thermalisation processes during spin-exchange optical pumping

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    Spin-exchange optical pumping (SEOP) has been widely used to produce enhancements in nuclear spin polarisation for hyperpolarised noble gases. However, some key fundamental physical processes underlying SEOP remain poorly understood, particularly in regards to how pump laser energy absorbed during SEOP is thermalised, distributed and dissipated. This study uses in situ ultra-low frequency Raman spectroscopy to probe rotational temperatures of nitrogen buffer gas during optical pumping under conditions of high resonant laser flux and binary Xe/N2 gas mixtures. We compare two methods of collecting the Raman scattering signal from the SEOP cell: a conventional orthogonal arrangement combining intrinsic spatial filtering with the utilisation of the internal baffles of the Raman spectrometer, eliminating probe laser light and Rayleigh scattering, versus a new in-line modular design that uses ultra-narrowband notch filters to remove such unwanted contributions. We report a ~23-fold improvement in detection sensitivity using the in-line module, which leads to faster data acquisition and more accurate real-time monitoring of energy transport processes during optical pumping. The utility of this approach is demonstrated via measurements of the local internal gas temperature (which can greatly exceed the externally measured temperature) as a function of incident laser power and position within the cell

    Hope in dirt: report of the Fort Apache Workshop on Forensic Sedimentology Applications to Cultural Property Crime, 15—19 October 2018

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    A 2018 workshop on the White Mountain Apache Tribe lands in Arizona examined ways to enhance investigations into cultural property crime (CPC) through applications of rapidly evolving methods from archaeological science. CPC (also looting, graverobbing) refers to unauthorized damage, removal, or trafficking in materials possessing blends of communal, aesthetic, and scientific values. The Fort Apache workshop integrated four generally partitioned domains of CPC expertise: (1) theories of perpetrators’ motivations and methods; (2) recommended practice in sustaining public and community opposition to CPC; (3) tactics and strategies for documenting, investigating, and prosecuting CPC; and (4) forensic sedimentology—uses of biophysical sciences to link sediments from implicated persons and objects to crime scenes. Forensic sedimentology served as the touchstone for dialogues among experts in criminology, archaeological sciences, law enforcement, and heritage stewardship. Field visits to CPC crime scenes and workshop deliberations identified pathways toward integrating CPC theory and practice with forensic sedimentology’s potent battery of analytic methods
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