74 research outputs found

    EGFR is not a major driver for osteosarcoma cell growth in vitro but contributes to starvation and chemotherapy resistance

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    Background Enhanced signalling via the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a hallmark of multiple human carcinomas. However, in recent years data have accumulated that EGFR might also be hyperactivated in human sarcomas. Aim of this study was to investigate the influence of EGFR inhibition on cell viability and its interaction with chemotherapy response in osteosarcoma cell lines. Methods We have investigated a panel of human osteosarcoma cell lines regarding EGFR expression and downstream signalling. To test its potential applicability as therapeutic target, inhibition of EGFR by gefitinib was combined with osteosarcoma chemotherapeutics and cell viability, migration, and cell death assays were performed. Results Osteosarcoma cells expressed distinctly differing levels of functional EGFR reaching in some cases high amounts. Functionality of EGFR in osteosarcoma cells was proven by EGF-mediated activation of both MAPK and PI3K/AKT pathway (determined by phosphorylation of ERK1/2, AKT, S6, and GSK3). The EGFR-specific inhibitor gefitinib blocked EGF-mediated downstream signal activation. At standard in vitro culture conditions, clinically achievable gefitinib doses demonstrated only limited cytotoxic activity, however, significantly reduced long-term colony formation and cell migration. In contrast, under serum-starvation conditions active gefitinib doses were distinctly reduced while EGF promoted starvation survival. Importantly, gefitinib significantly supported the anti-osteosarcoma activities of doxorubicin and methotrexate regarding cell survival and migratory potential. Conclusion Our data suggest that EGFR is not a major driver for osteosarcoma cell growth but contributes to starvation- and chemotherapy-induced stress survival. Consequently, combination approaches including EGFR inhibitors should be evaluated for treatment of high-grade osteosarcoma patients.(VLID)486733

    Vascular Morphogenesis in the Context of Inflammation: Self-Organization in a Fibrin-Based 3D Culture System

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    Introduction: New vessel formation requires a continuous and tightly regulated interplay between endothelial cells with cells of the perivascular microenvironment supported by mechanic-physical and chemical cues from the extracellular matrix.Aim: Here we investigated the potential of small fragments of synovial tissue to form de novo vascular structures in the context of inflammation within three dimensional (3D) fibrin-based matrices in vitro, and assessed the contribution of mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC)-immune cell cross-talk to neovascularization considering paracrine signals in a fibrin-based co-culture model.Material and Methods: Synovial tissue fragments from patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and inflammatory osteoarthritis (OA) were cultivated within 3D fibrin matrices for up to 4 weeks. Cellular and structural re-arrangement of the initially acellular matrix were documented by phase contrast microscopy and characterized by confocal laser-scanning microscopy of topographically intact 3D cultures and by immunohistochemistry. MSC-peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) co-cultures in the 3D fibrin system specifically addressed the influence of perivascular cell interactions to neo-vessel formation in a pro-inflammatory microenvironment. Cytokine levels in the supernatants of cultured explant tissues and co-cultures were evaluated by the Bio-Plex cytokine assay and ELISA.Results: Vascular outgrowth from the embedded tissue into the fibrin matrix was preceded by leukocyte egress from the tissue fragments. Neo-vessels originating from both the embedded sample and from clusters locally formed by emigrated mononuclear cells were consistently associated with CD45(+) leukocytes. MSC and PBMC in co-culture formed vasculogenic clusters. Clusters and cells with endothelial phenotype emerging from them, were surrounded by a collagen IV scaffold. No vascular structures were observed in control 3D monocultures of PBMC or MSC. Paracrine signals released by cultured OA tissue fragments corresponded with elevated levels of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, vascular endothelial growth factor and interleukin-6 secreted by MSC-PBMC co-cultures.Conclusion: Our results show that synovial tissue fragments with immune cell infiltrates have the potential to form new vessels in initially avascular 3D fibrin-based matrices. Cross-talk and cluster formation of MSC with immune cells within the 3D fibrin environment through self-organization and secretion of pro-angiogenic paracrine factors can support neo-vessel growth

    Extended adjuvant therapy with anastrozole among postmenopausal breast cancer patients: results from the randomized Austrian Breast and

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    Five years of adjuvant tamoxifen has been the standard endocrine treatment for early-stage breast cancer for several decades. Adjuvant endocrine therapy following primary surgery for breast cancer reduces the risk of recurrence and increases overall survival beyond the period of treatment for women with estrogen receptor (ER) -positive disease ( 1 ). Mature meta-analysis data on 15-year recurrence and breast cancer mortality probabilities demonstrate substantial and persistent benefits of receiving adjuvant tamoxifen compared with no adjuvant treatment ( 1 ). Most of the effect of adjuvant tamoxifen on recurrence is seen during the first 5 years after surgery, when tamoxifen is generally still administered, with gains in recurrence-free survival of 11.4%. However, many women who are treated with 5 years of adjuvant tamoxifen still develop recurrent disease, and most of the effect of adjuvant tamoxifen on breast cancer mortality occurs after the fifth year after surgery

    Extended adjuvant therapy with anastrozole among postmenopausal breast cancer patients: results from the randomized Austrian Breast and

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    Five years of adjuvant tamoxifen has been the standard endocrine treatment for early-stage breast cancer for several decades. Adjuvant endocrine therapy following primary surgery for breast cancer reduces the risk of recurrence and increases overall survival beyond the period of treatment for women with estrogen receptor (ER) -positive disease ( 1 ). Mature meta-analysis data on 15-year recurrence and breast cancer mortality probabilities demonstrate substantial and persistent benefits of receiving adjuvant tamoxifen compared with no adjuvant treatment ( 1 ). Most of the effect of adjuvant tamoxifen on recurrence is seen during the first 5 years after surgery, when tamoxifen is generally still administered, with gains in recurrence-free survival of 11.4%. However, many women who are treated with 5 years of adjuvant tamoxifen still develop recurrent disease, and most of the effect of adjuvant tamoxifen on breast cancer mortality occurs after the fifth year after surgery

    Lesional Antibody Synthesis and Complement Deposition Associate With De Novo Antineuronal Antibody Synthesis After Spinal Cord Injury

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Spinal cord injury (SCI) disrupts the fine-balanced interaction between the CNS and immune system and can cause maladaptive aberrant immune responses. The study examines emerging autoantibody synthesis after SCI with binding to conformational spinal cord epitopes and surface peptides located on the intact neuronal membrane. METHODS: This is a prospective longitudinal cohort study conducted in acute care and inpatient rehabilitation centers in conjunction with a neuropathologic case-control study in archival tissue samples ranging from acute injury (baseline) to several months thereafter (follow-up). In the cohort study, serum autoantibody binding was examined in a blinded manner using tissue-based assays (TBAs) and dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neuronal cultures. Groups with traumatic motor complete SCI vs motor incomplete SCI vs isolated vertebral fracture without SCI (controls) were compared. In the neuropathologic study, B cell infiltration and antibody synthesis at the spinal lesion site were examined by comparing SCI with neuropathologically unaltered cord tissue. In addition, the CSF in an individual patient was explored. RESULTS: Emerging autoantibody binding in both TBA and DRG assessments was restricted to an SCI patient subpopulation only (16%, 9/55 sera) while being absent in vertebral fracture controls (0%, 0/19 sera). Autoantibody binding to the spinal cord characteristically detected the substantia gelatinosa, a less-myelinated region of high synaptic density involved in sensory-motor integration and pain processing. Autoantibody binding was most frequent after motor complete SCI (grade American Spinal Injury Association impairment scale A/B, 22%, 8/37 sera) and was associated with neuropathic pain medication. In conjunction, the neuropathologic study demonstrated lesional spinal infiltration of B cells (CD20, CD79a) in 27% (6/22) of patients with SCI, the presence of plasma cells (CD138) in 9% (2/22). IgG and IgM antibody syntheses colocalized to areas of activated complement (C9neo) deposition. Longitudinal CSF analysis of an additional single patient demonstrated de novo (IgM) intrathecal antibody synthesis emerging with late reopening of the blood-spinal cord barrier. DISCUSSION: This study provides immunologic, neurobiological, and neuropathologic proof-of-principle for an antibody-mediated autoimmunity response emerging approximately 3 weeks after SCI in a patient subpopulation with a high demand of neuropathic pain medication. Emerging autoimmunity directed against specific spinal cord and neuronal epitopes suggests the existence of paratraumatic CNS autoimmune syndromes

    The Digital MIQE Guidelines Update: Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Digital PCR Experiments for 2020

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    Digital PCR (dPCR) has developed considerably since the publication of the Minimum Information for Publication of Digital PCR Experiments (dMIQE) guidelines in 2013, with advances in instrumentation, software, applications, and our understanding of its technological potential. Yet these developments also have associated challenges; data analysis steps, including threshold setting, can be difficult and preanalytical steps required to purify, concentrate, and modify nucleic acids can lead to measurement error. To assist independent corroboration of conclusions, comprehensive disclosure of all relevant experimental details is required. To support the community and reflect the growing use of dPCR, we present an update to dMIQE, dMIQE2020, including a simplified dMIQE table format to assist researchers in providing key experimental information and understanding of the associated experimental process. Adoption of dMIQE2020 by the scientific community will assist in standardizing experimental protocols, maximize efficient utilization of resources, and further enhance the impact of this powerful technology