2,609 research outputs found

    Affective overflows in clinical riskwork

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    The terms ‘clinical’ and ‘risk management’ are commonly associated with rational detachment and cold, objective calculation, emotionally removed from the subjective experience of dealing with sickness, injury and death. In contrast, we suggest that emotion and affect are integral to the work of managing clinical risk, often involving the intimate handling of human subjects and their embodied subjectivities. Dominant ideals of clinical risk management obscure these emotional-affective dimensions and what we describe below as ‘affective overflows’ in the ‘heat’ of day-to-day risk management (Dolan & Doyle, 2000; Godin, 2004; Hirschhorn, 1999). In day-to-day clinical practices emotions are materially entangled with the micro-technologies and devices of risk management, in its routine practices, habits and scripts (Fischer & Ferlie, 2013; Power, 2011). Indeed, these practices reveal an informal and more ‘indigenous’ practice of clinical ‘risk work’, in which risk technologies and devices are tactically deployed, refashioned or undermined (Fischer, 2012; McGivern & Ferlie, 2007; McGivern & Fischer, 2010; 2012; Nicolini et al., 2011; Waring, 2005)


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    Electronic court (e-Court) as a form of digitizing law enforcement. The legal basis for e-Court is PERMA 1 of 2019 and PERMA 4 of 2020. E-Court is held in accordance with the principles of simple, fast, and low cost as stipulated in Article 2 paragraph (4) of Law 48 of 2009. The principle of implementation faced with law enforcement issues, as well as reforming the administration of justice through Case Investigation Information System (SIPP) implementation by the Supreme Court. This study analyzes the juridical construction and implementation of e-Court and e-Litigation in Indonesia, the e-Court implementation in terms of the principles of judicial administration, the obstacles, and analyzes the optimization strategy of e-Court in Indonesia. This research is a normative juridical research with a statute approach and a conceptual approach. The results of this study that the problem of the e-Court service system in Indonesia has not run optimally because there were several obstacles in the process of law. Thus, it needed a strategy to optimize the e-Court system and the legal substance of e-Litigation services through strengthening human resources, as system integration to ensure information disclosure in order to realize a more modern judiciary in Indonesia.

    Penanganan Hak Atas Perumahan yang Layak terkait Backlog di Masa Pandemi Covid 19: Studi Kasus di Kota Samarinda

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    Isu backlog menjadi permasalahan utama perumahan di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Pemerintah Kota Samarinda berusaha mengatasi dengan rumah layak huni yang terjangkau dan sesuai konsep negara kesejahteraan (wohlfahrtsstaat). Namun, hal ini belum dapat diwujudkan terutama bagi tunawisma dan Penyandang Masalah Kesejahteraan Sosial (PMKS). Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis upaya Pemerintah Kota Samarinda mengatasi isu backlog untuk memenuhi hak atas perumahan layak bagi PMKS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode normatif yuridis dengan pendekatan studi kasus dan pendekatan sosiologis hukum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemenuhan hak atas perumahan yang layak di Kota Samarinda belum terpenuhi dan menjadi isu krusial dalam upaya mitigasi penyebaran Covid-19. Implikasi kebijakan masih berbenturan dengan kendala seperti ketersediaan lahan dan belum berorientasi pada pemerataan. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan sinkronisasi pengaturan kebijakan dengan pemenuhan hak melalui konvensi HAM yang sudah diratifikasi oleh Pemerintah Kota Samarinda terkait aspek ketersediaan, keterjangkauan dan keberlanjutan

    The Implementation of Good Governance Concept In Letter Evidence Submission Regulation For E-Litigation Cases

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    The modernisation of public institutions aims to address issues of openness and community accountability of public institutions as well as making public services more responsive to the needs and aspirations of the community. The judiciary also complies with the community\u27s requests that it implement the fundamentals of sound government. The 2010–2035 Judicial Reform Blueprint, which stresses using information technology to restructure and supports this. E-Litigation is a byproduct of Indonesia\u27s judicial reforms. SK KMA RI Number 129/KMA/SK/VIII/2019 and PERMA 1 of 2019 provide as the legal foundation for electronic litigation. The principles outlined in the idea of good governance in terms of legal philosophy must be followed in the implementation of e-Litigation. This is in accordance with the principles of good governance, which deal with regulations pertaining to the validity of evidence submitted in e-Litigation of civil cases, that are responsive, effective, and efficient at the implementation stage. This research intends to examine the concepts of good governance, the legal foundation for e-Litigation in Indonesia, and the application of responsive, effective, and efficient principles to control the admissibility of documentary evidence in e-Litigation in civil cases. By taking a statutory method, this study adopts a normative approach to law. According to the study\u27s findings, Indonesia\u27s regulations on the admissibility of evidence in civil e-Litigation cases obstruct the fulfillment of responsive, effective, and efficient e-Litigation implementation principles. As a result, the legal framework of the rule governing the admissibility of evidence in Indonesian civil e-Litigation has to be modified to comply with good governance principles. 

    Understanding multiple timescales in quantum dissipative dynamics: Insights from quantum trajectories

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    Open quantum systems with nearly degenerate energy levels have been shown to exhibit long-lived metastable states in the approach to equilibrium, even when modelled with certain Lindblad-form quantum master equations. This is a result of dramatic separation of timescales due to differences between Liouvillian eigenvalues. These metastable states often have nonzero coherences which die off only in the long time limit once the system reaches thermal equilibrium. We examine two distinct situations that give rise to this effect: one in which dissipative dynamics couple together states only within a nearly degenerate subspace, and one in which they give rise to jumps over finite energy splittings, between separate nearly degenerate subspaces. We find, in each case, that a change of basis can often lead to a representation which more naturally captures the impact of the system-bath interaction than does the energy eigenbasis, revealing that separate timescales are associated with separate processes (e.g. decoherence into a non-energy eigenbasis, decay of population correlations to the initial state). This approach is paired with the inspection of quantum trajectories, which further provide intuition as to how open system evolution is characterized when coherent oscillations, thermal relaxation, and decoherence all occur simultaneously.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Site Characterization Using Integrated Imaging Analysis Methods on Satellite Data of the Islamabad, Pakistan, Region

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    We develop an integrated digital imaging analysis approach to produce a first-approximation site characterization map for Islamabad, Pakistan, based on remote-sensing data. We apply both pixel-based and object-oriented digital imaging analysis methods to characterize detailed (1:50,000) geomorphology and geology from Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) satellite imagery. We use stereo-correlated relative digital elevation models (rDEMs) derived from ASTER data, as well as spectra in the visible near-infrared (VNIR) to thermal infrared (TIR) domains. The resulting geomorphic units in the study area are classified as mountain (including the Margala Hills and the Khairi Murat Ridge), piedmont, and basin terrain units. The local geologic units are classified as limestone in the Margala Hills and the Khairi Murat Ridge and sandstone rock types for the piedmonts and basins. Shear-wave velocities for these units are assigned in ranges based on established correlations in California. These ranges include Vs30-values to be greater than 500 m/sec for mountain units, 200–600 m/sec for piedmont units, and less than 300 m/sec for basin units. While the resulting map provides the basis for incorporating site response in an assessment of seismic hazard for Islamabad, it also demonstrates the potential use of remote-sensing data for site characterization in regions where only limited conventional mapping has been done

    'Insularity is not the way forward': three university vice-chancellors on Brexit

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    First paragraph: Universities and their leaders are contemplating the spectre of a British exit from the European Union with considerable alarm. Over the last few decades, the institutional architecture of Britain’s universities has become ever more European. The threat of Brexit jeopardises a range of collaborations and research projects including the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme and the ERASMUS student exchange scheme. Universities, unsurprisingly, are worried. Access article on The Conversation website: https://theconversation.com/insularity-is-not-the-way-forward-three-university-vice-chancellors-on-brexit-6066
