255 research outputs found

    Measurement of Heart Rate Using the Fiber Optic Interferometer

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    Import 05/08/2014Cieľom tejto bakalárskej práce je navrhnutie meracieho prístroja, ktorý je založený na báze optických vlákien a overenie jeho funkcie. Obsahuje teoretické základy, ktoré sú potrebné k pochopeniu princípu funkcie Michelsonovho interferometru, popisuje metódy merania tepovej frekvencie, a následné využitie teoretických znalostí v praxi, spojené s experimentovaním pri meraní tepovej frekvencie prostredníctvom optovláknového interferometru. Výsledky experimentu budeme overovať s výsledkami, získané prostredníctvom ďalších dvoch meracích prístrojov, ktorými budeme merať paralelne s optovláknovým interferometrom. Jedná sa o chytrý mobilný telefón a digitálny tlakomer.A target of my bachelor thesis is to design and construct a measuring instrument, based on the fiber optic interferometer and verification ot its functions. The bachelor thesis contains theoretical knowledge, that is necessary to understand operation principle of Michelson interferometer, describes methods of measuring heart rate, and subsequent use of theoretical knowledge in practice, linked up to experimentation in measuring heart rate through fiber optic interferometer. The results of the experiment we will verify with results obtained from other two measuring devices, which we will measure, parallel with fiber optic interferometer. It is a mobile phone and a digital pressure gauge.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvelmi dobř

    Wireless transfert of image between the PCs

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    Dokument se zabývá možným řešením problematiky bezdrátového přenosu obrazu mezi počítači a jeho realizací jako aplikace pro operační systém Microsoft Windows.The thesis discusses the possible solution to the problem of wireless video transmission between computers and its implementation as an application for Microsoft Windows.

    Big set of measure zero

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    Extreme essential derivatives of Borel and Lebesgue measurable functions

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    Upper Jurassic shallow-water scleractinian corals from the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Western Carpathians, Slovakia)

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    Oxfordian shallow-water scleractinian coral association from the biohermal limestones of the Mt Vršatec (Czorsztyn Succession, Slovak sector of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, Western Carpathians) comprises 18 species (among them 2 new) plus 3 taxa determined on the generic level only. They represent 13 genera and 10 (or 11) families. The most common are phaceloid coral growth forms from the genus Thecosmilia Milne Edwards et Haime (family Montlivaltiidae). The studied fauna appears similar, though less diversified taxonomically, as compared to those known from the Upper Jurassic shallow-water facies of many other parts of Europe. In the Pieniny Klippen Belt this type of coral fauna occurs only in Western Slovakia

    A simplified formula for calculation of metric dimension of converging sequences

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    Eastern Enlargement and the EU Energy Policy: towards Common European Energy Policy?

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    The paper analyses the development of the EU energy policy since the beginning of the European integration and argues that the eastern enlargement and two gas crises in 2006 and 2009 have crucially impacted its evolution. Originally, the ES/EU dealt primarily with the formation and liberalisation of internal energy market, however after 2004 the focus has shifted towards issues of energy security and external energy relations in general. The paper uses the spillover concept to analyse the development of the EU energy policy. It argues that the development of internal energy market was caused by a spillover from internal market as such, while the progress in the area of energy policy after the eastern enlargement was an outcome of efforts to achieve energy security; efforts that resulted in further spillover effects in areas such as diversification, external energy relations or efficiency. The paper thus claims that common European energy policy in its internal and external dimensions started to evolve gradually after the Eastern enlargement

    Inhalers and nebulizers for medical use: their principles, reliability, and operating parameters

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    Problematika inhalačnej liečby je veľmi komplexnou problematikou a hoci je v posledných desaťročiach aktívne diskutovanou témou, jej rozvoj vo viacerých smeroch je viac než žiadaný. Prvá časť tejto práce predstavuje teoretický úvod do princípov takejto terapie a z nich vyplývajúcich požiadaviek na inhalačné zariadenia. Stručne popisuje dostupné technológie inhalátorov a nebulizérov používaných v medicíne, parametre, ktoré určujú ich účinnosť a faktory, ktoré ju pri používaní ovplyvňujú. Druhá časť je venovaná experimentálnemu stanoveniu parametrov aerosólu, ktorý vybrané zariadenia generujú. Popisuje tak viaceré úskalia spojené s metodikou takýchto meraní, vzorkovaním a následným vyhodnocovaním, a získané parametre porovnáva s dostupnou literatúrou.An issue of inhalation therapy is a complex topic, actively discussed in last decades, and its progress in various scientific fields is more than required. First part of this thesis brings a theoretical introduction into principles of aerosol therapy and into the requirements resulting from them. Commonly available technologies of inhalers and nebulisers for medical usage, parameters that determinate their effectivity are briefly described. Usage mistakes influencing the effectivity of inhalation are discussed, as well. Second part deals with experimental measurements of aerosol that selected inhalers generate. It also describes difficulties connected with the methods of these measurements, with sampling and following analyses. Gained results are compared with an available literature.

    On some properties of dispersion of block sequences of positive integers

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