20 research outputs found

    Education for Health Back at School Age: The Role of Physical Education

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    Traditionally, back problems have been addressed from the biomedical area. For a long time the "radiologic-anatomy model" has been considered unusable because they have failed to respond to knowledge about the source of pain or therapeutic approaches used have solved the reduced chronic pain or disability [1]. In this way, it was like the biomedical reductionist approach was replaced by the "biopsychosocial model" [1] which proposes that psychological and social factors along with biological variables in understanding a person's disease are included

    Editorial: Las salidas profesionales en la familia de la actividad física y el deporte en la reforma del 2014

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    La preocupante situación socio-económica por la que atraviesa el país, ha traído consigo una multitud de reformas con la fi nalidad de salir de la crisis económica. Entre ellas destaca la aprobación del Anteproyecto de Ley de Servicios y Colegios Profesionales (ALSCP) con la que se pretende aportar más fl exibilidad y competencia a la economía

    Back-Health-Related Physical Activity and Exercise Knowledge in Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Abstract: Knowledge is a determining factor for the development of postural habits; it could be considered as the first step in the establishment of changes. The aim of this study was to analyze the level of specific back-health-related physical activity and exercise knowledge in adolescents. A cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 1500 high school students between the ages of 13 and 18 (mean age = 15.18   1.44). Students from the Valencian Community (Spain) were recruited with a confidence level of 95% and an accepted standard error of   2.53%. Self-report questionnaires were used to record back-health-related physical activity knowledge. The level of specific knowledge of back-health education related to physical activity and exercise in adolescents was low (X = 2.05   2.26). Only 10.9% of the students passed the specific knowledge test, achieving a score equal or superior to 5. The boys' average score was higher (X = 2.17   2.31) than the girls' (X = 1.94   2.21) with statistically significant differences (p = 0.048). The level of specific knowledge increased with age (p < 0.001). Secondary school students show a low level of specific knowledge concerning back health. It is recommended that back care education be a part of school curriculum

    La salud de la espalda en la educación. Estudio y validación de un cuestionario de conocimientos sobre la práctica de actividad y ejercicio físico para la salud y el cuidado de la espalda en jóvenes de la Comunidad Valenciana.

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    Objetivo: Los objetivos principales de esta tesis doctoral fueron diseñar y validar un cuestionario de conocimientos sobre la salud y el cuidado de la espalda relacionados con la práctica de actividad y ejercicio físico, y aplicarlo a una muestra representativa de adolescentes de la Comunidad Valenciana para estudiar la relación entre el nivel de dichos conocimientos específicos, los problemas lumbares y otras variables independientes (sociodemográficas, derivadas del dolor lumbar, antropométricas y de estilos de vida). Metodología: Para el diseño del cuestionario se desarrolló una revisión sistemática (RS) utilizando bases de datos del área de la educación, del deporte y la salud como: ERIC, ProQuest, SPORTDiscus, PubMed, EMBASE, CINHAL, Science Direct, Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, Nursing & Allied Health Source, y la plataforma Web of Knowledge. Para la validación del cuestionario se utilizó el diseño test-retest dejando un intervalo de tiempo de dos semanas entre cada uno los pases. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 230 estudiantes de educación secundaria y bachillerato con una media de edad de 15.31 (DT=1.52) durante el curso lectivo 2009-2010. Para el estudio de las variables de conocimientos específicos, dolor lumbar inespecífico (DLI) y su relación se utilizó un diseño transversal. La muestra estaba compuesta por un total de 1500 estudiantes de educación secundaria y bachillerato con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 18 años, y una media de edad de 15.18 años (DT=1.446). El 51.6% de la muestra fueron chicos y el 48.4% chicas. Para la recogida de datos se utilizó el cuestionario nórdico sobre el dolor lumbar, y el cuestionario validado COSACUES-AEF (cuestionario de conocimientos sobre la salud y el cuidado de la espalda relacionado con la actividad y ejercicio físico) durante los cursos lectivos de 2009-2013. Resultados: En la RS se encontraron un total de 5019 artículos, de los cuales sólo se incluyeron 74 estudios. La consistencia interna del test validado se calculó a través del coeficiente de alfa de Cronbach que fue de .80. El coeficiente de correlación intraclase (CCI) para las medidas promedio fue de .80 con una significación de p< .001. La prueba t para muestras relacionadas no mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los valores del primer y segundo pase. La prevalencia de DLI a lo largo de la vida fue de 44.5%. Las chicas (50.3%) registraron un mayor porcentaje de DLI que los chicos (38.9%) existiendo diferencias estadísticamente significativas (χ2= 19.863; P= .000). Los problemas lumbares a lo largo de la vida aumentaron a medida que incrementaba la edad existiendo diferencias estadísticamente significativas (χ2= 32.458; P= .000). El nivel de conocimientos específicos sobre la salud y el cuidado de la espalda relacionados con la práctica de actividad y ejercicio físico fueron bajos (X= 2.05; DT= 2.264). El incremento de la edad se asoció (F= 6.958; P= .008) y predijo (OR 3.15; IC de 95%: 1.63- 6.09; P= .001) un nivel de conocimientos más elevado. Los adolescentes con más edad (de 16 a 18 años) tienen más probabilidades de desarrollar DLI (OR 3.79; IC de 95%: 2.13- 6.72; P= .000) que los más jóvenes (de 13 a 15 años). En relación al sexo, los chicos tenían menos probabilidades de padecer DLI que las chicas con una OR .62 (IC de 95%:.50- .77; P= .000). Conclusiones: Se presenta el primer cuestionario validado que reúne propiedades suficientes y adecuadas para medir el constructo relacionado con los conocimientos sobre la práctica de actividad y ejercicio físico para la salud y el cuidado de la espalda en adolescentes. La prevalencia de dolor lumbar en la población joven de la Comunidad Valenciana es alta y varía en función de la edad y el género. Por estos motivos, las medidas y actuaciones de carácter preventivo sobre la salud y cuidado de la espalda deben de iniciarse en la etapa de la educación primaria, y continuar en las etapas de educación secundaria y bachillerato para frenar los altos índices de prevalencia del DLI en los jóvenes. El nivel de conocimientos sobre la práctica de ejercicio físico para la salud y el cuidado de la espalda es bajo entre la población joven de la Comunidad Valenciana y es más elevado a medida que incrementa la edad de los adolescentes a pesar de que no es suficiente.Objective: The main objectives of this doctoral thesis were to design and validate a knowledge questionnaire on health and back care related to the practice of physical activity and exercise, and to apply it to a representative sample of adolescents from the Valencian Community to study the relationship between the level of specific knowledge, lumbar problems and other independent variables (sociodemographic, derived from low back pain, anthropometric and lifestyles). Methodology: A systematic review (SR) was developed using databases of the education, sport and health areas such as: ERIC, ProQuest, SPORTDiscus, PubMed, EMBASE, CINHAL, Science Direct, Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, Nursing & Allied Health Source, and the Web of Knowledge platform. For the validation of the questionnaire, the test-retest design was used, leaving a time interval of two weeks between each one of the passes. The sample consisted of 230 secondary and high school students with a mean age of 15.31 (DT = 1.52) during the 2009-2010 school year. For the study of specific knowledge variables, nonspecific low back pain (LBP) and their relationship was used a cross-sectional design. The sample consisted of a total of 1500 secondary and high school students aged between 12 and 18 years, with a mean age of 15.18 years (DT = 1.446). 51.6% of the sample were boys and 48.4% were girls. To collect data were used the Nordic questionnaire on low back pain, and the questionnaire validated COSACUES-AEF (questionnaire on health and back care related to activity and physical exercise) during the 2009- 2013 school years. Results: A total of 5019 articles were found in SR, of which only 74 studies were included. The internal consistency of the validated test was calculated using the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, which was .80. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for the mean measures was .80 with a significance of p <.001. The t-test for related samples did not show statistically significant differences between the values of the first and second pass. The prevalence of LBP along life was 44.5%. Girls (50.3%) had a higher percentage of LBP than boys (38.9%), with statistically significant differences (χ2 = 19,863; P = .000). Lumbar problems along life increased as age increased, with statistically significant differences (χ2 = 32,458; P = .000). The specific level of knowledge about health and back care related to the practice of physical activity and exercise were low (X = 2.05; DT = 2.264). The increase in age was associated (F = 6.958, P = .008) and predicted (OR 3.15, 95% CI: 1.63 - 6.09, P = .001) a higher level of knowledge. Older adolescents (16-18 years) are more likely to develop LBP (OR 3.79; 95% CI: 2.13- 6.72; P = .000) than younger adolescents (13-15 years). Regarding sex, boys were less likely to have LBP than girls with a .62 OR (95% CI: 50-77, P = .000). Conclusions: We present the first validated questionnaire that has sufficient and adequate properties to measure the construct related to the knowledge about the practice of activity and physical exercise for health and back care in adolescents. The prevalence of low back pain in the young population of the Valencian Community is high and varies according to age and gender. For these reasons, preventive measures and actions on health and back care should be initiated in the primary education stage, and continue in the secondary and high school stages to curb the high prevalence rates of DLI in young. The level of knowledge about the practice of physical exercise for health and back care is low among the young population of the Valencian Community and is higher as it increases the age of adolescents even though it is not enough

    Effects of a non-randomized educational intervention on knowledge, postural habits and trunk muscle endurance related to back health: A 6-month follow-up study

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    Low back pain (LBP) prevalence in children and adolescents is high during their lives. School-based interventions have reported effectiveness on back health. The study aimed to determine the effect of an educational back-health intervention on knowledge, postural habits and trunk muscle endurance regarding low back pain prevention for a group of 12 to 13-yearold students using a 6-month follow-up. A non-randomized experimental design. Three groups of 1st-grade secondary school students were selected. A control group (CG), and two experimental groups (EG1 and EG2) who participated in a back-health educational program (BHEP); only one of the experimental groups was given a follow-up learning contract (EG2). Assessments were performed at three different time points: before the intervention (baseline), after (post-test) and 6 months after (follow-up). The level of general knowledge of the experimental groups improved after the intervention. The level of postural habits improved in EG1 and EG2 compared to the CG after the follow-up period (p < .001 in both). A lower percentage of problems in the lumbar area in EG2 was observed after the 6-month follow-up. Teaching students to take care of their spines seems to have positive effects concerning knowledge, postural habits, and back health

    The conditioning of the trunk muscles and back health in Physical Education

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    Background. The search for scientific arguments for the inclusion of back health as a fundamental aspect in the contents of physical conditioning for health in Physical Education (PE) in schools has led us to search for the relationship between the resistance of trunk musculature and non-specific low back pain in 1st year compulsory secondary education (CSE) students. Methods. Three tests were used: the front bridge (FB) test, the dominant side bridge (SB) test, and the modified Biering-Sorensen test (BS). The Nordic questionnaire was used to assess back health. Results. The prevalence of low back pain in boys was 58.3% (n = 42), while in girls it was 52.7% (n = 39) with no statistically significant differences. In the general sample, the students who had lower levels of muscular resistance of the trunk were associated with poor back health, while the students with better results were associated with good back health values. Conclusions. The resistance levels of the trunk musculature can be associated with the level of back health in 1st year CSE students. At these ages there are no large differences in the level of core resistance strength between sexes thus facilitating inclusive work in PE

    The conditioning of the trunk muscles and back health in Physical Education

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    Background. The search for scientific arguments for the inclusion of back health as a fundamental aspect in the contents of physical conditioning for health in Physical Education (PE) in schools has led us to search for the relationship between the resistance of trunk musculature and non-specific low back pain in 1st year compulsory secondary education (CSE) students. Methods. Three tests were used: the front bridge (FB) test, the dominant side bridge (SB) test, and the modified Biering-Sorensen test (BS). The Nordic questionnaire was used to assess back health.Results. The prevalence of low back pain in boys was 58.3% (n = 42), while in girls it was 52.7% (n = 39) with no statistically significant differences. In the general sample, the students who had lower levels of muscular resistance of the trunk were associated with poor back health, while the students with better results were associated with good back health values. Conclusion: The resistance levels of the trunk musculature can be associated with the level of back health in 1st year CSE students. At these ages there are no large differences in the level of core resistance strength between sexes thus facilitating inclusive work in PE. Keywords: Muscular endurance; Core; Non-specific low back pain; Secondary education; Health education

    Diseño y desarrollo de una App que permita la reproducción de contenidos DVB en un dispositivo principal así como su filtrado, transmisión por IP y reproducción en dispositivos secundarios

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    This project aims at designing and implementing an App allowing the playout of DVB-T contents on a main device by using a DVB-T tuner and the GStreamer framework. The user will be able to select the program or programs of a specific DVB-T multiplex to be played out. Likewise, this App will allow that either the same or a different program, or even a different multimedia component (e.g., video, audio in different languages, etc.) of the selected multiplex on the main device can be also be played out on a single or multiple secondary devices. In order to achieve this, it will be necessary to design suitable discovery, signaling and streaming protocols. In particular, the following use cases will be considered: 1. A specific program (e.g., TVE program) is being played out on the main device while either the same content or an alternative program, included in the same multiplex (e.g., Teledeporte program), can be played out on a secondary device. 2. A movie in a specific language is being played out on the main device, while an alternative audio language, from the available ones in the multiplex, can be selected on the secondary devices. This use case contributes to a better social integration, to a better customization of the TV-watching experience, as well as to contribute to a better language learning processEste Trabajo Final de Grado persigue el diseño e implementación de una App que permita la reproducción de contenidos DVB en un dispositivo principal mediante el uso de una sintonizadora DVB-T y del framework GStreamer. El usuario podrá seleccionar el programa o los programas de un determinado múltiplex DVB-T a reproducir. Asimismo, esta App posibilitará que el mismo o diferente programa o elemento multimedia (p.ej., vídeo, audio en diferentes idiomas...) del mismo múltiplex seleccionado en el dispositivo principal se reproduzca en uno o varios dispositivos secundarios. Para ello será necesario diseñar protocolos de descubrimiento, señalización y streaming adecuados. En concreto, se contemplan los siguientes casos de uso: 1. En el dispositivo principal se está reproduciendo un programa específico (p.ej., TVE), mientras que en un dispositivo secundario se puede reproducir bien el mismo contenido u otro programa incluido en el mismo múltiplex (p.ej., Teledeporte). 2. En el dispositivo principal se está reproduciendo una película en un idioma, mientras que en los dispositivos secundarios se puede seleccionar el audio en otro idioma de los disponibles en el múltiplex. Este caso de uso contribuye a una mejor integración social, a una mayor personalización de las experiencias TV, así como puede facilitar el aprendizaje de idiomas.Aquest Treball Fi de Grau (TFG) consisteix en el diseny i implementació d'una solució que permet la transmissió i reproducció de continguts DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) rebuts per antena, en dispositius IP dins de la LAN de la llar. Els continguts DVB són sintonitzats per un servidor mitjançant una sintonitzadora DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestre) i són processats i posats a la disposició de dispositius connectats a la red IP de la llar, que accediran a ells mitjançant tecnologia HTTP - Adaptive Streaming basada en HLS (HTTP Live Streaming). El primer usuari que es connecte podrà seleccionar en el seu dispositiu el programa a visualitzar d'un determinat canal televisiu d'entre tots els que es reben en la llar. A més, les aplicacions desenvolupades permeten que el mateix o diferent programa o element multimedia (p. ex vídeo, audio en diferents idiomes...) del mateix canal seleccionat per aquest usuari, es reproduixca en un o diversos dispositius secundaris baix demanda. Amb aquesta finalitat s'han dissenyat protocols de descobriment, senyalització i streaming adequats. En concret, les aplicacions desenvolupades en el TFG permeten els següents dos casos d'ús: a) En un dispositiu principal es selecciona i es visualitza un programa específic (p. ex., TVE) de TDT (Televisió Digital Terrestre) d'un canal UHF, mentre que en un dispositiu secundari es pot visualitzar bé el mateix contingut o bé un altre programa inclòs en el mateix múltiplex (p.ex., Teledeporte) rebut en aquest canal. b) Un dispositiu pot estar reproduint un programa específic en un idioma A, mentre que en els dispositius secundaris es pot seleccionar l'àudio en un altre idioma (dels disponibles en el múltiplex per a eixe programa). Aquest cas d'ús contribueix tant a una millor integració social com a una major personalització de les experiències de TV, a més de facilitar l'aprenentatge d'idiomes. L'aplicació ha sigut evaluada per usuaris amb resultats satisfactorisMiñana Signes, JC. (2017). Diseño y desarrollo de una App que permita la reproducción de contenidos DVB en un dispositivo principal así como su filtrado, transmisión por IP y reproducción en dispositivos secundarios. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/89947TFG

    Perspectiva sobre la salud y los cuidados de la espalda enadolescentes practicantes de gimnasia rítmica y danzaclásica: una investigación cualitativa de casos múltiples

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    The main objective of this work was to explore the perceptions of high school students and teachers practicing performing activities (rhythmic gymnastics and classical dance) on the health and care of the back. Three adolescents and a high school teacher participated, who responded openly to questions through a semi-structured interview. The results showed that the four participants had some episode of back pain and three of them DLI throughout their lives and their perception of it is predominantly negative. They explained that the activity practiced required the development of exercises with continuous trunk extensions and rotations, as well as seeking extreme movements, vicious and disharmonious postures. The workouts require a high level of demand and the hours of training are very high. In conclusion, participants in stage activities such as competitive rhythmic gymnastics and professional classical dance perceive that they require high dedication, which in turn requires extreme mobilization of the spine that could have repercussions on back problems. And for these reasons they believe that a professional person specialized in sports or dance is required to direct this type of activity to avoid health problems in the back.El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue explorar las percepciones de estudiantes de secundaria y profesoras practicantes de actividades escénicas (gimnasia rítmica y danza clásica) sobre la salud y el cuidado de la espalda. Participaron tres adolescentes y una profesora de secundaria, las cuales respondieron de forma abierta a preguntas a través de una entrevista semiestructurada. Los resultados mostraron que las cuatro participantes tuvieron algún episodio de dolor de espalda y tres de ellas DLI a lo largo de sus vidas y su percepción sobre este es predominantemente negativo. Explicaron que la actividad practicada requería el desarrollo de ejercicios con continuas extensiones y rotaciones de tronco, así como buscar movimientos extremos, posturas viciosas y disarmónicas. Los entrenamientos requieren un alto nivel de exigencia y las horas de entrenamientos son muy elevadas. En conclusión, las participantes en actividades escénicas como la gimnasia rítmica competitiva y la danza clásica profesional perciben que requieren una alta dedicación, que dichas actividades a su vez requieren una extrema movilización de la columna vertebral que podría repercutir en problemas de la espalda. Y que por esas razones creen que se requiere a una persona profesional de la especialidad deportiva o danza para dirigir este tipo de actividades para evitar problemas de salud de la espalda.Actividad Física y Deport

    Improvement of knowledge and postural habits after an educational intervention program in school students

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    To study the effect of an educational intervention programme concerning knowledge and postural habits for back health on a group of 10 to 11-year-old students. Two groups of 5th grade primary school students were selected. A control group (CG) (n=16), and an experimental group (EG) (n=16) who developed a back-health educational programme. A follow-up was carried out one month after the end of the intervention. The proposed educational intervention improved the results of both the knowledge and postural habits of the participants. The increase in the level of knowledge concerning health and back care in the daily lives of the EG (x̅=6.32) was significantly greater than that observed in the CG (x̅=3.86), with a high effect size (U = 29.500; Z = -3.717; p <0.001, r = 0.66). In daily postural habits, the EG (x̅= 88.38) also increased their score significantly (U= 7.50; Z = -4.55; p <0.001, r = 0.80) compared to the CG (x̅= 74.88). In both knowledge and postural habits, the scores increased in the intervention. The educational intervention programme studied improves both knowledge and postural habits for back health of the 5th grade students participating in the study. The Physical Education class seems to be an ideal environment to develop back health educational programmes