248 research outputs found

    Social Facts, Legal Fictions, and the Attribution of Slave Status: The Puzzle of Prescription

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    In case after case, prosecutors, judges and juries therefore still struggle to come up with a definition of slavery, looking for some set of criteria or indicia that will enable them to discern whether the phenomenon they are observing constitutes enslavement. In this definitional effort, contemporary jurists may imagine that in the past, surely the question was simpler: someone either was or was not a slave. However, the existence of a set of laws declaring that persons could be owned as property did not, even in the nineteenth century, answer by itself the question of whether a given person was a slave. How was such status to be determined in everyday social life, and how was it determined if disputed in a court of law? The complexity of the question became explicit in what might otherwise appear to be an arcane detail of the law of slavery: the claim to “freedom by prescription,” under which a person who had in good faith “lived as free” could argue that the absence of exercise of ownership for a specified term of years extinguished a prior owner’s title to that person as property, and entitled that person to liberty. The present article tracks the concept of freedom by prescription through its intricate relationship with the law of status and the law of property. Although nineteenth century Louisiana provides the examples, the implications extend beyond that unusual mixed civil law/common law jurisdiction. To anticipate: As courts sought to discern the presence or absence of slave status, they were caught between formal doctrinal arguments that aimed to block claims of freedom by prescription, and competing vernacular understandings of what it meant to “be” free. Moreover, in a set of moves that anticipate modern deliberations about conditions “analogous to slavery,” both sides adduced evidence of social relations on the ground and argued about what they implied. Therefore, although status was generally conceptualized as a legal fact that needed simply to be determined, it actually looked much more like a set of practices that needed to be interpreted

    Transfert heavy metal sewage sludge as fertilizer from soil to ray grass

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    International audienceThe land application of sewage sludge reveals a significant increase in dray matter production of Ray Grass (Lolium perenne L.). In equivalent dose of liquid sludge, we registered a lower production of dry material. Besides, neither the dose nor type of sludge seems to have an effect on heavy metals contents in the air part plant. On the other hand, contribution of sludge under dry or liquid forms increases significantly heavy metals contents in roots with regard to witness without sludge. The comparison between the beginning and end of culture, revealed a decrease heavy metals contents in soil in particular at horizon 0-40 cm deep. Besides, this decrease Cd, Zn, Pb and Cu contents in soil is not linking to transfer from soil to air part of plant, but rather is the accumulation in roots, which play the role of a barrier


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    Cette recherche a pour but de : 1) idéntifier les types du langage argotique utilisée par les jeunes français dans le groupe Rencontre Facebook ; 2) décrire la fonction de l’utilisation du langage argotique pour les jeunes français dans le group Rencontre Facebook. Le sujet de la recherche est des mots, des groupes de mots, et des phrases dans l’accueil du groupe Rencontre Facebook téléchargés de février 2015 à juillet 2015, tandis que l’objet de la recherche est la variation du langage argotique dans le groupe Rencontre Facebook. Les données de la recherche se repartirent par la méthode de la lecture attentive (SBLC), la technique de note, et la technique d’enregistrement. L’analyse des données s’effectue à travers de la méthode d’identification référentielle. Ensuite, ces méthodes se poursuivent par la technique de la base de segmentation immédiate (PUP) et la technique de la comparaison de l’élément essentiel (HBS). La fonction de l’utilisation du langage argotique est analysée selon le contexte en employant des composants SPEAKING. La validité des données est obtenue grâce à la validité sémantique, la fiabilité de précision, et le procédé d’intrarater. Les résultats de la recherche montrent que: 1) il existe trois variations du langage argotique utilisées par les jeunes français dans le group de Rencontre Facebook, telles que l’argot, le verlan, et les mots grossiers. L’argot dans cette recherche elle-même, est divisée en cinq, à savoir : a) la troncation, b) la siglaison, c) l’emprunt, d) la prononciation, et e) la création pure. La variation de l’argot qui est couramment utilisée est l’argot en forme de la siglaison. Cette siglaison vise à aider la communication efficace entre le locuteur et l’interlocuteur en facilitant l’écriture courte dans la conversation sans perdre le sens majeur des mots utilisés. La formation de siglaison est que ce ne sont que les jeunes français qui la comprennent ; 2) il existe huit fonctions de l’utilisation du langage argotique dans le groupe de Rencontre Facebook. Ce sont a) la fonction expressive, b) la fonction conative, c) la fonction référentielle, d) la fonction phatique, e) la fonction poétique, f) la fonction interactionnelle, g) la fonction heuristique, et h) la fonction imaginative. La fonction la plus courante dans ce groupe est la fonction expressive montrée par des paroles qui indiquent des sentiments directes du locuteur envers le thème discuté dans le groupe. Des expressions transmises sont liées aux émotions du locuteur, telles que la colère, la joie, la tristesse, et la déception

    Molière and his players

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston Universit

    Recherche sur la situation linguistique de Biarritz au XVIIIème siècle

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    Version revue et corrigéeIl s'agit d'un article offrant une meilleure connaissance des relations tant historiques que linguistiques, nouées au cours des siècles entre les cultures basque et occitane, notamment gasconne, dans le territoire de Biarritz. L'étude de l'onomastique bas-aturienne du territoire biarrot y est réalisée à partir, entre autres, de minutes notariales très souvent encore inexploitées.Iragan denboretako Biarritzeko egoera linguistikoa aztertzen da

    Introduction : le Traité de Lyon (1601)

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    Les Cahiers d'histoire se devaient de consacrer un numéro particulier au quatrième centenaire du traité de Lyon qui, en 1601, rattacha à la France la Bresse, le Bugey et le pays de Gex. Ce recueil présente des recherches récentes de spécialistes de cette période, à partir d'angles d'approche multiples : l'équilibre européen au tournant du siècle, la diplomatie, le sentiment national, les rapports entre la monarchie et la noblesse.The Cahiers d'histoire could not help but dedicate a special issue to the fourth centenary celebration of the Treaty of Lyons that, in 1601, joined Bresse, Bugey and the Gex country to France. The collection of articles presents recent research by specialists of the period, through various approaches: the European balance of power at the turn of the century, diplomacy, national consciousness, and the relationships between Crown and nobility

    Study of renal parameter changes by intraperitoneal injection of amikacin and cefotaxime in albino rats

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    Background: Amikacin and cefotaxime are excreted by renal mechanisms and have ability to influence the structure and/or function of kidneys. In the present study, an attempt has been made to assess the nephrotoxic effects of amikacin, cefotaxime, and their combination.Methods: A total of 10 albino rats (180-210 g) were included in each of four groups. Group A (control group) received i.p. 2 ml/kg/day of normal saline, Group B received i.p. 15 mg/kg/day of amikacin, Group C received i.p. 100 mg/kg/day of cefotaxime, and Group D received i.p. amikacin and cefotaxime daily for 4 weeks. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum creatinine were estimated at 1st, 14th, 28th day during i.p. administration then at 6th and 18th month during follow-up. Data obtained were expressed as mean±standard deviation and analyzed using the analysis of variance.Results: At 1st day, 14th day, 28th day, 6th month, 18th month, mean blood urea and serum creatinine in Group A were 20.37±0.08, 20.42±0.10, 20.48±0.09, 20.38±0.10, 20.45±0.07 and 0.50±0.067, 0.49±0.096, 0.48±0.075, 0.49±0.034, and 0.48±0.045, respectively; in Group B were 20.31±0.06, 24.08±0.50, 25.68±0.57, 22.60±0.09, 21.52±36 and 0.50±0.07, 0.65±0.093, 0.78±0.097, 0.63±0.08, 0.56±0.063, respectively; in Group C were 20.11±0.06, 23.84±0.08, 25.11±0.46, 22.50±0.78, 21.14±0.65 and 0.52±0.073, 0.69±0.063, 0.83±0.081, 0.69±0.062, 0.57±0.52, respectively; in Group D were 20.70±1.55, 26.32±1.1, 29.90±0.98, 26.05±1.6, 23.44±1.0 and 0.53±0.045, 0.90±0.084, 1.04±0.14, 0.91±0.045, 0.89±0.048 respectively. Mean BUN and serum creatinine were normal in Group A, but increase was highly significant in Group B, C, and D during drug administration but decreased during follow-up. In Group D, the mean level remained above the normal range till 18th month.Conclusions: Rise in BUN and serum creatinine was highly significant when the amikacin was combined with cefotaxime during i.p. administration as well as during follow-up. It concluded that these drug combinations may be harmful to the kidney, and gradually, it can lead to permanent renal damage
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