37 research outputs found

    Sustainability and other counter-intuitive demands of the pedagogy of creativity

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    Numerosos organismos internacionales han resaltado la urgencia e importancia de una educación para la sostenibilidad en todos los ámbitos educativos y especialmente en el universitario (Aznar et al. 2010). Sus profundos efectos sobre las áreas de conocimiento relacionadas con la creatividad aplicada precisan de una fuerte renovación pedagógica, que las actuales estructuras académicas politécnicas pueden encajar con dificultad. Frente a la mirada focal de la didáctica clásica, esta pedagogía requiere la ejercitación de la mirada periférica propia de un nuevo contexto centrífugo. Debemos rediseñar una herramienta que permita superar la “falacia mecanicista” sostenida por la disciplina durante todo el siglo pasado y que ha consolidado la separación de las ciencias ambientales respecto del diseño arquitectónico (Roaf y Bairstow 2008: 4).Numerous international organizations have highlighted the urgency and importance of education for sustainability in all areas of education, especially at university (Aznar et al. 2010). Its effects on knowledge areas related to applied creativity require a strong educational reform, which current Polytechnic academic structures can match up with difficulty. Against the focal view of classical didactic, this pedagogy requires a training on peripheral view towards a new centrifugal context. We should envisage a tool to overcome the "mechanistic fallacy" sustained by the discipline over the last century, which has consolidated the separation of environmental science from architectural design (Roaf and Bairstow 2008: 4)

    From grey towards green: about the urban energy fold at Symbiont City

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    Instead of the energy and ecological relocation, SYMBIONT City detects energy opportunities and possible urban folding to achieve thermodynamic benefits. Although some agendas have already fostered the concept of symbiotic planning, neither current infrastructural systems nor urban regulatory frameworks allow for its real implementation. SYMBIONT is a set of local laboratories designed to enable new synergies between waste, energy and information flows on existing urban waste transfer facilities. It pretends to raise the level of urban resilience in cities by acting on existing urban facilities and adjacent urban setting through the implementation of local laboratories able to monitor, process, and reconnect existing waste, energy and information flows while recovering the notion of infrastructure as public space through social engagement actions. These spatial facilities have a strategic value as nodal urban locations—with potential phase-change capacity—for neighbourhood waste and energy flows. These micro-infrastructural interventions will help in the aforementioned transition allowing for a turn from “grey” towards “green” infrastructures, with capacity to provide social, ecological and economic benefits to urban communities such as reduction of waste disposal, local energy generation and storage, improvement of air quality, reduction of energy costs and new opportunities to social cohesion and engagement

    Iterative Digital Photo-based Assessment for Rural Landscape Perception: A Small Experiment from County Wicklow, Ireland

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    Photography – a simulation of the landscape – is often used to assess visual qualities of landscapes, silently implying there is consensus around what remains the best representation of a given landscape. In this study we examine if such a consensus in visually experiencing a landscape truly exists and what the main differences in visual perceptions of landscape are. To gather participant’s visual experiences, a participant generated image (PGI) method was used. Each participant took a photo, which he/she believed best represented the surrounding landscape and provided reasoning for their choice. With a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis three distinct perceptions were found. Each places different emphasis on land uses, locality and the concept of nature. The study shows the plurality of visual experiences of a landscape, suggesting caution when using surrogates for representing a landscape and offers alternative possible applications of the PGI method for evoking and understanding people’s views of landscape

    Dinâmicas Urbanas, Património, Artes V Seminário de investigação, ensino e difusão

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    UID/PAM/00417/2019Numa articulação entre o ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (DINÂMIA’CET-IUL), a Universidade de Évora (CHAIA), a FCSH-Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (IHA), a Universidade do Algarve (CEAACP), a Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (DPAA/ETSAM), a Antologia de Ensaios Laboratório Colaborativo: Dinâmicas Urbanas, Património, Artes. V Seminário de Investigação, Ensino e Difusão, reúne ensaios resultantes de investigações (Dissertações de Mestrado e Teses de Doutoramento em curso ou terminadas) das Universidades envolvidas e centradas nas áreas das dinâmicas urbanas, do património e das artes.publishersversionpublishe

    Regulatory Lymphocytes Are Key Factors in MHC-Independent Resistance to EAE

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    Background and Objectives. Resistant and susceptible mouse strains to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an inducible demyelinating experimental disease serving as animal model for multiple sclerosis, have been described. We aimed to explore MHC-independent mechanisms inducing resistance to EAE. Methods. For EAE induction, female C57BL/6 (susceptible strain) and CD1 (resistant outbred strain showing heterogeneous MHC antigens) mice were immunized with the 35–55 peptide of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG35−55). We studied T cell proliferation, regulatory and effector cell subpopulations, intracellular and serum cytokine patterns, and titers of anti-MOG serum antibodies. Results. Upon immunization with MOG35−55, T lymphocytes from susceptible mice but not that of resistant strain were capable of proliferating when stimulated with MOG35−55. Accordingly, resistant mice experienced a rise in regulatory B cells (P=0.001) and, to a lower extent, in regulatory T cells (P=0.02) compared with C57BL/6 susceptible mice. As a consequence, MOG35−55-immunized C57BL/6 mice showed higher percentages of CD4+ T cells producing both IFN-gamma (P=0.02) and IL-17 (P=0.009) and higher serum levels of IL-17 (P=0.04) than resistant mice. Conclusions. Expansion of regulatory B and T cells contributes to the induction of resistance to EAE by an MHC-independent mechanism

    Poètiques de resistència/resiliència

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    La brutal realitat de la pandèmia i el que en deriva ens força –ens obliga– a replantejar els principis i fonaments de l’art en una societat que desapareix per moments: més que líquida, descobrim ara una societat volatilitzada, críptica, desesperada. La desigualtat que creix de manera desmesurada i el canvi climàtic, que ja es mesura en catàstrofes. Les violències, directes o estructurals, derivades de diferències mal enteses. Cada vegada més descosits, ens cal emparar-nos en valors positius i transformadors. Com a noves persones creadores, els i les artistes novells han de presentar percepcions del món que els hi ha tocat habitar –viure– amb llenguatges que adrecin aquestes problemàtiques. Amb propostes artístiques que deixin de banda prejudicis impostats, han de buscar el diàleg amb el públic per generar confluències i complicitats

    Metodología de coordinación transversal para la integración de la sostenibilidad en el currículo universitario: aplicación al Grado en Fundamentos de Arquitectura

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    La reciente adaptación al calendario académico trimestral en la Universidad Europea de Madrid obliga a una revisión profunda de pedagogías y objetivos y facilita (al reducir el número de asignaturas simultáneas) una mayor cohesión interdepartamental. La presente propuesta se propone activar y estructurar dicho calendario así como el actual Plan de Sostenibilidad Curricular, dotándoles de herramientas de coordinación, y protocolos de evaluación que verifiquen el aprendizaje transversal y refuercen la interlocución interdepartamental. El contenido fundamental de la propuesta describe la elaboración de una Metodología de Coordinación transversal, y fue testada en el 3º curso de Grado en Fundamentos de Arquitectura en el curso 2012-13.SIN FINANCIACIÓNNo data 2014UE