290 research outputs found

    Editant revistes.ub.edu

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    Podeu consultar el programa complet de la jornada: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/68163RCUB és el portal desenvolupat i gestionat pel CRAI des del 2011 que reuneix les revistes científiques de qualsevol àmbit temàtic editades o coeditades per la UB. Pretén incentivar la publicació de revistes: en format digital, en accés obert i facilitar-ne la preservació per a un ús futur

    Neural mechanisms linked to treatment outcomes and recovery in substance-related and addictive disorders

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    The present review focuses on potential neural mechanisms underlying recovery from psychiatric conditions characterised by impaired impulse control, specifically substance use disorders, gambling disorder, and internet gaming disorder. Existing treatments (both pharmacological and psychological) for these addictions may impact brain processes, and these have been evaluated in neuroimaging studies. Medication challenge and short-term intervention administration will be considered with respect to treatment utility. Main models of addiction (e.g., dual process, reward deficiency syndrome) will be considered in the context of extant data. Additionally, advanced analytic approaches (e.g., machine-learning approaches) will be considered with respect to guiding treatment development efforts. Thus, this narrative review aims to provide directions for treatment development for addictive disorders

    Cyberchondria: a Growing Concern During the COVID-19 Pandemic and a Possible Addictive Disorder?

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    Purpose of Review: The main purpose of this narrative review is to provide a brief overview of the current empirical evidence regarding the conceptualization, assessment, and treatment of cyberchondria, with a focus on the potential classification of cyberchondria as a behavioral addiction. Although cyberchondria has been widely associated with anxiety, it has also been suggested that it may be linked to obsessive–compulsive features. A less explored proposal is the categorization of cyberchondria as a behavioral addiction. The present review explores the existing literature with respect to the possible classification of cyberchondria as a behavioral addiction by considering cyberchondria with respect to components of the interaction of person, affect, cognition and execution model. Recent Findings: There is a lack of consensus regarding the definition and conceptualization of cyberchondria. The empirical evidence available to date suggests that cyberchondria is a multifactorial construct that operates transdiagnostically, particularly with respect to obsessive–compulsive-related disorders and health-related anxiety. The extent to which the condition may reflect a behavioral addiction as a form of problematic use of the internet also warrants consideration. Cyberchondria may have become more prevalent during the COVID-19 pandemic, with particular populations prone to health-related anxiety likely having greater vulnerability. Existing data in part support the potential classification of cyberchondria as a behavioral addiction, although many gaps in understanding currently exist. Summary: Cyberchondria appears to be a growing concern. However, there is not yet enough empirical evidence to determine whether this clinical condition has enough similarities with behavioral addictions to be considered as one. Likewise, psychometric instruments that exist to date have not been designed from the theoretical framework of behavioral addictions, so most of the factors that they evaluate may be preferentially related to anxiety. Finally, there is still no consensus on whether cyberchondria should be addressed in the context of health anxiety interventions, OCRD, or behavioral addictions; thus, more empirical evidence is needed

    Adaptació i canvi d'ús de Casa Armengol a hotel

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    Aquest projecte consisteix en l'adaptació i canvi d'ús d'una casa per convertir-la en un hotel. Escull com a punt de partida una casa pairal situada al cor del Pirineu Lleidatà, al Pallars Sobirà, en un petit poble, Sorpe. La casa pertany a la família Barado, coneguda amb el nom de Casa Armengol. Des de llavors fins avui dia sempre ha pertangut a la mateixa família, una família benestant, força rica i d’un poder prou extens, que es dedicaven bàsicament a l’agricultura i ramaderia. Actualment es dediquen des de fa uns vint-i-cinc anys a residència-casa de pagès. Segons els propietaris la casa té més de 300 anys d'antiguitat, no disposaven de plànols, per la qual cosa, el primer que vaig haver de fer va ser prendre mides i realitzar una sèrie de croquis per poder fer l'aixecament. A continuació hi trobareu informació sobre la història de la casa, l'evolució al llarg dels anys, els diferents usos, una descripció per a cada un dels edificis que formen el conjunt, del seu ús en el passat, el present i la proposta per a cada un d'ells que presenta aquest projecte. El conjunt està format per 3 edificis diferents: EDIFICI A: És l'edifici amb més superfície i el que concentra la major part de l'estudi. És on viuen els propietaris i on acullen els turistes a la seva residència-casa de pagès. Actualment només utilitzen una de les 4 plantes, la resta està fora d'ús. Edifici B: És el segon edifici amb més superfície, és el que s'anomenen les "eres" o corrals, on hi havia el bestiar durant el hivern, normalment vaques. Edifici C: Aquest edifici és el paller. El projecte està pensat aplicant la normativa del Codi Tècnic de l'Edificació i contemplant aspectes de la Llei d'Accessibilitat, respectant en tot moment els temes mediambientals. Aquesta memòria va acompanyada de plànols i uns annexes per tal de complementar i deixar definits tots aquests punts

    Craving in gambling disorder: A systematic review

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    Background and objectives: Craving is one of the main criteria for the diagnosis of substance use disorder according to the DSM-5; however, it is not included in the main criteria for gambling disorder (GD). In the present systematic review, we aimed to evaluate the available body of knowledge regarding gambling craving to help step forward to a consensus regarding this topic. Data sources: PsycINFO/PsycARTICLES and PubMed/Medline were used. Study eligibility criteria, participants, and interventions: (1) individuals of both genders who had a clinical diagnosis of GD in which the presence of gambling craving were studied by means of tasks or self-report tools; (2) we included three types of studies: (a) validation articles of craving psychometric tools in which GD was assessed; (b) articles in which craving–GD association was explored; and (c) treatment articles for GD in which craving was assessed. Results: n 5 63 studies were finally included in the systematic review. Some studies described an association between craving- and gambling-related factors, and craving was also described as a predictor of GD severity, gambling episodes, chasing persistence and income-generating offenses. Gambling craving also seems to be associated with emotional states and negative urgency. Finally, some studies implemented specific interventions for GD and assessed its impact on reducing gambling craving. Conclusions: There is a growing body of knowledge on the relevant role of craving in gambling behavior and GD. Further studies are needed to reach a consensus on the diagnostic criterion for GD

    Exploring internet gaming disorder: an updated perspective of empirical evidence (from 2016 to 2021)

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    Background and aims: Since the acceptance of Internet gaming disorder (IGD) as a "disorder due to addictive behaviors", research has proliferated exponentially. The present review focuses on the conceptualization of IGD, its diagnosis and assessment, associated factors and existing prevention and treatment plans to address it. Results and conclusions: The discrepancies between the diagnostic criteria for IGD proposed by the two central diagnostic entities, as well as the questioning of their clinical validity, have generated multiple proposals for the diagnosis and psychometric evaluation of IGD. Likewise, there have been numerous suggestions to prevent this pathology, with the involvement of governments, the gaming industry and health institutions. Finally, multiple treatment plans have been proposed, both pharmacological and psychological, although only the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy has been tested. It is essential, therefore, to delve deeper into this disorder by addressing the central limitations of the current literature

    Las revistas de ciencias sociales y humanidades de la Universitat de Barcelona en RCUB

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    També podeu consultar el vídeo de la sessió a document relacionat: http://www.ub.edu/ubtv/video/las-revistas-de-ciencias-sociales-y-humanidades-de-la-universitat-de-barcelona-en-rcu

    Treatments for Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder in Women: A Scoping Review.

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    Background Persistent genital arousal disorder (PGAD) is characterized by elevated discomfort associated with persistent genital arousal in the absence of sexual desire. Aim To perform a scoping review of the proposed treatments for PGAD and their efficacy. Methods A scoping review was carried out (PRISMA-Scr) that included articles on PGAD as the main disorder, only in women, which explained, in detail, the treatment and its efficacy, was empirical, was written in English and Spanish. No prior filtering by years was performed. Outcomes Three different effective treatments were found (physical therapies, pharmacological therapies, and psychotherapeutics in combination with other therapies). Results Thirty-eight articles were selected. From physical therapies, treatments using neuromodulation, transcutaneous electrical stimulation, Botox, surgery, electroconvulsive therapy, manual therapy, pelvic floor therapy, dietary changes, and transcranial magnetic stimulation showed effectiveness. Using the pharmacological approach, paroxetine, duloxetine, pramipexole, ropinirole, and clonazepam treatments were effective. Psychotherapy treatments showed effectiveness only in combination with other types of treatments, specifically a combination of cognitive–behavioral strategies with pharmacological treatment. Clinical implications Pharmacological treatment, specifically SSRIs, have proven to be the therapy of choice for different subtypes of patients. Strengths and limitations This study analyzed treatment effectiveness with different approaches and took into consideration those articles where psychotherapy was used as a combination treatment with pharmacological and physical therapy. The main limitation is that it was focused exclusively on women, and the results cannot be generalized to include men. Conclusions To date, a combination of pharmacological interventions with physical therapy and, in some occasions, with psychological therapy is main strategy followed to accomplish effective treatment of PGAD.post-print311 K

    Gambling addiction:: Myth or reality? Analysing the scientific evidence on gambling disorder.

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    Interest in gambling disorder, formerly known as pathological gambling, has been growing in both the clinical and scientific community. The increase in empirical evidence concerning gambling disorder has permitted a better understanding of the pathology, as well as the identification of common comorbidities and the design of potential therapeutic options. The present review addresses all these issues, including recent findings in this area of study
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