32 research outputs found

    Turismo de sol y playa en las zonas costeras de Ecuador Continental y las Islas Gal谩pagos

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    Varios estudios llevados a cabo en las 煤ltimas d茅cadas demuestran que las necesidades humanas de alimentos, energ铆a, transporte, recreaci贸n y otros servicios en las zonas costeras est谩n creciendo r谩pidamente. Las zonas costeras son ecosistemas fr谩giles, por ende es necesario gestionarlos de forma correcta para prevenir impactos que afecten tanto sus caracter铆sticas naturales y los servicios ecosist茅micos asociados que brindan al ser humano, como su potencial tur铆stico. Las actividades relacionadas con el turismo de sol y playa en los 煤ltimos a帽os presentan un incremento significativo, sin embargo, la gesti贸n de los ecosistemas costeros y los esfuerzos para mantener su sostenibilidad en ocasiones son insatisfactorios y se requieren nuevas estrategias para evitar la degradaci贸n de dichos ambientes. En este sentido, la presente tesis doctoral tuvo como objetivo principal analizar el estado actual y la gesti贸n del turismo de sol y playa en Ecuador Continental y las islas Gal谩pagos mediante t茅cnicas explorativas y revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica que permitieron alcanzar resultados que fortalecer谩n la sostenibilidad del turismo de sol y playa y, en general, el uso sostenible del litoral. El trabajo se dividi贸 en cuatro ejes principales: i) An谩lisis del turismo desde la perspectiva del Manejo Integrado de las Zonas Costeras (MIZC): se establecieron fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas (FODA), ii) Clasificaci贸n de la zona costera desde un enfoque paisaj铆stico, para obtener indicaciones 煤tiles en el marco de la MIZC, iii) Evaluaci贸n de la presencia de residuos s贸lidos con la intenci贸n de obtener informaciones para una mejor gesti贸n del problema y, iv) An谩lisis del potencial del turismo de sol y playa en Ecuador continental y las islas Gal谩pagos analizando los diferentes componentes (sol, arena y mar) las horas diarias de sol, el color/transparencia del agua y el color de la arena. En el marco de los estudios de campo se visitaron 67 playas en 4 provincias: Esmeraldas, Manab铆, Santa Elena y Gal谩pagos. Los resultados indican un cierto nivel de contaminaci贸n por residuos s贸lidos, caracter铆sticas paisaj铆sticas a veces da帽adas por las actuaciones antr贸picas y, en la gran mayor铆a de los casos, condiciones naturales no siempre optimas para desarrollar un turismo de sol y playa. As铆, las playas con visitantes internacionales y ubicadas en 谩reas protegidas presentaron mejores resultados en belleza esc茅nica y limpieza, mientras que en la zona continental se observ贸 una importante degradaci贸n est茅tica. Las islas Gal谩pagos tuvieron los mejores resultados, con playas de arena blanca, color de agua azul marino y un tiempo de sol elevado; mientras tanto, la zona continental present贸 playas con arena oscura y color de agua poco atractivo. Finalmente, Ecuador dispone de pol铆ticas para la gesti贸n costera, sin embargo, a pesar adem谩s que recibi贸 apoyo en t茅rminos de capacitaci贸n y financiamiento internacional para el Manejo Integrado de las Zonas Costeras (MIZC), en el pa铆s no se ha logrado implementar aspectos elementales para la sostenibilidad del turismo de sol y playa. Los temas sociales y procesos de dinamizaci贸n econ贸mica han quedado relegados y no se le ha otorgado la importancia necesaria

    Coastal Scenic Evaluation of Continental Ecuador and Galapagos Islands: Human Impacts and Management Issues

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    The scenery, safety, facilities, water quality and litter quantities in coastal areas are relevant and determining elements in the choice of a tourist destination. This paper focused on the evaluation of coastal scenic value in 55 and 12 sites respectively located in continental Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. The information obtained gives public administrators and coastal managers the relevant data to avoid further environmental degradation and suggests measures to improve the present scenic value of tourist destinations. The methodology used was based on the analysis of 26 physical/human factors and applied fuzzy logic analysis and weighting matrices that allowed the sites to be classified into five classes, from Class I (natural areas with superior scenic characteristics) to Class V (poor scenic areas with relevant impact of human interventions). The most attractive beaches were in the Galapagos Islands due to the magnificent physical and environmental characteristics, while the Esmeraldas province presented sites of lower scenic beauty due to the low natural scenic value and the increase of human impacts. In total, 22% (15 out of 67) of the beaches investigated belonged to Class I, 12% (8) to Class II and 15% (10) to Class III. The last two classes included 51% of the beaches (i.e., 34 out of 67), of which 31% (21) was in Class IV and 20% (13) in Class V. Such results provide local managers and planners a solid inventory on coastal scenic characteristics and baseline information for any envisaged subsequent management plan

    An Attempt to Characterize the "3S" (Sea, Sun, and Sand) Parameters: Application to the Galapagos Islands and Continental Ecuadorian Beaches

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    Sea, Sun, and Sand (3S) are relevant and determining elements for choosing a tourist destination in Ecuador, a country with about 1200 km of coast along the Pacific Ocean. This study analyzed the market potential of the 3S in 64 beaches, 10 located in the Galapagos and 54 in the continental zone (of Ecuador). The methodology used was exploratory and bibliographical, complemented by a descriptive analysis. The color of the water was assessed by direct observation, sand samples were taken to a laboratory for color analysis, and information on the hours of light was obtained from international archive data. The data obtained were compared with other world famous 3S tourism destinations. The Galapagos had the best results, with attractive white sand beaches, sea blue water color, and an elevated sunshine time; meanwhile, the continental zone presented poor beaches with dark sand and unattractive water color. To strengthen 3S tourism, managers should work on the enhancement of complementary aspects such as culture, gastronomy, and architecture, promoting the creation of new coastal tourist routes and destinations

    Tourism in Continental Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands: An Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Perspective

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    Tourism in coastal areas is becoming increasingly important in Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) as an integrated approach that balances the requirements of different tourist sectors. This paper analyzes ICZM in continental Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands from the perspective of the 3S tourism, and presents its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT). The methodology used was based on a literature review of ten aspects of the highest relevance to ICZM, i.e., Policies, Regulations, Responsibilities, Institutions, Strategies and Instruments, Training, Economic Resources, Information, Education for Sustainability, and Citizen Participation. The results highlight four aspects as strengths (Policies, Responsibilities, Institutions and Citizen Participation), while the most notable weaknesses were Regulations and Education for sustainability. Strategies and Instruments, as well as Information, were identified as opportunities to stand out. The main threats were Economic Resources and Training. Ecuador does not have clearly established public policies that would allow for the integrated management of 3S tourism and be considered as productive, valuable alternatives. It is necessary to consolidate and promote 3S tourism as a State policy and as a means to improve the economies in coastal areas. Finally, Ecuador needs to overcome negative changes in the macroeconomic environment and reverse its current deteriorated image

    Charapa Turtles a contribution to community tourism and biodiversity conservation

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    En la 煤ltima d茅cada en la Rep煤blica del Ecuador se fortaleci贸 notablemente el turismo y uno de los beneficiados fueron las comunidades ind铆genas y rurales mediante el turismo comunitario. Este tipo de turismo no ha logrado alcanzar las metas por las que se concibi贸. El presente estudio pretende demostrar la problem谩tica del turismo comunitario en una comunidad en el Parque Nacional Yasuni enfoc谩ndose en aspectos legales y econ贸micos y la implementaci贸n de una soluci贸n mediante una propuesta de un proyecto de vinculaci贸n entre la academia, instituciones gubernamentales y comunidades, centr谩ndose en el uso de una especie amenazada y aprovechar su programa de conservaci贸n mediante un uso tur铆stico. La metodolog铆a se basa en una recopilaci贸n bibliogr谩fica y la aplicaci贸n de experiencias profesionales y trabajo de campo con el uso de entrevistas y observaci贸n. Los principales resultados indican que existen graves problemas en aspectos legales y el manejo econ贸mico; y, que la mejor opci贸n para implementar un programa de conservaci贸n es la especie Charapa (Podocnemis unifilis y Podocnemis expansa). Se motiva a los gestores realizar programas de capacitaci贸n y fortalecimiento enfoc谩ndose realmente en las debilidades de las comunidades que realizan este tipo de turismo.In the last decade in the Republic of Ecuador tourism has been strengthened considerably and one of the beneficiaries has been the indigenous and rural communities through community-based tourism. This type of tourism has not achieved the goals for which it was conceived. The present study aims to demonstrate the problem of community-based tourism in a community in Yasuni National Park focusing on legal and economic aspects and the implementation of a solution through a proposal of a project linking academia, government institutions and communities, focusing on the use of a threatened species and taking advantage of its conservation program through tourism use. The methodology is based on a bibliographic compilation and the application of professional experiences and fieldwork with the use of interviews and observation. The main results indicate that there are serious problems in legal aspects and economic management; and, that the best option for implementing a conservation program is the Charapa species (Podocnemis unifilis and Podocnemis expansa). Managers are motivated to carry out training and strengthening programs that really focus on the weaknesses of the communities that carry out this type of tourism

    Estimation of biogas generated in two landfills in South-Central Ecuador

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    Producci贸n Cient铆ficaThe landfill is a final disposal technique to confine municipal solid waste (MSW), where organic matter is degraded generating leachate and biogas composed of methane gases (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2) and other gases that contribute to global warming. The objective of the current research was to estimate the amount of biogas generated through the LandGEM 3.03 mathematical model to determine the amount of electrical energy generated and the number of homes that would be supplied with electrical energy from 2021 to 2144. As a result of the application, it was estimated that in the Pichacay landfill, the highest point of biogas generation in 2053 would be 76,982,177 (m3/year) that would generate 81,226,339.36 (kWh/year), and would supply 5083 homes with electricity. Similarly, in the Las Iguanas landfill, the highest point would be 693,975,228 (m3/year) of biogas that produces 73,223,5296.7 (kWh/year) and would supply electricity to 45,825 homes. Of the performed gas analyses in the Pichacay landfill in 2020, an average of 51.49% CH4, 40.35% CO2, 1.75% O2 and 17.8% H2S was presented, while in the Las Iguanas landfill, for 2020 and 2021, we obtained an average of 51.88/CH4, 36.62% CO2, 1.01% O2 and 187.58 ppm H2S. Finally, the biogas generated by being harnessed minimizes the impacts related to global warming and climate change and would contribute electricity to the nearby communities.Instituto Tecnol贸gico Superior Universitario Oriente (Grant No. 34323674

    Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Continental Ecuador and Galapagos Islands: Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing Tourism and Economic Context

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    The objective of the study is to analyze integrated coastal zone management in mainland Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, and to discuss its challenges and opportunities in the face of constant changes in tourism and economic realities. The methodology used is based on the analysis of ten key elements to analyze national coastal management: policies, regulations, institutions, strategies, instruments, information, education, resources, managers, and participation. The main results indicate that Ecuador received support in terms of training and international financing for ICZM, but this has not been sufficient to guarantee correct management, due to a high discontinuity in economic and administrative political factors. All this has harmed the development of tourism and the dynamization of the economy in coastal areas. It is advisable to apply new policies where gastronomic and cultural aspects are strengthened

    Nature Tourism on the Colombian鈥擡cuadorian Amazonian Border: History, Current Situation, and Challenges

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    Global conflicts can severely affect a nation鈥檚 tourism activities. Tourism can also be seriously affected by health problems such as epidemics or pandemics. It is important to establish strategies to be prepared for adverse situations. The objective of this study focused on analyzing nature tourism from a post-conflict and post-COVID-19 situation in the Amazonian border of Colombia (Department of Putumayo) and Ecuador (Province of Sucumb铆os), which will contribute to establishing future strategic management scenarios. In order to respond to this objective, a systematic bibliographic review was carried out, accompanied by fieldwork (interviews). The results indicate that in the face of adverse situations, the tourism industry has the capacity to be resilient. The success of its recovery will be directly proportional to its capacity to create policies and strategies that allow it to take advantage of natural resources and turn them into an opportunity for the socioeconomic development of its population

    Nature Tourism on the Colombian鈥擡cuadorian Amazonian Border: History, Current Situation, and Challenges

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    Global conflicts can severely affect a nation鈥檚 tourism activities. Tourism can also be seriously affected by health problems such as epidemics or pandemics. It is important to establish strategies to be prepared for adverse situations. The objective of this study focused on analyzing nature tourism from a post-conflict and post-COVID-19 situation in the Amazonian border of Colombia (Department of Putumayo) and Ecuador (Province of Sucumb铆os), which will contribute to establishing future strategic management scenarios. In order to respond to this objective, a systematic bibliographic review was carried out, accompanied by fieldwork (interviews). The results indicate that in the face of adverse situations, the tourism industry has the capacity to be resilient. The success of its recovery will be directly proportional to its capacity to create policies and strategies that allow it to take advantage of natural resources and turn them into an opportunity for the socioeconomic development of its population

    Edible Fruits from the Ecuadorian Amazon: Ethnobotany, Physicochemical Characteristics, and Bioactive Components

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    20 p谩ginas.- 2 figuras.- 5 tablas.- 128 referencias.- The following supporting information can be downloaded at https://www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/plants12203635/s1, Table S1: Ethnobotanical information on edible fruits of the Ecuadorian Amazon.In the Ecuadorian Amazon region, there are various types of edible fruits that have distinct qualities and benefits. Understanding the uses, properties, and functions of these fruits is important for researching products that are only available in local markets. This review aims to gather and summarize the existing scientific literature on the ethnobotany, physicochemical composition, and bioactive compounds of these native fruits to highlight the potential of the region鈥檚 underutilized biodiversity. A systematic review was carried out following the PRISMA methodology, utilizing databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, Pubmed, Redalyc, and SciELO up to August 2023. The research identified 55 edible fruits from the Ecuadorian Amazon and reported their ethnobotanical information. The most common uses were fresh fruit consumption, preparation of typical food, and medicine. Additionally, nine native edible fruits were described for their physicochemical characteristics and bioactive components: Aphandra natalia (Balslev and Henderson) Barfod; Eugenia stipitate McVaugh; Gustavia macarenensis Philipson; Mauritia flexuosa L.f; Myrciaria dubia (Kunth) McVaugh; Oenocarpus bataua Mart; Plukenetia volubilis L.; Pouteria caimito (Ruiz and Pav.) Radlk.; and Solanum quitoense Lam. The analyzed Amazonian fruits contained bioactive compounds such as total polyphenols, flavonoids, carotenoids, and anthocyanins. This information highlights their potential as functional foods and the need for further research on underutilized crops.Peer reviewe