4,288 research outputs found

    Safer Streets: Cutting Repeat Crimes by Juvenile Offenders.

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    FIGHT CRIME: INVEST IN KIDS is an anti-crime organization led by more than 3,500 law enforcement leaders -- chiefs, sheriffs and prosecutors -- and survivors of crime. Most of the survivors are parents of murdered children. Crime requires punishment. Punishment may be placing a young offender in custody, or, depending on the crime, imposing a range of other tough sanctions. The bottom line is that residents must be safe walking the streets. Research shows, however, that punishment alone will often not be enough; troubled teens will need help to stop their aggression, substance abuse, or other anti-social behaviors. It is usually not too late to change anti-social patterns of behavior. Sanctions that include strict and effective interventions can direct anti-social and dangerous juveniles onto a different path that will make Americans safer

    Power Factors that Define Gender Inequity Within the Missouri Public School Superintendency

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    Although women have access to the superintendency power position, evidence has shown that women have not been able to break the glass ceiling. A review of the literature failed to identify specific and practical employment factors that must be resolved or overcome if women are to reach power parity in Missouri. This study was undertaken to identify those variables that best define negotiating and access power barriers for Missouri women superintendents

    Proactive Policing and Robbery Rates Across US Cities

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    Author's manuscript made available in accordance with the publisher's policy.In recent years, criminologists, as well as journalists, have devoted considerable attention to the potential deterrent effect of what is sometimes referred to as “proactive” policing. This policing style entails the vigorous enforcement of laws against relatively minor offenses to prevent more serious crime. The current study examines the effect of proactive policing on robbery rates for a sample of large U.S. cities using an innovative measure developed by Sampson and Cohen (1988). We replicate their cross-sectional analyses using data from 2000 to 2003, which is a period that proactive policing is likely to have become more common than that of the original study—the early 1980s. We also extend their analyses by estimating a more comprehensive regression model that incorporates additional theoretically relevant predictors. Finally, we advance previous research in this area by using panel data, The cross-sectional analyses replicate prior findings of a negative relationship between proactive policing and robbery rates. In addition, our dynamic models suggest that proactive policing is endogenous to changes in robbery rates. When this feedback between robbery and proactive policing is eliminated, we find more evidence to support our finding that proactive policing reduces robbery rates

    Nonlinear elasticity of stiff biopolymers connected by flexible linkers

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    Networks of the biopolymer actin, cross-linked by the compliant protein filamin, form soft gels. They can, however, withstand large shear stresses due to their pronounced nonlinear elastic behavior. The nonlinear elasticity can be controlled by varying the number of cross-links per actin filament. We propose and test a model of rigid filaments decorated by multiple flexible linkers that is in quantitative agreement with experiment. This allows us to estimate loads on individual cross-links, which we find to be less than 10 pN. © 2009 The American Physical Society

    Learning masculinities in a Japanese high school rugby club

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    This paper draws on research conducted on a Tokyo high school rugby club to explore diversity in the masculinities formed through membership in the club. Based on the premise that particular forms of masculinity are expressed and learnt through ways of playing (game style) and the attendant regimes of training, it examines the expression and learning of masculinities at three analytic levels. It identifies a hegemonic, culture-specific form of masculinity operating in Japanese high school rugby, a class-influenced variation of it at the institutional level of the school and, by further tightening its analytic focus, further variation at an individual level. In doing so this paper highlights the ways in which diversity in the masculinities constructed through contact sports can be obfuscated by a reductionist view of there being only one, universal hegemonic patterns of masculinity

    Researching trust in the police and trust in justice: a UK perspective

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    This paper describes the immediate and more distant origins of a programme of comparative research that is examining cross-national variations in public trust in justice and in the police. The programme is built around a module of the fifth European Social Survey, and evolved from a study funded by the European Commission. The paper describes the conceptual framework within which we are operating – developed in large measure from theories of procedural justice. It reviews some of the methodological issues raised by the use of sample surveys to research issues of public trust in the police, public perceptions of institutional legitimacy and compliance with the law. Finally it gives a flavour of some of the early findings emerging from the programme

    Innovation and Tradition

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    Bohner G, Crutchfield RD, Messner SF, Zick A. Innovation and Tradition. International Journal of Conflict and Violence (IJCV). 2017;11

    Space power distribution system technology. Volume 2: Autonomous power management

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    Electrical power subsystem requirements, power management system functional requirements, algorithms, power management subsystem, hardware development, and trade studies and analyses are discussed

    Transformation zur Nachhaltigkeit ist nötig

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    Wo steht der Klimaprozess? Kann die Zwei-Grad-Leitplanke fĂŒr dieBegrenzung der globalen ErwĂ€rmung noch eingehalten werden?Welche PrioritĂ€ten mĂŒssen gesetzt werden? Am 4./5. November 2017wurden diese Fragen vor dem Beginn der Weltklimakonferenz in Bonnvon 200 WissenschaftlerInnen und VertreterInnen aus Politik, Wirtschaftund Zivilgesellschaft diskutiert. Die Ergebnisse der Debatte sind:Der Klimawandel stellt eine Bedrohung fĂŒr die Zukunft menschlicherZivilisation dar. Diese Herausforderung erfordert umfassendes undgemeinsames Handeln der Weltgemeinschaft, um einen irreversiblen undunkontrollierbaren Wandel des Erdsystems zu vermeiden. Dies ist einWettlauf mit der Zeit. Globale Treibhausgasemissionen mĂŒssen bis Mittedes Jahrhunderts auf Null reduziert werden, damit die anspruchsvollenLeitplanken des Pariser Abkommens eingehalten werden können. Nur sokann die Erhöhung der globalen Durchschnittstemperatur auf 1,5 bis 2Grad Celsius begrenzt werden.Die Halbierung der Treibhausgasemissionen in jedem kommenden Jahrzehntist das Ziel. Wir verfĂŒgen ĂŒber die finanziellen Ressourcen und dieTechnologien, um die Dekarbonisierung der Weltwirtschaft zu erreichen,aber noch mangelt es am politischen Willen und an breitenwirksamen,ambitionierten Initiativen! JĂŒngste Entwicklungen, wie der angekĂŒndigteRĂŒckzug der USA aus dem Klimaabkommen, können zu RĂŒckschlĂ€gen fĂŒhren,aber auch dazu, die klimapolitischen Anstrengungen anderer Akteurezu verstĂ€rken. Das gilt vor allem fĂŒr die Industrie- und SchwellenlĂ€nder
