90 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate in vivo the gingival microcirculatory changes associated with endodontic treatment using the continuous wave of condensation technique. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty necrotic one canal roots of 20 cooperative patients of both sexes, aged between 20 and 43 years, were selected. All patients were examined by capillaroscopy before, immediately after endodontic treatment, and after 7 days. The last examination was carried out by the same operator, and repeated twice for each examined area: masticatory, buccal and labial mucosa corresponding to the endodontically treated root. All canals were prepared using a simultaneous technique with Ni-Ti files (MTwo files). RESULTS: The images of the masticatory mucosa after root canal obturation showed evident micro-areas of extravasation, with significant bleeding and angio-morphological alterations due to heat. One hour after the endodontic treatment evident extravasation was observed, but a decrease of all altered parameters, was present. After seven days from treatment, in the periodontal tissues, a complete healing was observed. The in vivo evaluation of the vascular pattern during root canal obturation with System B showed that the high temperature in the canal determines visible effects on the vasculature of adjacent sites. It was found that microangiotectonic alterations decrease up to a complete healing after 7 days from treatment. CONCLUSION: All the changes in microcirculation, due to thermal shock of periodontal tissues, are reversible

    Anaerobic carboxydotrophy in sulfur-respiring haloarchaea from hypersaline lakes

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    Anaerobic carboxydotrophy is a widespread catabolic trait in bacteria, with two dominant pathways: hydrogenogenic and acetogenic. The marginal mode by direct oxidation to CO2 using an external e-acceptor has only a few examples. Use of sulfidic sediments from two types of hypersaline lakes in anaerobic enrichments with CO as an e-donor and elemental sulfur as an e-acceptor led to isolation of two pure cultures of anaerobic carboxydotrophs belonging to two genera of sulfur-reducing haloarchaea: Halanaeroarchaeum sp. HSR-CO from salt lakes and Halalkaliarchaeum sp. AArc-CO from soda lakes. Anaerobic growth of extremely halophilic archaea with CO was obligatory depended on the presence of elemental sulfur as the electron acceptor and yeast extract as the carbon source. CO served as a direct electron donor and H2 was not generated from CO when cells were incubated with or without sulfur. The genomes of the isolates encode a catalytic Ni,Fe-CODH subunit CooS (distantly related to bacterial homologs) and its Ni-incorporating chaperone CooC (related to methanogenic homologs) within a single genomic locus. Similar loci were also present in a genome of the type species of Halalkaliarchaeum closely related to AArc-CO, and the ability for anaerobic sulfur-dependent carboxydotrophy was confirmed for three different strains of this genus. Moreover, similar proteins are encoded in three of the four genomes of recently described carbohydrate-utilizing sulfur-reducing haloarchaea belonging to the genus Halapricum and in two yet undescribed haloarchaeal species. Overall, this work demonstrated for the first time the potential for anaerobic sulfur-dependent carboxydotrophy in extremely halophilic archaea.Accepted Author ManuscriptBT/Environmental Biotechnolog

    Analysis of defence systems and a conjugative IncP-1 plasmid in the marine polyaromatic hydrocarbons-degrading bacterium Cycloclasticus sp. 78-ME

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    Marine prokaryotes have evolved a broad repertoire of defence systems to protect their genomes from lateral gene transfer including innate or acquired immune systems and infection-induced programmed cell suicide and dormancy. Here we report on the analysis of multiple defence systems present in the genome of the strain Cycloclasticus sp. 78-ME isolated from petroleum deposits of the tanker 'Amoco Milford Haven'. Cycloclasticus are ubiquitous bacteria globally important in polyaromatic hydrocarbons degradation in marine environments. Two 'defence islands' were identified in 78-ME genome: the first harbouring CRISPR-Cas with toxin-antitoxin system, while the second was composed by an array of genes for toxin-antitoxin and restriction-modification proteins. Among all identified spacers of CRISPR-Cas system only seven spacers match sequences of phages and plasmids. Furthermore, a conjugative plasmid p7ME01, which belongs to a new IncP-1θ ancestral archetype without any accessory mobile elements was found in 78-ME. Our results provide the context to the co-occurrence of diverse defence mechanisms in the genome of Cycloclasticus sp. 78-ME, which protect the genome of this highly specialized PAH-degrader. This study contributes to the further understanding of complex networks established in petroleum-based microbial communities

    Sulfur Respiration in a Group of Facultatively Anaerobic Natronoarchaea Ubiquitous in Hypersaline Soda Lakes

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    The ubiquity of strictly anaerobic sulfur-respiring haloarchaea in hypersaline systems with circumneutral pH has shaken a traditional concept of this group as predominantly aerobic heterotrophs. Here, we demonstrated that this functional group of haloarchaea also has its representatives in hypersaline alkaline lakes. Sediments from various hypersaline soda lakes showed high activity of sulfur reduction only partially inhibited by antibiotics. Eight pure cultures of sulfur-reducing natronoarchaea were isolated from such sediments using formate and butyrate as electron donors and sulfur as an electron acceptor. Unlike strict anaerobic haloarchaea, these novel sulfur-reducing natronoarchaea are facultative anaerobes, whose metabolic capabilities were inferred from cultivation experiments and genomic/proteomic reconstruction. While sharing many physiological traits with strict anaerobic haloarchaea, following metabolic distinctions make these new organisms be successful in both anoxic and aerobic habitats: the recruiting of heme-copper quinol oxidases as terminal electron sink in aerobic respiratory chain and the utilization of formate, hydrogen or short-chain fatty acids as electron donors during anaerobic growth with elemental sulfur. Obtained results significantly advance the emerging concept of halo(natrono)archaea as important players in the anaerobic sulfur and carbon cycling in various salt-saturated habitats.BT/Environmental Biotechnolog

    Gene sets for utilization of primary and secondary nutrition supplies in the distal gut of endangered iberian lynx

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    Recent studies have indicated the existence of an extensive trans-genomic trans-mural co-metabolism between gut microbes and animal hosts that is diet-, host phylogeny- and provenance-influenced. Here, we analyzed the biodiversity at the level of small subunit rRNA gene sequence and the metabolic composition of 18 Mbp of consensus metagenome sequences and activity characteristics of bacterial intra-cellular extracts, in wild Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) fecal samples. Bacterial signatures (14.43% of all of the Firmicutes reads and 6.36% of total reads) related to the uncultured anaerobic commensals Anaeroplasma spp., which are typically found in ovine and bovine rumen, were first identified. The lynx gut was further characterized by an over-representation of ‘presumptive’ aquaporin aqpZ genes and genes encoding ‘active’ lysosomal-like digestive enzymes that are possibly needed to acquire glycerol, sugars and amino acids from glycoproteins, glyco(amino)lipids, glyco(amino)glycans and nucleoside diphosphate sugars. Lynx gut was highly enriched (28% of the total glycosidases) in genes encoding α-amylase and related enzymes, although it exhibited low rate of enzymatic activity indicative of starch degradation. The preponderance of β-xylosidase activity in protein extracts further suggests lynx gut microbes being most active for the metabolism of β-xylose containing plant N-glycans, although β-xylosidases sequences constituted only 1.5% of total glycosidases. These collective and unique bacterial, genetic and enzymatic activity signatures suggest that the wild lynx gut microbiota not only harbors gene sets underpinning sugar uptake from primary animal tissues (with the monotypic dietary profile of the wild lynx consisting of 80–100% wild rabbits) but also for the hydrolysis of prey-derived plant biomass. Although, the present investigation corresponds to a single sample and some of the statements should be considered qualitative, the data most likely suggests a tighter, more coordinated and complex evolutionary and nutritional ecology scenario of carnivore gut microbial communities than has been previously assumed

    Detection of low-level HCV variants in DAA treated patients: comparison amongst three different NGS data analysis protocols

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    Background: Notwithstanding the efforts of direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) for the treatment of chronically infected hepatitis C virus (HCV) patients, concerns exist regarding the emergence of resistance-associated substitutions (RAS) related to therapy failure. Sanger sequencing is still the reference technique used for the detection of RAS and it detects viral variants present up to 15%, meaning that minority variants are undetectable, using this technique. To date, many studies are focused on the analysis of the impact of HCV low variants using next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques, but the importance of these minority variants is still debated, and importantly, a common data analysis method is still not defined. Methods: Serum samples from four patients failing DAAs therapy were collected at baseline and failure, and amplification of NS3, NS5A and NS5B genes was performed on each sample. The genes amplified were sequenced using Sanger and NGS Illumina sequencing and the data generated were analyzed with different approaches. Three different NGS data analysis methods, two homemade in silico pipeline and one commercially available certified user-friendly software, were used to detect low-level variants. Results: The NGS approach allowed to infer also very-low level virus variants. Moreover, data processing allowed to generate high accuracy data which results in reduction in the error rates for each single sequence polymorphism. The results improved the detection of low-level viral variants in the HCV quasispecies of the analyzed patients, and in one patient a low-level RAS related to treatment failure was identified. Importantly, the results obtained from only two out of the three data analysis strategies were in complete agreement in terms of both detection and frequency of RAS. Conclusions: These results highlight the need to find a robust NGS data analysis method to standardize NGS results for a better comprehension of the clinical role of low-level HCV variants. Based on the extreme importance of data analysis approaches for wet-data interpretation, a detailed description of the used pipelines and further standardization of the in silico analysis could allow increasing diagnostic laboratory networking to unleash true potentials of NGS

    Microbial community of the deep-sea brine Lake <em>Kryos </em>seawater-brine interface is active below the chaotropicity limit of life as revealed by recovery of mRNA

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    Within the complex of deep, hypersaline anoxic lakes (DHALs) of the Mediterranean Ridge we identified a new, unexplored DHAL and named it "Lake Kryos" after a nearby depression. This lake is filled with MgCl2-rich, athalassohaline brine (salinity >470 practical salinity units), presumably formed by the dissolution of Messinian bischofite. Compared to the DHAL Discovery, it contains elevated concentrations of kosmotropic sodium and sulfate ions, which are capable of reducing the net chaotropicily of MgCl2-rich solutions. The brine of Lake Kryos may therefore be biologically permissive at MgCl2 concentrations previously considered incompatible with life. We characterized the microbiology of the seawater-Kryos brine interface and managed to recover mRNA from the 2.27-3.03 M MgCl2 layer (equivalent to 0.747-0.631 water-activity) thereby expanding the established chaotropicity window-for-life. The primary bacterial taxa present there were KB1 candidate division and DHAL-specific group of organisms, distantly related to Desulfohalobium. Two euryarchaeal candidate divisions MSBL1 and HC1, detected in minority in the overlaying layers, accounted for more than 85% of the rRNA-containing archaeal clones analyzed in 2.27-3.03 M MgCl2 layer. These findings shed light on the plausibility of life in highly chaotropic environments, geochemical windows for microbial extremophiles, and have implications for habitability elsewhere in the Solar System

    Nanohaloarchaea as beneficiaries of xylan degradation by haloarchaea

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    Climate change, desertification, salinisation of soils and the changing hydrology of the Earth are creating or modifying microbial habitats at all scales including the oceans, saline groundwaters and brine lakes. In environments that are saline or hypersaline, the biodegradation of recalcitrant plant and animal polysaccharides can be inhibited by salt-induced microbial stress and/or by limitation of the metabolic capabilities of halophilic microbes. We recently demonstrated that the chitinolytic haloarchaeon Halomicrobium can serve as the host for an ectosymbiont, nanohaloarchaeon ‘Candidatus Nanohalobium constans’. Here, we consider whether nanohaloarchaea can benefit from the haloarchaea-mediated degradation of xylan, a major hemicellulose component of wood. Using samples of natural evaporitic brines and anthropogenic solar salterns, we describe genome-inferred trophic relations in two extremely halophilic xylan-degrading three-member consortia. We succeeded in genome assembly and closure for all members of both xylan-degrading cultures and elucidated the respective food chains within these consortia. We provide evidence that ectosymbiontic nanohaloarchaea is an active ecophysiological component of extremely halophilic xylan-degrading communities (although by proxy) in hypersaline environments. In each consortium, nanohaloarchaea occur as ectosymbionts of Haloferax, which in turn act as scavenger of oligosaccharides produced by xylan-hydrolysing Halorhabdus. We further obtained and characterised the nanohaloarchaea–host associations using microscopy, multi-omics and cultivation approaches. The current study also doubled culturable nanohaloarchaeal symbionts and demonstrated that these enigmatic nano-sized archaea can be readily isolated in binary co-cultures using an appropriate enrichment strategy. We discuss the implications of xylan degradation by halophiles in biotechnology and for the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals

    Functional diversity of nanohaloarchaea within xylan-degrading consortia

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    DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : The datasets presented in this study can be found in online repositories. The names of the repository/repositories and accession number(s) can be found in the article/Supplementary material.Extremely halophilic representatives of the phylum Candidatus Nanohaloarchaeota (members of the DPANN superphyla) are obligately associated with extremely halophilic archaea of the phylum Halobacteriota (according to the GTDB taxonomy). Using culture-independent molecular techniques, their presence in various hypersaline ecosystems around the world has been confirmed over the past decade. However, the vast majority of nanohaloarchaea remain uncultivated, and thus their metabolic capabilities and ecophysiology are currently poorly understood. Using the (meta)genomic, transcriptomic, and DNA methylome platforms, the metabolism and functional prediction of the ecophysiology of two novel extremely halophilic symbiotic nanohaloarchaea (Ca. Nanohalococcus occultus and Ca. Nanohalovita haloferacivicina) stably cultivated in the laboratory as members of a xylose-degrading binary culture with a haloarchaeal host, Haloferax lucentense, was determined. Like all known DPANN superphylum nanoorganisms, these new sugar-fermenting nanohaloarchaea lack many fundamental biosynthetic repertoires, making them exclusively dependent on their respective host for survival. In addition, given the cultivability of the new nanohaloarchaea, we managed to discover many unique features in these new organisms that have never been observed in nano-sized archaea both within the phylum Ca. Nanohaloarchaeota and the entire superphylum DPANN. This includes the analysis of the expression of organism-specific non-coding regulatory (nc)RNAs (with an elucidation of their 2D-secondary structures) as well as profiling of DNA methylation. While some ncRNA molecules have been predicted with high confidence as RNAs of an archaeal signal recognition particle involved in delaying protein translation, others resemble the structure of ribosome-associated ncRNAs, although none belong to any known family. Moreover, the new nanohaloarchaea have very complex cellular defense mechanisms. In addition to the defense mechanism provided by the type II restriction-modification system, consisting of Dcm-like DNA methyltransferase and Mrr restriction endonuclease, Ca. Nanohalococcus encodes an active type I-D CRISPR/Cas system, containing 77 spacers divided into two loci. Despite their diminutive genomes and as part of their host interaction mechanism, the genomes of new nanohaloarchaea do encode giant surface proteins, and one of them (9,409 amino acids long) is the largest protein of any sequenced nanohaloarchaea and the largest protein ever discovered in cultivated archaea.The FUTURENZYMES Project funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research Program; Agence Nationale de la Recherche grant; the project “Emergence of virulence and antibiotic-resistance vectors in coastal and deep sea marine environments and analysis of the mechanisms and conditions underlying their spread and evolution” funded by the MIUR Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN) Bando 2017; nd by the project “Innovazione tecnologica per la tutela e valorizzazione degli ecosistemi marini (ITEM)” funded by MIUR CTN02_00059_9948371.frontiersin.orghttp://www.frontiersin.org/Microbiologyam2024BiochemistryGeneticsMicrobiology and Plant PathologySDG-15:Life on lan

    Discovery of anaerobic lithoheterotrophic haloarchaea, ubiquitous in hypersaline habitats

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    Hypersaline anoxic habitats harbour numerous novel uncultured archaea whose metabolic and ecological roles remain to be elucidated. Until recently, it was believed that energy generation via dissimilatory reduction of sulfur compounds is not functional at salt saturation conditions. Recent discovery of the strictly anaerobic acetotrophic Halanaeroarchaeum compels to change both this assumption and the traditional view on haloarchaea as aerobic heterotrophs. Here we report on isolation and characterization of a novel group of strictly anaerobic lithoheterotrophic haloarchaea, which we propose to classify as a new genus Halodesulfurarchaeum. Members of this previously unknown physiological group are capable of utilising formate or hydrogen as electron donors and elemental sulfur, thiosulfate or dimethylsulfoxide as electron acceptors. Using genome-wide proteomic analysis we have detected the full set of enzymes required for anaerobic respiration and analysed their substrate-specific expression. Such advanced metabolic plasticity and type of respiration, never seen before in haloarchaea, empower the wide distribution of Halodesulfurarchaeum in hypersaline inland lakes, solar salterns, lagoons and deep submarine anoxic brines. The discovery of this novel functional group of sulfur-respiring haloarchaea strengthens the evidence of their possible role in biogeochemical sulfur cycling linked to the terminal anaerobic carbon mineralisation in so far overlooked hypersaline anoxic habitats.</p