255 research outputs found


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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Socioeconômico, Administração.O presente trabalho constitui-se como Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso para a Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina no Curso de Administração. O trabalho compreende um plano de negócios para a abertura de um e-commerce de café gourmet. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi verificar a viabilidade da abertura do e-commerce de café gourmet. Os objetivos específicos que orientaram a elaboração do trabalho foram: Elaboração de um Planejamento Estratégico, Traçar um Plano de Marketing para competir no mercado e Elaborar um Plano Financeiro. Durante a elaboração do trabalho foram encontrados pontos positivos e oportunidades para o negócio, e também potenciais riscos e os planos de ações necessários para controlá-los. Os planos de marketing e financeiro apresentados ao longo do trabalho foram desenvolvidos para serem utilizados como guias para o processo de tomadas de decisões. Portanto, pode-se concluir que o presente trabalho atingiu os objetivos propostos

    Autocratic Breakdown and Regime Transitions: A New Data Set

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    When the leader of an autocratic regime loses power, one of three things happens. The incumbent leadership group is replaced by democratically elected leaders. Someone from the incumbent leadership group replaces him, and the regime persists. Or the incumbent leadership group loses control to a different group that replaces it with a new autocracy. Much scholarship exists on the first kind of transition, but little on transitions from one autocracy to another, though they make up about half of all regime changes. We introduce a new data set that facilitates the investigation of all three kinds of transition. It provides transition information for the 280 autocratic regimes in existence from 1946 to 2010. The data identify how regimes exit power, how much violence occurs during transitions, and whether the regimes that precede and succeed them are autocratic. We explain the data set and show how it differs from currently available data. The new data identify autocratic regime breakdowns regardless of whether the country democratizes, which makes possible the investigation of why the ouster of dictators sometimes leads to democracy but often does not, and many other questions. We present a number of examples to highlight how the new data can be used to explore questions about why dictators start wars and why autocratic breakdown sometimes results in the establishment of a new autocratic regime rather than democratization. We discuss the implications of these findings for the Arab Spring

    Extraction and Fractionation of Pigments from Saccharina latissima (Linnaeus, 2006) Using an Ionic Liquid plus Oil plus Water System

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    There is a strong industrial interest in the development of greener and more sustainable processes based on the use of renewable resources, and a biorefinery based on marine resources, such as macroalgae, stands as a major opportunity toward that end. In this work, Saccharina latissima (Linnaeus), a brown macroalga, was used as a source of pigments to develop an integrated platform that is able to promote the extraction and separation of chlorophyll and fucoxanthin in one single step. The process was studied, and its operational conditions were optimized with yields of extraction of chlorophyll and fucoxanthin of 4.93 ± 0.22 mgchl·gdry biomass–1 and 1956 ± 84 μgfuco·gdry biomass–1, respectively. These results were achieved with extraction systems composed of 84% of an aqueous solution of a tensioactive phosphonium-based ionic liquid (IL) at 350 mM + 16% of sunflower oil, during 40 min, using a solid–liquid ratio of 0.017 gdry biomass·mLsolvent–1. After the separation of both aqueous IL-rich and oil-rich phases, the IL content in both phases was investigated, the oil phase being free of IL. Envisioning the industrial potential of the process developed in this work, the recovery of the IL from the aqueous IL-rich phase of the initial system was attempted by a back-extraction using organic solvents immiscible in water, being shown that 82% of the IL can be recovered and reused in new cycles of extraction. The environmental and economic impacts of the final process proposed for the extraction and fractionation of chlorophyll and fucoxanthin were evaluated. Different scenarios were considered, but summing up the main results, the solvents’ recycling allowed better results, proving the economic and environmental viability of the overall process

    Mechanistic Study on the Degradation of Hydrolysable Core-Crosslinked Polymeric Micelles

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    Core-crosslinked polymeric micelles (CCPMs) are an attractive class of nanocarriers for drug delivery. Two crosslinking approaches to form CCPMs exist: either via a low-molecular-weight crosslinking agent to connect homogeneous polymer chains with reactive handles or via cross-reactive handles on polymers to link them to each other (complementary polymers). Previously, CCPMs based on methoxy poly(ethylene glycol)- b-poly[ N-(2-hydroxypropyl) methacrylamide-lactate] (mPEG- b-PHPMAmLac n ) modified with thioesters were crosslinked via native chemical ligation (NCL, a reaction between a cysteine residue and thioester resulting in an amide bond) using a bifunctional cysteine containing crosslinker. These CCPMs are degradable under physiological conditions due to hydrolysis of the ester groups present in the crosslinks. The rapid onset of degradation observed previously, as measured by the light scattering intensity, questions the effectiveness of crosslinking via a bifunctional agent. Particularly due to the possibility of intrachain crosslinks that can occur using such a small crosslinker, we investigated the degradation mechanism of CCPMs generated via both approaches using various analytical techniques. CCPMs based on complementary polymers degraded slower at pH 7.4 and 37 °C than CCPMs with a crosslinker (the half-life of the light scattering intensity was approximately 170 h versus 80 h, respectively). Through comparative analysis of the degradation profiles of the two different CCPMs, we conclude that partially ineffective intrachain crosslinks are likely formed using the small crosslinker, which contributed to more rapid CCPM degradation. Overall, this study shows that the type of crosslinking approach can significantly affect degradation kinetics, and this should be taken into consideration when developing new degradable CCPM platforms

    Uso de suplementos alimentares em praticantes de artes marciais em uma academia em Fortaleza-CE

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    Nos últimos anos as pessoas têm despertado para a necessidade de uma vida com mais qualidade, que é frequentemente buscada através de alimentação equilibrada aliada a exercícios físicos. Este aspecto vem crescendo tanto entre aqueles que antes só se preocupavam com a estética, quanto nos grupos que teve maior preocupação em relação à saúde. Diante disso, o presente estudo teve como objetivo promover uma avaliação sobre o uso de suplementos alimentares por praticantes de artes marciais. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo de natureza descritiva e quantitativa com abordagem exploratória. Tendo sido utilizado como ferramenta de coleta de dados um questionário com perguntas objetivas contendo identificação, arte marcial e uso de suplementação. O público-alvo são alunos praticantes de Jiu Jiutsu e Muay Thai em uma academia localizada em Fortaleza-CE. Constatou-se, por meio deste estudo, que menos da metade dos participantes da pesquisa recorrem a profissionais qualificados para receberem a indicação do uso de suplementos alimentares. E que por esta razão podem acabar seguindo uma recomendação errada, tendo em vista que cada organismo é diferente, bem como os treinos e as dietas. Portanto, é ressaltado que somente um profissional qualificado, por meio de avaliação e exames, pode indicar o melhor suplemento e suas quantidades, bem como advertir o usuário sobre os possíveis riscos, preparando-o para um uso consciente do produto

    Uso de suplementos alimentares em praticantes de artes marciais em uma academia em Fortaleza-CE

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    In recent years people have been awakening to the need for a higher quality life, which is often sought through balanced diet combined with physical exercise. This aspect has been growing both among those who previously only concerned themselves with aesthetics, and among the groups that had the greatest concern regarding health. Given this, the present study aimed to promote an assessment of the use of dietary supplements by practitioners of martial arts. Therefore, a descriptive and quantitative study with exploratory approach was performed. Having been used as a data collection tool a questionnaire with objective questions containing identification, martial art and use of supplementation. The target audience are practicing students of Jiu Jiutsu and Muay Thai at a gym located in Fortaleza-CE. It was found from this study that less than half of the survey participants use qualified professionals to receive the indication of the use of dietary supplements. And for this reason they may end up following a wrong recommendation, as each body is different, as well as training and diets. Therefore, it is emphasized that only a qualified professional, through evaluation and examinations, can indicate the best supplement and its quantities, as well as warn the user about possible risks, preparing him for conscious use of the product.Nos últimos anos as pessoas têm despertado para a necessidade de uma vida com mais qualidade, que é frequentemente buscada através de alimentação equilibrada aliada a exercícios físicos. Este aspecto vem crescendo tanto entre aqueles que antes só se preocupavam com a estética, quanto nos grupos que teve maior preocupação em relação à saúde. Diante disso, o presente estudo teve como objetivo promover uma avaliação sobre o uso de suplementos alimentares por praticantes de artes marciais. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo de natureza descritiva e quantitativa com abordagem exploratória. Tendo sido utilizado como ferramenta de coleta de dados um questionário com perguntas objetivas contendo identificação, arte marcial e uso de suplementação. O público-alvo são alunos praticantes de Jiu Jiutsu e Muay Thai em uma academia localizada em Fortaleza-CE. Constatou-se, por meio deste estudo, que menos da metade dos participantes da pesquisa recorrem a profissionais qualificados para receberem a indicação do uso de suplementos alimentares. E que por esta razão podem acabar seguindo uma recomendação errada, tendo em vista que cada organismo é diferente, bem como os treinos e as dietas. Portanto, é ressaltado que somente um profissional qualificado, por meio de avaliação e exames, pode indicar o melhor suplemento e suas quantidades, bem como advertir o usuário sobre os possíveis riscos, preparando-o para um uso consciente do produto

    Pulmonary venous circulating tumor cell dissemination before tumor resection and disease relapse

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    Approximately 50% of patients with early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who undergo surgery with curative intent will relapse within 5 years1,2. Detection of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) at the time of surgery may represent a tool to identify patients at higher risk of recurrence for whom more frequent monitoring is advised. Here we asked whether CellSearch-detected pulmonary venous CTCs (PV-CTCs) at surgical resection of early-stage NSCLC represent subclones responsible for subsequent disease relapse. PV-CTCs were detected in 48% of 100 patients enrolled into the TRACERx study3, were associated with lung-cancer-specific relapse and remained an independent predictor of relapse in multivariate analysis adjusted for tumor stage. In a case study, genomic profiling of single PV-CTCs collected at surgery revealed higher mutation overlap with metastasis detected 10 months later (91%) than with the primary tumor (79%), suggesting that early-disseminating PV-CTCs were responsible for disease relapse. Together, PV-CTC enumeration and genomic profiling highlight the potential of PV-CTCs as early predictors of NSCLC recurrence after surgery. However, the limited sensitivity of PV-CTCs in predicting relapse suggests that further studies using a larger, independent cohort are warranted to confirm and better define the potential clinical utility of PV-CTCs in early-stage NSCLC

    Novas abordagens médicas a mulher vítima de violência doméstica na atenção primária por meio da telemedicina durante a pandemia

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    INTRODUÇÃO: As normas e leis da sociedade, até recentemente, permitiam ou não puniam a violência de gênero, como nos casos de assassinatos de mulheres em que se alegava a defesa da honra. Assim, nos últimos anos, várias medidas foram tomadas com o intuito de prevenir e combater o problema. OBJETIVO: Descrever as novas abordagens médicas as mulheres vítimas de violência doméstica na atenção primária. MÉTODO: A coleta dos dados se deu por meio de um questionário confeccionado por estudantes de medicina, após a consulta pela telemedicina, quando foram identificadas as mulheres em situação de vulnerabilidade. A seguir, foi feita a montagem do plano terapêutico objetivando sua melhora e futura análise dos dados e foi anexado ao prontuário das pacientes. RESULTADOS: Durante atendimento através da telemedicina houve dez pacientes que foram orientadas sobre o que poderiam fazer durante seu dia a dia para melhorar a qualidade de vida no período da pandemia. Entretanto, apenas seis pacientes retornaram à ligação após as orientações e, dentre estas, quatro tiveram resultados de violência confirmados. CONCLUSÃO:  Com o advento da pandemia do COVID 19, as mulheres ficaram mais expostas a violência doméstica e ao desenvolvimento de transtornos psicológicos associados com esse trauma. A telemedicina pode ser uma ferramenta de apoio importante nestas situações

    The Vicious Circle of Post-Soviet Neopatrimonialism in Russia

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    Published online: 10 Aug 2015, journal issue (vol.32, N5) appeared in 2016Since the collapse of Communism, Russia and some other post-Soviet states have attempted to pursue socio-economic reforms while relying upon the political institutions of neopatrimonialism. This politico-economic order was established to serve the interests of ruling groups and establish the major features of states, political regimes, and market economies. It provided numerous negative incentives for governing the economy and the state due to the unconstrained rent seeking behavior of major actors. Policy reform programs discovered these institutions to be incompatible with the priorities of modernization, and efforts to resolve these contradictions through a number of partial and compromise solutions often worsened the situation vis-à-vis preservation of the status quo. The ruling groups lack incentives for institutional changes, which could undermine their political and economic dominance, and are caught in a vicious circle: reforms often result in minor returns or cause unintended and undesired consequences. What are the possible domestic and international incentives to reject the political institutions of neopatrimonialism in post-Soviet states and replace them with inclusive economic and political ones?Peer reviewe