44 research outputs found

    Large Noncollinearity and Spin Reorientation in the Novel Mn2RhSn Heusler Magnet

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    Noncollinear magnets provide essential ingredients for the next generation memory technology. It is a new prospect for the Heusler materials, already well known due to the diverse range of other fundamental characteristics. Here, we present a combined experimental and theoretical study of novel noncollinear tetragonal Mn2RhSn Heusler material exhibiting unusually strong canting of its magnetic sublattices. It undergoes a spin-reorientation transition, induced by a temperature change and suppressed by an external magnetic field. Because of the presence of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya exchange and magnetic anisotropy, Mn2RhSn is suggested to be a promising candidate for realizing the Skyrmion state in the Heusler family

    The research and development of frequency-controlled electric drive

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    Рассмотрен подход к реализации автономного генератора на базе асинхронного двигателя с фазным ротором с подключением цепи статора к нагрузке и питанием роторных обмоток от регулируемого источника переменного тока, а также определены границы устойчивой генерации электроэнергии.The approach to implement a stand-alone generator based on an induction motor with a wound rotor connected to the stator circuit to the load and the power rotor windings from a regulated source of alternating current, and also defined the boundaries of sustainable electricity generation

    Delineating pathological pathways in a chemically-induced mouse model of Gaucher disease

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    Great interest has been shown in understanding the pathology of Gaucher disease (GD), due to the recently discovered genetic relationship with Parkinson's disease. For such studies, suitable animal models of GD are required. Chemical induction of GD by inhibition of acid β-glucosidase (GCase) using the irreversible inhibitor, conduritol B-epoxide (CBE), is particularly attractive, although few systematic studies examining the effect of CBE on development of symptoms associated with neurological forms of GD have been performed. We now demonstrate a correlation between the amount of CBE injected into mice and levels of accumulation of the GD substrates, glucosylceramide and glucosylsphingosine, and show that disease pathology, indicated by altered levels of pathological markers, depends on both levels of accumulated lipids and the time at which their accumulation begins. Gene array analysis shows a remarkable similarity in the gene expression profiles of CBE-treated mice and a genetic GD mouse model, the Gba(flox/flox) ;nestin-Cre mouse, with 120 of the 144 genes up-regulated in CBE-treated mice also up-regulated in Gba(flox/flox) ;nestin-Cre mice. We also demonstrate that various aspects of neuropathology and some behavioral abnormalities can be arrested upon cessation of CBE treatment during a specific time window. Together, our data demonstrate that injection of mice with CBE provides a rapid and relatively easy way to induce symptoms typical of neuronal forms of GD. This is particularly useful when examining the role of specific biochemical pathways in GD pathology, since CBE can be injected into mice defective in components of putative pathological pathways, alleviating the need for time-consuming crossing of mice

    Изменение качества жизни и кооперативности больных бронхиальной астмой, использующих различные оптимизированные способы доставки беклометазона дипропионата

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    QoL and CP were evaluated in bronchial asthma (BA) patients treated with different aerosol delivery systems. The QoL was evaluated using the MOS SF-36 questionnaire, the CP was evaluated using the lcBa-50 questionnaire which is an original Russian questionnaire. Twenty-six atopic BA patients (18 to 74 yrs, 15 men and 11 women) receiving Beclazone EB 250 meg in one puff, 750 meg daily, were transferred to Beclojet at the same doses. Reliable increase in QoL and CP parameters was shown after changing the aerosol. So, the optimized delivery systems can improve the QoL and the CP. Besides that, Beclojet was shown to improve them better then Beclason EB.Было проведено исследование параметров качества жизни (КЖ) и кооперативности (КП) больных бронхиальной астмой (БА), получающих различные формы оптимизированных дозированных аэрозолей. Критерии изменения КЖ и КП оценивались по вопросникам MOS SF-36 и ИкБа-50. SF-36 является общим адаптированным вопросником КЖ, состоящим из 36 вопросов, объединенных в 11 пунктов, оценивающихся по 7 критериям. ИкБа-50 является оригинальным вопросником КП, состоящим из 50 пунктов (102 вопроса), оценивающихся по 8 основным критериям. КЖ и КП изучались в динамике при сравнении двух оптимизированных дозированных аэрозолей на примере беклометазона дипропионата (Беклазон ЛД и Беклоджет). В исследовании приняли участие 26 больных, страдающих атопической БА средней степени тяжести (средний возраст — 61,7 ± 16,7 лет), из них 15 мужчин, 11 женщин. Показано, что применение более удобных форм доставки препарата и контролируемое ведение пациентов повышают КЖ и КП пациентов. Полученные результаты КЖ и КП позволяют более точно оценивать эффективность противоастматических лечебных мероприятий с учетом их влияния на медико-социальный статус больных и оптимизировать врачебную тактику

    Surgical treatment of trophoblastic disease. Modern concept and contradictions (literature review)

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    A review of studies on the comparison of the effectiveness of surgical treatment of malignant trophoblastic tumors before the start of standard chemotherapy and in terms of combination treatment is presented. According to Russian and foreign studies, surgical treatment is relevant for patients with primary or metastatic tumor resistance. The article presents the results of treatment of patients after various types of operations. The most common volume of surgery was a hysterectomy. The article also discusses the results of treatment of benign forms of trophoblastic disease. Surgical treatment of a malignant trophoblastic tumor before the start of standard chemotherapy was performed according to vital indications or in connection with a tumor determined by imaging methods. And the analysis carried out in Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology showed expected prognoses for patients who underwent surgical treatment prior to the start of standard chemotherapy regimens. Such patients were admitted to the clinic with a resistant or disseminated form of the tumor. During their treatment, high-dose chemotherapy or additional surgical interventions were required, which significantly worsened the prognosis of the disease. In the opposite case, when removing a localized resistant primary tumor or its metastasis, in the postoperative period, chemotherapy was not carried out in connection with marker remission

    Importin α5 regulates anxiety through MeCP2 and sphingosine kinase 1

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    Importins mediate transport from synapse to soma and from cytoplasm to nucleus, suggesting that perturbation of importin-dependent pathways should have significant neuronal consequences. A behavioral screen on five importin α knockout lines revealed that reduced expression of importin α5 (KPNA1) in hippocampal neurons specifically decreases anxiety in mice. Re-expression of importin α5 in ventral hippocampus of knockout animals increased anxiety behaviors to wild-type levels. Hippocampal neurons lacking importin α5 reveal changes in presynaptic plasticity and modified expression of MeCP2-regulated genes, including sphingosine kinase 1 (Sphk1). Knockout of importin α5, but not importin α3 or α4, reduces MeCP2 nuclear localization in hippocampal neurons. A Sphk1 blocker reverses anxiolysis in the importin α5 knockout mouse, while pharmacological activation of sphingosine signaling has robust anxiolytic effects in wild-type animals. Thus, importin α5 influences sphingosine-sensitive anxiety pathways by regulating MeCP2 nuclear import in hippocampal neurons

    Combining high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy and mutagenesis to develop cowpea mosaic virus for bionanotechnology

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    Particles of cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) have enjoyed considerable success as nanoparticles. The development of a system for producing empty virus-like particles (eVLPs) of the virus, which are non-infectious and have the potential to be loaded with heterologous material, has increased the number of possible applications for CPMV-based particles. However, for this potential to be realised, it was essential to demonstrate that eVLPs were accurate surrogates for natural virus particles, and this information was provided by high-resolution cryo-EM studies of eVLPs. This demonstration has enabled the approaches developed for the production of modified particles developed with natural CPMV particles to be applied to eVLPs. Furthermore, a combination of cryo-EM and mutagenic studies allowed the development of particles which are permeable but which could still assemble efficiently. These particles were shown to be loadable with cobalt, indicating that they can, indeed, be used as nano-containers

    The impact of terahertz radiation on an extremophilic archaean Halorubrum saccharovorum proteome

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    Nonthermal effects of terahertz radiation on living objects are currently intensely studied, as more sources of this radiation type and devices employing it are being constructed. Terahertz radiation is increasingly used in security and inspection systems, medical and scientific appliances due to its low quant energy, which does not cause severe effects on organisms as other radiation types with higher quant energies do. The aim of this study was the identification of protein complexes participating in the response of the archaea Halorubrum saccharovorum H3 isolated from an extreme natural environment to terahertz radiation. We developed a microfluidic system for irradiation of bacterial and archaeal cultures with terahertz radiation and performed a 5-hour-long exposure of H. saccharovorum to terahertz radiation at a wavelength of 130 μm and a power density of 0.8 Wt per cm2 for 5 h. We identified under- or overexpressed proteins in response to terahertz radiation using 2D electrophoresis with subsequent MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. A total of 16 differentially expressed protein fractions with at least 1.5-fold changes in expression level were detected. The obtained data suggest that Halorubrum cells respond to exposure to terahertz radiation by expression changes in gene products involved in translation regulation

    Observation of topological Hall effect in Mn₂RhSn films

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    Recently non-collinear magnetic structures have attracted renewed attention due to the novel Hall effects that they display. In earlier work evidence for a non-collinear magnetic structure has been reported for the ferromagnetic Heusler compound Mn₂RhSn. Using sputtering techniques we have prepared high quality epitaxial thin films of Mn₂RhSn by high temperature growth on MgO (001) substrates. The films are tetragonally distorted with an easy magnetization axis along the c-axis. Moreover, we find evidence for an anomalous Hall effect whose magnitude increases strongly below the Curie temperature that is near room temperature. Consistent with theoretical calculations of the anomalous Hall conductivity that we have carried out by deriving the Berry curvature from the electronic structure of perfectly ordered Mn₂RhSn, the sign of the anomalous Hall conductivity is negative, although the measured value is considerably smaller than the calculated value. We attribute this difference to small deviations in stoichiometry and chemical ordering. We also find evidence for a topological Hall resistivity of about 50 nΩ cm, which is ∼5% of the anomalous Hall effect, for temperatures below 100 K. The topological Hall effect signifies the presence of a chiral magnetic structure that evolves from the non-collinear magnetic structure that Mn₂RhSn is known to exhibit

    ПЭТ/КТ с 18F-ПСМА-1007 и 18F-фторхолином в диагностике прогрессирования рака предстательной железы. Первый сравнительный опыт

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    Background. Prostate cancer progression remains as a major problem among patients after their radical treatment. During last years a broad spectrum radiopharmaceuticals had developed to reveal the cause of biochemical recurrence.Objective: the comparison of 18F-fluorocholine and 18F-prostate-specific membrane antigen-1007 (18F-PSMA-1007) diagnostic abilities for the prostate cancer progression detection.Materials and methods. In this study had been included 18F-fluorocholine and 18F-PSMA-1007 PET/CT (positron emission tomography combined with computed tomography) scans of 9 patients after radical treatment with increased prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level (range 0.10–9.06 ng/ml).Results. 18F-PSMA-1007-PET/CT detected lesions in 7 (77.8 %) out of 9 patients, after radical prostatectomy and brachytherapy, in comparison with negative 18F-fluorocholine-PET/CT results in all cases.Conclusion. In this pilot study, 18F-PSMA-1007-PET/CT has showed high potential in pathological changes detection among patients with increased PSA level (minimum 0.10 ng/ml) and demonstrated the advantages in comparison with 18F-fluorocholine-PET/CT, especially in terms of revealing local recurrence and metastatic lymph nodes, as well as, in bone lesions early detection.Введение. Прогрессирование рака предстательной железы остается важной проблемой у пациентов после радикального лечения. За последние годы был разработан широкий спектр радиофармацевтических лекарственных препаратов для ПЭТ / КТ-исследований (позитронной эмиссионной томографии, совмещенной с компьютерной томографией), основная задача которых – выявление причины биохимического рецидива. Каждая группа радиоактивных трейсеров характеризуется своими особенностями, но вопрос подбора оптимального радиофармацевтического лекарственного препарата для проведения исследования остается актуальным.Цель исследования – сравнение диагностических возможностей ПЭТ / КТ с 18F-фторхолином и 18F-простатическим специфическим мембранным антигеном-1007 (18F-ПСМА-1007) в выявлении прогрессирования рака предстательной железы.Материалы и методы. В исследование включены результаты комплексных ПЭТ / КТ-исследований с 18F-фторхолином и 18F-ПСМА-1007 9 пациентов после радикального лечения рака предстательной железы с увеличением уровня простатического специфического антигена (ПСА) в сыворотке крови (в диапазоне от 0,10 до 9,06 нг / мл).Результаты. В 7 (77,8 %) из 9 наблюдений при отрицательных результатах ПЭТ / КТ с 18F-фторхолином благодаря дополнительно проведенному ПЭТ / КТ-исследованию с 18F-ПСМА-1007 удалось выявить причину роста опухолевого маркера ПСА у пациентов после радикальной простатэктомии и лучевой терапии, в том числе при уровне ПСА 0,10 нг / мл.Заключение. В данном пилотном исследовании ПЭТ / КТ с 18F-ПСМА-1007 продемонстрировала высокий уровень выявления патологических изменений при увеличении уровня ПСА в сыворотке крови (с минимальным значением 0,10 нг / мл), а также наглядно показала преимущества по сравнению с ПЭТ / КТ с 18F-фторхолином в обнаружении местного рецидива заболевания, пораженных, но не увеличенных в размере, лимфатических узлов и в ранней диагностике костных метастазов.