207 research outputs found

    Heterobasidion bref. and armillaria (fr.) staude pathosystems in the basque country: identification, ecology and control

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    114 p.In the temperate forest, root and butt rot fungi are considered the greatest causes of economic losses. Armillaria and Heterobasidion species are often the causative agents of this disease which is characterized by chlorotic leaves, progressive thinning of the crown, slower leader growth, and rapid tree death. In the present study, the distribution of Armillaria and Heterobasidion in the Basque Country, and the environmental factors associated with both fungal complexes, were described. The species and population diversity of both genera in selected plantations and native forests were determined, and host range in the field and host susceptibility to A. mellea under greenhouse conditions were established. The results contribute to a better understanding of the epidemiology of these forest pathogens. In addition, bacteria native to the P. radiata rhizosphere that are able to reduce pathogenic effects of A. mellea and H. annosum s.s in young P. radiata trees were isolated and characterized. The compiled information will facilitate the development of management strategies, especially in areas of the Basque Country where the problem of replanting forests infested by diverse native and exotic pathogens is endemic.Neiker-Tecnalia. Eusko Jaurlaritza. Gobierno Vasco FINBIF Innovation INIA : Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria Healthy Fores

    Heterobasidion bref. and armillaria (fr.) staude pathosystems in the basque country: identification, ecology and control

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    114 p.In the temperate forest, root and butt rot fungi are considered the greatest causes of economic losses. Armillaria and Heterobasidion species are often the causative agents of this disease which is characterized by chlorotic leaves, progressive thinning of the crown, slower leader growth, and rapid tree death. In the present study, the distribution of Armillaria and Heterobasidion in the Basque Country, and the environmental factors associated with both fungal complexes, were described. The species and population diversity of both genera in selected plantations and native forests were determined, and host range in the field and host susceptibility to A. mellea under greenhouse conditions were established. The results contribute to a better understanding of the epidemiology of these forest pathogens. In addition, bacteria native to the P. radiata rhizosphere that are able to reduce pathogenic effects of A. mellea and H. annosum s.s in young P. radiata trees were isolated and characterized. The compiled information will facilitate the development of management strategies, especially in areas of the Basque Country where the problem of replanting forests infested by diverse native and exotic pathogens is endemic.Neiker-Tecnalia. Eusko Jaurlaritza. Gobierno Vasco FINBIF Innovation INIA : Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria Healthy Fores

    Patterns of Official Development Assistance in Tajikistan: effects on growth and poverty reduction

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    The aim of this paper is to assess the effect of official development assistance on economic growth and poverty reduction in Tajikistan, as well as to examine the recent role of South-South Cooperation. We used a panel data set on economic growth and poverty estimates in Tajikistan, and found that a 1% increase of official development assistance provoked a 1.6% rise in per capita GDP and a 0.48% decrease in poverty levels in Tajikistan. Despite the increased relevance of South-South Cooperation in Tajikistan, the current bilateral cooperation pattern does not allow us to think South-South aid will create employment and growth opportunities


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    Does the monetary policy regime matter in the effect of credit on growth?

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    This study sheds light on the finance–growth link by (i) carefully taking into account the lessons learned from the empirical literature, (ii) extending the period of analysis to include the years following the global financial crisis (GFC), (iii) adding the monetary-policy regime as a concomitant factor in this relation, and (iv) running different specifications and following a robust econometric approach. We find that the positive effect of finance via credit vanishes between the end of the 1990s and the beginning of the 2000s, coinciding with most countries reaching a high level of bank credit and with the GFC. This finding is also observed if an inverted U-shaped specification is used to capture the relation between finance and growth. As for the monetary-policy regime, the results reveal that the inflation-targeting strategy does not exert a positive influence on economic growth

    Un análisis de los procesos de deslocalización productiva: inversión extranjera directa e importación de bienes intermedios en la Industria Vasca

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    The offshoring is a phenomenon which causes an increasing concern in the Basque Country. The developing countries’ share over total FDI, as well as the intermediate products’ share over world intermediate imports have both increased throughout the last decade. There is a geographical and branch correspondence between FDI and trade flows for some sectors (Metal, Food and beverages), a fact that shows that the chosen strategy to reduce labour costs has been the vertical FDI and intra-firm trade. In other branches like Chemical Products there is no correspondence, what remarks the international outsourcing choice, taking place between independent companies. The negative consequences of offshoring over local employment should be removed improving different instruments in order to favour the relocation of the surplus of labour.En el caso del País Vasco, la deslocalización es un fenómeno de importancia creciente en el sector industrial. En efecto, tanto desde el punto de vista de la IED como de la importación de insumos intermedios, ha aumentado el porcentaje correspondiente a los PVD sobre el total de estos flujos. La correspondencia sectorial y geográfica entre estos dos flujos para algunos sectores (metálicas, alimentación) vendría a poner de manifiesto que la estrategia principal de suministro de insumos intermedios para el ahorro de costes en este sector y en estás regiones es la IEDV y el comercio intrafirma. En otros sectores (Química) no existe sin embargo esa correspondencia entre flujos de IED e importación, por lo que también cabe destacar la importancia del “outsourcing” internacional entre empresas independientes. Las consecuencias negativas sobre el empleo local han de tratar de paliarse creando instrumentos eficaces de recolocación de los excedentes laborales generados

    The multidisciplinary approach to obstructive sleep apnea

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    RESUMEN: El síndrome de Apnea Hipoapnea del Sueño (SAOS) es considerado a nivel mundial un problema de salud pública de primera magnitud, que afecta cada día a más personas debido en gran parte al aumento de la incidencia de factores de riesgo como la obesidad. Esta patología afecta principalmente a la población de mediana edad, repercutiendo notablemente en la calidad de vida y salud de las personas, por lo que es de gran importancia la detección precoz y la puesta en marcha de un tratamiento efectivo. En este sentido, uno de los tratamientos más recomendados y con mayor tasa de éxito es la CPAP, de ahí a que resulte de gran importancia conocer el manejo de este dispositivo.ABSTRACT: The Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is considered a worldwide problem, which affects more people every day due to an increased incidence of risk factors such as obesity. This pathology mainly affects the middle-aged population, having a significant impact on people's quality of life and health, thats why early detection and the implementation of effective treatment is crucial. Nowadays, one of the most recommended treatments and with the highest success rate is the CPAP, and is very important to know how to use this therapy.Grado en Enfermerí


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    Encuentro en el monasterio

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    PublishedCuando alargó la mano, por sus trazas,pensé que se trataba de un leproso.Al principio no vi su gran anilloy no supe advertir, indiferente,que algo solemne su ademán tenía.Levantó el rostro, y vi que estaba ciego,que le habían cegado, mejor dicho,pues sus ojos tenían cicatrices.Me estremecí. Sabía ya quién era.Vino a mi mente un resplandor violento,la púrpura y el oro en Hagia Sofia.Besé sus manos y abracé a mi César

    Análisis multivariante aplicado a la lectura estratigráfica de alzados

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    [ES] En todo proyecto de restauración de un edificio histórico, previo al comienzo de los trabajos, resulta imprescindible conocer la evolución histórico-constructiva del mismo con el objetivo de preservar aquellas partes que tengan un especial interés. La disciplina encargada de realizar dicho estudio es la Arqueología de la Arquitectura cuyo principal instrumento es el análisis estratigráfico. En dicho proceso resulta necesario disponer de una documentación topográfica con una precisión y calidad acorde a las necesidades del proyecto, reflejando fielmente la geometría del inmueble. Hoy en día, debido a los avances en la tecnología, es posible la generación de completos modelos tridimensionales en muy poco tiempo y con una precisión extraordinaria. Sin embargo, dicho registro debería ir un paso más allá, y no quedarse en una mera colección de planos, ya que en si mismo constituye una importante fuente de información. Detrás de los datos que definen geométricamente el edificio no solo se encuentra su localización espacial, sino que procesándolos adecuadamente se puede extraer de ellos conocimiento acerca de la litología, el tipo de fábrica, la forma de la piedra, etc. Existen principalmente dos vías para determinar la evolución histórico-constructiva del edificio: una, vertebral, de carácter estratigráfico y otra, auxiliar, de carácter tipológico. El objetivo que nos planteamos con esta tesis doctoral es precisamente la automatización de parte de estos procesos, eliminando de esta forma la subjetividad presente en los mismos. Para ello aplicaremos a la documentación geométrica del edificio procedimientos propios del análisis exploratorio de datos y de la Inteligencia Artificial para tratar así de descubrir patrones ocultos en los datos que ayuden y faciliten el proceso de lectura estratigráfica de alzados. [EN] Every restoration project of a historical building requires a previous phase to know its historical-constructive evolution, with the objective of preserving those parts of special interest. The discipline that carries out this type of research is the Archaeology of Architecture, whose main instrument is the stratigraphic analysis. In this process it is necessary to have a topographic documentation with an accuracy and quality according to the needs of the project, reflecting thoroughly the building’s geometry. Nowadays, due to advances in technology, it is possible to generate complete three-dimensional models in a very short time and with an extraordinary precision. However, such a register should go a step further not to remain merely a collection of plans, since it constitutes in itself an important source of information. Behind the data geometrically defining the building, it is not only included the spatial location, but one can also extract from them, by proper processes, knowledge about the lithology, the type of factory, the shape of the stone, etc. There are mainly two ways to determine the historical-constructive evolution of the building: one, vertebral and of a stratigraphic character, and another one, auxiliary, of a typological nature. The objective that we have with this doctoral thesis is precisely the automation of part of these processes, thus eliminating the subjectivity lying in them. In order to get this, we will apply procedures of exploratory data analysis and Artificial Intelligence to the geometric documentation of the building, trying to discover hidden patterns in the data that help and facilitate the process of stratigraphic reading of elevations