59 research outputs found

    Effect of diet supplementation with live yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae on growth performance, caecal ecosystem and health of growing rabbits

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    [EN] The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the live yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae on the growth performance, caecal ecosystem and overall health of growing rabbits. A control diet was formulated (crude protein: 15.9%; neutral detergent fibre: 31.6%) and another diet obtained by supplementing the control diet with 1 g of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (6.5×109 colony-forming units) per kg of diet. Ninety 35-d old rabbits were allotted into 3 groups: TT (rabbits offered the supplemented diet from 17 d of age onwards), CT (rabbits offered supplemented diet from 35 d) and CC (rabbits fed non-supplemented diet). Body weight (BW) and feed intake were measured weekly and mortality was controlled daily. At 35, 42 and 77 d of age, 6 rabbits from each group were slaughtered and digestive physiological traits, serum clinical chemistry parameters, fermentation traits, and the composition of caecal microbiota examined. At 42 and 56 d of age, 10 rabbits from each group were injected intraperitoneally with 100 μg/animal of ovalbumin and blood samples were collected for examination of plasma immunological parameters. Throughout the experiment (5-11 wk), weight gain and feed intake (37.8 and 112.6 g/d, on av.) were not affected by yeast, except for weight gain in the first week after weaning, which was the highest in TT animals among the 3 groups (48.1 vs. 43.9 and 44.2 g/d for TT, CC and CT, respectively; P=0.012). This may be due to the increased trend in feed intake (P=0.072) in the TT group (96.4 g/d) compared to the others. Mortality (5/90) was low and did not differ among the 3 groups. Treatments had no effect on slaughter traits at the 3 sampling dates (35, 42 and 77 d). Only the weight of the empty caecum (% BW) was higher (P=0.02) in CC (2.2%) and CT (2.3%) than in TT group (1.8%) at 77 d of age. Treatments did not overtly affect the caecal microbiota, although the number of total anaerobic bacteria and Bacteroides were lower (108 and 107/g caecal digesta, respectively) in rabbits from CC group compared to those of CT and TT groups at 42 d of age (P=0.03). No difference between groups was observed for caecal short chain fatty acids profile, blood traits, or IgG and cytokine profile. In conclusion, supplementation of feed with yeast did not modify growth traits and resulted in only a temporary increase in weight gain and a slightly altered caecal microbiota after weaning.Belhassen, T.; Bonai, A.; Gerencsér, Z.; Matics, Z.; Tuboly, T.; Bergaoui, R.; Kovacs, M. (2016). Effect of diet supplementation with live yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae on growth performance, caecal ecosystem and health of growing rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 24(3):191-200. doi:10.4995/wrs.2016.3991.SWORD19120024

    Differential responses to lithium in hyperexcitable neurons from patients with bipolar disorder.

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    Bipolar disorder is a complex neuropsychiatric disorder that is characterized by intermittent episodes of mania and depression; without treatment, 15% of patients commit suicide. Hence, it has been ranked by the World Health Organization as a top disorder of morbidity and lost productivity. Previous neuropathological studies have revealed a series of alterations in the brains of patients with bipolar disorder or animal models, such as reduced glial cell number in the prefrontal cortex of patients, upregulated activities of the protein kinase A and C pathways and changes in neurotransmission. However, the roles and causation of these changes in bipolar disorder have been too complex to exactly determine the pathology of the disease. Furthermore, although some patients show remarkable improvement with lithium treatment for yet unknown reasons, others are refractory to lithium treatment. Therefore, developing an accurate and powerful biological model for bipolar disorder has been a challenge. The introduction of induced pluripotent stem-cell (iPSC) technology has provided a new approach. Here we have developed an iPSC model for human bipolar disorder and investigated the cellular phenotypes of hippocampal dentate gyrus-like neurons derived from iPSCs of patients with bipolar disorder. Guided by RNA sequencing expression profiling, we have detected mitochondrial abnormalities in young neurons from patients with bipolar disorder by using mitochondrial assays; in addition, using both patch-clamp recording and somatic Ca2+ imaging, we have observed hyperactive action-potential firing. This hyperexcitability phenotype of young neurons in bipolar disorder was selectively reversed by lithium treatment only in neurons derived from patients who also responded to lithium treatment. Therefore, hyperexcitability is one early endophenotype of bipolar disorder, and our model of iPSCs in this disease might be useful in developing new therapies and drugs aimed at its clinical treatment


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    Diski Eginda Rismianti. 14111310149. The Analysis of Punctuation Use in Unpunctuated Passages: A Discourse-Graphology Perspective. Punctuation is the basic element in writing which is important to clarify meaning. Without punctuation or ignoring the rule of punctuation in a passage, the writing will be ambiguous. The writing course in IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon is studied by English Student in 5 levels. Based the phenomenon, this research aims to find out the students’ error in the use of punctuation and how does the use relate to the meaning of restrictive and nonrestrictive elements. The analyses process in this research is constructed based on the theory from Marcella Frank. This research used qualitative method in analyzing data where the data contains the two original passages which is taken from the book of academic writing and the three participants’ work which are got by examining the passages as a main data source to be analyzed in this research. Those passages are changed be unpunctuated passages then examined to the 3 EFL learner which comes from the high score, medium score, and low score of writing. The result of this analysis shows that there are fifteen punctuation marks which are used in the two passages; they are capitalization, periods, commas, semicolons, colons, quotation marks, parentheses, apostrophes, hyphen, en dashes, ellipses, percent, underscore, at sign, and citation. FP has highest number of error in Capitalization with 100%. SP has big problem in commas exactly in the nineteenth rule with 90% and TP are wrong in parentheses. For restrictive and nonrestrictive elements, restrictive elements has higher number than nonrestrictive elements, except is in appositive. The numbers of the elements are same with the three participants. The differences come from the number of appositive which passages has higher number of nonrestrictive appositive than restrictive appositives. The results show that punctuation in unpunctuated passages used the rule from APA (American Psychological Association). The effects of the use of punctuation are in the number of sentences and clauses, types of phrases, and restrictive and nonrestrictive elements. For the students’ error, there are some sentences in FP and TP which only contain phrase. Key words: Punctuation Marks, Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Clause, Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Phrase, Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Appositives

    The Pharmacogenomics of Bipolar Disorder study (PGBD): Identification of genes for lithium response in a prospective sample

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    Background: Bipolar disorder is a serious and common psychiatric disorder characterized by manic and depressive mood switches and a relapsing and remitting course. The cornerstone of clinical management is stabilization and prophylaxis using mood-stabilizing medications to reduce both manic and depressive symptoms. Lithium remains the gold standard of treatment with the strongest data for both efficacy and suicide prevention. However, many patients do not respond to this medication, and clinically there is a great need for tools to aid the clinician in selecting the correct treatment. Large genome wide association studies (GWAS) investigating retrospectively the effect of lithium response are in the pipeline; however, few large prospective studies on genetic predictors to of lithium response have yet been conducted. The purpose of this project is to identify genes that are associated with lithium response in a large prospective cohort of bipolar patients and to better understand the mechanism of action of lithium and the variation in the genome that influences clinical response. Methods/Design: This study is an 11-site prospective non-randomized open trial of lithium designed to ascertain a cohort of 700 subjects with bipolar I disorder who experience protocol-defined relapse prevention as a result of treatment with lithium monotherapy. All patients will be diagnosed using the Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS) and will then enter a 2-year follow-up period on lithium monotherapy if and when they exhibit a score of 1 (normal, not ill), 2 (minimally ill) or 3 (mildly ill) on the Clinical Global Impressions of Severity Scale for Bipolar Disorder (CGI-S-BP Overall Bipolar Illness) for 4 of the 5 preceding weeks. Lithium will be titrated as clinically appropriate, not to exceed serum levels of 1.2 mEq/L. The sample will be evaluated longitudinally using a wide range of clinical scales, cognitive assessments and laboratory tests. On relapse, patients will be discontinued or crossed-over to treatment with valproic acid (VPA) or treatment as usual (TAU). Relapse is defined as a DSM-IV manic, major depressive or mixed episode or if the treating physician decides a change in medication is clinically necessary. The sample will be genotyped for GWAS. The outcome for lithium response will be analyzed as a time to event, where the event is defined as clinical relapse, using a Cox Proportional Hazards model. Positive single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from past genetic retrospective studies of lithium response, the Consortium on Lithium Genetics (ConLiGen), will be tested in this prospective study sample; a meta-analysis of these samples will then be performed. Finally, neurons will be derived from pluripotent stem cells from lithium responders and non-responders and tested in vivo for response to lithium by gene expression studies. SNPs in genes identified in these cellular studies will also be tested for association to response. Discussion: Lithium is an extraordinarily important therapeutic drug in the clinical management of patients suffering from bipolar disorder. However, a significant proportion of patients, 30–40 %, fail to respond, and there is currently no method to identify the good lithium responders before initiation of treatment. Converging evidence suggests that genetic factors play a strong role in the variation of response to lithium, but only a few genes have been tested and the samples have largely been retrospective or quite small. The current study will collect an entirely unique sample of 700 patients with bipolar disorder to be stabilized on lithium monotherapy and followed for up to 2 years. This study will produce useful information to improve the understanding of the mechanism of action of lithium and will add to the development of a method to predict individual response to lithium, thereby accelerating recovery and reducing suffering and cost.publishedVersio

    Spatial Pattern of Standing Timber Value across the Brazilian Amazon

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    The Amazon is a globally important system, providing a host of ecosystem services from climate regulation to food sources. It is also home to a quarter of all global diversity. Large swathes of forest are removed each year, and many models have attempted to predict the spatial patterns of this forest loss. The spatial patterns of deforestation are determined largely by the patterns of roads that open access to frontier areas and expansion of the road network in the Amazon is largely determined by profit seeking logging activities. Here we present predictions for the spatial distribution of standing value of timber across the Amazon. We show that the patterns of timber value reflect large-scale ecological gradients, determining the spatial distribution of functional traits of trees which are, in turn, correlated with timber values. We expect that understanding the spatial patterns of timber value across the Amazon will aid predictions of logging movements and thus predictions of potential future road developments. These predictions in turn will be of great use in estimating the spatial patterns of deforestation in this globally important biome

    Properties and role of interfaces in multimaterial 3D printed composites

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    In polyjet printing photopolymer droplets are deposited on a build tray, leveled off by a roller and cured by UV light. This technique is attractive to fabricate heterogeneous architectures combining compliant and stiff constituents. Considering the layer-by-layer nature, interfaces between different photopolymers can be formed either before or after UV curing. We analyzed the properties of interfaces in 3D printed composites combining experiments with computer simulations. To investigate photopolymer blending, we characterized the mechanical properties of the so-called digital materials, obtained by mixing compliant and stiff voxels according to different volume fractions. We then used nanoindentation to measure the spatial variation in mechanical properties across bimaterial interfaces at the micrometer level. Finally, to characterize the impact of finite-size interfaces, we fabricated and tested composites having compliant and stiff layers alternating along different directions. We found that interfaces formed by deposition after curing were sharp whereas those formed before curing showed blending of the two materials over a length scale bigger than individual droplet size. We found structural and functional differences of the layered composites depending on the printing orientation and corresponding interface characteristics, which influenced deformation mechanisms. With the wide dissemination of 3D printing techniques, our results should be considered in the development of architectured materials with tailored interfaces between building blocks
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