1,228 research outputs found

    Interpretación de emociones y sensibilidad materna en madres de niños en edad preescolar

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo explorar la relación entre la sensibilidad materna y la interpretación de emociones en un grupo de madres de niños en edad preescolar. Para ello, se evaluó a 30 madres con edades entre 23 y 48 años (M=35.53, DE=7.01) de niños con edades entre 36 y 68 meses de edad (M=49.53, DE=11.37). Para cumplir con este propósito, se utilizó la adaptación del MBPQS (Posada, Moreno y Richmond, 1998 en Posada, et al. 2007) y el IFEEL Pictures (Emde, Osofsky y Butterfield, 1993), adaptada al contexto peruano por Traverso y Nóblega (2012). Los resultados muestran una relación significativa directa entre la identificación de la categoría Alegría y la sub escala Contribución a interacciones armoniosas, así como una relación inversa significativa entre la identificación de la emoción Sorpresa y la sub escala Establecimiento de límites. Además, se encuentra una relación significativa inversa entre la categoría Vergüenza/Culpa con el nivel global de sensibilidad materna y la sub escala Contribución a interacciones armoniosas. Finalmente, con respecto a los objetivos específicos, se observa que la identificación de una gama más amplia de emociones negativas presenta una relación inversa significativa con la sub escala Apoyo de base segura.The objective of this research is to explore the relationship between maternal sensitivity and the interpretation of emotions in a group of mothers of pre-school children. For this purpose, a sample of 30 mothers aged between 23 and 48 years (M=35.53, SD=7.01) of children aged between 36 and 68 months of age (M=49.53, SD=11.37) was recruited, using an adaptation of the MBPQS (Posada, Moreno and Richmond, 1998 in Posada, et al., 2007) and the IFEEL Pictures (Emde, Osofsky and Butterfield, 1993), adapted to the Peruvian context by Traverso and Nóblega (2012). The results show a significant relationship between the identification of the category Joy and the sub-scale Contribution to harmonious interactions, as well as an inverse relationship between the identification of Surprise and the sub-scale Limit setting. In addition, we observed a significant inverse relationship between the category Shame/Guilt and the overall sensitivity and the sub-scale Contribution to harmonious interactions. Finally, regarding the specific objectives, we found a significant inverse relationship between the subscale Safe base support and the identification of a wider range of negative emotions.Tesi

    Influencia de la gestión de presupuestación por resultados en la calidad de gasto y eficiencia de los productos y servicios de salud de un hospital regional de Apurímac, 2022

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    En un Hospital Regional de Apurímac, existe evidencia empírica que muestra deficiencias en la eficacia y calidad en el gasto en los productos y servicios brindados por la institución de salud, ya sea porque la población de Apurímac accede escasamente a los productos y servicios de salud y no como debería; así como por la baja calidad que presentan los mismos, o porque la presupuestación y gasto de recursos no han revertido las tendencias históricas de bajo o incorrecto desempeño de los programas implementados por la institución. E sistema de presupuestación de la institución, a la fecha esta no se ha consolidado en un instrumento de soporte de gestión institucional que pueda servir para la cobertura adecuada de la producción adecuada bienes y prestación de servicios de salud, acompañada de la mejora en los niveles de calidad de vida de los pobladores de Apurímac, causado por las debilidades o limitaciones características de este sistema de presupuestación. El presente estudio, está enmarcado en la Ley N° 28927 y contendrá la propuesta y desarrollo de los elementos mínimos necesarios de esta política de modernización presupuestal, sustentada en la Presupuestación por Resultados, evaluando su implementación en un Hospital Regional de Apurímac Las líneas de acción a implementar resultarán del análisis previo de la actual situación, incidiendo en las limitaciones y deficiencias para el logro de resultados, y la importancia de la presupuestación para la solución de estos problemas; así como la determinación si existe relación entre la gestión de presupuestación por resultados con la calidad del gasto y con la eficiencia de los productos y servicios de salud brindados por un Hospital Regional de Apurímac, a la población de la Región Apurímac

    The profit-oriented hub line location problem with elastic demand

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    This paper deals with an extension of the hub line location problem considering demand elasticity with respect to travel times. The proposed model aims to capture the impact the hub network topology has on demand. The objective is to maximize the total revenue generated by each unit of demand using the hub line. We propose mixed-integer nonlinear formulations to model this problem. We study some properties of the nonlinear objective function associated with these formulations. Due to the inherent complexity involved in solving these nonlinear formulations with state-of-the-art solvers, we also present alternative mixed-integer linear programming formulations. Computational results compare the proposed formulations and the benefits of the presented model using benchmark instances commonly used in hub location. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis study is carried out with real data from the city of Montreal, Canada, to demonstrate the added value of incorporating demand elasticity when using the proposed model for public transportation planning

    Stabilizing carbon-lithium stars

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    We have explored in silico the potential energy surfaces of the C5Linn-6 (n = 5, 6, and 7) clusters using the Gradient Embedded Genetic Algorithm (GEGA) and other computational strategies. The most stable forms of C5Li5-- and C5Li6 are two carbon chains linked by two lithium atoms in a persistent seven membered ring capped by two Li atoms. The other Li atoms are arrayed on the edge of the seven membered ring. In contrast, the global minimum structure for C5Li7+ is a bicapped star of D5h symmetry. The molecular orbital analysis and computed magnetic field data suggest that electron delocalization, as well as the saturation of the apical positions of the five-membered carbon ring with lithium atoms in C5Li7+ plays a key role in the stabilization of the carbon-lithium star. In fact, the planar star sub-structure for the carbon ring are unstable without the apical caps. This is also what has been found for the Si analogues. The split of the Bindz in its σ- and π-contribution indicates that C5Li7+ is a p-aromatic and σ-nonaromatic system

    Mitochondrial movement in Aralar/Slc25a12/AGC1 deficient cortical neurons

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    The elevated energy demands in the brain are fulfilled mainly by glucose catabolism. In highly polarized neurons, about 10–50% of mitochondria are transported along microtubules using mitochondrial-born ATP to locations with high energy requirements. In this report, we have investigated the impact of Aralar deficiency on mitochondrial transport in cultured cortical neurons. Aralar/slc25a12/AGC1 is the neuronal isoform of the aspartate-glutamate mitochondrial carrier, a component of the malate-aspartate shuttle (MAS) which plays an important role in redox balance, which is essential to maintain glycolytic pyruvate supply to neuronal mitochondria. Using live imaging microscopy we observed that the lack of Aralar does not affect the number of moving mitochondria nor the Ca2+-induced stop, the only difference being a 10% increase in mitochondrial velocity in Aralar deficient neurons. Therefore, we evaluated the possible fuels used in each case by studying the relative contribution of oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis to mitochondrial movement using specific inhibitors. We found that the ATP synthase inhibitor oligomycin caused a smaller inhibition of mitochondrial movement in Aralar-KO than control neurons, whereas the glycolysis inhibitor iodoacetate had similar effects in neurons from both genotypes. In line with these findings, the decrease in cytosolic ATP/ADP ratio caused by oligomycin was more pronounced in control than in Aralar-KO neurons, but no differences were observed with iodoacetate. Oligomycin effect was reverted by aralar re-expression in knock out cultures. As mitochondrial movement is not reduced in Aralar-KO neurons, these results suggest that these neurons may use an additional pathway for mitochondria movement and ATP/ADP ratio maintenanceThis work was supported by grants S2010/BMD-2402, and a grant from Fundación Ramón Areces to JS; SAF2014-56929-R to JS and BP; SAF2017-82560-R to BP and AdA and an institutional grant from Fundación Ramón Areces to the Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa. LC has been the recipient of a Junta de Ampliación de Estudios Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and CIBERER postdoctoral contracts. The authors declare no competing financial interest

    Responsabilidad social universitaria en Latinoamérica: Revisión sistemática: University social responsibility in Latin America: Systematic review

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    Introduction: University social responsibility is present in the discourses of academics, but it fails to permeate the actions that lead to the transformation of the university, requiring a paradigm shift. At present there are conceptual confusions that make its promotion and transformative practice very difficult, in many universities it is confused with social projection, which reduces its transversal dimension.  Objective: To analyze the scientific evidence related to university social responsibility in Latin America.  Methods: Systematic review of the literature, between the months of August to December 2021; the search for articles was carried out in the databases: Scopus, Scielo, Doaj, Lilacs and Redalyc; the use of Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS) and the combination of the Boolean operators OR and AND were applied. Full texts in Spanish between the years 2015 and 2021 were considered.  Results: 508 articles were obtained, which were submitted to the PRISMA methodology, selecting 20 articles, grouped into four categories according to the Social Responsibility Manual of the Úrsula Model: management, training, cognitive, and social participation.  Conclusions: USR is an inalienable moral commitment, it is important in university management to promote sustainable development, with ethics and respect for human rights, the participation of committed actors is necessary, considering that it currently has a welfare and reductionist approach, scarce support, socialization and implementation and there is a need to unify criteria.Introducción: La responsabilidad social universitaria está presente en los discursos de los académicos, mas no logra permear en las acciones, que conlleven a la transformación de la universidad, por lo que es necesario un cambio de paradigma. En la actualidad, existen confusiones conceptuales que hacen muy difícil su promoción y práctica transformadora; en muchas universidades, se la confunde con proyección social, lo cual reduce su dimensión transversal.  Objetivo: Analizar la evidencia científica relacionada con la responsabilidad social universitaria en Latinoamérica.  Métodos: Revisión sistemática de la literatura; entre los meses de agosto a diciembre de 2021, se realizó la búsqueda de artículos en las bases de datos: Scopus, SCielo, Doaj, Lilacs y Redalyc; se aplicó el uso de los descriptores en ciencias de la salud (DeCS) y la combinación de los operadores booleanos OR y AND. Se consideraron textos completos en español, entre los años 2015 a 2021.  Resultados: Se obtuvo 508 artículos, los cuales fueron sometidos a la metodología PRISMA y se seleccionaron 20 artículos, agrupados en cuatro categorías, según el Manual de Responsabilidad Social del Modelo Úrsula: gestión, formación, cognitivo, y participación social.  Conclusiones: La RSU es un compromiso moral irrenunciable, es importante en la gestión universitaria para promover el desarrollo sostenible, con ética y respeto de los derechos humanos, es necesario la participación de actores comprometidos y se debe considerar que, actualmente, tiene un enfoque asistencialista y reduccionista, escaso apoyo, socialización e implementación y falta unificar criterios en su conceptualización

    Essential role of aralar in the transduction of small Ca2+ signals to neuronal mitochondria

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    Aralar, the neuronal Ca2+-binding mitochondrial aspartate-glutamate carrier, has Ca2+ binding domains facing the extramitochondrial space and functions in the malate-aspartate NADH shuttle (MAS). Here we showed that MAS activity in brain mitochondria is stimulated by extramitochondrial Ca2+ with an S0.5 of 324 nM. By employing primary neuronal cultures from control and aralar-deficient mice and NAD(P)H imaging with two-photon excitation microscopy, we showed that lactate utilization involves a substantial transfer of NAD(P)H to mitochondria in control but not aralar-deficient neurons, in agreement with the lack of MAS activity associated with aralar deficiency. The increase in mitochondrial NAD(P)H was greatly potentiated by large [Ca2+]i signals both in control and aralar-deficient neurons, showing that these large signals activate the Ca2+ uniporter and mitochondrial dehydrogenases but not MAS activity. On the other hand, small [Ca2+]i signals potentiate the increase in mitochondrial NAD(P)H only in control but not in aralar-deficient neurons. We concluded that neuronal MAS activity is selectively activated by small Ca2+ signals that fall below the activation range of the Ca2+ uniporter and plays an essential role in mitochondrial Ca2+ signalingThisworkwassupportedinpartbyDireccio´nGeneraldeInvestigacio´ndelMinisterio deCienciayTecnologı´aGrantBMC2002-02072,ComunidaddeMadridGrant08.5/ 0024/2003,FondodeInvestigacionesSanitariasdelMinisteriodeSanidadyConsumo 01/0395(toJ.S.),aninstitutionalgrant fromtheFundacio´nRamo´nArecestothe CentrodeBiologı´aMolecular ‘SeveroOchoa,‘ andbyaGrant-in-aidforScientific Research16390100fromtheJapanSocietyforthePromotionofScience(toK.K.).The costsofpublicationof thisarticleweredefrayedinpartbythepaymentofpage charges.Thisarticlemustthereforebeherebymarked“advertisement”inaccordance with18U.S.C.Section1734solelytoindicatethisfac

    The thyroid hormone receptors inhibit hepatic interleukin-6 signaling during endotoxemia

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    Decreased thyroidal hormone production is found during lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced endotoxic shock in animals as well as in critically ill patients. Here we studied the role of the thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) in activation of STAT3, NF-ΰ B and ERK, which play a key role in the response to inflammatory cytokines during sepsis. TR knockout mice showed down-regulation of hepatic inflammatory mediators, including interleukin 6 (IL-6) in response to LPS. Paradoxically, STAT3 and ERK activity were higher, suggesting that TRs could act as endogenous repressors of these pathways. Furthermore, hyperthyroidism increased cytokine production and mortality in response to LPS, despite decreasing hepatic STAT3 and ERK activity. This suggested that TRs could directly repress the response of the cells to inflammatory mediators. Indeed, we found that the thyroid hormone T3 suppresses IL-6 signalling in macrophages and hepatocarcinoma cells, inhibiting STAT3 activation. Consequently, the hormone strongly antagonizes IL-6-stimulated gene transcription, reducing STAT3 recruitment and histone acetylation at IL-6 target promoters. In conclusion, TRs are potent regulators of inflammatory responses and immune homeostasis during sepsis. Reduced responses to IL-6 should serve as a negative feedback mechanism for preventing deleterious effects of excessive hormone signaling during infections.This work was supported by Grants: BFU2011-28058, BFU2014-53610P and SAF2015-71878-REDT from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; S2011/BMD-2328 from the Comunidad de Madrid and RD12/0036/0030 from the Instituto de Salud Carlos II

    Genetic characterization of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) orchards and traditional nut varieties in El Bierzo, a glacial refuge and major cultivation site in Northwestern Spain

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    This paper presents a detailed genetic study of Castanea sativa in El Bierzo, a major nut production region with interesting features. It is located within a glacial refuge at one extreme of the distribution area (northwest Spain); it has a centenary tradition of chestnut management; and more importantly, it shows an unusual degree of genetic isolation. Seven nuclear microsatellite markers were selected to analyze the genetic variability and structure of 169 local trees grafted for nut production. We analyzed in the same manner 62 local nuts. The selected loci were highly discriminant for the genotypes studied, giving a combined probability of identity of 6.1 × 10−6. An unprecedented density of trees was sampled for this project over the entire region, and nuts were collected representing 18 cultivars marketed by local producers. Several instances of misclassification by local growers were detected. Fixation index estimates and analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) data are supportive of an unexpectedly high level of genetic differentiation in El Bierzo, larger than that estimated in a previous study with broader geographical scope but based on limited local sampling (Pereira-Lorenzo et al., Tree Genet Genomes 6: 701–715, 2010a). Likewise, we have determined that clonality due to grafting had been previously overestimated. In line with these observations, no significant spatial structure was found using both a model-based Bayesian procedure and Mantel’s tests. Taken together, our results evidence the need for more fine-scale genetic studies if conservation strategies are to be efficiently improved