309 research outputs found

    Reliability and validity study of the Spanish adaptation of the 'Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale' (SCLS)

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    The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) recommends the use of new educational methodologies and the evaluation of student satisfaction. Different instruments have been developed in Spain to evaluate different aspects such as clinical decisions and teamwork, however no instruments have been found that specifically evaluate student self-confidence and satisfaction during clinical simulation. The aim was to translate the Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale (SCLS) questionnaire into Spanish and analyse its reliability and validity and understand the level of satisfaction and self-confidence of nursing students with respect to learning in clinical simulations. The study was carried out in two phases: (1) adaptation of the questionnaire into Spanish. (2) Cross-sectional study in a sample of 489 nursing students. The reliability and exploratory and confirmatory factorial analyses were performed. To analyse the relationship of the scale scores with the sociodemographic variables, the Fisher Student T-test or the ANOVA was used. The scale demonstrated high internal consistency reliability for the total scale and each of its dimensions. Cronbach's alpha was 0.88 (0.83 to 0.81) for each of the dimensions. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis showed that both the one-dimensional and two-dimensional models were acceptable. The results showed average scores above 4 for both dimensions. The SCLS-Spanish translation demonstrated evidence of its validity and reliability for use to understand the level of satisfaction and self-confidence of nursing students in clinical simulation. Clinical simulations help students to increase their levels of confidence and satisfaction, enabling them to face real scenarios in clinical practice

    Reliability and validity study of the Spanish adaptation of the "Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale" (SCLS)

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    The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) recommends the use of new educational methodologies and the evaluation of student satisfaction. Different instruments have been developed in Spain to evaluate different aspects such as clinical decisions and teamwork, however no instruments have been found that specifically evaluate student self-confidence and satisfaction during clinical simulation. The aim was to translate the Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale (SCLS) questionnaire into Spanish and analyse its reliability and validity and understand the level of satisfaction and self-confidence of nursing students with respect to learning in clinical simulations. The study was carried out in two phases: (1) adaptation of the questionnaire into Spanish. (2) Cross-sectional study in a sample of 489 nursing students. The reliability and exploratory and confirmatory factorial analyses were performed. To analyse the relationship of the scale scores with the socio-demographic variables, the Fisher Student T-test or the ANOVA was used. The scale demonstrated high internal consistency reliability for the total scale and each of its dimensions. Cronbach's alpha was 0.88 (0.83 to 0.81) for each of the dimensions. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis showed that both the one-dimensional and two-dimensional models were acceptable. The results showed average scores above 4 for both dimensions. The SCLS-Spanish translation demonstrated evidence of its validity and reliability for use to understand the level of satisfaction and self-confidence of nursing students in clinical simulation. Clinical simulations help students to increase their levels of confidence and satisfaction, enabling them to face real scenarios in clinical practice

    Design and Validation of a Questionnaire to Measure the Perception of Nursing Degree Students about the Learning Process in Primary Care

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    The aim of this study was to develop a tool for the evaluation of the learning process of the clinical practicum in primary care. The study was carried out in two phases: (1) identification of the categories that determine the perception of the nursing degree students about the learning process in the clinical practicum in primary care and the items for each category; and (2) cross-sectional study in a sample of 475 nursing degree students. The psychometric properties in terms of reliability (internal consistency) and construct validity were analyzed through a confirmatory factor analysis. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of internal consistency for the entire questionnaire was 0.93, and that for each of the categories was above 0.70 in all cases. The chi-squared test was statistically significant (2.84; p < 0.001). The confirmatory factor analysis produced a model of 6 dimensions and 41 items. The parameters were estimated through the least squares method. All saturations were statistically significant (p < 0.05). In view of the results of this study, it can be asserted that the questionnaire to measure the perception of the nursing degree students about the learning process in the community clinical practicum (QPCLP) presents good properties in terms of internal consistency and validity

    Reliability and validity study of the Spanish adaptation of the "Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire" (W-DEQ-A)

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    The Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire (W-DEQ-A) is an instrument that evaluates fear of childbirth through the expectations of women in relation to childbirth and their experience during the birth. The objective of this study was to translate the W-DEQ-A into Spanish and analyse its reliability and validity. The study was carried out in two phases: (1) adapting the questionnaire to Spanish and (2) a transversal study in a sample of 273 pregnant women in the Sexual and Reproductive Health centres in the Metropolitan Northern Barcelona in Catalonia (Spain). The psychometric properties were analysed in terms of reliability and construct validity. The confirmatory factorial analysis did not confirm the unidimensionality of the original structure of the WDEQ-A, as happened with the other studies in which it has previously been validated. The result of the exploratory factorial analysis suggests four factors, or dimensions, very similar but not identical to those obtained in other analysis studies of the W-DEQ-A. The Cronbach alpha and the omega scale were also adequate for all the scales and for each of the dimensions. The results of this study confirm the findings of other studies that suggest that the W-DEQ-A is multi-dimensional. In the Spanish version of the W-DEQ-A four dimensions have been identified to explore fear of childbirth in pregnant women. The Spanish version of the WDEQ-A (WDEQ-A-Sp) is reliable and valid for the measurement of fear of childbirth in clinical practice and for use in future research

    Reliability and validity study of the Spanish adaptation of the “Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire” (W-DEQ-A)

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    The Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire (W-DEQ-A) is an instrument that evaluates fear of childbirth through the expectations of women in relation to childbirth and their experience during the birth. The objective of this study was to translate the W-DEQ-A into Spanish and analyse its reliability and validity. The study was carried out in two phases: (1) adapting the questionnaire to Spanish and (2) a transversal study in a sample of 273 pregnant women in the Sexual and Reproductive Health centres in the Metropolitan Northern Barcelona in Catalonia (Spain). The psychometric properties were analysed in terms of reliability and construct validity. The confirmatory factorial analysis did not confirm the unidimensionality of the original structure of the WDEQ-A, as happened with the other studies in which it has previously been validated. The result of the exploratory factorial analysis suggests four factors, or dimensions, very similar but not identical to those obtained in other analysis studies of the W-DEQ-A. The Cronbach alpha and the omega scale were also adequate for all the scales and for each of the dimensions. The results of this study confirm the findings of other studies that suggest that the W-DEQ-A is multi-dimensional. In the Spanish version of the W-DEQ-A four dimensions have been identified to explore fear of childbirth in pregnant women. The Spanish version of the WDEQ-A (WDEQ-A-Sp) is reliable and valid for the measurement of fear of childbirth in clinical practice and for use in future research

    Validity and reliability of the Spanish version of the “Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire” (W-DEQ-B)

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    The Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire (W-DEQ-B) is an instrument that allows the experiences around fear of childbirth to be examined after the birth. It is currently the most widely used to measure different aspects related to the fear of childbirth and enables healthcare and additional assistance to women after birth to be adapted according to their needs. The objective of this study was to translate the W-DEQ-B into Spanish and analyse its reliability and validity. The study was carried out in two phases: (1) transcultural adaption of the questionnaire to Spanish and (2) a transversal study in a sample of 190 postpartum women from Sexual and Reproductive Health Clinics in the province of Barcelona (Spain). The psychometric properties were examined in terms of reliability (internal consistency and temporal stability) and construct validity (confirmatory factorial analysis [CFA] and exploratory factorial analysis [EFA]). The results of the CFA did not confirm unidimensionality of the W-DEQ-B questionnaire. The EFA suggested four very similar, but not identical, dimensions to those obtained in other studies in which the W-DEQ-B has been evaluated. Both the Cronbach's alpha and the omega coefficient were adequate for the total questionnaire and for each of the four dimensions. The results of this study confirm that the W-DEQ-B is multi-dimensional. In the Spanish version of the W-DEQ-B-Sp four dimensions have been identified that allow the experiences around fear of childbirth to be examined after the birth. The Spanish version of the WDEQ-B (WDEQ-B-Sp) is reliable and valid for the measurement of fear of childbirth in clinical practice and for use in future research

    Are Strength Indicators and Skin Temperature Affected by the Type of Warm-Up in Paralympic Powerlifting Athletes?

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    (1) Background: the present study aimed to evaluate the effect of different types of warm-ups on the strength and skin temperature of Paralympic powerlifting athletes. (2) Methods: the participants were 15 male Paralympic powerlifting athletes. The effects of three different types of warm-up (without warm-up (WW), traditional warm-up (TW), or stretching warm-up (SW)) were analyzed on static and dynamic strength tests as well as in the skin temperature, which was monitored by thermal imaging. (3) Results: no differences in the dynamic and static indicators of the force were shown in relation to the different types of warm-ups. No significant differences were found in relation to peak torque (p = 0.055, F = 4.560, η2p = 0.246 medium effect), and one-repetition maximum (p = 0.139, F = 3.191, η2p = 0.186, medium effect) between the different types of warm-ups. In the thermographic analysis, there was a significant difference only in the pectoral muscle clavicular portion between the TW (33.04 ± 0.71 °C) and the WW (32.51 ± 0.74 °C) (p = 0.038). The TW method also presented slightly higher values than the SW and WW in the pectoral muscles sternal portion and the deltoid anterior portion, but with p-value > 0.05. (4) Conclusions: the types of warm-ups studied do not seem to interfere with the performance of Paralympic Powerlifting athletes. However, the thermal images showed that traditional warm-up best meets the objectives expected for this preparation phase.post-print1305 K

    Mecanismos de colaboración público - privada a través de entidades de la economía social

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    Los contratos públicos desempeñan una función esencial en las economías de los Estados miembros. El Parlamento Europeo cuantifica el volumen de contratación pública para la realización de obras y la prestación de servicios en 2.448 millones de euros, lo que convierte a este tipo de contratación en uno de los principales vectores de crecimiento económico, creación de empleo e innovación. En este contexto, las alianzas público-privadas se han desarrollado tradicionalmente con sociedades de capital cuyo principal objetivo es el ánimo de lucro repartible entre los socios. Alternativamente, en esta Guía se pretende reivindicar la incorporación de las cooperativas y de otras entidades de ES a este tipo de alianzas. En España se promueve la colaboración público-cooperativa tanto en la legislación estatal como en la Estrategia Española de la ES. Así, la Ley 27/1999 de Cooperativas reconoce como tarea de interés general la promoción, estímulo y desarrollo de las sociedades cooperativas y de sus estructuras de integración económica y representativa, en los términos establecidos por el art. 108. Por ello, la Disposición Adicional 11 de la citada Ley reconoce que el Ministerio competente en la materia elabora y lleva a cabo Programas anuales para el impulso, promoción y fomento del cooperativismo. En la misma línea, la Ley 5/2011 de 29 de marzo de ES (ES) reconoce la importancia de las empresas de este ámbito económico, así como la necesidad de su promoción en atención a sus fines y principios. Sin embargo, en la práctica se detectan ciertas rigideces en la materialización de este apoyo a través de colaboraciones público-cooperativas en forma de contratación pública. Esta ausencia es particularmente destacable en la medida en que los fines perseguidos por las entidades de ES y por las administraciones públicas se encuentran íntimamente vinculados y alineados, un ajuste que cobra mayor relevancia y pertinencia bajo la consideración del marco de objetivos delimitado por la Agenda 2030, conocidos como Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). Las organizaciones de ES pretenden diseñar acciones dirigidas a atender las necesidades de las personas, el fin social, y de los miembros integrantes de la organización (sea ésta una administración pública, una cooperativa u otras entidades de la ES). Esto coincide con el espíritu que subyace a los ODS, que persigue superar el modelo económico imperante para priorizar la atención a las necesidades de las personas sobre otros objetivos de carácter financiero. Por tanto, con este proyecto se pretende explorar diferentes alternativas que permitan viabilizar y fomentar el desarrollo de alianzas público-cooperativas como mecanismo de fomento de las entidades de ES. Además, habida cuenta de que estas organizaciones han probado una mayor resiliencia en situaciones de grave crisis económica, este objetivo es particularmente importante en el contexto actual, en que se espera una crisis derivada de la situación de emergencia sanitaria de dimensiones tan desproporcionadas como desconocidas. Este trabajo se inscribe en un contexto general de demanda hacia el desarrollo de un nuevo paradigma económico que combine crecimiento económico y sostenibilidad, particularmente dirigido a la priorización de criterios sociales que permitan la atención de necesidades y la satisfacción de expectativas de personas y entornos. Esto es particularmente importante en el contexto actual de emergencia sanitaria y crisis económica, por cuanto las empresas de la ES han probado ser particularmente resilientes a las adversidades económicas. De igual forma, los retos que el Estado abordará a corto plazo, y a los que pretenderá responder con intervenciones públicas, determina la necesidad de general conocimiento multidisciplinar que permita mejora la calidad de las decisiones que se tomen, su idoneidad, eficacia y eficiencia. Lo cierto es que hasta fechas muy recientes nadie se había centrado en el análisis de las posibilidades de desarrollar alianzas estratégicas público-privadas con entidades de la economía social. En estos momentos el legislador español y especialmente el europeo, son conscientes de que las entidades de la economía social son el motor de cambio del modelo económico en la medida en que sus intereses se alinean con los intereses de las administraciones públicas, de mejor manera que las sociedades capitalistas con las que se han formalizado, tradicionalmente estas alianzas.Investigación financiada a través de la Línea nominativa: Laboratorio de Transformación Social ODS de Colaboración Público-Privada, Consellería d’Economia, Sostenible, Sectors Productius, Comerç i Treball ESNOMI/2022/22/46.La publicación es parte del Proyecto TED2021-129787B-I00, financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por la Unión Europea “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR, denominado COMUNIDADES DE AUTOCONSUMO CLAVE EN LA TRANSICION ENERGETICA y cuya IP es Mª José Vañó Vañó.Public procurement plays an essential role in the economies of the Member States. The European Parliament quantifies the volume of public procurement for works and services at 2,448 billion euros, making this type of procurement one of the main drivers of economic growth, job creation and innovation. In this context, public-private partnerships have traditionally been developed with capital companies whose main objective is the profit motive to be shared among the partners. Alternatively, this Guide intends to claim the incorporation of cooperatives and other HE entities to this type of alliances. In Spain, public-cooperative collaboration is promoted both in state legislation and in the Spanish Strategy for the SE. Thus, Law 27/1999 on Cooperatives recognizes as a task of general interest the promotion, encouragement and development of cooperative societies and their structures of economic and representative integration, in the terms established by Article 108. Along the same lines, Law 5/2011 of March 29 of ES (ES) recognizes the importance of companies in this economic sphere, as well as the need to promote them in accordance with their purposes and principles. However, in practice, certain rigidities are detected in the materialization of this support through public-cooperative collaborations in the form of public procurement. This absence is particularly noteworthy insofar as the aims pursued by HE entities and by public administrations are closely linked and aligned, an adjustment that becomes more relevant and pertinent under the consideration of the framework of objectives delimited by the 2030 Agenda, known as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). HE organizations aim to design actions aimed at addressing the needs of people, the social purpose, and the constituent members of the organization (be it a public administration, a cooperative or other HE entities). This coincides with the spirit underlying the SDGs, which seeks to overcome the prevailing economic model to prioritize attention to people's needs over other financial objectives. Therefore, this project aims to explore different alternatives to make viable and promote the development of public-cooperative alliances as a mechanism to promote HE entities. Moreover, given that these organizations have proven to be more resilient in situations of severe economic crisis, this objective is particularly important in the current context, in which a crisis is expected as a result of the health emergency of such disproportionate and unknown dimensions. This work is part of a general context of demand towards the development of a new economic paradigm that combines economic growth and sustainability, particularly aimed at the prioritization of social criteria that allow the attention of needs and the satisfaction of expectations of people and environments. This is particularly important in the current context of health emergency and economic crisis, as HE companies have proven to be particularly resilient to economic adversities. Similarly, the challenges that the State will address in the short term, and to which it will seek to respond with public interventions, determine the need for general multidisciplinary knowledge that will make it possible to improve the quality of the decisions taken, their appropriateness, effectiveness and efficiency. The truth is that until very recently no one had focused on analyzing the possibilities of developing strategic public-private alliances with social economy entities. At present, Spanish and especially European legislators are aware that social economy entities are the driving force for change in the economic model to the extent that their interests are better aligned with the interests of public administrations than those of the capitalist companies with which these associations have traditionally been formalized

    Laboratorio en abierto: aPrendiendo a CopiaR el ADN

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    El objetivo principal del proyecto es la puesta a punto de recursos educativos en abierto (REA) dirigidos a los alumnos de secundaria. El punto de partida será plantear diferentes retos y situaciones que se pueden resolver utilizando distintos recursos científicos, para decidir qué recurso es el más adecuado y cómo se aplica. En esta propuesta la resolución de los problemas planteados estaría basada en la aplicación de una herramienta que ha revolucionado la genética y biología, la reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa, conocida como PCR

    Running title: Non-toxic broad anti-tumor activity of an EGFR×4-1BB bispecific trimerbod

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    32 p.-4 fig.Purpose: The induction of 4-1BB signaling by agonistic antibodies can drive the activation and proliferation of effector T cells and thereby enhance a T-cell–mediated antitumor response. Systemic administration of anti-4-1BB–agonistic IgGs, although effective preclinically, has not advanced in clinical development due to their severe hepatotoxicity.Experimental Design: Here, we generated a humanized EGFR-specific 4-1BB-agonistic trimerbody, which replaces the IgG Fc region with a human collagen homotrimerization domain. It was characterized by structural analysis and in vitro functional studies. We also assessed pharmacokinetics, antitumor efficacy, and toxicity in vivo.Results: In the presence of a T-cell receptor signal, the trimerbody provided potent T-cell costimulation that was strictly dependent on 4-1BB hyperclustering at the point of contact with a tumor antigen-displaying cell surface. It exhibits significant antitumor activity in vivo, without hepatotoxicity, in a wide range of human tumors including colorectal and breast cancer cell-derived xenografts, and non–small cell lung cancer patient-derived xenografts associated with increased tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cells. The combination of the trimerbody with a PD-L1 blocker led to increased IFNγ secretion in vitro and resulted in tumor regression in humanized mice bearing aggressive triple-negative breast cancer.Conclusions: These results demonstrate the nontoxic broad antitumor activity of humanized Fc-free tumor-specific 4-1BB-agonistic trimerbodies and their synergy with checkpoint blockers, which may provide a way to elicit responses in most patients with cancer while avoiding Fc-mediated adverse reactions.This work was supported by grants from the European Union [IACT Project (602262), H2020-iNEXT (1676)]; the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SAF2017-89437-P, CTQ2017-83810-R, RTC-2016-5118-1, RTC-2017-5944-1), partially supported by the European Regional Development Fund; the Carlos III Health Institute (PI16/00357), co-founded by the Plan Nacional de Investigación and the European Union; the CRIS Cancer Foundation (FCRIS-IFI-2018); and the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC, 19084). C. Domínguez-Alonso was supported by a predoctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (PRE2018-083445). M. Zonca was supported by the Torres Quevedo Program from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, co-founded by the European Social Fund (PTQ-16-08340).Peer reviewe