873 research outputs found

    Application of electronic techniques in the evaluation of picture quality.

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston UniversityA study was previously made by Dr. Duncan E. Macdonald and his group at the Optical Research Laboratory of Boston University. This study dealt with the determination of photographic image quality by edge analysis, where an edge here was defined as B greater than or equal to ten percent occurring between a successive trough and peak of a micro-densitometer trace across the photograph. ∆ B is defined as the brightness change across the edge and B is the minimum absolute brightness where this change took place. This thesis is a further study into the work done by Dr. Macdonald. The analysis of his data was done from direct measurements of the paper recorded micro-densitometer traces, but in this study it was proposed that the same or similar data could be recorded automatically using electronic equipment. This thesis presupposes no quantitative definition of an edge, but suggests that with further work a quantitative definition of an edge may be determined. An edge is simply defined as the boundary which separates a picture element from its surroundings on a photograph so that the object is discernible to the eye. We assume that the quality of the picture is a function of its edges and that the edge can be described by two variables; 1) the slope or rate of change of brightness across the edge, and 2) the relative brightness difference across the edge. The equipment used was designed to measure the magnitude of the relative slope, and count the number of slopes of given magnitude in a unidirectional scan across the photograph. Other equipment was designed to measure the magnitude of the reflectivity difference across the edge and count the number of occurences for a given magnitude per linescan. An edge is defined electronically as the change in reflectivity from black to white of a uni-directional scan between any two points where the derivative of this linescan waveform is zero. In this definition no notice is taken as to whether an observer can detect the edge. Five aerial photographs were used in this study graded by impartial observers. Three of the photos are aerial photographs of trees graded as (A) unus~ble, (B) just usuable, (C) excellent. The other two pictures are aerial photos of the Boston suburban area graded as (P) unusable and (G) excellent. These photographs were mounted on a rotating drum which can be adjusted so that any part of the drum can be scanned. The drum was illuminated from a suitable light source. The target is imaged on a pinhole through an optical system. Behind the pinhole is a photo-multiplier tube. The output of the photo-tube serves as the input to a D.C. amplifier. The output of the amplifier is then a voltage scan of a line on the target. To work with the derivative of this waveform the voltage function is then differentiated and level selected. All derivatives above the level selected are counted on an electronic counter. By varying the level selector from zero to maximum level all derivatives are counted and magnitudes recorded. To get the reflectivity difference across an edge a circuit is used which allows an output of the linescan signal to appear only when the derivative is positive. Thus the reflectivity difference across an edge appears relative to a common base line irrespective of what background reflectivity the edge occurred. This in turn was electronically level selected and counted in the same manner as was the derivative. The data consisted of between 1, 500 and 2, 000 counts for every curve drawn. This data was reworked and presented in graphical form, as shown in figures XVII through XX, as cumulative frequency of counts plotted against the magnitude of the relative derivative of the edge in one case and the magnitude of relative reflectivity across an edge in the other. These curves show quite clearly that a difference exists between the good and poor pictures. The excellent photos have slopes that are much greater than the just usuable or unusable pictures. The higher magnitude slopes seem to indicate the quality of the photograph, the lower value slopes being fairly uniform throughout. Similarly the higher reflectivity across an edge appears on the best quality photographs with commensurate degrading for poorer quality pictures. With the knowledge that the edge criterion chosen can lead to objective results for picture quality, it would be interesting to carry on this work in experimentally determining a definition for the threshold photographic edge. This threshold edge is defined as the minimum observable boundary permitting a picture element to be seen in a photograph by a human observer. This could be done by using a large sample from photo-interpreters and the apparatus already perfected for this thesis

    Keep Away From Mouth: How The American System Of Food Regulation Is Killing Us

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    Keep Away From Mouth: How The American System Of Food Regulation Is Killing Us

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    Enhancing Self Efficacy in the Hispanic High School Biology Student: Getting Students to Believe in Their Ability to Master Science Curriculum

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    Many high school Hispanic students display passivity and a lack of confidence with regards to their abilities to master science curriculum, setting them up for failure with both current course grades and future success in a healthcare field. The purpose of this study is to determine more effective techniques a high school biology teacher could use to eliminate passivity and establish self confidence in Hispanic student\u27s abilities to master science curriculum. Literature overwhelmingly suggests that incorporating Hispanic culture into the science curriculum and having more cooperative learning activities in class will help to improve the confidence of Hispanic students. Experimental data gathered during this study has indicated that students become most confident in an area when they are learning in a learning environment where they are working with peers and getting a lot of teacher support


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    Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan bagaimana seluruh aspek dari kehidupan sosial Toni saling berkaitan dan membentuk cara pikirnya terhadap maskulinitas dan gender rules. Terjadinya perceraian menyebabkan salah satu peran orang tua hilang, yaitu peran ayah. Jika peran ayah tidak ada, maka agen sosialisasi anak tersebut akan berkurang, sehingga ada nilai yang tidak diajarkan terutama berkaitan dengan nilai-nilai mengenai menjadi seorang laki-laki. Skripsi ini selain bertujuan selain untuk menjelaskan proses pembentukan pemahaman maskulinitas Toni, anak yang berasal dari keluarga bercerai dan tinggal dengan ibunya, juga untuk mengetahui bagaimana pemahaman terhadap sebuah status gender sebagai laki-laki maskulin mempengaruhi cara pandang Toni terhadap kesetaraan dan keseimbangan aturan gender. Studi life history ini menyoroti kisah Toni dengan analisis kualitatif menggunakan teori Social Construction dari Berger & Luckmann (2011) dan Social Learning dari Lev Vygotsky (1978). Ketiadaan peran seorang ayah, meningkatkan intensitas peran dari agen sosialisasi yang lain dalam membentuk persepsi seseorang. Sosok ayah yang tidak ada di dalam keluarga dikarenakan kegagalan ayah dalam menjalankan perannya, malah menjadi sumber utama Toni untuk belajar mengenai peran dan aturan gender. Ibu, sebagai agen sosialisasi pertama berperan bersama dengan sekolah sebagai lingkungan sosial dan agen sosialisasi sekunder membentuk persepsi Toni berkaitan dengan keseimbangan dan kesetaraan peran dan aturan gender

    Efektivitas Pembelajaran Daring Pada Materi Hukum Hooke Menggunakan LMS berbasis Edmodo

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of online learning on hooke law material using edmodo-based lms, the method used is to analyze the questionnaire given to respondents via google form, the subject of this study is class XI SMA N 1 Lahat, this research divides 3 topics. In the survey, the use of Edmodo in terms of the aspect of ease, the use of Edmodo in terms of the aspect of language structure and use of Edmodo in terms of the aspect of presentation. Based on the survey results from the aspect of convenience in Figure 4, the data obtained respectively 3,867 - 3,8 - 3,73. Which means that it has an average in the good category. Next, the survey results from the aspect of language structure in Figure 5, respectively, obtained data from 3.8 to 3.93 - 3.73, which means that it has an average in the good category. And the survey results from the presentation aspect in Figure 6 respectively obtained data 3,867 - 3,867 - 3,93 which means that it has an average in the good category. Of the three types of surveys that have been conducted, it can be categorized that the results of this study are good, so it can be said that this research is able to increase the effectiveness of learning and is suitable for use in the learning process.Keywords: LMS, Effectiveness of Learning Physics, Edmodo


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    Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan bagaimana seluruh aspek dari kehidupan sosial Toni saling berkaitan dan membentuk cara pikirnya terhadap maskulinitas dan gender rules. Terjadinya perceraian menyebabkan salah satu peran orang tua hilang, yaitu peran ayah. Jika peran ayah tidak ada, maka agen sosialisasi anak tersebut akan berkurang, sehingga ada nilai yang tidak diajarkan terutama berkaitan dengan nilai-nilai mengenai menjadi seorang laki-laki. Skripsi ini selain bertujuan selain untuk menjelaskan proses pembentukan pemahaman maskulinitas Toni, anak yang berasal dari keluarga bercerai dan tinggal dengan ibunya, juga untuk mengetahui bagaimana pemahaman terhadap sebuah status gender sebagai laki-laki maskulin mempengaruhi cara pandang Toni terhadap kesetaraan dan keseimbangan aturan gender. Studi life history ini menyoroti kisah Toni dengan analisis kualitatif menggunakan teori Social Construction dari Berger & Luckmann (2011) dan Social Learning dari Lev Vygotsky (1978). Ketiadaan peran seorang ayah, meningkatkan intensitas peran dari agen sosialisasi yang lain dalam membentuk persepsi seseorang. Sosok ayah yang tidak ada di dalam keluarga dikarenakan kegagalan ayah dalam menjalankan perannya, malah menjadi sumber utama Toni untuk belajar mengenai peran dan aturan gender. Ibu, sebagai agen sosialisasi pertama berperan bersama dengan sekolah sebagai lingkungan sosial dan agen sosialisasi sekunder membentuk persepsi Toni berkaitan dengan keseimbangan dan kesetaraan peran dan aturan gender


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    Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan bagaimana seluruh aspek dari kehidupan sosial Toni saling berkaitan dan membentuk cara pikirnya terhadap maskulinitas dan gender rules. Terjadinya perceraian menyebabkan salah satu peran orang tua hilang, yaitu peran ayah. Jika peran ayah tidak ada, maka agen sosialisasi anak tersebut akan berkurang, sehingga ada nilai yang tidak diajarkan terutama berkaitan dengan nilai-nilai mengenai menjadi seorang laki-laki. Skripsi ini selain bertujuan selain untuk menjelaskan proses pembentukan pemahaman maskulinitas Toni, anak yang berasal dari keluarga bercerai dan tinggal dengan ibunya, juga untuk mengetahui bagaimana pemahaman terhadap sebuah status gender sebagai laki-laki maskulin mempengaruhi cara pandang Toni terhadap kesetaraan dan keseimbangan aturan gender. Studi life history ini menyoroti kisah Toni dengan analisis kualitatif menggunakan teori Social Construction dari Berger & Luckmann (2011) dan Social Learning dari Lev Vygotsky (1978). Ketiadaan peran seorang ayah, meningkatkan intensitas peran dari agen sosialisasi yang lain dalam membentuk persepsi seseorang. Sosok ayah yang tidak ada di dalam keluarga dikarenakan kegagalan ayah dalam menjalankan perannya, malah menjadi sumber utama Toni untuk belajar mengenai peran dan aturan gender. Ibu, sebagai agen sosialisasi pertama berperan bersama dengan sekolah sebagai lingkungan sosial dan agen sosialisasi sekunder membentuk persepsi Toni berkaitan dengan keseimbangan dan kesetaraan peran dan aturan gender

    A Media Manager Responsibilities and Duties: A Synopsis

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    A manager is person of managing the capacities as per the span of manger. Media manager is the for the development and managing the communication forces through defining the boundary of particularization , this study is based on the secondary sources that relates with published articles and books. The objective of the study is to particularize the responsibilities and duties of media manager. It has been raveled on the basis of the the observatory information there found some mentionable points that a media manager always drives to implement the communication efforts. The duties and responsibilities of the media are comprehensively describes the area of main focusing of media manager. Keywords: Media, Manager, Communication, Duties and Responsibilitie

    Pengembangan Perangkat Praktikum Penentuan Percepatan Gravitasi Bumi Menggunakan Pegas Berbasis Arduino-Linx-Labview

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui validitas dan respon mahasiswa terhadap pengembangkan perangkat (alat dan panduan) praktikum fisika menggunakan pegas berbasis sensor ultrasonik dengan aplikasi Arduino dan Labview untuk menentukan nilai percepatan gravitasi bumi (g). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (Research and Development) dengan Model pengembangan ADDIE terdiri dari lima tahapan yaitu Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation dan Evaluation. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif, yakni dengan cara menghitung persentase nilai hasil validasi serta respon mahasiswa dengan menggunakan instrumen angket. Hasil validasi ahli alat sebesar 86,11% kategori sangat layak digunakan dan hasil validasi media sebesar 86,11% kategori sangat layak digunakan. Hasil angket respon mahasiswa terhadap pengembangan perangkat praktikum didapatkan sebesar 88,47% kategori sangat layak digunakan. Sehingga perangkat (alat dan panduan) praktikum dapat digunakan untuk mendukung pembelajaran fisika