222 research outputs found

    Mindset, Stereotype Threat, and the Fear of Failure: Why Female Students Leave a Secondary High Honors Mathematics Pathway

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    The disproportionate attrition of female students in STEM is well documented in higher education but less well understood at the secondary level. In a large, public high school in an affluent, highly educated city, the high honors mathematics pathway is the only math pathway that has not yet achieved gender parity, an implication for future educational and economic equity. Female students leave this pathway at significantly higher rates than male students, especially during and immediately after the first course. Through an explanatory, mixed methods approach, this study found that these female students are not less well prepared than their male peers but they instead use psychological factors to justify their decision to leave—factors related to mindset, stereotype threat, and a fear of failure. These factors include extremely high academic expectations, low self-confidence, increased stress, perfectionist tendencies, outside pressure, and a low intrinsic interest in mathematics-related fields. These results and findings inform recommendations for practice and future research

    Implementierung von Reglern und Steuerelementen für ein Android-basiertes E-Learning-Spiel für Smartphones

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    E-Learning spielt in der Bildung eine immer wichtigere Rolle und ermöglicht es Inhalte spielerisch und schnell zu erfassen. Aus diesem Grund wird in dieser Arbeit ein Spiel auf Basis des mobilen Betriebssystems Android konzipiert und implementiert, mit dem die Inhalte der Vorlesungen des Instituts für Systemtheorie und Regelungstechnik verdeutlicht werden sollen. Inhaltlich wurde das Thema in zwei Studienarbeiten aufgeteilt. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit liegt auf der Umsetzung der regelungstechnischen Modelle. Nach einer kurzen Einleitung wird in dieser Arbeit ein Überblick über die notwendigen Grundlagen der Regelungstechnik und dem Betriebssystem Android gegeben. Anschließend werden neben den verschiedenen Reglerentwurfsverfahren die genutzten Konzepte und Entwurfsverfahren der Softwaretechnik vorgestellt. Im anschließenden Implementierungskapitel wird vor allem auf die konkrete Implementierung der Regler und deren mathematischen Herleitungen im Detail eingegangen. Des Weiteren werden die Implementierungen der Sensorsteuerung, der Anwendungsstruktur und der Diagramme beschrieben


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    This dissertation describes advances in the development of peptide-based methods for assembling nanomaterials. The aim of my work is four-fold: 1) develop methods to rationally tune the metrics of gold nanoparticle superstructures; 2) develop approaches to post-synthetically modify and stabilize gold nanoparticle superstructures; 3) develop an understanding of the underlying peptide assembly scaffold and how it dictates the final nanoparticle assembly architecture; and 4) develop new hybrid materials with peptide conjugate molecules having programmable R-groups. Specifically, in Chapter 2 I describe methods to tune the assembly of double-helical gold nanoparticle superstructures by modulating the sterics and hydrophobicity of a family of new peptide conjugate molecules. I show that I can tune the assembly metrics of doubles helices including pitch, nanoparticle size, and interhelical distance. Chapter 3 describes the construction of single-helical gold nanoparticle superstructures that exhibit intense chiroptical activity. I examine their underlying peptide assembly structure and arrive at a molecular-level understanding of their assembly and how it relates to the chiral nanoparticle superstructure. In Chapter 4, I demonstrate a straightforward approach to rationally tune the metrics of hollow spherical gold nanoparticle superstructures including nanoparticle coverage density and sphere diameters. I further demonstrate that their assembly can be stabilized post-synthetically via ligand exchange. Finally, in Chapter 5 I design new peptide conjugate building blocks composed of peptides and oligonucleotides interlinked by a hydrophobic organic core. I outline design rules that govern their assembly and show that their assembly morphology can be rationally predicted and altered

    Locust bean gum hydrogels are bioadhesive and improve indole-3-carbinol cutaneous permeation: influence of the polysaccharide concentration

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    The locust bean gum (LBG) is a polysaccharide with thickening, stabilizing and gelling properties and it has been used in the preparation of pharmaceutical formulations. Hydrogels (HGs) are obtained from natural or synthetic materials that present interesting properties for skin application. This study aimed to develop HGs from LBG using indole-3-carbinol (I3C) as an asset model for cutaneous application. HGs were prepared by dispersing LBG (2%, 3% and 4% w/v) directly in cold water. The formulations showed content close to 0.5 mg/g (HPLC) and pH ranging from 7.25 to 7.41 (potentiometry). The spreadability factor (parallel plate method) was inversely proportional to LBG concentration. The rheological evaluation (rotational viscometer) demonstrated a non-Newtonian pseudoplastic flow behavior (Ostwald De Weale model), which is interesting for cutaneous application. The HET-CAM evaluation showed the non-irritating characteristic of the formulations. The bioadhesive potential demonstrated bioadhesion in a concentration-dependent manner. Permeation in human skin using Franz cells showed that the highest LBG concentration improved the skin distribution profile with greater I3C amounts in the viable skin layers. The present study demonstrated the feasibility of preparing HGs with LBG and the formulation with the highest polymer concentration was the most promising to transport active ingredients through the skin

    Avaliação psicológica como fator protetor à interrupção de tratamento na psicoterapia psicanalítica de crianças: dados empíricos

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    A avaliação psicológica pode fornecer informações importantes sobre sintomas, personalidade, diagnóstico e prognóstico do paciente, auxiliando no desenvolvimento de estratégias terapêuticas. Esta coorte retrospectiva objetivou determinar se há associação entre a realização de avaliação psicológica antes da psicoterapia e a permanência dos pacientes em tratamento. Foram analisados prontuários de 2.106 crianças atendidas em dois ambulatórios de saúde mental em Porto Alegre. Crianças que haviam realizado avaliação psicológica antes de iniciar a psicoterapia apresentavam 65% mais chance de aderir ao tratamento e 44% menos chance de abandoná-lo do que crianças que não haviam realizado avaliação psicológica. A avaliação psicológica auxilia os pais a se engajarem no tratamento de suas crianças, tornando-o menos coercitivo, além de fornecer uma fundamentação mais concreta para o subjetivo processo psicoterapêutico

    Hubungan Faktor Predisposisi Dengan Perilaku Aman Pada Tenaga Kerja Di Pt Aneka Adhilogam Karya Desa Batur Kecamatan Ceper Kabupaten Klaten

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    The number of work accidents in Indonesia reaches 337 million work accidents occur each year resulting in approximately 2.3 million workers lost their lives. Then the application of occupational safety and health must be in accordance with the standards and legislation. It must be applied by all types of companies both formal and informal. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between predisposing factors and safe behavior in the workforce at PT Aneka Adhilogam Karya in Batur Village, Ceper District, Klaten Regency. This research method uses quantitative research with cross sectional approach involving 79 respondents taken in total sampling. Predisposing variables in this study are knowledge, age, attitude, education and years of service, as measured by a research questionnaire. Analysis of the data used is univariate and bivariate analysis. The results showed that there was a significant influence between knowledge, age, attitude, education and years of work with safe behavior at PT Aneka Adhilogam Karya in Batur Village, Ceper District, Klaten Regenc

    Humor i reklame - Er du overbevist?

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    Denne bacheloroppgaven ser nærmere på hvilke faktorer som spiller inn på forholdet mellom humor og vareprat. Den går dypere inn på effekter som kommer av humor, da spesielt distraksjonseffekten som en hovedfaktor. Vi ønsket å undersøke om distraksjon, opphisselse (arousal), holdning til reklame og holdning til merkevare fungerer som medierende variabler på forholdet mellom humor og vareprat. Vi kom dermed frem til følgende problemstilling: «I hvilken grad kan humor i reklame, gjennom distraksjonseffekten, bidra til å genere mer positiv vareprat til merkevaren?» Bakgrunnen for oppgaven var å se på hvordan humor påvirker holdning til merkevare gjennom holdning til reklame. Vi fant dette interessant å se i lys av vareprat og i tillegg avdekke om distraksjonseffekten har spilt en rolle. Det teoretiske utgangspunktet for denne oppgaven fokuserer på fem hovedtemaer: holdning, følelser (arousal), vareprat, humor og distraksjonseffekten. For å gjennomføre undersøkelsen har vi valgt å benytte oss av kvantitativ metode i form av et enkelt «post» eksperiment. Dette designet ble valgt for å kunne sammenligne effekter. Det ble gjort under kontrollerte omstendigheter for å sikre at eksperimentet hadde god intern validitet. Vi gjorde også tiltak for å forsterke den eksterne validiteten. Utvalget bestod hovedsakelig av studenter ved Høyskolen Kristiania i Oslo. Vi fikk ikke støtte for noen av våre hypoteser, men fant andre interessante funn. En ting vi ble gjort oppmerksomme på var at humor i vårt eksperiment genererte mer motargumentasjon, som er motsatt av hva vi forventet. Vi fant også at noen av de medierende variablene hadde en sammenheng seg imellom, men at de ikke var generert av humor eller ledet til vareprat. Vi konkluderte med at det kreves mer forskning på fenomenet for å enten avkrefte eller bekrefte tilstedeværelse av mediatorene i forholdet mellom humor og vareprat

    Acute Myocardial Infarction: Comparison of morbidity in adults 40 years and older among an underdeveloped country/ Infarto Agudo do Miocárdio: Comparação da morbilidade em adultos com 40 anos ou mais de idade entre um país subdesenvolvido

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    The interruption of cardiac blood flow by a clot, known as acute myocardial infarction (AMI), results in the death of cells in a specific region of the myocardium and is considered the most serious pathology of coronary syndromes. Besides, the main cause of AMI is atherosclerosis, leading to clot formation and interruption of blood flow. Thereby, the high mortality rate is explained by the increased prevalence of exposure to risk factors. Comparing 2021 with 2020, it is possible to see an increase of approximately 2.16% of cases in adults in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil