160 research outputs found

    Ultrastrong Magnon-Photon Coupling Achieved by Magnetic Films in Contact with Superconducting Resonators

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    Coherent coupling between spin wave excitations (magnons) and microwave photons in a cavity may disclose new paths to unconventional phenomena as well as for novel applications. Here, we present a systematic investigation on YIG (Yttrium Iron Garnet) films on top of coplanar waveguide resonators made of superconducting YBCO. We first show that spin wave excitations with frequency higher than the Kittel mode can be excited by putting in direct contact a 5~ÎŒ\mum thick YIG film with the YBCO coplanar resonator (cavity frequency ωc/2π=8.65\omega_c/2 \pi = 8.65~GHz). With this configuration, we obtain very large values of the collective coupling strength λ/2π≈2\lambda/2 \pi \approx 2~GHz and cooperativity C=5×104C=5 \times 10^4. Transmission spectra are analyzed by a modified Hopfield model for which we provide an exact solution that allows us to well reproduce spectra by introducing a limited number of free parameters. It turns out that the coupling of the dominant magnon mode with photons exceeds 0.2 times the cavity frequency, thus demonstrating the achievement of the ultrastrong coupling regime with this architecture. Our analysis also shows a vanishing contribution of the diamagnetic term which is a peculiarity of pure spin systems

    Mapping Susceptibility to Debris Flows Triggered by Tropical Storms: A Case Study of the San Vicente Volcano Area (El Salvador, CA)

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    In this study, an inventory of storm-triggered debris flows performed in the area of the San Vicente volcano (El Salvador, CA) was used to calibrate predictive models and prepare a landslide susceptibility map. The storm event struck the area in November 2009 as the result of the simultaneous action of low-pressure system 96E and Hurricane Ida. Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) was employed to model the relationships between a set of environmental variables and the locations of the debris flows. Validation of the models was performed by splitting 100 random samples of event and non-event 10 m pixels into training and test subsets. The validation results revealed an excellent (area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) = 0.80) and stable (AUC std. dev. = 0.01) ability of MARS to predict the locations of the debris flows which occurred in the study area. However, when using the Youden’s index as probability threshold to discriminate between pixels predicted as positives and negatives, MARS exhibits a moderate ability to identify stable cells (specificity = 0.66). The final debris flow susceptibility map, which was prepared by averaging for each pixel the score of the 100 MARS repetitions, shows where future debris flows are more likely to occur, and thus may help in mitigating the risk associated with these landslides

    Systematic search for lensed X-ray sources in the CLASH fields

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    We search for unresolved X-ray emission from lensed sources in the FOV of 11 CLASH clusters with Chandra data. We consider the solid angle in the lens plane corresponding to a magnification ÎŒ>1.5\mu>1.5, that amounts to a total of ~100 arcmin2^2. Our main goal is to assess the efficiency of massive clusters as cosmic telescopes to explore the faint end of X-ray extragalactic source population. We search for X-ray emission from strongly lensed sources identified in the optical, and perform an untargeted detection of lensed X-ray sources. We detect X-ray emission only in 9 out of 849 lensed/background optical sources. The stacked emission of the sources without detection does not reveal any signal in any band. Based on the untargeted detection, we find 66 additional X-ray sources that are consistent with being lensed sources. After accounting for completeness and sky coverage, we measure for the first time the soft- and hard-band number counts of lensed X-ray sources. The results are consistent with current modelization of the AGN population distribution. The distribution of de-lensed fluxes of the sources identified in moderately deep CLASH fields reaches a flux limit of ~10−1610^{-16} and ~10−1510^{-15} erg/s/cm2^{2} in the soft and hard bands, respectively. We conclude that, in order to match the depth of the CDFS exploiting massive clusters as cosmic telescopes, the required number of cluster fields is about two orders of magnitude larger than that offered by the 20 years Chandra archive. A significant step forward will be made when future X-ray facilities, with ~1' angular resolution and large effective area, will allow the serendipitous discovery of rare, strongly lensed high-zz X-ray sources, enabling the study of faint AGN activity in early Universe and the measurement of gravitational time delays in the X-ray variability of multiply imaged AGN.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Exploring the low-mass regime of galaxy-scale strong lensing: Insights into the mass structure of cluster galaxies

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    We aim at a direct measurement of the compactness of three galaxy-scale lenses in massive clusters, testing the accuracy of the scaling laws that describe the members in strong lensing (SL) models of galaxy clusters. We selected the multiply imaged sources MACS J0416.1−-2403 ID14 (z=3.221z=3.221), MACS J0416.1−-2403 ID16 (z=2.095z=2.095), and MACS J1206.2−-0847 ID14 (z=3.753z=3.753). Eight images were observed for the first SL system, and six for the latter two. We focused on the main deflector of each galaxy-scale SL system (identified as members 8971, 8785, and 3910, respectively), and modelled its total mass distribution with a truncated isothermal sphere. We accounted for the lensing effects of the remaining cluster components, and included the uncertainty on the cluster-scale mass distribution through a bootstrapping procedure. We measured a truncation radius value of 6.1−1.1+2.3 kpc6.1^{+2.3}_{-1.1} \, \mathrm{kpc}, 4.0−0.4+0.6 kpc4.0^{+0.6}_{-0.4} \, \mathrm{kpc}, and 5.2−1.1+1.3 kpc5.2^{+1.3}_{-1.1} \, \mathrm{kpc} for members 8971, 8785, and 3910, respectively. Alternative non-truncated models with a higher number of free parameters do not lead to an improved description of the SL system. We measured the stellar-to-total mass fraction within the effective radius ReR_e for the three members, finding 0.51±0.210.51\pm0.21, 1.0±0.41.0\pm0.4, and 0.39±0.160.39\pm0.16, respectively. We find that a parameterisation of the properties of cluster galaxies in SL models based on power-law scaling relations with respect to the total luminosity cannot accurately describe their compactness over their full total mass range. Our results agree with modelling of the cluster members based on the Fundamental Plane relation. Finally, we report good agreement between our values of the stellar-to-total mass fraction within ReR_e and those of early-type galaxies from the SLACS Survey. Our work significantly extends the regime of the current samples of lens galaxies.Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics, 679, A124 (2023), 15 pages, 12 figures, 8 table

    The Grism Lens-Amplified Survey from Space (GLASS) X. Sub-kpc resolution gas-phase metallicity maps at cosmic noon behind the Hubble Frontier Fields cluster MACS1149.6+2223

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    (Abridged) We combine deep HST grism spectroscopy with a new Bayesian method to derive maps of gas-phase metallicity, nebular dust extinction, and star-formation rate for 10 star-forming galaxies at high redshift (1.2<z<2.31.2<z<2.3). Exploiting lensing magnification by the foreground cluster MACS1149.6+2223, we reach sub-kpc spatial resolution and push the stellar mass limit associated with such high-z spatially resolved measurements below 108M⊙10^8M_\odot for the first time. Our maps exhibit diverse morphologies, indicative of various effects such as efficient radial mixing from tidal torques, rapid accretion of low-metallicity gas, etc., which can affect the gas and metallicity distributions in individual galaxies. Based upon an exhaustive sample of all existing sub-kpc metallicity gradients at high-z, we find that predictions given by analytical chemical evolution models assuming a relatively extended star-formation profile in the early disk formation phase can explain the majority of observed gradients, without involving galactic feedback or radial outflows. We observe a tentative correlation between stellar mass and metallicity gradient, consistent with the downsizing galaxy formation picture that more massive galaxies are more evolved into a later phase of disk growth, where they experience more coherent mass assembly at all radii and thus show shallower metallicity gradients. In addition, we compile a sample of homogeneously cross-calibrated integrated metallicity measurements spanning three orders of magnitude in stellar mass at z∌1.8z\sim1.8. We use this sample to study the mass-metallicity relation (MZR) and test the fundamental metallicity relation (FMR). The slope of the observed MZR can rule out the momentum-driven wind model at 3-σ\sigma confidence level. We find no significant offset with respect to the FMR, taking into account the intrinsic scatter and measurement uncertainties.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figures, and 6 table

    CLASH: Weak-Lensing Shear-and-Magnification Analysis of 20 Galaxy Clusters

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    We present a joint shear-and-magnification weak-lensing analysis of a sample of 16 X-ray-regular and 4 high-magnification galaxy clusters at 0.19<z<0.69 selected from the Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH). Our analysis uses wide-field multi-color imaging, taken primarily with Suprime-Cam on the Subaru Telescope. From a stacked shear-only analysis of the X-ray-selected subsample, we detect the ensemble-averaged lensing signal with a total signal-to-noise ratio of ~25 in the radial range of 200 to 3500kpc/h. The stacked tangential-shear signal is well described by a family of standard density profiles predicted for dark-matter-dominated halos in gravitational equilibrium, namely the Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW), truncated variants of NFW, and Einasto models. For the NFW model, we measure a mean concentration of c200c=4.01−0.32+0.35c_{200c}=4.01^{+0.35}_{-0.32} at M200c=1.34−0.09+0.101015M⊙M_{200c}=1.34^{+0.10}_{-0.09} 10^{15}M_{\odot}. We show this is in excellent agreement with Lambda cold-dark-matter (LCDM) predictions when the CLASH X-ray selection function and projection effects are taken into account. The best-fit Einasto shape parameter is αE=0.191−0.068+0.071\alpha_E=0.191^{+0.071}_{-0.068}, which is consistent with the NFW-equivalent Einasto parameter of ∌0.18\sim 0.18. We reconstruct projected mass density profiles of all CLASH clusters from a joint likelihood analysis of shear-and-magnification data, and measure cluster masses at several characteristic radii. We also derive an ensemble-averaged total projected mass profile of the X-ray-selected subsample by stacking their individual mass profiles. The stacked total mass profile, constrained by the shear+magnification data, is shown to be consistent with our shear-based halo-model predictions including the effects of surrounding large-scale structure as a two-halo term, establishing further consistency in the context of the LCDM model.Comment: Accepted by ApJ on 11 August 2014. Textual changes to improve clarity (e.g., Sec.3.2.2 "Number-count Depletion", Sec.4.3 "Shape Measurement", Sec.4.4 "Background Galaxy Selection"). Results and conclusions remain unchanged. For the public release of Subaru data, see http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/clash

    Hubble Space Telescope Combined Strong and Weak Lensing Analysis of the CLASH Sample: Mass and Magnification Models and Systematic Uncertainties

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    We present results from a comprehensive lensing analysis in HST data, of the complete CLASH cluster sample. We identify new multiple-images previously undiscovered allowing improved or first constraints on the cluster inner mass distributions and profiles. We combine these strong-lensing constraints with weak-lensing shape measurements within the HST FOV to jointly constrain the mass distributions. The analysis is performed in two different common parameterizations (one adopts light-traces-mass for both galaxies and dark matter while the other adopts an analytical, elliptical NFW form for the dark matter), to provide a better assessment of the underlying systematics - which is most important for deep, cluster-lensing surveys, especially when studying magnified high-redshift objects. We find that the typical (median), relative systematic differences throughout the central FOV are ∌40%\sim40\% in the (dimensionless) mass density, Îș\kappa, and ∌20%\sim20\% in the magnification, ÎŒ\mu. We show maps of these differences for each cluster, as well as the mass distributions, critical curves, and 2D integrated mass profiles. For the Einstein radii (zs=2z_{s}=2) we find that all typically agree within 10%10\% between the two models, and Einstein masses agree, typically, within ∌15%\sim15\%. At larger radii, the total projected, 2D integrated mass profiles of the two models, within r\sim2\arcmin, differ by ∌30%\sim30\%. Stacking the surface-density profiles of the sample from the two methods together, we obtain an average slope of dlog⁥(ÎŁ)/dlog⁥(r)∌−0.64±0.1d\log (\Sigma)/d\log(r)\sim-0.64\pm0.1, in the radial range [5,350] kpc. Lastly, we also characterize the behavior of the average magnification, surface density, and shear differences between the two models, as a function of both the radius from the center, and the best-fit values of these quantities.Comment: 35 pages (20 main text pages, plus 15 pages for additional figures and tables); 2 Tables, 17 Figures. V3: accepted version; some minor corrections and additions made. V4: corrected several entries in Table 2. All mass models and magnification maps are made publicly available for the communit

    Dermatome mapping test in the analysis of anatomo-clinical correlations after inguinal hernia repair

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    Abstract Background: Nerve identification is recommended in inguinal hernia repair to reduce or avoid postoperative pain. The aim of this prospective observational study was to identify nerve prevalence and find a correlation between neuroanatomy and chronic neuropathic postoperative inguinal pain (CPIP) after 6 months. Material: A total of 115 patients, who underwent inguinal hernia mesh repair (Lichtenstein tension-free mesh repair) between July 2018 and January 2019, were included in this prospective observational study. The mean age and BMI respectively resulted 64 years and 25.8 with minimal inverse distribution of BMI with respect to age. Most of the hernias were direct (59.1%) and of medium dimension (47.8%). Furthermore, these patients were undergoing Dermatome Mapping Test in preoperatively and postoperatively 6 months evaluation. Results: Identification rates of the iliohypogastric (IH), ilioinguinal (II) and genitofemoral (GF) nerves were 72.2%, 82.6% and 48.7% respectively. In the analysis of nerve prevalence according to BMI, the IH was statistically significant higher in patients with BMI &lt; 25 than BMI ≄ 25 P (&lt; 0.05). After inguinal hernia mesh repair, 8 patients (6.9%) had chronic postoperative neuropathic inguinal pain after 6 months. The CPIP prevailed at II/GF dermatome. The relation between the identification/neurectomy of the II nerve and chronic postoperative inguinal pain after 6 months was not significant (P = 0.542). Conclusion: The anatomy of inguinal nerve is very heterogeneous and for this reason an accurate knowledge of these variations is needed during the open mesh repair of inguinal hernias. The new results of our analysis is the statistically significant higher IH nerve prevalence in patients with BMI &lt; 25; probably the identification of inguinal nerve is more complex in obese patients. In the chronic postoperative inguinal pain, the II nerve may have a predominant role in determining postoperative long-term symptoms. Dermatome Mapping Test in an easy and safe method for preoperative and postoperative 6 months evaluation of groin pain. The most important evidence of our analysis is that the prevalence of chronic pain is higher when the nerves were not identified. Keywords: Inguinal hernia, Inguinal nerves, Nerve identification, Pain, Follow-up © Th


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    Background: Nerve identification is recommended in inguinal hernia repair to reduce or avoid postoperative pain. The aim of this prospective observational study was to identify nerve prevalence and find a correlation between neuroanatomy and chronic postoperative inguinal pain (CPIP) after 6 months Material: A total of 115 patients, who underwent inguinal hernia mesh repair between July 2018 and January 2019, were included in this prospective observational study. The mean Age and BMI respectively resulted 64 years and 25.8 with minimal inverse distribution of BMI with respect to age. Most of the hernias were direct (59.1%) and of medium dimension (47.8%). These patients were undergoing Dermatome Mapping Test in preoperatively and postoperatively 6 months evaluation. Results: Identification rates of the Iliohypogastric (IH), Ilioinguinal (II) And Genitofemoral (GF) nerves were 72.2%, 82.6% and 48.7% respectively. In the analysis of nerve prevalence according to BMI, the IH was statistically significant higher in patients with BMI&lt;25 than BMI ≄25 P (&lt;0.05). After inguinal hernia mesh repair, eighteen patients (17.47%) had chronic postoperative inguinal pain after 6 months. The CPIP prevailed at II/GF dermatome (14 patients, 13.59%). In eight patients’ pain was probably of neuropathic origin (33%). In the other ten patients (67%) pain was probably of neuropathic origin. The relation between the identification/neurectomy of the II nerve and chronic postoperative inguinal pain after 6 months was not significant (p=0.542). Conclusion:The anatomy of inguinal nerve is very heterogeneous and for this reason an accurate knowledge of these variations is needed during the open mesh repair of inguinal hernias. The new results of our analysis is the statistically significant higher IH nerve prevalence in patients with BMI&lt;25; probably the identification of inguinal nerve is more complex in obese patients. In the chronic postoperative inguinal pain, the II nerve may have a predominant role in determining postoperative long-term symptoms. Dermatome Mapping Test in an easy and safe method for preoperative and postoperative 6 months evaluation of groin pain. The most important evidence of our analysis is that the prevalence of chronic pain is higher when the nerves were not identified

    The Contribution of Halos with Different Mass Ratios to the Overall Growth of Cluster-Sized Halos

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    We provide a new observational test for a key prediction of the \Lambda CDM cosmological model: the contributions of mergers with different halo-to-main-cluster mass ratios to cluster-sized halo growth. We perform this test by dynamically analyzing seven galaxy clusters, spanning the redshift range 0.13<zc<0.450.13 < z_c < 0.45 and caustic mass range 0.4−1.50.4-1.5 1015h0.73−110^{15} h_{0.73}^{-1} M⊙_{\odot}, with an average of 293 spectroscopically-confirmed bound galaxies to each cluster. The large radial coverage (a few virial radii), which covers the whole infall region, with a high number of spectroscopically identified galaxies enables this new study. For each cluster, we identify bound galaxies. Out of these galaxies, we identify infalling and accreted halos and estimate their masses and their dynamical states. Using the estimated masses, we derive the contribution of different mass ratios to cluster-sized halo growth. For mass ratios between ~0.2 and ~0.7, we find a ~1 σ\sigma agreement with \Lambda CDM expectations based on the Millennium simulations I and II. At low mass ratios, â‰Č0.2\lesssim 0.2, our derived contribution is underestimated since the detection efficiency decreases at low masses, ∌2×1014\sim 2 \times 10^{14} h0.73−1h_{0.73}^{-1} M⊙_{\odot}. At large mass ratios, ≳0.7\gtrsim 0.7, we do not detect halos probably because our sample, which was chosen to be quite X-ray relaxed, is biased against large mass ratios. Therefore, at large mass ratios, the derived contribution is also underestimated.Comment: 25 pages, 16 figures, 6 tables, 2 machine readable tables, accepted for publication in ApJ, updated acknowledgements and data table format modifications mad
