234 research outputs found

    Socio-economic structure of the Municipality of Carbonia: analysis of the territorial context

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    This paper aims to provide a detailed socio-economic analysis of the town of Carbonia yielding insights which could serve as a stimulus and reflection, in order to guide policy makers to the adoption of public policies that could relaunch the town and the territory, making them more competitive and livable. In order to frame the phenomenon we analyse the dynamics of productivity, income, population and level of education. All those elements are taken as proxies of the quality of life in the municipal territory as well as of the endowment of material and immaterial resources. The study shows a puzzled reality that highlights both the strengths and the limits of the municipality of Carbonia, compared with other Sardinian towns.Labor and demographic economy; socio-economic; human capital

    Hemiplejia, afasia, neuroplasticidad y arteterapia

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    There is substantial scientific support for the effectiveness of neuroplasticity as a resource that our cerebrum uses to palliate the effects of a brain injury. Once we have this knowledge, the next step is to make it useful in a real way,to all those persons that have suffered some kind of brain accident. The therapeutic reality that we find on the books is, still, far away from the therapeutic reality that we meet on the street.The steps that we´ll take,as therapists,in our every day work, will approach both realities in the way that we are able to facilitate people the necessary means they need to work for their own health. The public health system has limited economic resources so, it becomes necesary to think over costs and profits in order to establish therapeutic priorities; this fact dehumanizes the personal tragedies that ill persons and their families are living. In the other hand, the way that the geriatric institutions deal with elder and aged persons and the treatment that they receive, deserves a deep reflection. We should think over what we are doing to our elders.Is it ethic to profit thanks to the miseries and the needs of aged persons, without making anything but a good marketing to dignify their living? To know neuroplasticity as an endogenous resource that our cerebrum brings us to palliate the effects of brain damage; to approach to the mechanisms that make it possible and to know the tools, that we, as therapists, have in order to activate them, are both important cuestions to make effective our work with aphasic or plegia affected persons. It is important trying to see how, the smallest external stimulus is looking for a way, many times plenty of obstacles, to our brain and then, when he gets there, he tries to get out again as an action through routes that many times are broken. Our duty as Artherapists is to help him to find alternative ones, just in case that restoring the original ones became imposible. Bebo, my friend show me this

    Service-Learning in Physical Education Teacher Training. Physical Education in the Modelo Prison, Barcelona

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    In the Psychiatric Unit of the Modelo Prison, Barcelona, a physical education programme is carried out annually with the participation of University of Barcelona (UB) students. In this context, we carried out a study based on service learning parameters. The aim of the study was two fold: to determine the impact on inmates of the physical education programme that was undertaken with university students; and to assess what university students' learnt in the prison based socio-educational intervention programme. This paper describes the context of the research and the methodological basis of service learning. The qualitative tools to gather the information were: two focus group;a semi-structured interview with a representative of the unit's guards; and the students' field dairy. We present results that demonstrate the impact of the physical, sports activity on the socialisation of inmates, in terms of aspects such as communication and personal skills. The results also show the effect of the programme on the university students' learning processes, particularly with regard to the contextualisation of learning

    CVA with wrong-way risk and correlation between defaults: An application to an interest rate swap

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    This paper presents a counterparty credit risk adjustment model to value overthe-counter financial derivatives. To do so, a bilateral credit valuation adjustment with wrong-way risk (WWR) and dependency between the defaults of both contract parties is developed in line with the Hull-White model (2012), which calculates default probabilities using a hazard rate modelled as an exponential function dependent on the value of the derivative. The model proposed incorporates a modified hazard rate for each entity, which includes the company’s own exposure to credit risk attributable to the other entity’s default. By so doing, a correlation between the respective defaults of the entities party to the financial derivative is added. The model developed is also applied to obtain the fair value of an interest rate swap and the results obtained, using Monte Carlo simulation, demonstrate that the value of this swap adjusted to the credit risk falls when the dependency between the entities’ defaults is considered

    Struttura socio-economica del Comune di Carbonia: analisi del contesto territoriale

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    This paper aims to provide a detailed socio-economic analysis of the town of Carbonia yielding insights which could serve as a stimulus and reflection, in order to guide policy makers to the adoption of public policies that could relaunch the town and the territory, making them more competitive and livable. In order to frame the phenomenon we analyse the dynamics of productivity, income, population and level of education. All those elements are taken as proxies of the quality of life in the municipal territory as well as of the endowment of material and immaterial resources. The study shows a puzzled reality that highlights both the strengths and the limits of the municipality of Carbonia, compared with other Sardinian towns

    El rincón de ESTALMAT: Joaquín Hernández Gómez

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    El pasado mes de octubre nos dejó Joaquín Hernández, uno de los grandes de ESTALMAT-Madrid. Joaquín estuvo muy comprometido a lo largo de toda su vida con todo lo que tuviera que ver con fomentar el interés por las matemáticas entre los jóvenes y trabajó con tesón para descubrir y mimar el talento matemático de sus estudiantes. Desde sus comienzos Joaquín destacó por su forma de enseñar matemáticas. Desde muy pequeño manifestó que de mayor quería ser profesor de matemáticas. Pasión, rigor, problemas y amor por sus alumnos, fueron los cuatro pilares de su ingente actividad profesional. A esto unía una constante pasión contagiosa, daba igual que estuviera justificando que el ángulo que abarca un diámetro es recto o que el número pi es irracional

    Tunnistaja õiguste kaitse kriminaalmenetluses

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    Default probabilities of Spanish companies during the crisis

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    Se utiliza la metodología de Merton (1974) para obtener la probabilidad de incumplimiento de las obligaciones de pago de un conjunto de empresas españolas no financieras que cotizan en bolsa, desde enero de 2002 hasta diciembre de 2011, con el objetivo de analizar si la actual crisis económica ha tenido repercusión en el valor de las probabilidades de default. A partir del número, del precio y de la volatilidad de las acciones y del valor facial de la deuda a corto y largo plazo de cada empresa se obtienen, mediante métodos de resolución numéricos, los valores y las volatilidades para el conjunto de empresas de la muestra, que permiten cuantificar las probabilidades de default con frecuencia mensual y para todo el plazo analizado. Las probabilidades obtenidas han permitido constatar, empíricamente, la influencia negativa del actual contexto económico sobre el riesgo de crédito de las empresas, especialmente en las del sector de Servicios Financieros e InmobiliariosThis work focuses on obtaining default probabilities for the Spanish case, in order to study the impact of the current economic situation on company credit risk. Using Merton’s model (1974) we estimate the likelihood that outstanding non-financial companies listed on the Spanish stock exchange market would have to default on its debt obligations over the period from January 2002 to December 2011. Based upon the number of shares of each company, the observable price of a share and its volatility, and the short and long term debt face value, we computed company values and volatility. These data are used to determine the monthly time series of default probabilities for selected companies over the period analyzed. The analysis carried out reveals a negative impact of the economic crisis over these probabilities, especially in the sector of Financial Services and Real Estat

    Struttura socio-economica del Comune di Carbonia: analisi del contesto territoriale

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    This paper aims to provide a detailed socio-economic analysis of the town of Carbonia yielding insights which could serve as a stimulus and reflection, in order to guide policy makers to the adoption of public policies that could relaunch the town and the territory, making them more competitive and livable. In order to frame the phenomenon we analyse the dynamics of productivity, income, population and level of education. All those elements are taken as proxies of the quality of life in the municipal territory as well as of the endowment of material and immaterial resources. The study shows a puzzled reality that highlights both the strengths and the limits of the municipality of Carbonia, compared with other Sardinian towns