462 research outputs found

    Creencias estereotípicas sobre la mujer: reflexiones en torno a algunos datos de la situación en España

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    [Abstract] Gender...stereotyping of a representative sample (n=1254) of the Spanish popu... lation is analyzed. The existence of the traditional stereotype is confirtued, both in traits and roles. Women are perceived as more communal and expressive and are supposed to perform domestic activities and tasds. Men, on the other hand, are per... ceived as more agentic and instrumental, and it is believed that their main activity is outside...home employed work. At the sa111e ti111e, and with a different salnple of senior High School students (N=189), the existence of social discritnination toward W0111en who try to follow Technical Studies at college level is confinned. This fin... ding is interpreted as a proof of the itnpact and persiveness of gender stereotypes.[Resumen] Se estudia la estereotipia de género tuostrada por una muestra representativa de la población española (N=1254). Se encuentra que subsiste la estereotipia tradicio... nal tanto en rasgos como en roles. Las mujeres se perciben como más cOlllunales y expresivas y se considera que su actividad fundamental gira en torno al hogar, mien... tras que los hombres se perciben COtuO más agénticos e instrutuentales y se cree que su actividad fundatuental es el trabajo asalariado fuera del hogar. Se comprueba la existencia de discriminación social hacia tuujeres que estudian carreras técnicas en una llluestra de estudiantes de 3º de BUP (N=189), y se interpreta este hecho cotuo una delll0stración del impacto y penetración de los estereotipos de género

    Kepler-21b: A Rocky Planet Around a V = 8.25 Magnitude Star

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    HD 179070, aka Kepler-21, is a V = 8.25 F6IV star and the brightest exoplanet host discovered by Kepler. An early detailed analysis by Howell et al. of the first 13 months (Q0–Q5) of Kepler light curves revealed transits of a planetary companion, Kepler-21b, with a radius of about 1.60 ± 0.04 R⊕ and an orbital period of about 2.7857 days. However, they could not determine the mass of the planet from the initial radial velocity (RV) observations with Keck-HIRES, and were only able to impose a 2σ upper limit of 10 M⊕. Here, we present results from the analysis of 82 new RV observations of this system obtained with HARPS-N, together with the existing 14 HIRES data points. We detect the Doppler signal of Kepler-21b with a RV semiamplitude K = 2.00 ± 0.65 m s^(-1), which corresponds to a planetary mass of 5.1 ± 1.7 M⊕. We also measure an improved radius for the planet of 1.639 +0.019/−0.015 R⊕, in agreement with the radius reported by Howell et al. We conclude that Kepler-21b, with a density of 6.4 ± 2.1 g cm^(-3), belongs to the population of small, ≾6 M⊕ planets with iron and magnesium silicate interiors, which have lost the majority of their envelope volatiles via stellar winds or gravitational escape. The RV analysis presented in this paper serves as an example of the type of analysis that will be necessary to confirm the masses of TESS small planet candidates

    Evolution of gender stereotypes in Spain: traits and roles

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    En este estudio se persigue un doble objetivo: comprobar la evolución de los estereotipos de género en dos aplicaciones, efectuadas en 1993 (N = 1255) y 2001 (N = 1255), ambas con muestras representativas de la población española, y analizar la relación que existe entre rasgos y roles, examinando si se han producido cambios en esa relación con el paso del tiempo. Asimismo, se analizan las propiedades psicométricas de las medidas de rasgo y de rol empleadas. Los resultados muestran que el contenido de los estereotipos de rasgo no se ha modificado, confirmándose la clásica tipología en la que se asignan más rasgos expresivo-comunales a las mujeres que a los hombres y, por el contrario, más rasgos instrumental-agentes a los hombres. La estructura del cuestionario de roles, permite diferenciar entre estereotipia de rol familiar y estereotipia de rol laboral. Al comparar la evolución de los estereotipos en este periodo, se observa un descenso en la estereotipia de la población española, más acusada en el componente de rol que en el de rasgo. La correlación entre ambos componentes es muy baja o no significativa, sin que se observen cambios importantes en la evolución de esa relación. Estos resultados parecen corroborar la independencia entre los componentes de rasgo y de rol.The aim of this study is twofold: to determine whether (and how) gender stereotypes have changed over time through a comparison of two different sets of data collected in 1993 (N = 1255) and 2001 (N = 1255) from a representative sample of the Spanish population, and to examine the relation between gender traits and roles and its stability over time. In addition, special attention is paid to the psychometric properties of the measures of gender traits and roles used in the study. The content of gender stereotypes was found to remain stable over the target period of time, confirming the classical typology (a higher assignment of expressive-communal traits to women and of instrumental-agentic traits to men). The structure of the gender-role questionnaire allows us to distinguish between family-role and work-role stereotyping. Gender-role stereotyping shows a marked decline between 1993 and 2001, a result that contrasts with the stability of trait-role stereotyping. The fact that a very low correlation is observed at the two time points between these two components of gender stereotyping strongly suggests their independence

    Limits to Transits of the Neptune-mass planet orbiting Gl 581

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    We have monitored the Neptune-mass exoplanet-hosting M-dwarf Gl 581 with the 1m Swope Telescope at Las Campanas Observatory over two predicted transit epochs. A neutral density filter centered at 550nm was used during the first epoch, yielding 6.33 hours of continuous light curve coverage with an average photometric precision of 1.6 mmags and a cadence of 2.85 min. The second epoch was monitored in B-band over 5.85 hours, with an average photometric precision of 1.2 mmags and 4.28 min cadence. No transits are apparent on either night, indicating that the orbital inclination is less than 88.1 deg for all planets with radius larger than 0.38 R_Nep = 1.48 R_Earth. Because planets of most reasonable interior composition have radii larger than 1.55 R_Earth we place an inclination limit for the system of 88.1 deg. The corresponding minimum mass of Gl 581b remains 0.97 M_Nep = 16.6 M_Earth.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, to appear in PAS

    Detection of the secondary eclipse of Qatar-1b in the Ks band

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    Qatar-1b is a close-orbiting hot Jupiter (Rp1.18R_p\simeq 1.18 RJR_J, Mp1.33M_p\simeq 1.33 MJM_J) around a metal-rich K-dwarf, with orbital separation and period of 0.023 AU and 1.42 days. We have observed the secondary eclipse of this exoplanet in the Ks band with the objective of deriving a brightness temperature for the planet and providing further constraints to the orbital configuration of the system. We obtained near-infrared photometric data from the ground by using the OMEGA2000 instrument at the 3.5 m telescope at Calar Alto (Spain) in staring mode, with the telescope defocused. We have used principal component analysis (PCA) to identify correlated systematic trends in the data. A Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis was performed to model the correlated systematics and fit for the secondary eclipse of Qatar-1b using a previously developed occultation model. We adopted the prayer bead method to assess the effect of red noise on the derived parameters. We measured a secondary eclipse depth of 0.196%0.051%+0.071%0.196\%^{+0.071\%}_{-0.051\%}, which indicates a brightness temperature in the Ks band for the planet of 1885168+2121885^{+212}_{-168} K. We also measured a small deviation in the central phase of the secondary eclipse of 0.00790.0043+0.0162-0.0079^{+0.0162}_{-0.0043}, which leads to a value for ecosωe\cos{\omega} of 0.01230.0067+0.0252-0.0123^{+0.0252}_{-0.0067}. However, this last result needs to be confirmed with more data.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Chemical Abundance Study of One Red Giant Star in NGC 5694 : A Globular Cluster with Dwarf Spheroidals' Chemical Signature?

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    We report the abundance analysis of one red giant branch star in the metal-poor outer halo globular cluster NGC 5694. We obtain [Fe/H] = -1.93, based on the ionized lines, and our metallicity measurement is in good agreement with previous estimates. We find that [Ca+Ti/2Fe] and [Cu/Fe] of NGC 5694 are about 0.3 -- 0.4 dex lower than other globular clusters with similar metallicities, but similar to some LMC clusters and stars in some dwarf spheroidal galaxies. Differences persist, however, in the abundances of neutron capture elements. The unique chemical abundance pattern and the large Galactocentric distance (30 kpc) and radial velocity (-138.6 +/- 1.0 km/sec) indicate that NGC 5694 had an extragalactic origin.Comment: ApJL accepte

    Digital literacy in Spain as a means of social inclusion: implementation of a measurement model using indicators.

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    A partir de la aplicación del modelo de medición desarrollado en el proyecto IMPOLIS, se presenta un análisis de los datos sobre el impacto real de las políticas TIC establecidas en relación a los aspectos de inclusión social. El Proyecto IMPOLIS tiene como objeto de investigación elaborar un modelo de medición del impacto de las políticas TIC, que pueda ser empleado con el fin de orientar una toma de decisiones eficiente para el desarrollo armónico y sostenible de la Sociedad del Conocimiento. En esta investigación se seleccionaron las comunidades autónomas con menor PIB per cápita del territorio español, en relación a los aspectos especificados en el proyecto sobre la eficacia de las políticas TIC, y una muestra representativa de los grupos meta (mujeres, tercera edad, desempleados, discapacitados, población aquejada de analfabetismo, población inmigrante) por áreas geográficas. El cuadro de mando de indicadores (scoreboard) correspondiente al modelo, se centra en tres categorías o dimensiones de estudio, Infraestructura Social TIC; Apropiación competencial y Nivel competencial, a su vez divididas en diversas subcategorías de análisis. Los resultados obtenidos en este estudio permiten una primera contrastación de la validez del modelo de medición propuesto por el Proyecto IMPLOLIS, como instrumento de seguimiento de las políticas TIC. Se concluye que el método propuesto permite diseñar y redirigir medidas capaces de reducir la brecha digital, consolidando un modelo de inclusión social mediante la inclusión digital en consonancia con las actuales medidas de la Unión Europea.Through the application of the measurement model developed in the project IMPOLIS , an analysis of data on the impact of ICT policies established in relation to issues of social inclusion is proposed. The IMPOLIS research project aims to develop a model for measuring the impact of ICT policies, that can be employed to guide efficient decision making for harmonious and sustainable development of the Knowledge Society . In this research the regions with the lowest GDP per capita in the Spanish territory were selected , in relation to the matters specified in the project on the effectiveness of ICT policies , and a representative sample of the target groups (women, elderly, unemployed , disabled, people suffering from illiteracy , immigrants) by geographical areas. The scorecard indicators ( scoreboard ) for the model focuses on three categories or dimensions of study, Social Infrastructure ICT Competence and Level Appropriation Competence , in turn divided into several sub-categories of analysis. The results obtained in this study allow a first checking of the validity of the proposed measurement proposed by the IMPLOLIS Project , as a monitoring tool for ICT policies. The proposed method allows to design and redirect measures for reducing the digital divide, and to consolidate a model of social inclusion through digital inclusion in line with current EU measure

    Kepler-21b: A Rocky Planet Around a V = 8.25 Magnitude Star

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    HD 179070, aka Kepler-21, is a V = 8.25 F6IV star and the brightest exoplanet host discovered by Kepler. An early detailed analysis by Howell et al. of the first 13 months (Q0–Q5) of Kepler light curves revealed transits of a planetary companion, Kepler-21b, with a radius of about 1.60 ± 0.04 R⊕ and an orbital period of about 2.7857 days. However, they could not determine the mass of the planet from the initial radial velocity (RV) observations with Keck-HIRES, and were only able to impose a 2σ upper limit of 10 M⊕. Here, we present results from the analysis of 82 new RV observations of this system obtained with HARPS-N, together with the existing 14 HIRES data points. We detect the Doppler signal of Kepler-21b with a RV semiamplitude K = 2.00 ± 0.65 m s^(-1), which corresponds to a planetary mass of 5.1 ± 1.7 M⊕. We also measure an improved radius for the planet of 1.639 +0.019/−0.015 R⊕, in agreement with the radius reported by Howell et al. We conclude that Kepler-21b, with a density of 6.4 ± 2.1 g cm^(-3), belongs to the population of small, ≾6 M⊕ planets with iron and magnesium silicate interiors, which have lost the majority of their envelope volatiles via stellar winds or gravitational escape. The RV analysis presented in this paper serves as an example of the type of analysis that will be necessary to confirm the masses of TESS small planet candidates

    Soft Skills assessment through virtual environments in the university sector : A narrative review

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    The paper presents a narrative on the state of the question about the teaching and assessment of generic soft skills through Virtual Environments (VEs) in universities, based on consultation of scientific journals in electronic and printed format published between 2000 and 2014, as well as research projects focused on the development of generic skills through VEs. The paper summarises the theoretical and empirical contributions as a way of providing a greater insight into a line of research that began barely a decade ago. Soft skills related to student training, when combined with specific skills, enable better performance in personal, academic, social and organisational settings. This premise implies the need to consider the development of new methodologies for teaching, learning and assessment of soft skills. Results include the value of soft skills in training university students, as well as the development of innovative projects focused on the provision of teaching and assessment procedures that are feasible and effective for the achievement of soft skills assessment in VEs