962 research outputs found


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    Resilience studies are increasingly relevant to understand business processes. This study aimed to explore how entrepreneurs in Mexico recovered from situations of business failure. Which key factors did move en­trepreneurs to move forward with their ventures rather than desisting after a failure event? Through a qua­litative study that utilized focus groups with entrepreneurs that had faced entrepreneurial failure, discourses, and repre­sen­tations around the failure experience were analyzed. Findings suggested that entrepreneurs lied in a con­tinuum between resilience and resistance, depending on their access assets such as entrepreneurial networks, ecosystems, and pool of knowledge as antecedents of resistance and resilience. The study shed light in the understanding of the role communities surrounding entrepreneurs played in their trajectory, failure, and even­tual recovery


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    The technological advancement of the molecular biology discipline has increased our ability to analyze DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), molecule which concentrates genetic information. Molecular markers constitute a tool of great use to plan, make decisions and undertake actions in the management and conservation of wild fauna. This study describes the use of this molecular methodology in the context of management and conservation of wild fauna and cites the studies where it has been used. The sources to obtain the DNA are diverse and the methodology to do it varies according to these; there are extraction methods for blood, tissue, hair and feathers, from which small amounts of DNA can be extracted; new sources of DNA extraction are developed through methods such as excretes, fossils and museum samples. The molecular markers are already an important tool within management of wild fauna, and there are many alternatives for their use in this field.El avance tecnológico en biología molecular ha aumentado nuestra habilidad para analizar el ADN (ácido desoxirribonucleico), molécula que concentra la información genética. Los marcadores moleculares constituyen una herramienta de gran utilidad para planificar, tomar decisiones y emprender acciones en el manejo y conservación de la fauna silvestre. En el presente se describe el uso de esta metodología molecular en el contexto de manejo y conservación de fauna silvestre y cita trabajos en la que ha sido utilizada. Las fuentes para obtener el ADN son diversas y la metodología para realizarlo varía de acuerdo aestas. Existen métodos de extracción para sangre, tejido, pelo y plumas de donde se pueden extraer pequeñas cantidades de ADN; nuevas fuentes de extracción de ADN se desarrollan mediante análisis de las excretas (Perry et al., 2010), fósiles y muestras de museo. Los marcadores moleculares son ya una herramienta importante dentro del manejo de fauna silvestre, y existen muchas más alternativas de su uso en este campo

    Estratégia Empresarial : Tipo de estratégias para generar ventaja competitivas

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    El presente trabajo de investigación consiste en plantear la estrategia empresarial con sus diferentes tipos de estrategias que se aplican en los diferentes mercados para lograr una ventaja competitiva. El tema de investigación es tipos de estrategias para generar ventaja competitiva en el cual integramos los conceptos básicos, los diversos escenarios. Este informe contiene dedicatoria, agradecimiento, valoración del docente, introducción, objetivos, tres capítulos, conclusiones, y bibliografía. Se procedió a la búsqueda de material bibliográfico consultando a diferentes autores asimismo aplicamos los criterios de las normas APA que se utilizaron las cuales son las orientadas por el centro de Escritura Javeriano, Normas APA, Sexta edición (2016)

    Demand-oriented innovation policy: Mapping the field and proposing a research agenda for developing countries

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    This article conducts a scoping review of demand side innovation policies and its associated instruments in relevant English language academic literature. Demand-side innovation policies aim to improve contextual conditions to encourage innovation adoption to address government-defined societal challenges. From the demand approach, innovation policy is expected to involve a directionality, which originates from collective priorities around relevant problems. Based on a scooping review of the innovation policy literature from the demand perspective, this research has characterized trends in the discussion about innovation policies that target such challenges, a perspective that complements the traditional supply side policy instruments. Findings indicate that literature on demand-side policies has mainly addressed energy and sustainability issues in European countries and China. Additionally, although demand-side policies have been advocated for a relatively long time, the literature recognizes that a policy mix involving also the supply-side can be more effective in encouraging innovation. In Latin America, demand-side policies have been poorly understood, leading to a defective implementation of policies and instruments. The stage of research on demand-side policies is still evolving and this article advances research propositions on innovation policy, with a deep focus on how they can be implemented in innovation-lagging developing countries

    Diseño de planeación estratégica de la empresa Servi-Clima Luna S.A. aplicando el cuadro de mando integral

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    Para toda empresa es importante su administración, su estructura organizacional, los recursos humanos, tecnológicos, financieros, materiales. En la cual he observando que existen en la empresa en el ramo de aire acondicionado, una necesidad latente de implementación de una gestión estratégica por medio de la aplicación de un Cuadro de Mando Integral. Aun no se han tenido los resultados ya que se esta proceso con ello


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    This study analyzed the relationship between nostalgia and memorable experiences on con­sumer purchase intention. While nostalgia was well-researched for Generation X and Y, there was a lack of understanding of how nostalgia influenced Generation Z brands and consumption pre­ferences. Nostalgia marketing has been popular for several years, and there was literature on pro­duct and service categories, such as movie remakes, band reunions, candy, and brands that have completed their life cycle and could be re-released to the market by appealing to consumers nos­tal­gia. It used a sample of 135 observations and sneakers stimuli advertising with nostalgic com­ponents. Results showed that nostalgia affected purchase intention directly and the retrieval of memorable experiences of using the apparel product. However, it did not translate to purchase intention. The results helped marketers identify courses of action to create effective commu­ni­ca­tion that triggers consumers' purchase intention who did not require product development

    Objects and processes: two notions for understanding biological information

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    In spite of being ubiquitous in life sciences, the concept of information is harshly criticized. Uses of the concept other than those derived from Shannon's theory are denounced as pernicious metaphors. We perform a computational experiment to explore whether Shannon's information is adequate to describe the uses of said concept in commonplace scientific practice. Our results show that semantic sequences do not have unique complexity values different from the value of meaningless sequences. This result suggests that quantitative theoretical frameworks do not account fully for the complex phenomenon that the term “information” refers to. We propose a restructuring of the concept into two related, but independent notions, and conclude that a complete theory of biological information must account completely not only for both notions, but also for the relationship between them

    Desapego de la juventud al modelo de familia tradicional y de la pareja: Un enfoque hacia la política

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    Con esta investigación se busca hallar los pros y contras de evitar el matrimonio y/o tener hijos/as y dar un panorama del papel que tienen las políticas públicas en esta nueva tendencia. Es importante profundizar y analizar los factores que han intervenido en el cambio social respecto al deseo de formar una familia específicamente de tipo tradicional y en un contexto patriarcal en los jóvenes de 18 a 30 años; tomando en cuenta que la familia en México ha sido considerada una institución positiva formada principalmente por hombre, mujer e hijos

    Análisis de la mortalidad y supervivencia para COVID-19 en Colombia: Un estudio de cohorte prospectiva

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    Objetivo: determinar la mortalidad y supervivencia de casos de COVID-19 en Colombia entre marzo y julio de 2020. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo en población colombiana entre el 6 de marzo al 8 de julio de 2020, con los datos reportados al Instituto Nacional de Salud. El análisis de supervivencia se realizó considerando los resultados de la PCR en tiempo real, fallecido o recuperado, el inicio de los síntomas hasta la fecha del fallecimiento o el momento final de la cohorte. Para la supervivencia se aplicó la variación actuarial y la prueba de rango largo. Los factores de riesgo se determinaron mediante regresión de Cox. Resultados: La tasa de supervivencia general fue del 100%, 98%, 97% y 95% para los días 1, 10, 20 y 30, respectivamente. Se encontraron diferencias en la supervivencia en cuanto a edad, sexo, región y tiempo de hospitalización (p <0,01), la tasa de supervivencia a 30 días fue del 96% y 95% para mujeres y hombres, respectivamente. La región con mayor supervivencia fue Antioquia con 99% y la Baja Barranquilla con 93%. El grupo de edad con menor supervivencia fue el ≥80 años con 60%, y la hospitalización representó una tasa de supervivencia del 68%. Conclusiones: Este estudio es uno de los primeros en estimar la supervivencia en la población colombiana diagnosticada con COVID-19Objective: To determine the mortality and survival of COVID-19 cases in Colombia between March and July 2020. Materials and methods: A retrospective cohort study in the Colombian population between March 6 to July 8, 2020, with the data reported to the National Institute of Health. Survival analysis was performed considering the real-time PCR results, died or recovered, the onset of symptoms until the date of death, or the final time of the cohort. The actuarial variation and Long-Rank test were applied for survival. Risk factors were determined by Cox regression. Results: The overall survival rate was 100%, 98%, 97%, and 95% for day 1, 10, 20 and 30, respectively. Differences were found in survival in age, sex, region, and hospitalization time spending (p <0.01), the 30-day survival rate was 96% and 95% for females and males, respectively. The region with the highest survival was Antioquia with 99% and the lower Barranquilla with 93%. The age group with the lowest survival was ≥80 years of age with 60%, and being hospitalized represented a survival rate of 68%. Conclusions: This study is one of the first to estimate survival in the Colombian population diagnosed with COVID-1

    Review of Design and Implementation of the Agricultural Insurance Programs of the Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation

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    The situation of the poor who participate in the country's agricultural sector has been exacerbated by the increasingly prevalent natural calamities, pests, and other such unpredictable event. However, there are certain risk management tools that aid in lessening the farmers' financial burden when losses related to such natural disasters are incurred. One of them is the crop or agricultural insurance. In the Philippines, the Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation (PCIC) is the government organization that implements rice, corn, high-value commercial crop, livestock, noncrop agricultural asset, fishery, and term insurance programs. The question thus arises regarding the effectiveness and sustainability of the said programs. It is thus the purpose of this study to review the design and implementation of the PCIC's insurance programs. Key informant interviews and focus group discussions with various PCIC clients and partners in selected regions of the country, together with desktop review and secondary data analysis, were conducted