53 research outputs found

    Meet-Up: An orientation program for students with autism spectrum disorder

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    This innovate practice work-in-progress paper presents a pilot orientation program for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a range of conditions involving serious dysfunctions in aspects of social relationships and learning. Young adults with ASD are more likely than the general population to concentrate on science and engineering, so those who enroll at college tend to choose STEM degrees. However, students with ASD often undergo stress and experience difficulty in the transition to college. For this reason our university considers the necessity for an orientation program to help such students in this challenging situation. In this paper, the authors describe this initiative, known as Meet-Up, and the problems we faced during the pilot program.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Six-month color change and water sorption of 9 new-generation flowable composites in 6 staining solutions

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    Color match and water sorption are two factors that affect restorative materials. Discoloration is essential in the lifespan of restorations. The aim of this study was to evaluate color change and water sorption of nine flowable composites at multiple time points over 6 months. 60 samples of each composite were divided into two groups (Color Change and Water Sorption/Solubility). Each Color Change group was divided into six subgroups, which were immersed in distilled water (DW), coffee (CF), Coca-Cola (CC), red wine (RW), tea (TE) and orange juice (OJ). The color was measured at the baseline, 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks, and 3 and 6 months and color change values (ΔE) were calculated. Each Water Sorption [WS]/Solubility [WL] group was tested according to ISO 4049:2009. The data were evaluated using two-way ANOVA, Fisher's post-hoc test and Pearson's correlation test. The composite with the lowest ΔE differed for each solution: Filtek™ Bulk Fill in DW (∆E = 0.73 (0.17–1.759)); Vertise Flow in CF (∆E = 14.75 (7.91–27.41)), in TE (∆E = 7.27 (2.81–24.81)) and OJ (∆E = 3.17 (0.87–9.92)); Tetric EvoFlow® in CC (∆E = 1.27 (0.45–4.02)); and Filtek™ Supreme XTE in RW (∆E = 8.88 (5.23–19.59)). RW caused the most discoloration (∆E = 23.62 (4.93–51.36)). Vertise Flow showed the highest water sorption (WS = 69.10 ± 7.19). The Pearson test showed statistically significant positive correlations between water sorption and solubility and between water sorption and ∆E; the positive solubility-∆E correlation was not statistically significant. The findings suggest that water sorption is one factor associated with the ability of composites to discolor; however, discoloration is a multifactorial problem. info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Les Comarques Centrals

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    Les Comarques Centrals es veuen fortament influïdes per l'extensió territorial de les dinàmiques metropolitanes de la propera regió de Barcelona. L'absorció per part d'una base econòmica, social i territorial pròpia dels forts impactes produïts per la immersió en una economia de creixent interdependència i complexitat, per l'arribada de nous col·lectius socials i per la implantació de models territorials mancats de la necessària base de planejament i ordenació, esdevé el principal repte per a aquesta regió.Las Comarques Centrals están fuertemente influidas por la extensión territorial de las dinámicas metropolitanas de la cercana región de Barcelona. La absorción por parte de una base económica, social y territorial propia de los fuertes impactos producidos por la inmersión en una economía de creciente interdependencia y complejidad, por la llegada de nuevos colectivos sociales y por la implantación de modelos territoriales desprovistos de la necesaria base de planeamiento y ordenación se convierte en el principal reto para esta región.The Comarques Centrals are nowadays strongly influenced by the territorial extension of the metropolitan dynamics of the nearby region of Barcelona. The absorption of an economic, social and territorial basis typical of the strong impacts produced by the immersion in an economy of growing interdependence and complexity, by the coming of new social groups and by the implantation of territorial models that lack the necessary planning base and order becomes the principal challenge for this region.Les Comarques Centrals sont fortement influencées, actuellement, par l'extension territoriale des dynamiques métropolitaines de la proche région de Barcelona. L'absorption par une part d'une base économique, sociale et territoriale et propre des forts impactes produits par l'immersion dans une économie de croissante interdépendance et complexité, par l'arrivée des nouveaux collectifs sociaux et par l'implantation des modèles territoriaux dépourvus de la base nécessaire du projet d'aménagement devient le principal défi pour cette région

    Color stability of CAD/CAM interim material for long-term fixed dental prostheses vs. conventional materials after immersion in different staining solutions

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    The color stability of interim computer-aided design and computer-assisted manufacturing (CAD/CAM) materials has not been exhaustively investigated. The aim of this study was to com- pare the translucency (TP) and contrast ratio (CR) of CAD/CAM blocks and conventional interim materials, as well as the effects of varnish application and tooth-brushing on color stability after immersion in different staining solutions. Four hundred and eighty specimens were fabricated with four different interim materials (n = 120) and were divided into three experimental, and one control group (n = 30). The color measurements were taken at the initial time (T0), 24 h (T1), 7 days (T2), and 30 days (T3) after immersion in different solutions. CIEDE2000 (∆E00) values were analyzed with ANOVA and Fischer's LSD test with a 95% confidence interval. The relationship between TP and CR was analyzed with a Pearson correlation. All interim materials showed a significant difference (p < 0.05) in color change after 30 days. Results showed that polyethyl methacrylate resins (PEMA) had the highest stability over time. The TP and CR were statistically significant (p < 0.05). It was observed that brushing improved the color stability but the ∆E00 were the highest when the varnish alone or varnish and brushing were used, except in the bis-acryl group, in which varnish and brushing decreased the color stainability

    Diseñar el proyecto

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    The paper analyzes and evaluates a research experience in teaching which was conducted along more than ten years as part of the optional subjectPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    MEET-UP: Suport als estudiants amb TEA en estadis inicials a la UPC

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    L’objectiu és posar en marxa un pilot anomenat Meet-Up per acollir a partir del Juliol del 2017 a nous estudiants de la UPC afectats de TEA, mitjançant una sessió d’acollida inicial, amb explicació de la plataforma Moodle pel seguiment de les assignatures i la sincronització d’agendes electrònica. El pilot fa seguiment mensual en grup dirigit per psicòlegs experts en la problemàtica TEA de l’Associació Asperger Catalunya per tal de donar-los suport en els aspectes dificultosos de la incorporació a la vida universitària. La Síndrome d’Asperger (SA) aplega les persones menys afectades dins del TEA i dona lloc a persones amb un coeficient intel·lectual igual o per sobre de la mitjana, però amb dificultats per entendre els codis socials i les relacions entre les persones, bé siguin iguals (altres estudiants) o professors, pares, etc. S’ha demostrat una incidència de SA i TEA en persones amb habilitats per la música, la enginyeria i tecnologia i per tant, les carreres tècniques de la UPC són candidates i receptores d’estudiants afectats de TEA. La situació abans de Juliol del 2017 és que no es feia una acollida ni un seguiment mensual per donar suport als estudiants TEA de la UPC, ni estudiants novells ni veterans.Postprint (published version

    La revisión del universo narrativo transmedia desde la perspectiva de los elementos que lo integran

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    La evolución de tecnologías como la realidad aumentada, los entornos virtuales o el desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial aplicados a diferentes medios convergentes supone un reto constante para la ​​conceptualización de los términos que se han ido desarrollando en la última década a partir de las originales teorías sobre la convergencia de medios y las narrativas transmedia. De hecho, definiciones de conceptos como storyworld, multiverso o narrativas mixtas, causan importantes asincronías entre las diferentes interpretaciones y afectan a la percepción del concepto de universo transmedia y al análisis aplicado de casos. Esta asincronía ha acelerado la proliferación de términos similares que añaden complejidad y confusión a la investigación científica. A tal efecto, este manuscrito pretende actualizar el término ‘universo narrativo transmedia’, con el objetivo de acotar y definir las dimensiones que lo conforman, así como proponer una nueva definición. La metodología se fundamenta en una revisión sistemática de la literatura realizada en Web of Science Core Collection en el periodo 2010-2021 desde el prisma de la comunicación, el periodismo y la publicidad, por lo que la búsqueda de artículos se ha filtrado por los ámbitos ‘Communication’ y ‘Film Radio Television’. Analizada la muestra de la revisión, los resultados permiten delimitar tres áreas de conocimiento en torno al objeto de estudio: la creación de los relatos o storyworlds, las narrativas mixtas y los elementos imprescindibles que conectan los diferentes mundos transmediales y multiversos. El análisis de los artículos ha contribuido a la identificación de varias aportaciones que facilitan la definición del término. Los resultados permiten establecer una base terminológica sobre la cual se pueda analizar esta nueva conceptualización del universo narrativo transmedia acorde con el desarrollo de las plataformas, multiversos y herramientas técnicas con miras a los efectos de otros campos como son la sociología, la antropología o la educación.

    Efficacy of sonic and ultrasonic irrigation devices in the removal of debris from root canal irregularities in artificial root canals

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    Objective: to evaluate the efficacy of different sonic and ultrasonic devices in the elimination of debris from canal irregularities in artificial root canals. Materials and Methods: a resin model of a transparent radicular canal filled with dentin debris was used. Five groups were tested, namely: Group 1 - ultrasonic insert 15.02; Group 2 - ultrasonic insert 25/25 IRRI K; Group 3 - ultrasonic insert 25/25 IRRI S; Group 4 - sonic insert 20/28 Eddy on a vibrating sonic air-scaler handpiece; Group 5 - 20.02 K-file inserted on a Safety M4 handpiece. Two different irrigants (5% sodium hypochlorite and 17% EDTA) and 3 different times of activation (20, 40, and 60 seconds) were tested. Means and standard deviations were calculated and statistically analyzed with the Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon tests (p0.05). Conclusions: no significant differences were found between 5% sodium hypochlorite and 17% EDTA. When the time of activation rises, the dentin debris removal increases in all groups. Both sonic and ultrasonic activation demonstrate high capacity for dentin debris removal

    Original research Dental Materials

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    Six-month color change and water sorption of 9 new-generation flowable composites in 6 staining solutions Abstract: Color match and water sorption are two factors that affect restorative materials. Discoloration is essential in the lifespan of restorations. The aim of this study was to evaluate color change and water sorption of nine flowable composites at multiple time points over 6 months. 60 samples of each composite were divided into two groups (Color Change and Water Sorption/Solubility). Each Color Change group was divided into six subgroups, which were immersed in distilled water (DW), coffee (CF), Coca-Cola (CC), red wine (RW), tea (TE) and orange juice (OJ). The color was measured at the baseline, 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks, and 3 and 6 months and color change value