11 research outputs found

    Evaluation of mammographic density patterns: reproducibility and concordance among scales

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Increased mammographic breast density is a moderate risk factor for breast cancer. Different scales have been proposed for classifying mammographic density. This study sought to assess intra-rater agreement for the most widely used scales (Wolfe, Tabár, BI-RADS and Boyd) and compare them in terms of classifying mammograms as high- or low-density.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study covered 3572 mammograms drawn from women included in the DDM-Spain study, carried-out in seven Spanish Autonomous Regions. Each mammogram was read by an expert radiologist and classified using the Wolfe, Tabár, BI-RADS and Boyd scales. In addition, 375 mammograms randomly selected were read a second time to estimate intra-rater agreement for each scale using the kappa statistic. Owing to the ordinal nature of the scales, weighted kappa was computed. The entire set of mammograms (3572) was used to calculate agreement among the different scales in classifying high/low-density patterns, with the kappa statistic being computed on a pair-wise basis. High density was defined as follows: percentage of dense tissue greater than 50% for the Boyd, "heterogeneously dense and extremely dense" categories for the BI-RADS, categories P2 and DY for the Wolfe, and categories IV and V for the Tabár scales.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was good agreement between the first and second reading, with weighted kappa values of 0.84 for Wolfe, 0.71 for Tabár, 0.90 for BI-RADS, and 0.92 for Boyd scale. Furthermore, there was substantial agreement among the different scales in classifying high- versus low-density patterns. Agreement was almost perfect between the quantitative scales, Boyd and BI-RADS, and good for those based on the observed pattern, i.e., Tabár and Wolfe (kappa 0.81). Agreement was lower when comparing a pattern-based (Wolfe or Tabár) versus a quantitative-based (BI-RADS or Boyd) scale. Moreover, the Wolfe and Tabár scales classified more mammograms in the high-risk group, 46.61 and 37.32% respectively, while this percentage was lower for the quantitative scales (21.89% for BI-RADS and 21.86% for Boyd).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Visual scales of mammographic density show a high reproducibility when appropriate training is provided. Their ability to distinguish between high and low risk render them useful for routine use by breast cancer screening programs. Quantitative-based scales are more specific than pattern-based scales in classifying populations in the high-risk group.</p

    Obstetric history and mammographic density: a population-based cross-sectional study in Spain (DDM-Spain)

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    High mammographic density (MD) is used as a phenotype risk marker for developing breast cancer. During pregnancy and lactation the breast attains full development, with a cellular-proliferation followed by a lobular-differentiation stage. This study investigates the influence of obstetric factors on MD among pre- and post-menopausal women. We enrolled 3,574 women aged 45–68 years who were participating in breast cancer screening programmes in seven screening centers. To measure MD, blind anonymous readings were taken by an experienced radiologist, using craniocaudal mammography and Boyd’s semiquantitative scale. Demographic and reproductive data were directly surveyed by purpose-trained staff at the date of screening. The association between MD and obstetric variables was quantified by ordinal logistic regression, with screening centre introduced as a random effect term. We adjusted for age, number of children and body mass index, and stratified by menopausal status. Parity was inversely associated with density, the probability of having high MD decreased by 16% for each new birth (P value < 0.001). Among parous women, a positive association was detected with duration of lactation [>9 months: odds ratio (OR) = 1.33; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.02–1.72] and weight of first child (>3,500 g: OR = 1.32; 95% CI = 1.12–1.54). Age at first birth showed a different effect in pre- and post-menopausal women (P value for interaction = 0.030). No association was found among pre-menopausal women. However, in post-menopausal women the probability of having high MD increased in women who had their first child after the age of 30 (OR = 1.53; 95% CI = 1.17–2.00). A higher risk associated with birth of twins was also mainly observed in post-menopausal women (OR = 2.02; 95% CI = 1.18–3.46). Our study shows a greater prevalence of high MD in mothers of advanced age at first birth, those who had twins, those who have breastfed for longer periods, and mothers whose first child had an elevated birth weight. These results suggest the influence of hormones and growth factors over the proliferative activity of the mammary gland

    PULSAMED. Sistema de circulación extracorpórea pulsátil

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    La empresa Mercé Electromedicina, S.L. con la colaboración del lnstituto de Biomecánica (IBV) ha desarrollado un sistema capaz de modificar el flujo lineal de una bomba cardiaca convencional y convertirlo en un flujo pulsátil. El sistema, denominado PULSAMED, reúne entre sus características más destacadas: su bajo coste y que permite la selección de la energía asociada al pulso de manera independiente a la selección del flujo sanguíneo. Los valores máximos alcanzados de energía asociada al pulso cuadruplican los encontrados en la literatura científica

    Foro Valenciano para la abolición de la prostitución: medidas y propuestas para su erradicación

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    El informe "Foro valenciano para la abolición de la prostitución: medidas y propuestas para su erradicación" recoge las aportaciones y el trabajo realizado por las personas Expertas que han colaborado en el marco de la RESOLUCIÓN de 25 de febrero de 2021, de la consellera de Justicia, Interior y Administración Pública por la que se crea y regula la composición y funcionamiento del Foro Valenciano para la abolición de la prostitución. Entre las aportaciones recogidas y las medidas articuladas se encuentran las realizadas por la profesora de Derecho Constitucional de la UA, Dra. Concepción Torres, integradas en el Panel de personas Expertas del Grupo 2. Propuestas de reformas jurídico-administrativa y penal (Anexo I).Conselleria de Justicia, Interior y Administración Pública de la Generalitat Valencian