240 research outputs found

    Who can be fooled? Modeling perceptions of gullibility from facial appearance

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    In many situations, ranging from cooperative exchange to fraud, people are faced with the challenge to judge how trusting or naïve (i.e., gullible) others are. In three studies, using both theory-driven and data-driven methods, we examine how people form gullibility judgments based on a person’s facial appearance. People have a shared representation of what a gullible person looks like. Gullibility impressions are positively related to trustworthiness impressions, but negatively related to dominance impressions (Study 1, n = 254). Examining the influence of a wide range of facial characteristics, we find that gullibility impressions are based on cues that have been linked to low levels of perceived threat, such as babyfacedness (Study 2, n = 403) and smiles (Study 3, n = 209). Together, these findings show that people form gullibility judgments based on facial cues that are seen as indicators of relative harmlessness (i.e., positive intentions and low capabilities)

    Raising awareness about social exclusion in schools through experiential learning

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    Social exclusion has a myriad of negative effects on students’ psychological and social well-being. One way to combat such negative effects is to raise awareness about social exclusion in schools. Here, we describe and evaluate a training program that was carried out across schools in the Netherlands. The program relies on basic experiential learning principles and a well-established social exclusion paradigm to make participants experience and discuss social exclusion. We had three goals in the current paper: (1) discussing previous work supporting the feasibility of such programs, (2) presenting a secondary analysis of the data generated by the program, and finally (3) testing a core assumption of Temporal Need-threat Model of Ostracism (Williams, 2009). The analyses are based on 14,065 participants (ages 12 to 19) and a subset of those who evaluated the program later (n = 386). Our review of the literature supports the feasibility of the program in raising awareness about social exclusion. The results of the secondary data analyses further corroborate this finding and, importantly, offer preliminary evidence for the effectiveness of the program. Lastly, stressing a core assumption of the ostracism model, the results indicated that the experience of ostracism was not substantially altered by the characteristics of the participants such as age and gender

    Köy ve İlçe Merkezinde Görev Yapan Sınıf Öğretmenlerinin Halkla Etkileşim ve Mesleki Memnuniyet Boyutunda KarşılaştığıSorunlar ve Bu Sorunların Performansına Etkisi Konusundaki Görüşleri

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    Bu çalışmanın amacıDenizli ili köy ve ilçe merkezinde görev yapan sınıf öğretmenlerinin halkla etkileşim ve mesleki memnuniyette karşılaştığısorunlar ve bu sorunların performansına etkisi konusundaki görüşlerini ortaya koymaktır. Denizli’nin ilçelerindeki resmi ilköğretim okullarından 321 ve köylerindeki resmi ilköğretim okullarından 272 sınıf öğretmeni veri toplama aracınıuygulamak üzere oranlıküme örnekleme yoluyla seçilerek örnekleme alınmıştır. Geliştirilen ölçeğin sorunla karşılaşma derecesinde Alpha iç tutarlılık katsayısı0,89’, sorunun performansa etkisinde 0,91 dir. Köyde ve ilçe merkezinde görev yapan sınıf öğretmenlerinin halkla etkileşim boyutunda karşılaştığısorunlar ve bu sorunların performansına etkisi konusunda ölçekteki görüşlerinin aritmetik ortalamasına göre halkla etkileşim sorunlarının en önemlisi “Halk öğretmenine güven duymuyor” dur. Köyde ve ilçe merkezinde görev yapan sınıf öğretmenlerinin mesleki memnuniyet boyutunda karşılaştığısorunlar ve bu sorunların performansına etkisi konusunda ölçekteki görüşlerinin aritmetik ortalamasına göre mesleki memnuniyet sorunlarının en önemlisi ise “Bulunduğum okulda görev yapmak ruh sağlığımıolumsuz etkiliyor” dur

    The anticipated social cost of disclosing a rejection experience

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    Social rejection is a negative experience. Disclosing this experience to others may be beneficial for the target but may also entail costs if the audience reacts negatively. Across five pre-registered studies (N = 1120), we investigated how people may feel an urge to disclose a certain hypothetical rejection experience, but, depending on anticipated costs and benefits, may be reluctant to do so. The results reveal that when considering disclosing this rejection experience (a) targets anticipate social costs rather than benefits, and audiences indeed devalue such targets who disclose that they were rejected; (b) targets feel the urge to talk about this experience yet feel reluctant to do so; and (c) targets see disclosing to a close other as less risky, hence mitigating the conflicting urge and reluctance to talk. These findings suggest that people view disclosing a rejection experience as risky and perhaps not as the best coping strategy

    Evaluation of frequency, affecting parameters of the consanguineous marriages and effect to hereditary disorders

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    AMAÇ: Türkiye yaklaşık 80 milyon nüfusa sahip olup, nü-fus gençlerden oluşmaktadır ve doğum hızı orta yüksek-tir. Yapılan çalışmalara göre 2. kuzen gibi yakın akrabalar arasındaki evlilikler ortalama %20 civarında iken bu oran bölgeler arasında %3 ile %40 arasında değişmektedir. Akraba evliliklerini yerel ve bölgesel düzeyde etkileyen faktörler sosyal, kültürel ve ekonomik değişkenlerdir. Bu çalışmada, bir orta Anadolu şehri olan Kırıkkale’de akraba evliliklerinin oranı, tipleri, evlilik yaşı ve eğitim düzeyi ile ilişkisi ve tıbbi sonuçları incelenmiştir. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Şehrin farklı sosyo-ekonomik bölgelerini temsil edecek şekilde 5 mahalle belirlendi. 1000 aileye anket formları verilip doldurmaları istendi. 691 hanede anne ya da baba ile yapılan görüşmelerde evlilik yaşı, eğitim düzeyleri, aile üyelerinin sağlık bilgileri sorgulandı. BULGULAR: Kırıkkale’de akraba evlilik oranı %20.4 olarak bulundu. Bunların içinde %48.9 gibi yüksek bir oranda 1.kuzenler arasındaki evlilikler tespit edildi. Akrabaevlilikleri ile evlilik yaşı, eğitim düzeyleri arasında ters korelasyon izlendi. Örneklemimizde kalıtsal hastalık olgusuyla karşılaşılmadı. SONUÇ: Kırıkkale’de akraba evlilikleri oranı yüksektir. Bu bağlamda, ülkemizde akraba evliliklerini önlemek için ulusal politikalar geliştirilmelidir.OBJECTIVE: Turkey has an estimated population of 80 million, with a young age structure and a moderately high birth rate. Previous reports have shown that marriages between couples related as second cousins or closer accounts for 20% of the total, varying by region from 3% to 40% . Social, cultural and economic variables all appear to be important factors in determining local and regional levels of consanguinity. The present study was undertaken to assess the rates and types of consanguineous marriages and their relationship to age at marriage and education level and medical outcomes in the Kırıkkale city, middle Anatolia. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Five different districts of the city representing different socio-economic circumstances. Questionnaries were given to 1000 families. Then interwieved with mother or father, with details on characteristics such as marital age, educational level, the degree of biological relatedness of the parents and health status of the memberships of the 691 families. RESULTS: The overall rate of consanguinity was 20.4% in Kırıkkale. The principal type of consanguineous marriage recorded was between first cousins, which accounted for 48.9% of all unions. For both sexes of parents, a significant negative association was observed between consanguinity and mean age at marriage and level of education. There was not any hereditary disorder in our small sample population. CONCLUSIONS: Consanguineous marriage frequenciy was higher in Kırıkkale. In this context, it is important to develop national policies and strategies to prevent consanguineous marriagess in Turkey

    Efficacy of adalimumab therapy in experimental rat sclerosing encapsulated peritonitis model

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    Aim To investigate the efficacy of adalimumab treatment in an experimental rat sclerosing encapsulated peritonitis (SEP) model. Methods The study involved 40 Wistar albino rats divided into four groups: chlorhexidine (CH) group, control group, CH + adalimumab group, and CH + resting group. The control group received normal saline intraperitoneally (i.p.). Other groups received 0.1% CH gluconate, 15% ethanol, and normal saline mixture i.p. for three weeks in order to induce SEP. CH + adalimumab group received 5 mg/kg adalimumab i.p. at the beginning of week 4 and week 6, while CH + resting group was followed-up for three weeks without applying any procedure after the onset of SEP. Rats in groups CH and control group were sacrificed on day 21, and rats in group CH + adalimumab and CH + resting were sacrificed on day 42. All groups were evaluated for peritoneal thickness, inflammation, vascularization, and fibrosis. Results CH + adalimumab group showed a significant decrease in peritoneal thickness, fibrosis score, and vascular score compared with CH group and CH + resting group. Conclusion Adalimumab can prevent SEP development

    Intensity, intent, and ambiguity:Appraisals of workplace ostracism and coping responses

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    Using both correlational and experimental designs across four studies (N = 1251 working individuals), the current project aimed to contribute to the understanding of workplace ostracism by studying two research questions. First, we tested whether the subjective experience of targets reflects the current theorizing of ostracism. Second, drawing from the transactional theory of stress and coping, we investigated whether this subjective experience impacts targets' coping responses. Findings based on exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses supported the current theorizing of workplace ostracism such that perceived intensity, intent, and ambiguity were reflected in how targets appraised being ostracized at work. The appraisals were also related to coping responses. Perceived intensity predicted more approach-oriented (e.g., confrontation) and less avoidance-oriented coping responses (e.g., minimization). While attributions of intent also predicted some coping responses (e.g., instrumental support seeking), the explanatory power of perceived ambiguity was lower than the other two appraisals. Although these researcher-defined dimensions may be reflective of targets' experience, we propose that predictions made based on these dimensions need further refinement. The theoretical and practical significance of these findings are discussed in relation to how workplace ostracism is typically studied in the literature

    Change in Critical Thinking Levels of the Nursing Students During Learning Experiences

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    Giriş: Eleştirel düşünme; kendine güven, atılganlık, sorumluluk alma, problem çözme becerilerini gerektiren karmaşık bir süreçtir. Eleştireldüşünme gücünü kazanmada öğrencilerin etkin rol aldığı eğitim yöntemlerini kullanmak önemlidir. Amaç: Çalışma, entegre müfredat veinteraktif eğitim yöntemleri uygulanan hemşirelik bölümü öğrencilerinin eleştirel düşünme düzeylerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır.Yöntem: Çalışma, derslerin modüler sistemle, entegre müfredat ve interaktif eğitim yöntemiyle işlendiği bir sağlık yüksekokulundayapılmıştır. Okulda, 2005-2006 Eğitim-Öğretim yılında entegre müfredata geçilmiş ve hemşirelik bölümüne kayıt yaptıran bütün öğrenciler(N = 47) çalışmaya alınmıştır. Öğrencilere birinci sınıfta sosyodemografik özelliklere ilişkin anket formu; birinci, üçüncü ve dördüncü sınıftaWatson-Glaser Eleştirel Akıl Yürütme Gücü Ölçeği uygulanmıştır. Veriler, homojenlik ve tekrarlı ölçümlerde varyans analizi testleri iledeğerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Çalışmaya katılan öğrencilerin, %31.9'unun 18 yaşında olduğu, %51.1'inin kendisini atak-girişken olaraktanımladığı, %93.6'sının çekirdek ailede yaşadığı, %55.3'ünün annesinin, %34.3'ünün babasının ilkokul mezunu olduğu belirlenmiştir.Öğrencilerin üçüncü sınıftaki eleştirel düşünmeye ilişkin tüm ölçek puan ortalamalarının birinci ve dördüncü sınıfa göre fazla olduğusaptanmıştır (p < .001). Yapılan tekrarlı ölçümlerde özellikle çıkarsama, yorumlama ve tartışmaların değerlendirilmesi alt ölçek ve geneltoplam puan ortalamaları arasındaki farkın istatistiksel olarak önemli olduğu belirlenmiştir (p < .05). Sonuç: Entegre müfredat ve interaktiföğretim yöntemiyle yapılan eğitimin öğrencilerin eleştirel düşünme düzeyleri üzerinde olumlu etkisi olduğu görülmektedir. Background: Critical thinking is a complex process that requires self-confidence, assertiveness, taking responsibility and problem solvingskills. In developing critical thinking ability, it is important to use educational methods that students play active role. Objectives: The aim ofthis study was to determine the critical thinking levels of nursing students' that applied integrated curriculum and interactive educationalmethods. Methods: The study was conducted in a health school that taught lessons with integrated curriculum, interactive educationalmethods and modular system. The school was adopted an integrated curriculum in the academic year 2005-2006. The research groupconsisted of all nursing students (N = 47) attending to nursing department. The data was collected by a questionnaire form (in the first-grade)and Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal Scale (in the first, third and fourth-grades). The data were evaluated by tests of homogeneityand analysis of variance for repeated measurements. Results: Of the students, 31.9% were 18 years old, 51.1% described as confidentassertivethemselves, 93.6% lived in nuclear family were determined. Also, 55.3% their mother and, 34.3% their father were graduated fromprimary school. All the critical thinking mean scores of students measured in the third-grade were higher than the first and fourth-grade (p <.001). In repeated measurements, it was determined were statistically significant differences between the mean scores of interpretation,evaluation of the discussions subscales and total (p < .05). Conclusion: It is seen that education used integrated curriculum and interactiveeducational methods are a positive impact on critical thinking levels of nursing students

    Utilization of Water Hyacinth and Banana Wastes Compost in Reclamation of Sandy Soils for Increasing Growth, Yield of Cowpea

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    Pot experiments were carried out in the greenhouse of the Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, to study the effect of water hyacinth and banana wastes compost (0, 10, 15 and 20 ton/fed) combined with inorganic nitrogenous fertilizers namely ammonium sulphate, ammonium nitrate and urea (in the rate of 60 kg N/Fed and this rate was 50% of the recommended dose), on the growth, yield and nutrient content of cowpea plants. All pots received P and K as recommended. The addition of various rates of water hyacinth and banana wastes composts (H.B.C.) under study significantly increased all plant growth parameters under the study, i.e., plant height, plant fresh weight and dry weight of both shoots and roots, the number of root nodules as well as the nutrient content of the different plant organs compared with the control and the chemical fertilizer application of the recommended dose (100%). There was a marked increase in pod characters, yield and its components, i.e., number of pods per plant, length, diameter and weight of pods per plant. The highest values of growth characters of yield and its components and the contents of nutrient elements were noticed when applying compost at the higher rates (20 ton/fed.) followed by 15 and 10 ton/fed., in a descending order as compared with the control. The best combination of nitrogen forms and the compost is considered to be one of the primary factors for high yield production and quality as well as yield components of cowpea. The highest significant increase in growth characters, yield and yield components, as well as the total carbohydrates and crude protein content of the seeds, were obtained via the application of compost in combination with ammonium sulphate at the rate of 20 ton/fed

    Discoidin domain receptor 1 as a promising biomarker for high-grade gliomas

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    Background: Two fundamental challenges in the current therapeutic approach for central nervous system tumors are the tumor heterogeneity and the absence of specific treatments and biomarkers that selectively target the tumor tissue. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the potential relationship between discoidin domain receptor 1 (DDR1) expression and the prognosis and characteristics of glioma patients. Materials and Methods: Tissue and serum samples from 34 brain tumor patients were evaluated for DDR1 messenger ribonucleic acid levels in comparison to 10 samples from the control group, and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis has performed. Results: DDR1 expression was observed in both tissue and serum samples of the patient and control groups. DDR1 expression levels in tissue and serum samples from patients were higher in comparison to the control group, although not statistically significant (P > 0.05). A significant correlation between tumor size and DDR1 serum measurements at the level of 0.370 was reported (r = 0.370; P = 0.034). The levels of DDR1 in serum showed a positive correlation with the increasing size of tumor. The results of the 5-year survival analysis depending on the DDR1 tissue levels showed a significantly higher survival rate (P = 0.041) for patients who have DDR1 tissue levels above cutoff value. Conclusions: DDR1 expression was significantly higher among brain tumor tissues and serum samples and its levels showed a positive correlation with the increased size of tumor. This study can be a starting point, since it investigated and indicated, for the first time, that DDR1 can be a novel therapeutic and prognostic target for aggressive high-grade gliomas