130 research outputs found


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    The paper studies the Islamic viewpoint about the environment. Environment holds a central position in most of the discussions of development strategies in the contemporary globalizes world. This is why that deteriorating environment is adversely affecting human lives and is a potential danger for future generations. Today, the environmental crisis endangers human being, other living organism and the natural world alike. How should human behave towards the natural environment is remained most important. Technological solution has not been resulting in satisfying outcome. Discussing the role of the Islamic principles of unity, trustee and responsibility, the Quranic teachings may enhance the environmental consciousness among the people which enable them to establish friendly relationship between God, humankind and nature. In this respect, this paper is a humble attempt to understand the Islamic approach to the environment to explore various conceptual dimensions of environmental security and the possible role of Islam in protecting the environment for the broader benefit of humanity. This paper will also discuss the Islamic principles of human behavior to deal with the nature and environment

    Literary Miracle of The Quran

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    The literary inimitability of the Holy Quran and its wisdom, it’s rhythmical and phonetically excellence, in its perfect meanings, in its unmatched literary styles and its perfect grammatical structure has been discussed thorough out the Islamic History. The most important point of Quran’s miracle which means the words and expressions applied in Quran are arranged in a very specific and precise way that any movement changes the meaning. The Quran’s challenges everyone mostly to make only one verse in terms of rhetoric and eloquence like Quran, So far no one has surmounted this challenge. The Quran is neither prose nor poem while majority of the words are either prose or poems. It is not poem on the ground that it doesn’t have the basic elements of rhyme. In addition to rhyme another element of poem is imagination which is not applied in Quran and the words in it are imagination free. The Quran indeed contains an ocean of information relating to a wide variety of subjects. They include: religious and moral guidance, lessons from the lives of the peoples of the past, the message of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah, the physical sciences and historical accounts of important events. But all of this is delivered with the most fantastic literary rhythm and excellence. The Quran achieved this unique literary form by fusing together metrical and non-metrical speech. This fusion of metrical and non-metrical composition is present throughout the whole of the Quran and cannot be found in any Arabic text, past or present. The aim of this paper is to study three basic aspects that have been propounded by scholars including literary, linguistic, and scientific miraculousness. The paper also highlights the literary miracles of the Holy Quran as well as rediscover it uniqueness in modern age. A full understanding of its merit as a literary masterpiece requires a fresh approach to the study of the scriptures that present the literary beauty of the Quran in the most precise and coherent fashion

    Spatial analysis of Fire Characterization along with various gradients of Season, Administrative units, Vegetation, Socio economy, Topography and Future climate change: A case study of Orissa state of India

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    Fire events are an increasing phenomenon these days due to the climate change. It is responsible for forest degradation and habitat destruction. Changes in ecosystem processes are also noticed. The livelihood of tribal population is also threatened. Geospatial technologies along with Remotely Sensed data have enormous capability to evaluate the various diversified datasets and to examine their relationship. In this analysis, we have utilized the long term fire events at district level for the Orissa state ofIndiaand forest fire hotspots were identified. The fire pattern was analyzed with respect to the existing vegetation types, tribal population and topography to understand its association/relationship. Furthermore, it was evaluated with future climate change data for better comprehension of future forest fire scenario. The study reveals that Kandhamal, Raygada and Kalahandi district have highest fire frequency representing around 38% of the total Orissa fire events. The vegetation type “Tropical mixed deciduous and dry deciduous forests” and “Tropical lowland forests, broadleaved, evergreen, <1000m” occupy the geographical area roughly 43% whereas they retain fire percent equivalent to 70%. Approximately 70% of forest fire occurred in the area where tribal population was high to very high. The 60% of forest fire occurred where elevation was greater than500 meterswhereas 48% of fire occurred on moderate slopes.            Our observation of future climate change scenario for the year 2030 reflects the increase in summer temperature and irregular rainfall pattern. Therefore, forest fire intensity will be more in future in the state of Orissa whereas it’s intensity will be more severe in few of the district such as Kandhamal, Raygada, Kalahandi and Koraput which have significantly high forest fire events in present scenario.The outcomes of the present study would certainly guide the policymakers to prepare more effective plan to protect the forest which is main source of livelihood to the tribal population keeping in mind of future climate change impact for prioritization of various districts of state of Orissa suffering from forest fires

    Roughly geodesic B - r-preinvex functions on Cartan Hadamard manifolds

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    In this article, we introduce a new class of functions called roughly geodesic B????r????preinvex on a Hadamard manifold and establish some properties of roughly geodesic B - r-preinvex functions on Hadamard manifolds. It is observed that a local minimum point for a scalar optimization problem is also a global minimum point under roughly geodesic B-r- preinvexity on Hadamard manifolds. The results presented in this paper extend and generalize the results appeared in the literature

    Time elapsed from onset of symptoms to diagnosis of gonorrhoea in Swedish patients, 1999-2009

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    Background: Gonococcal infection remains an important public health problem worldwide. The incidence of reported gonorrhoea cases in Sweden raised by 32%, from 5.9 to 7.8 cases per 100,000 in 2001 to 2008.The aim of this study is to estimate the lag time or time elapsed between onset of symptoms and diagnosis of gonorrhoea, and to identify the factors associated with diagnostic delay in a sample of reported gonorrhoea cases in Sweden. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted using all reported gonorrhoea cases at the Swedish Institute for Communicable Disease Control (SMI) from the time period 1999-2009. Total number of cases included in final analysis was 2161. Descriptive statistics, ANOVA, independent t-test and multiple linear regression analysis were applied for data analysis. Results: The mean lag time between onset of symptoms and diagnosis of gonorrhoea was 12.3 ± 18.8 days. There was a significant association of lag time with sex, region, type of clinics and type of specimen and year of diagnosis. In multivariate analysis with adjusted model, type of specimen was found to have independent effect on lag time and there was a significant interaction observed between region and sex indicating difference between sexes was due to difference in regions. Conclusion: The result of our study revealed a significant delay in establishing a diagnosis in Gonorrhoea patient sample in Sweden. The variables influencing this delay in diagnosis should be addressed to shorten the lag time leading to an early diagnosis and a proper treatment in our patients. However, more research needs to be carried out in this area to better understand the factors at work.NonePublishe

    Climate Smart Agriculture, need for 21st century to achieve socioeconomic and climate resilience agriculture in India: A geospatial perspective

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    Climate change is now widely recognized as the major environmental threatoccurring mainly due to increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and causing theextinction of biodiversity and enhances disruptions to ecosystems. Climate change risks arefound to be very significant and would have a profound impact on the livelihoods of millionsof poor people in India. In the present study, we have analyzed datasets of agricultureGreenhouse gases (GHGs) emission (1990-2016), poverty, anthropogenic biomes, agriculturecrop production scenario (2008-2017), seasonal soil moisture status present (2006-2015) anddeficit (compared with 20 years’ time periods), present (1970-2000) annual mean, future(2050) precipitation and temperature scenario of India and investigated the spatial pattern andrelationship incorporating in remote sensing and GIS for the better comprehension of theimpact of climate changes on the socio-economic dimension of the people. The total GHGsemissions (CO2 equivalent) from agriculture in India were showing the increasing trend(approximately 1% annually) whereas the increasing trend has decreased notably in the lastfive years. The states of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Assam, Punjab, and Tamil Naduand Andhra Pradesh of India were found producing higher GHGs emissions from agriculture.The present soil moisture and the deficit during the Kharif, Rabi, and Zaid seasonsvary geographically whereas soil moisture deficit during the Kharif season was found verysignificant over most of the districts of Ganga and Brahmaputra basin. The present meanannual temperature and precipitation patterns were found very significant in arid and semiaridregions which are known as the farmer’s suicide hotspot and are predicted to threatenmore in the future (2050). The evaluation highlights the need for synergic approaches such asclimate-smart agriculture (CSA) to address the impact of climate change in food productionand farmers’ livelihood. Such an investigation gives a solid understanding of a paradigm shiftin the adaptation of CSA an approach in prevailing new climate change reality at country orregional levels for achieving socio-economic and climate resilience agriculture in India

    Perception of Doctors towards Relationship with Pharmaceutical Industry

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    Doctors and the pharmaceutical companies are the main component of health care system which is also essential for each other. Their interdependency on such a large scale calls for a better relationship between these two stakeholders of the health care system. But most of the time this relationship is used in a negative way which not only has a bad impact on the reputation of this prestigious medical profession but also affects the health of the patient which are the ones to bear the effects of this malafied relationship.              In order to see how this relationship works in the hospitals of Azad Kashmir, this study was conducted on the doctors of Abbas Institute of Medical Sciences, Muzaffarabad. Due to shortage of time and limited resources only one hospital was selected for the study to be carried out. This was a mixed study carried out from January through June 2017. In our study 100 doctors were selected for data collection in questionnaire method. While three different focus groups involving doctors from different specialties were made. Out of 100 doctors, 36 doctors agreed that the doctors in AIMS are aware of such guidelines, 92 doctors agreed that there is need of national guidelines to monitor the doctor and pharmaceutical company’s relationship, 67 responded that doctor’s prescription is influenced by the gifts given by pharmaceutical companies, 52 doctors agreed that pharmaceutical companies should be banned from giving gifts to physicians, 88 responded that the information provided by those representatives is only superficial and they don’t know the core information like side effects and mode of action of the drugs, 15 thought that yes it is ethical to accept the gifts from the pharmaceutical companies but only to the extent of samples of medicines and out of 100, 89 doctors responded in favor of incorporation of bioethics in the curriculum of the medical education. During focus group discussion on the topic, three themes which were finalized after detailed deliberation and these themes were, Doctor-Pharma Regulations, Accepting the gifts from Pharmaceutical Companies and influence of these Interactions on Physicians’ drug prescribing Behaviors and how the prescribing behaviors of doctors. Conclusion: It is concluded that pharmaceutical companies have hijacked our whole health system to some extent and our whole health system is polluted because of these Pharmaceutical company’s representatives and there is a need to ascertain the fact that if this phenomenon is not controlled, in near future we will have to face very severe consequences and our patients will be at the mercy of pharmaceutical companies rather than the doctor

    Perception of Doctors towards Relationship with Pharmaceutical Industry

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    Doctors and the pharmaceutical companies are the main component of health care system which is also essential for each other. Their interdependency on such a large scale calls for a better relationship between these two stakeholders of the health care system. But most of the time this relationship is used in a negative way which not only has a bad impact on the reputation of this prestigious medical profession but also affects the health of the patient which are the ones to bear the effects of this malafied relationship.              In order to see how this relationship works in the hospitals of Azad Kashmir, this study was conducted on the doctors of Abbas Institute of Medical Sciences, Muzaffarabad. Due to shortage of time and limited resources only one hospital was selected for the study to be carried out. This was a mixed study carried out from January through June 2017. In our study 100 doctors were selected for data collection in questionnaire method. While three different focus groups involving doctors from different specialties were made. Out of 100 doctors, 36 doctors agreed that the doctors in AIMS are aware of such guidelines, 92 doctors agreed that there is need of national guidelines to monitor the doctor and pharmaceutical company’s relationship, 67 responded that doctor’s prescription is influenced by the gifts given by pharmaceutical companies, 52 doctors agreed that pharmaceutical companies should be banned from giving gifts to physicians, 88 responded that the information provided by those representatives is only superficial and they don’t know the core information like side effects and mode of action of the drugs, 15 thought that yes it is ethical to accept the gifts from the pharmaceutical companies but only to the extent of samples of medicines and out of 100, 89 doctors responded in favor of incorporation of bioethics in the curriculum of the medical education. During focus group discussion on the topic, three themes which were finalized after detailed deliberation and these themes were, Doctor-Pharma Regulations, Accepting the gifts from Pharmaceutical Companies and influence of these Interactions on Physicians’ drug prescribing Behaviors and how the prescribing behaviors of doctors. Conclusion: It is concluded that pharmaceutical companies have hijacked our whole health system to some extent and our whole health system is polluted because of these Pharmaceutical company’s representatives and there is a need to ascertain the fact that if this phenomenon is not controlled, in near future we will have to face very severe consequences and our patients will be at the mercy of pharmaceutical companies rather than the doctor

    Improved power quality operation of symmetrical and asymmetrical multilevel inverter using invasive weed optimization technique

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    Low switching frequency pulse width modulation (PWM) technique for modulation and control of multilevel inverter in medium voltage high power applications is preferred in order to reduce the switching losses. In this context, a multilevel inverter operated with Selective harmonics minimization PWM technique offers better quality waveform at reduced switching losses. After the Fourier series analysis, the system of non-linear simultaneous transcendental equations is obtained. These equations are then solved to obtain switching angles to have certain low order harmonics at minimum value and regulation in the fundamental voltage magnitude. In this paper, a novel invasive weed optimization (IWO) technique is proposed to compute switching angles. The proposed technique can compute switching angles for both symmetrical and asymmetrical multilevel inverters. Thus it has superiority over well-known optimization techniques such as GA, PSO, DE, and ACO, etc. Moreover, in certain modulation index ranges, it provides faster convergence and accurate results which have been demonstrated in the paper. The computational results have been verified with the experimental result on the prototype developed in the laboratory. The field programming gate arrays (FPGA) based controller is used to implement the proposed technique. The hardware results have been found in close agreement with the computed results. 2022This publication was made possible by NPRP grant #[ 13S-0108-20008 ] from the Qatar National Research Fund (A member of Qatar Foundation). The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors. The APC of the paper is funded by the Qatar National Library , Doha, Qatar.Scopu

    Faculty Satisfication Regarding Modular Teaching

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    Introduction: Recently many medical institutes have been shifted to integrated curriculum; however, the implementation of integrated curriculum has faced problems due to both faculty and student’s satisfaction. Though faculty gives value to it, still certain believe that it’s not as effective as the traditional system. This study aims to evaluate the satisfactory level regarding modular teaching among faculty members at three different medical institutes in Pakistan. Material and Methods: This was a descriptive study where the senior faculty members from three different medical institutes were included. After written consent from participants the data was collected through semi-structured questionnaire. Total of 88 faculty members were included through convenient sampling technique. Data analyzed by SPSS version-22. Results: Overall 50% participants agreed that strength of modular teaching is the integration process & clinical application. 38% agreed that modular teaching provides better understanding & clarity of concepts. Regarding weaknesses 44% agreed that modular teaching requires more trained faculty, 27% said that more resources are required. On the other hand, 84% showed satisfaction that students get more benefits from modular teaching as compare to conventional teaching & 72% agreed that teacher biasness is less, 82% agreed that students become a lifelong learner, 85% agreed that more applied knowledge is delivered through this system.Conclusion: The majority of participating faculties were satisfied with modular teaching as it has a good clinical application, provides better understanding & a student-centered approach. &nbsp