1,240 research outputs found

    Darwin, Hooker and Arruda Furtado and the palaeobotany of Azores: Rediscovering the first collections

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    The historical investigation of the palaeobotany of the Azores Islands led to the recent rediscovery of the leaf fos sils initially collected by Arruda Furtado in the late 19th century. Advised by Sir Charles Darwin and Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker to search for plant fossils, Arruda Furtado found the first specimens in São Miguel Island, and sent them to the UK for further identification. A recent search at the Natural History Museum, UK, revealed that from a total of sixteen specimens, only one specimen survived. In the same tray, two undescribed specimens from Furnas (São Miguel) were found. Here we describe and identify them as Woodwardia radicans, Laurus azorica and an unidentified fern. The taphonomy indicates that these fossils were preserved in a trachytic tuff, possibly related to the explosive episodes of the Furnas volcano, indicating that they could be late Pleistocene to Holocene in age. This report aims to highlight the potential of future palaeobotanical studies of the Azores Islands.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The bicentenary of Georg Hartung, a German pioneer geologist, explorer, and illustrator

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    We present a tribute to Georg Friedrich Karl Hartung (1821–1891), a less-known, non-academic German geologist, on his 200th birthday anniversary. Influenced by eminent 19th century scientific personalities, such as Oswald Heer, Charles Lyell, and Alexander von Humboldt, he performed pioneer geological observations and sampling in the Azores, Madeira, and Canary Islands volcanic archipelagos. Later in his life, he travelled to the USA and explored the Scandinavian countries. His scientific endeavours were published in several books and papers, many of them co-authored by academic German geologists and palaeontologists. His works on Macaronesia are deemed as classics, and many have been enriched by his detailed geological illustrations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    First evidence of ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the early Pleistocene of Madeira Island (Portugal)

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    To be successfully established on oceanic islands, native ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) have to migrate from the mainland or from nearby islands, crossing the ocean barriers, to find a suitable habitat. Despite the general interest on oceanic islands biotas, nothing is known about the deep-time migration and settling of native ants in these insular ecosystems. Palaeoentomological studies on oceanic islands that could provide palaeobiological information on Formicidae are scarce. Here, we describe and illustrate the first fossil of an ant from the Macaronesian archipelagos (Atlantic Ocean), based on a partial forewing found within 1.3 Ma (Calabrian, Pleistocene) lacustrine sediments from Madeira Island, Portugal. Although unidentifiable beyond the family level, this fossil record provides a minimum age for the presence of ants in the Madeira archipelago. Palaeoecologically, this record indicates the presence of suitable habitats for ants during the early Pleistocene.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Teorias da Aleatoriedade

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    Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a definição de “seqüência aleatória”. Nós enfatizamos a definição de Martin-Löf e a definição baseada em incompressividade (complexidade de Kolmogorov). Complexidade de Kolmogorov é uma teoria sofisticada e profunda da informação e da aleatoriedade baseada na máquina de Turing. Estas duas definições resolvem todos os problemas das outras abordagens e satisfazem o nosso conceito intuitivo de aleatoriedade, sendo matematicamente corretas. Adicionalmente, apresentamos a abordagem de Schnorr que inclui um requisito de efetividade (computabilidade) em sua definição. São apresentadas as relações entre estas diversas definições de forma crítica. Palavras-chave: aleatoriedade, complexidade de Kolmogorov, máquina de Turing, computabilidade, probabilidade.This work is a survey about the definition of “random sequence”. We emphasize the definition of Martin-Löf and the definition based on incompressibility (Kolmogorov complexity). Kolmogorov complexity is a profound and sofisticated theory of information and randomness based on Turing machines. These two definitions solve all the problems of the other approaches, satisfying our intuitive concept of randomness, and both are mathematically correct. Furthermore, we show the Schnorr’s approach, that includes a requisite of effectiveness (computability) in his definition. We show the relations between all definitions in a critical way. Keywords: randomness, Kolmogorov complexity, Turing machine, computability, probability

    Educação e futuros: desafios em busca de equidade

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    Este texto faz sintética apreciação das condições sociais e educacionais no Brasil e apresenta propostas de ação para enfrentar situações de grande carência ou risco no atendimento educacional básico. A educação escolar no Brasil ainda deixa muito a desejar, embora políticas educacionais implementadas nos últimos trinta anos tenham ensejado alguns avanços a serem reconhecidos. A emergência da pandemia do novo coronavírus agudizou desigualdades e seletividades já existentes. À luz dos diferenciais sociais e econômicos sugere-se um mapeamento de condições extremas que demandem ações específicas, como ponto de partida para intervenções com participação local. Este seria caminho plausível para se buscar a superação de desigualdades gritantes. Palavras-chave: políticas educacionais; dados educacionais; desigualdade; propostas de açã

    Species distribution modeling reveals strongholds and potential reintroduction areas for the world's largest eagle

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    The highly interactive nature of predator-prey relationship is essential for ecosystem conservation; predators have been extirpated, however, from entire ecosystems all over the Earth. Reintroductions comprise a management technique to reverse this trend. Species Distribution Models (SDM) are preemptive tools for release-site selection, and can define levels of habitat quality over the species distribution. The Atlantic Forest of South America has lost most of its apex predators, and Harpy Eagles Harpia harpyja-Earth's largest eagle-are now limited to few forest pockets in this domain. Harpy Eagles are supposedly widespread in the Amazon Forest, however, where habitat loss and degradation is advancing at a rapid pace. We aim to describe the suitability of threatened Amazonian landscapes for this eagle. We also aim to assess the suitability of remaining Atlantic Forest sites for Harpy Eagle reintroductions. Here we show that that considerable eagle habitat has already been lost in Amazonia due to the expansion of the "Arc of Deforestation", and that Amazonian forests currently represent 93% of the current distribution of the species. We also show that the Serra do Mar protected areas in southeastern Brazil is the most promising region for Harpy Eagle reintroductions in the Atlantic Forest. Reintroduction and captive breeding programs have been undertaken for Harpy Eagles, building the technical and biological basis for a successful restoration framework. Our distribution range for this species represents a 41% reduction of what is currently proposed by IUCN. Furthermore, habitat loss in Amazonia, combined with industrial logging and hunting suggest that the conservation status of this species should be reassessed. We suggest researchers and conservation practitioners can use this work to help expand efforts to conserve Harpy Eagles and their natural habitats

    The Quaternary plant fossil record from the volcanic Azores Archipelago (Portugal, North Atlantic Ocean): a review

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    Plant fossils are known from the Azores Islands, yet poorly studied. We present a comprehensive bibliographical review for the archipelago. A first pre-scientific reference dates from late fifteenth century, while the first scientific description was reported in 1821, accounting for trunks in pyroclastic units and silicified plants within hydrothermal deposits. Throughout the second-half of the nineteenth century and the first-half of the twentieth century, prospection by naturalists and geological mapping work, led to the discovery and description of plant fossils in most islands. From the 1970s onwards, the taxonomic interest ceased, and plant fossils were used mainly for 14C dating. Recently, sediment cores from lakes and peatlands were used for palaeoecological reconstructions and to measure anthropogenic impacts. Generally, plant fossils are younger than 50 ka, although older fossils may exist. Azorean plant fossils include somatofossils of leaves, stems, logs and seeds preserved as impressions, compressions, adpressions, permineralizations, lava tree casts and mummifications. The taphonomy of macrofloral elements is usually related to explosive volcanic activity, while palynological record is associated with lake sediments and peat bogs. The persistence in palaeobotanical and palaeopalynological studies will decisively contribute to disentangle the paleodiversity, palaeoecology, and add crucial information on insular plant phylogeny and biogeography.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influence of the scrotum bipartite on the reproductive parameters in goats

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    Avaliou-se a influência do grau de bipartição escrotal sobre os parâmetros reprodutivos em caprinos. Foram utilizados 30 animais, distribuídos em três grupos: Grupo I, animais que apresentavam escroto sem bipartição (n =10); Grupo II, animais com bipartição escrotal até 50% do comprimento dos testículos (n=10); e Grupo III, caprinos com bipartição escrotal acima de 50% do comprimento testicular (n=10). Os parâmetros avaliados foram peso corporal, perímetro escrotal, comprimento testicular, características físicas e morfológicas do sêmen, concentração plasmática de testosterona e libido dos animais, comparando caprinos com escroto bipartido e não bipartido. Os animais que apresentavam bipartição escrotal expressaram maior peso corporal e comprimento testicular, quando comparados com os animais do grupo sem escroto bipartido, sendo que estes apresentaram maior número de células espermáticas defeituosas. Conclui-se que a bipartição escrotal influencia positivamente alguns parâmetros biométricos bem como a qualidade do sêmen em caprinos.The influence of scrotum division on the reproductive parameters in goats was evaluated. Thirty animals were divided into three groups of 10 animals each as follows. Group I: animals with simple scrotum (n=10); Group II: animals with 50% of scrotum bipartite (n=10); and Group III: animals with more than 50% of scrotum bipartite (n=10). It was evaluated: body weight, scrotum perimeter and the testicular length, the seminal characteristic, plasmatic concentration of testosterone, and the libido of the animals with different degrees of scrotum division. Animals with divided scrotum had higher weight and testicular length when compared with animals from the first group that had a higher percentage of spermatic defects. It is possible to conclude that there was a positive influence of scrotal bipartition on the biometric parameters and the sperm quality in goats

    Ising model in small-world networks

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    The Ising model in small-world networks generated from two- and three-dimensional regular lattices has been studied. Monte Carlo simulations were carried out to characterize the ferromagnetic transition appearing in these systems. In the thermodynamic limit, the phase transition has a mean-field character for any finite value of the rewiring probability p, which measures the disorder strength of a given network. For small values of p, both the transition temperature and critical energy change with p as a power law. In the limit p -> 0, the heat capacity at the transition temperature diverges logarithmically in two-dimensional (2D) networks and as a power law in 3D.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure