243 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Water-Seeded No-Till Rice Culture With Respect to Weeds and Seedling Disease.

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    Field studies were conducted over three years to evaluate preplant postemergence herbicides for red rice control in rice under no-till water-seeded culture. Application of paraquat or sulfosate plus thiobencarb and paraquat alone 3 days before seeding (DBS) resulted in the greatest red rice control 11 weeks after seeding (WAS). Rice yield was increased and percent red rice in rice grain decreased when paraquat or sulfosate was applied in combination with thiobencarb compared with the nontreated control. Rice yield was increased when herbicides were applied 3 and 7 DBS as compared with 14 and 28 DBS. Aqueous extracts of cursed buttercup, low spearwort, and red rice reduced rice shoot length and dry weight at least 17 and 92%, respectively. In in vitro studies, rice radicle length and dry weight were reduced by several of the weed extracts. In greenhouse studies, addition of 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256 ppm of cressleaf groundsel extract reduced the pathogenic effect of Pythium arrhenomanes on rice by increasing rice emergence between 1.7 to 3.1 times when compared with the nontreated control. Colony radial growth of P. arrhenomanes strains was reduced between 12 and 100% with rates of 520 and 260 ppm or more of cressleaf groundsel extracts when compared with the nontreated control. Colony radial growth of P. irregulare was reduced between 23 and 43% with concentrations of 1020 ppm or more, while P. ultimum radial growth was reduced between 19 and 72% with 260 ppm or more. Weed biomass present at time of water-seeding in a no-till system can interfere with rice seed-soil contact resulting in stand reductions. The degree of rice stand reduction appears to be weed specific and is dependent on such factors as weed growth habit, herbicide susceptibility, size at application, and speed of herbicide kill. In a no-till system, soil residual injury to rice from preplant application of oxyfluorfen, 2,4-D, and triclopyr was greater under a water-seeded compared with a dry-seeded system. Quinclorac and thifensulfuron + tribenuron were least injurious to rice under both systems

    Visualisierung von Altkarten im Virtuellen Kartenforum 2.0

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    Das seit dem Jahr 2013 entwickelte Virtuelle Kartenforum 2.0 bietet Nutzern einen standardisierten, offenen und dienstebasierten Zugriff auf das georeferenzierte Altkartenmaterial der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB) an. Mithilfe verschiedener Werkzeuge kann der Nutzer in dem Portal Altkarten raumzeitlich recherchieren, visualisieren und in sein lokales GIS einbinden. Außerdem bietet das Portal Crowdsourcing-Werkzeuge für die Georeferenzierung von Altkarten an. Der Beitrag diskutiert insbesondere die raumzeitlichen Recherche- und Visualisierungsmöglichkeiten des Virtuellen Kartenforums. Zunächst wird die Systemarchitektur kurz vorgestellt und wesentliche Standards und Diensteschnittstellen für den Datenaustausch werden erläutert. Im Anschluss geht der Beitrag auf Aspekte der Implementierung mit freier und quelloffener Software ein. Abschließend stellt der Artikel das darauf aufsetzende Webportal vor

    Circadian rhythm of core body temperature during simulated microgravity due to bedrest

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    Desynchronisation zwischen dem circadianen Rhythmus (Innenzeit) und dem 24-Stunden-Tag (Außenzeit) wird mit Einbußen der kognitiven und körperlichen Leistungsfähigkeit, sowie mit einem erhöhten Krebsrisiko in Verbindung gebracht. Daher ist es wichtig, nicht nur die Faktoren zu ermitteln, die eine solche Fehlstellung verursachen, sondern auch diejenigen, die eine optimale Anpassung fördern. So gibt es Hinweise darauf, dass körperliche Aktivitäten den circadianen Rhythmus beeinflussen. Dagegen liegen kaum Daten über den Einfluss eingeschränkter körperlicher Aktivität auf den circadianen Rhythmus vor. Im Rahmen von zwei 60-tägigen Bettruhe-Studien ohne und mit zusätzlichem körperlichen Training wurde die tagesrhythmische Veränderung der Körperkerntemperatur junger, gesunder Männer untersucht. Außerdem wurden die Temperaturprofile verschiedener Messmethoden und verschiedener anatomischer Messorte miteinander verglichen, wobei die Rektaltemperatur für diese Messreihen als der Goldstandard angesehen wurde. Die Untersuchungen ergaben, dass die Erfassung der Körperkerntemperatur an der Stirn zuverlässiger war als am Sternum. Ferner zeigte sich, dass nur der Temperatur-Wärmefluss-Sensor an der Stirn keine signifikanten Unterschiede im Vergleich mit der tagesrhythmischen Veränderung der Rektaltemperatur aufwies. Bei dem Vergleich von Probanden, die ein regelmäßiges Widerstands- bzw. Krafttraining während der Bettruhe durchführten, mit denen, die keine Trainingsintervention erhielten, konnte eine entgegengesetzte Phasenverschiebung der Rektaltemperatur festgestellt werden (signifikante Interaktion). Bei der Bettruhegruppe ohne Training wurde eine Phasenverzögerung beobachtet, das heißt, der Temperaturverlauf im Tagesgang verschiebt sich auf einen späteren Zeitpunkt. Genau dies konnte durch die Verwendung des Temperatur-Wärmefluss-Sensors an der Stirn in einer weiteren Bettruhe-Studie bestätigt werden. In Anbetracht der Bedeutung des circadianen Rhythmus für die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden, untermauern diese Ergebnisse den Bedarf zum Monitoring des circadianen Rhythmus unter Bedingungen, in denen z.B. körperliche Aktivitäten nur eingeschränkt möglich sind. Die nicht-invasive Erfassung der Körperkerntemperatur an der Stirn mithilfe des Wärmefluss-Sensors scheint für eine solche Anwendung zukünftig vielversprechend zu sein.Desynchronization between the circadian rhythm (internal time) and the 24h-day (external time) is associated with impaired cognitive and physical performance, and an increased risk of cancer. Therefore, it is relevant to identify not only the agents that cause such misalignment, but also those that promote optimal adjustment. There is some evidence that physical activity influences the circadian rhythm. In contrast, data on the impact of restricted physical activity on circadian rhythms are scarce. As part of two 60-day bedrest studies without and with added physical training, the diurnal changes in core body temperature of young healthy men were investigated. In addition, the temperature profiles of different measurement devices and different anatomical measurement sites were compared, with rectal temperature being the gold standard. Experiments showed that measurement of core body temperature was more reliable at the forehead than at the sternum. Furthermore, it was shown that only the temperature-heatflux-sensor at the forehead did not present significant differences when compared with the diurnal variation of rectal temperature. When comparing subjects who received regular resistance exercise during bed rest with those who received no training intervention, an opposite phase shift in rectal temperature was observed (significant interaction). In the bed rest group without training, a phase delay was observed, i.e., the temperature course shifts to a later time. This was also confirmed by using the temperature-heatflux-sensor on the forehead in an additional bed rest study. Given the vital role of circadian rhythm for human health and well-being, the findings underpin the need to monitor circadian rhythm in settings where, for example, physical activities are limited. Non-invasive recording of core body temperature at the forehead using the heat-flux sensor seems promising for such an application in the future

    Virtuelles Kartenforum 2.0: Geodateninfrastruktur fĂĽr die Raum-Zeit-Forschung mit historischen Karten

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    Mit über 20.000 historischen Karten und Ansichten verfügt das Kartenforum der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staatsund Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB) aktuell über eine der schönsten und größten digitalen Sammlungen von historischen Kartenmaterial in Deutschland. Die Sammlung umfasst unter anderem mit über 6.000 Blättern große Teile topo - graphischer Landesaufnahmen des historischen Deutschlands (Messtischblätter) im Maßstab 1:25.000 sowie 674 Blätter der Karten des Deutschen Reiches im Maßstab 1:100.000. Mit Hilfe einer modernen Nutzeroberfläche können Nutzer in dem Web-Klienten des Kartenforums diese digitalen Sammlungen nach thematischen und zeitlichen Kriterien durchsuchen und diese auf Wunsch mittels Zoomify-Kacheln darstellen

    The Gender Factor

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    Purpose Antarctic residence holds many challenges to human physiology, like increased psycho-social tension and altered circadian rhythm, known to influence sleep. We assessed changes in sleep patterns during 13 months of overwintering at the German Stations Neumayer II and III from 2008 to 2014, with focus on gender, as many previous investigations were inconclusive regarding gender-based differences or had only included men. Materials & Methods Time in bed, sleep time, sleep efficiency, number of arousals, sleep latency, sleep onset, sleep offset, and physical activity level were determined twice per month during seven overwintering campaigns of n = 54 participants (37 male, 17 female) using actimetry. Data were analyzed using polynomial regression and analysis of covariance for change over time with the covariates gender, inhabited station, overwintering season and influence of physical activity and local sunshine radiation. Results We found overall longer times in bed (p = 0.004) and sleep time (p = 0.014) for women. The covariate gender had a significant influence on time in bed (p<0.001), sleep time (p<0.001), number of arousals (p = 0.04), sleep latency (p = 0.04), and sleep onset (p<0.001). Women separately (p = 0.02), but not men (p = 0.165), showed a linear increase in number of arousals. Physical activity decreased over overwintering time for men (p = 0.003), but not for women (p = 0.174). The decline in local sunshine radiation led to a 48 minutes longer time in bed (p<0.001), 3.8% lower sleep efficiency (p<0.001), a delay of 32 minutes in sleep onset (p<0.001), a delay of 54 minutes in sleep offset (p<0.001), and 11% less daily energy expenditure (p<0.001), for all participants in reaction to the Antarctic winter’s darkness-phase. Conclusions Overwinterings at the Stations Neumayer II and III are associated with significant changes in sleep patterns, with dependences from overwintering time and local sunshine radiation. Gender appears to be an influence, as women showed a declining sleep quality, despite that their physical activity remained unchanged, suggesting other causes such as a higher susceptibility to psycho-social stress and changes in environmental circadian rhythm during long-term isolation in Antarctica

    Low-temperature binding of NO adsorbed on MIL-100(Al)-A case study for the application of high resolution pulsed EPR methods and DFT calculations

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    The low-temperature binding of nitric oxide (NO) in the metal-organic framework MIL-100(Al) has been investigated by pulsed electron nuclear double resonance and hyperfine sublevel correlation spectroscopy. Three NO adsorption species have been identified. Among them, one species has been verified experimentally to bind directly to an 27Al atom and all its relevant 14N and 27Al hyperfine interaction parameters have been determined spectroscopically. Those parameters fit well to the calculated ones of a theoretical cluster model, which was derived by density functional theory (DFT) in the present work and describes the low temperature binding of NO to the regular coordinatively unsaturated Al3+ site of the MIL-100(Al) structure. As a result, the Lewis acidity of that site has been characterized using the NO molecule as an electron paramagnetic resonance active probe. The DFT derived wave function analysis revealed a bent end-on coordination of the NO molecule adsorbed at that site which is almost purely ionic and has a weak binding energy. The calculated flat potential energy surface of this species indicates the ability of the NO molecule to freely rotate at intermediate temperatures while it is still binding to the Al3+ site. For the other two NO adsorption species, no structural models could be derived, but one of them is indicated to be adsorbed at the organic part of the metal-organic framework. Hyperfine interactions with protons, weakly coupled to the observed NO adsorption species, have also been measured by pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance and found to be consistent with their attribution to protons of the MIL-100(Al) benzenetricarboxylate ligand molecules

    Cardiac Autonomic Modulation and Response to Sub-Maximal Exercise in Chilean Hypertensive Miners

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    Cardiac autonomic modulation in workers exposed to chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH) has been poorly studied, especially considering hypertensive ones. Heart rate variability (HRV) has been proven as valuable tool to assess cardiac autonomic modulation under different conditions. The aim of this study is to investigate the cardiac autonomic response related to submaximal exercise (i.e., six-minute walk test, 6MWT) in hypertensive (HT, n = 9) and non-hypertensive (NT, n = 10) workers exposed for > 2 years to CIH. Participants worked on 7-on 7-off days shift between high altitude (HA: > 4.200 m asl) and sea level (SL: < 500 m asl). Data were recorded with electrocardiography (ECG) at morning upon awakening (10 min supine, baseline), then at rest before and after (5 min sitting, pre and post) the 6MWT, performed respectively on the first day of their work shift at HA, and after the second day of SL sojourn. Heart rate was higher at HA in both groups for each measurement (p < 0.01). Parasympathetic indices of HRV were lower in both groups at HA, either in time domain (RMSSD, p < 0.01) and in frequency domain (log HF, p < 0.01), independently from measurement’s time. HRV indices in non-linear domain supported the decrease of vagal tone at HA and showed a reduced signal’s complexity. ECG derived respiration frequency (EDR) was higher at HA in both groups (p < 0.01) with interaction group x altitude (p = 0.012), i.e., higher EDR in HT with respect to NT. No significant difference was found in 6MWT distance regarding altitude for both groups, whereas HT covered a shorter 6MWT distance compared to NT (p < 0.05), both at HA and SL. Besides, conventional arm-cuff blood pressure and oxygen blood saturation values (recorded before, at the end and after 5-min recovery from 6MWT), reported differences related to HA only. HA is the main factor affecting cardiac autonomic modulation, independently from hypertension. However, presence of hypertension was associated with a reduced physical performance independently from altitude, and with higher respiratory frequency at HA

    SmartRain – Aufbau eines Bürgermessnetzes zur Bestimmung und Analyse lokaler Niederschlagsverteilungen

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    Das Projekt SmartRain (https://smart-rain.de/) widmet sich dem Aufbau eines bĂĽrgerschaftlichen Messnetzes zur Bestimmung von Niederschlagsverteilungen in der Landeshauptstadt Dresden. Es wird dargelegt, welchen Wert eine smarte Datenerhebung im Bereich der Umweltsensorik haben kann, aber auch, mit welchen Herausforderungen bei der organisatorischen Umsetzung eines solchen Projektes gerechnet werden muss
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