217 research outputs found

    Effects of CORM-3 formulations in in vitro and in vivo models of inflammation

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    CO-Releasing Molecules (CORMs) are a novel class of pharmaceutical agents able to release carbon monoxide (CO) to cells and tissues in a controlled manner, thus mimic the previously seen homeostatic properties of gaseous CO, namely in inflammatory processes, with neglectable toxicity. CO-Releasing Molecule 3 (CORM-3) is a ruthenium (Ru) carbonyl metal complex known to release one of its CO ligands when in contact with proteins, which have been used to describe metal-CORMs different roles and properties both in vitro as in vivo. Albumin is a key protein transporter of drugs in the bloodstream, therefore responsible for their pharmacokinetic profiles and ultimately efficiency. In the present work, UV-Vis analysis and fluorescent methods are used to study Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) and CORM-3 interaction, showing little conformational changes upon CORM-3 incubation and an effective quenching described by the Stern-Volmer relationship. CORM-3 decomposition in the working phosphate buffer is also followed by UV-Vis spectroscopy showing a degradation rate constant of 0.0026 s-1 and a half-life of less than 5 minutes. This instability in water complicates interaction studies, since it becomes difficult to distinguish between the metal complex true action from its decomposition products’. Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are suitable drug delivery systems due to their good biocompatibility and ability to be conjugated with biomolecules. Therefore, a nanoconjugate of this kind (AuNP@PEG@BSA@CORM-3), featuring polyethylene glycol (PEG), BSA and CORM-3, was developed by the same group were the present work is included, showing better anti-inflammatory efficiency in human monocytes than CORM-3 by itself. Given the fact that one nanoconjugate can load hundreds of metal complexes, cellular uptake could be the reason behind their different efficiencies. Herein, such hypothesis is studied using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES) as a way to quantify Ru and Au within cells. Although the collected data show possible sample preparation problems in the cell matrixes, the overall results point towards a much lower nanoconjugate uptake when compared to the free form of CORM-3, which seems incompatible with the suggestion previously made. Finally, the possibility of such nanoconjugate to be used therapeutically against Rheumatoid Arthritis, a chronic inflammatory disease, is explored using BSA as a carrier, as a preliminary assay for the nanoformulation, in Adjuvant-Induced Arthritic (AIA) rats. The lack of effect at a 0.0037 mg Kg-1 of CORM-3’s dose, rejects beforehand the possibility of this kind of system to be used against systemic inflammations

    The system of Transfer Pricing in a multinational

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    Transfer prices are used by the majority of firms worldwide when intermediate products or services are transferred within the same organization. These prices are reported as revenue for the selling entity (division, unit, department etc.) and as cost for the buying entity. Nevertheless, transfer prices lead to many disputes among managers in the same organization as transfer prices influence the performance of their entities. In cross-border transactions, transfer prices can be used by firms to reduce corporate taxes and thus, increase total firm profits. In order to fight against this firms’ practice, tax authorities require firms to establish a transfer pricing system in accordance with OECD1 Transfer Pricing Guidelines

    Joint modelling of longitudinal and competing risks data in clinical research

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    Joint modelling of longitudinal and survival data has received much attention in the recent years and is becoming increasingly used in clinical studies. When the longitudinal outcome and survival endpoints are associated, the many well-established models with different specifications proposed to analyse separately longitudinal and time-to-event outcomes are not suitable to analyse such data and a joint modelling approach is required. Although some joint models were adapted in order to allow for competing endpoints, this methodology has not been widely disseminated. The present study has as main objective to model jointly longitudinal and survival data in a competing risk context, discussing the different parameterisations of systematic implementations of these models in the R, using a real data set as an example for the comparison between the different model approaches. The relevance of this issue is associated with the need to draw attention of the users of this statistical software to the different interpretations of model parameters when fitting these models. To reinforce the relevance of these models in clinical research, we give an example of a data set on peritoneal dialysis that was analysed in this context, where death/transfer to haemodialysis was the event of interest and renal transplant was the competing event. Joint modelling results were also compared to separate analysis for these data.- (undefined

    Electroepoxidation of natural and synthetic alkenes mediated by sodium bromide

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    Electroepoxidation of synthetic alkenes (styrene, trans-stilbene and trans-b-methylstyrene) and of some natural terpenes (limonene, terpinolene, geraniol, a-terpinene, g-terpinene and a-terpineol) mediated by sodium bromide was performed in MeCN:H2O (4:1) at platinum electrodes. The indirect electrochemical oxidation of the olefins led to the corresponding epoxides in yields ranging from 23% to 79%.L’électroépoxydation d’alcènes synthétiques (styrène, trans-stilbène et trans-β- méthylstyrène) et d’alcènes naturels terpéniques (limonène, terpinolène, géraniol, α-terpinène, γ-terpinène et α-terpinéol) à l’aide de bromure de sodium a été réalisée dans un mélange MeCN:H2O (4:1) avec des électrodes de platine. L’oxydation électrochimique indirecte d’oléfines conduit aux époxydes correspondants avec des rendements allant de 23% à 79%.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Mãos de Mecânico e Toxidermia à Hidroxicloroquina: Ferramentas Diagnósticas Preciosas

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    O diagnóstico clínico de dermatomiosite é muitas vezes difícil e desafiante. A presença de uma história clínica clássica, aliada a um exame físico completo e ao uso dos anticorpos específicos para miosite recentemente descritos, pode levar ao diagnóstico mais precoce desta entidade. Desta forma e com o início atempado da terapêutica, minimiza-se o risco de progressão da doença. Apresentamos o caso de uma doente com mãos-de-mecânico e uma história prévia de toxidermia à hidroxicloroquina. Embora estes achados não sejam patognomónicos de dermatomiosite, quando associados a uma história clínica e exame físico típicos, são ferramentas diagnósticas úteis.The clinical diagnosis of dermatomyositis can be difficult and challenging. In the right clinical setting and with the use of the recently described myositis specific antibodies, an earlier diagnosis can be made and therapeutic approaches promptly started, minimizing the risk of disease progression. We herein present a case of a patient with mechanic’s hands and a previously documented drug eruption to hydroxychloroquine. Although these clinical findings are not pathognomonic of dermatomyositis, in the right clinical scenario, they are precious diagnostic tools

    Telework and mental health during COVID-19

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    COVID-19 has come to change societal organization. Due to lockdowns, work typologies have been rethought and telework has gained strength. However, the impact of the constant use of information and communication technologies on the mental health of workers needs to be considered. We aimed to investigate the impact of different work conditions on mental health, to which end we disseminated an online questionnaire during lockdowns to assess imagined surveillance, mobile maintenance expectation, communication overload, feelings of entrapment, depression, anxiety, stress, and flourishing in four groups (employed in telework, employed on-site, employed in layoff, and unemployed). We computed mean comparisons and serial mediations. We show that depression and anxiety were more prevalent in women; parents flourished more than people without children; and people with a higher level of education feel more entrapment. Crucially, we show that telework was associated with imagined surveillance and communication overload, which mediated the association with mobile maintenance expectations and entrapment (which was exacerbated by parenthood), impacting mental health and the quality of life. However, this was also partially observed in the remaining work conditions. Finally, flourishing worked as a protector against mental health issues in all work conditions. We discuss this given the massification of digital migration.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tempo na profissão e burnout nos bombeiros profissionais : o papel do suporte da chefia

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    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Área de Especialização em Psicologia dos Recursos Humanos, do Trabalho e das Organizações), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2020O burnout continua a ser uma temática bastante abordada em profissões caraterizadas por diversas exigências, como é o caso da profissão de bombeiro. Neste sentido, o presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar a relação entre o tempo de exercício da atividade de bombeiro (TEAB) e o burnout (exaustão e cinismo), assim como o papel moderador do suporte da chefia nessa mesma relação. De forma a testar este modelo teórico, foi utilizada uma amostra de 663 bombeiros profissionais portugueses e analisado o efeito da moderação através do Process (Hayes, 2018). As hipóteses não foram corroboradas pelo que, para a presente amostra, não existe uma relação entre o TEAB e o burnout experienciado pelos profissionais, e o suporte da chefia não modera a relação entre as variáveis anteriores. Contudo, verificou-se um efeito direto do suporte da chefia no burnout dos trabalhadores, algo que não estava previsto para esta investigação. Os resultados obtidos contribuem para a literatura ao alertar para a importância das chefias e o seu papel fundamental no bem-estar dos seus subordinados São ainda apresentadas sugestões para investigações futuras no que concerne esta temática, assim como são discutidas as implicações práticas dos resultados.Burnout continues to be a topic that is widely dealt with in professions characterized by multiple demands, such as the firefighting profession. In this sense, the present study aims to analyze the relationship between the time of firefighter's activity (TEAB) and burnout (exhaustion and cynicism), as well as the moderating role of the chief's support in this same relationship. In order to test this theoretical model, a sample of 663 Portuguese professional firefighters was used and the effect of moderation was analyzed through Process (Hayes, 2018). The hypotheses were not corroborated so that, for the present sample, there is no relationship between the TEAB and the burnout experienced by professionals, and the chief's support does not moderate the relationship between the previous variables. However, there was a direct and significant effect of chief's support on the workers' burnout, something that was not foreseen for this investigation. The results obtained contribute to the literature by alerting to the importance of chiefs and their fundamental role in the well-being of their subordinates. Suggestions are also made for future research in this area, and the practical implications of the results are discussed

    Relatório final da prática de ensino supervisionada. Metodologias ativas de aprendizagem – o papel do professor do 1ºCEB no desenvolvimento de um trabalho de projeto – um estudo de caso

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    O professor do 1º CEB desempenha um papel fundamental nos diferentes contextos escolares em que atua e as suas ações podem ser determinantes para o desenvolvimento pessoal e académico dos alunos que lhes são confiados. Neste sentido, e para melhor compreendermos este método de estudo de caso, importa salientar que é um método que tem como finalidade “descrever de modo preciso os comportamentos de um indivíduo, ou seja, neste procedimento, o sujeito é o centro da atenção do investigador” (Freixo, 2012, p. 120). Pretendemos então com este estudo, compreender o papel do professor de 1º CEB no desenvolvimento de um trabalho de projeto. Para tal, suportados num conjunto de técnicas e de procedimentos de caráter qualitativo, e utilizando o método fenomenológico-interpretativo, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo perceber a forma como o professor atua/interage com os seus alunos em contextos educativos que integrem metodologias ativas de aprendizagem, nomeadamente a metodologia de trabalho de projeto.The teacher of 1st CEB plays a key role in different school contexts in which it operates and its actions can be decisive for the personal and academic development of the students entrusted to them. In this sense, and to better understand this method of case study, it should be noted that it is a method that aims to "describe precisely the behavior of an individual, that is, in this procedure, the subject is the center of attention of researcher "(Freixo, 2012, p. 120). We intend then to this study, understand the role of teacher of 1st CEB in developing a project work. To this end, supported in a set of technical and qualitative procedures, and using the phenomenological interpretative method, this study aims to understand how the teacher works / interacts with their students in educational contexts that include active methodologies of learning, namely the project work methodolog

    A influência do yoga na atenção dos alunos em sala de aula

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    Relatório de Estágio realizado no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada II e apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino BásicoO presente relatório foi desenvolvido no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada II, integrada no curso de Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e de Matemática e Ciências Naturais no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Este apresenta uma dimensão descritiva e analítica sobre as práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas no âmbito da referida Unidade Curricular e uma dimensão investigativa. Na primeira, procura-se descrever e analisar os períodos de observação e intervenção pedagógica desenvolvidos nos contextos do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. No 1.º CEB, a prática de ensino supervisionada decorreu numa turma do 1.º ano, numa instituição privada. No 2.º CEB, decorreu em duas turmas do 5.º ano, numa instituição pública. Na dimensão investigativa, pretende-se averiguar se exercícios de relaxamento e de respiração característicos do yoga têm influência no desempenho de tarefas de cálculo mental. Sendo a concentração uma condição fundamental para o desenvolvimento de trabalhos em sala de aula, torna-se essencial determinar estratégias que permitam a concentração em contexto de sala de aula. Para tal, uma vez que as tarefas de cálculo mental parecem exigir um elevado nível de concentração, este estudo tem como objetivo estudar o eventual impacto dos exercícios de relaxamento e de respiração do yoga no desempenho de tarefas de cálculo mental. Assim, foram implementadas tarefas de cálculo mental numa turma de 1.º CEB sendo que, numa primeira fase não houve intervenção externa aos alunos e, numa segunda fase, realizou-se com os alunos exercícios de relaxamento e de respiração previamente à elaboração das tarefas. Para a análise dos resultados foi utilizada a metodologia de desenhos de investigação de sujeito único, de natureza quantitativa, através da qual foi possível verificar relações de causalidade entre as variáveis dependente e independente. Os resultados do estudo sugerem que os exercícios de relaxamento e respiração do yoga têm influência no desempenho dos alunos em tarefas de cálculo mental ainda que, apenas gradualmente.ABSTRACT This report was developed within the scope of the Curricular Unit of Supervised Teaching Practice II, integrated in course of the Master’s Degree on Primary School Teaching. This report presents a descriptive and analytical dimension on the pedagogical practices developed within the scope of the aforementioned Curricular Unit and an investigative dimension. In the first one, i tis intended to describe and analyze the periods of observation and pedagogical intervention developed in the contexts of the First and Second Basic School. In the First Cycle, supervised teaching practice took place in a first year class, at a private institution. In the Second Cycle, it was done with two classes of the fifth year, at a public institution. In the investigative dimension, it is sought to determine if relaxation and breathing exercises characteristic of yoga influence the performance of mental calculation tasks. Since concentration is a fundamental condition for the development of classroom work, it becomes essential to determine strategies that allow concentration in the classroom context. To this end, since mental calculus tasks seem to require a high level of concentration, this study aims to study the possible impact of yoga relaxation and breathing exercises in the performance of mental calculation tasks. Thus, mental calculation tasks were implemented in a group of First Cycle, and in the first phase there was no external intervention to the students and, in a second phase, the students performed relaxation and breathing exercises prior to the task elaboration . For the analysis of the results, the methodology of single subject investigation drawings was used, through which it was possible to verify causal relations between the dependent and independent variables. The results of the study suggest that yoga relaxation and breathing exercises influence the performance of students in mental calculus tasks, although only gradually.N/

    Protocolos de actuação no controlo do risco associado à infecção cruzada em medicina dentária : um estudo observacional

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    Introdução: Diversos estudos comprovam a existência de um potencial risco de infecção cruzada na prática da Medicina Dentária, uma vez que inúmeras infecções podem ser transmitidas através do contacto directo ou indirecto com sangue e/ou saliva, de salpicos, de aerossóis e de instrumentos ou equipamentos contaminados. (1) Objectivos: Os principais objectivos deste estudo visaram alargar o conhecimento na área da prevenção da infecção cruzada em Medicina Dentária e avaliar o nível de interesse e conhecimento dos profissionais de saúde oral sobre esta temática em particular. Materiais e métodos: O estudo consistiu na distribuição de um questionário de auto resposta fechada, que foi elaborado com base nas fontes bibliográficas consultadas, composto por vinte e quatro questões. O questionário foi aplicado a uma amostra de 123 indivíduos, dos quais 98% eram médicos-dentistas. A média de idades dos inquiridos era cerca de 29,62 anos, sendo que 30,9% provinham do distrito de Viseu. Resultados: após ter-se efectuado a análise estatística dos dados recolhidos, foi possível perceber que uma grande parte da amostra tinha um elevado domínio sobre determinados parâmetros específicos, como os métodos de protecção individual, a importância da lavagem frequente das mãos e o manuseamento e limpeza do instrumental rotatório. Contudo, registou-se um número significativo de respostas incorrectas e desconhecimento na avaliação de outros factores, entre os quais a composição e o modo de actuação dos desinfectantes de instrumentos/ superfícies, usados rotineiramente na prática clínica. Conclusões: Uma grande percentagem dos inquiridos (89%) revelou interesse em participar em formações contínuas futuras que abordem esta temática.Relativamente ao tipo de iniciativas preferidas, destacam-se os cursos de demonstração clinica, as apresentações por meios audiovisuais e as conferências com especialistas na matéria.Introduction: Many research has shown that infective hazards are present in dental practice, because many infections can be transmitted by blood or saliva through direct or indirect contact, droplets, aerosols, or contaminated instruments and equipment.(1) Aims: the main aim of the study was to enhance the knowledge about infection control procedures and guidelines and evaluate the interest of dental practitioners in this specific subject. Materials and methods: A questionnaire with twenty four questions was delivered to a sample of 123 individuals, 98% of them were dentists. The average age of the individuals was around twenty nine years old and 30,9% came from the district of Viseu. Results: After doing statistical analysis of data, the results indicate that in some specific areas involving infection control recommendations, such as methods to individual protection, the importance of hand washing and cleaning of rotatory instrumental, a great number of individuals showed a good knowledge. However, in other points related to composition and action of surface disinfectants, the answers given by the sample showed lower knowledge. Conclusions: The majority of respondents (89%) are interested on future initiatives about this area. The educational initiatives who had a bigger number of responses were clinical courses, audiovisual presentations and conferences given by specialists