8 research outputs found

    Impacto del empleo formal en la económia de Nicaragua 2009-2013

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    El presente trabajo tiene como propósito, el análisis del empleo formal en Nicaragua. El primer capítulo se abordara la metodología utilizadas para la elaboración del tema de investigación, en donde se plantea el problema actual y se expone las diversas teorías acerca del empleo formal que desarrollaron los principales economistas que pertenecieron a las diferentes escuelas de pensamientos económicos. El segundo capítulo presenta las leyes y normas que rigen el mercado laboral de Nicaragua, así mismo los diferentes Organismos que velan por el Cumplimiento del Código del Trabajo, y por último se presenta la función que tiene el Estado como Creador de Leyes que Generan Empleos. El tercer capítulo se analiza el Empleo Formal de la Economía Nicaragüense en un periodo de 5 años (2009-2013) en donde se exponen los Antecedentes del Mercado Laboral, luego se estudiará la Evolución del Empleo Formal en los períodos antes mencionado. El Cuarto capítulo se enfoca en el impacto del Empleo Formal de cómo éste contribuye a la Estabilidad Económica del País

    Magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic resonance arthrography and ultrasonography for assessing rotator cuff tears in people with shoulder pain for whom surgery is being considered

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    Background Shoulder pain is a very common symptom. Disorders of the rotator cuff tendons due to wear or tear are among the most common causes of shoulder pain and disability. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA) and ultrasound (US) are increasingly being used to assess the presence and size of rotator cuff tears to assist in planning surgical treatment. It is not known whether one imaging method is superior to any of the others.Objectives To compare the diagnostic test accuracy of MRI, MRA and US for detecting any rotator cuff tears (i.e. partial or full thickness) in people with suspected rotator cuff tears for whom surgery is being considered.Search methods We searched the Cochrane Register of Diagnostic Test Accuracy Studies, MEDLINE, EMBASE, and LILACS from inception to February 2011. We also searched trial registers, conference proceedings and reference lists of articles to identify additional studies. No language or publication restrictions were applied.Selection criteria We included all prospective diagnostic accuracy studies that assessed MRI, MRA or US against arthroscopy or open surgery as the reference standard, in people suspected of having a partial or full thickness rotator cuff tear. We excluded studies that selected a healthy control group, or participants who had been previously diagnosed with other specific causes of shoulder pain such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Studies with an excessively long period (a year or longer) between the index and reference tests were also excluded.Data collection and analysis Two review authors independently extracted data on study characteristics and results of included studies, and performed quality assessment according to QUADAS criteria. Our unit of analysis was the shoulder. for each test, estimates of sensitivity and specificity from each study were plotted in ROC space and forest plots were constructed for visual examination of variation in test accuracy. Meta-analyses were performed using the bivariate model to produce summary estimates of sensitivity and specificity. We were unable to formally investigate potential sources of heterogeneity because of the small number of studies.Main results We included 20 studies of people with suspected rotator cuff tears (1147 shoulders), of which six evaluated MRI and US (252 shoulders), or MRA and US (127 shoulders) in the same people. Many studies had design flaws, with the potential for bias, thus limiting the reliability of their findings. Overall, the methodological quality of the studies was judged to be low or unclear. for each test, we observed considerable heterogeneity in study results, especially between studies that evaluated US for the detection of full thickness tears and studies that evaluated MRA for the detection of partial thickness tears. the criteria for a positive diagnostic test (index tests and reference standard) varied between studies.Meta-analyses were not possible for studies that assessed MRA for detection of any rotator cuff tears or partial thickness tears. We found no statistically significant differences in sensitivity or specificity between MRI and US for detecting any rotator cuff tears (P = 0.13), or for detecting partial thickness tears (P = 1.0). Similarly, for the comparison between MRI, MRA and US for detecting full thickness tears, there was no statistically significant difference in diagnostic performance (P = 0.7). for any rotator cuff tears, the summary sensitivity and specificity were 98% (95% CI 92% to 99%) and 79% (95% CI 68% to 87%) respectively for MRI (6 studies, 347 shoulders), and 91% (95% CI 83% to 95%) and 85% (95% CI 74% to 92%) respectively for US (13 studies, 854 shoulders). for full thickness tears, the summary sensitivity and specificity were 94% (95% CI 85% to 98%) and 93% (95% CI 83% to 97%) respectively for MRI (7 studies, 368 shoulders); 94% (95% CI 80% to 98%) and 92% (95% CI 83% to 97%) respectively for MRA (3 studies, 183 shoulders); and 92% (95% CI 82% to 96%) and 93% (95% CI 81% to 97%) respectively for US (10 studies, 729 shoulders).Because few studies were direct head-to-head comparisons, we could not perform meta-analyses restricted to these studies. the test comparisons for each of the three classifications of the target condition were therefore based on indirect comparisons which may be prone to bias due to confounding.Authors' conclusions MRI, MRA and US have good diagnostic accuracy and any of these tests could equally be used for detection of full thickness tears in people with shoulder pain for whom surgery is being considered. the diagnostic performance of MRI and US may be similar for detection of any rotator cuff tears. However, both MRI and US may have poor sensitivity for detecting partial thickness tears, and the sensitivity of US may be much lower than that of MRI. the strength of evidence for all test comparisons is limited because most studies were small, heterogeneous and methodologically flawed, and there were few comparative studies. Well designed studies that directly compare MRI, MRA and US for detection of rotator cuff tears are needed.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, BrazilParker Institute, DenmarkOak FoundationTeesside University, UKUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Orthopaed & Traumatol, BR-04038032 São Paulo, BrazilMonash Univ, Sch Publ Hlth & Prevent Med, Dept Epidemiol & Prevent Med, Monash Dept Clin Epidemiol,Cabrini Hosp, Malvern, AustraliaUniv Birmingham, Birmingham, W Midlands, EnglandUniv Teesside, Hlth & Social Care Inst, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, EnglandUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Orthopaed & Traumatol, BR-04038032 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Reconstrucción funcional de brazo en fractura abierta III C de húmero

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    Las fracturas abiertas de alta energía tipo III C de Gustilo requieren un abordaje multidisciplinario en el que intervendrán distintas especialidades médicas, personal paramédico y demás profesionales de la salud, a fin de lograr una adecuada evolución del paciente y la restauración de su extremidad. La selección del procedimiento reconstructivo de cobertura dependerá de la localización y magnitud del defecto; pero se necesita una adecuada coordinación para llevar a cabo de forma oportuna la revascularización, la estabilización ósea y la cobertura de tejidos blandos que son la base de un procedimiento exitoso que prevenga la infección, favorezca la consolidación de la fractura y proteja las estructuras óseas, cartilaginosas, tendinosas y neurovasculares. Presentamos el caso de un paciente varón de 20 años de edad con fractura abierta de húmero III C según la clasificación de Gustilo, tratado con revascularización mediante colocación de injertos de vena safena a vasos braquiales, y secuencialmente, fijación intramedular de húmero y cobertura con colgajo músculo-cutáneo de dorsal ancho. Tras 10 días de estancia hospitalaria, el paciente logró una adecuada cobertura de la zona de la fractura abierta y restablecimiento de la función de flexión del codo

    Putrescine treatment reverses α-tocopherol-induced desynchronization of polyamine and retinoid metabolism during rat liver regeneration

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    Abstract Background The pre-treatment with α-tocopherol inhibits progression of rat liver proliferation induced by partial hepatectomy (PH), by decreasing and/or desynchronizing cyclin D1 expression and activation into the nucleus, activation and nuclear translocation of STAT-1 and -3 proteins and altering retinoid metabolism. Interactions between retinoic acid and polyamines have been reported in the PH-induced rat liver regeneration. Therefore, we evaluated the effect of low dosage of α-tocopherol on PH-induced changes in polyamine metabolism. Methods This study evaluated the participation of polyamine synthesis and metabolism during α-tocopherol-induced inhibition of rat liver regeneration. In PH-rats (Wistar) treated with α-tocopherol and putrescine, parameters indicative of cell proliferation, lipid peroxidation, ornithine decarboxylase expression (ODC), and polyamine levels, were determined. Results Pre-treatment with α-tocopherol to PH-animals exerted an antioxidant effect, shifting earlier the increased ODC activity and expression, temporally affecting polyamine synthesis and ornithine metabolism. Whereas administration of putrescine induced minor changes in PH-rats, the concomitant treatment actually counteracted most of adverse actions exerted by α-tocopherol on the remnant liver, restituting its proliferative potential, without changing its antioxidant effect. Putrescine administration to these rats was also associated with lower ODC expression and activity in the proliferating liver, but the temporally shifting in the amount of liver polyamines induced by α-tocopherol, was also “synchronized” by the putrescine administration. The latter is supported by the fact that a close relationship was observed between fluctuations of polyamines and retinoids. Conclusions Putrescine counteracted most adverse actions exerted by α-tocopherol on rat liver regeneration, restoring liver proliferative potential and restituting the decreased retinoid levels induced by α-tocopherol. Therefore interactions between polyamines and retinol, mediated by the oxidant status, should be taken into consideration in the development of new therapeutic strategies for pathologies occurring with liver cell proliferation