119 research outputs found

    Archaeological excavations in prehistoric sites of the Blue Nile area, Central Sudan. Excavaciones arqueológicas en yacimientos prehistóricos del Nilo Azul, Sudán Central

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    Resultados de las excavaciones en dos yacimientos mesolíticos, uno de la zona del río (Sheikh Mustafa- 1, fechado por carbono-14 en c. 7705-7600 bp) y otro en Wadi Soba (El Mahalab, c. 7705-6940 bp), y un yacimiento neolítico inicial del wadi (Sheikh el Amin, c. 5555-4590 bp), con análisis exhaustivos de estratigrafías, cerámicas, materiales líticos y otros hallazgos, usando métodos multivariantes (componentes principales, análisis factorial). Aunque la erosión ha afectado parcialmente a los sitios mesolíticos, se recuperaron importantes datos sobre la evolución cultural regional del VIII al V milenio bp, cuyas líneas de cambio van desde cerámicas nilóticas con líneas onduladas incisas a tipos saharianos on impresiones de líneas rectas y punteadas, y desde puntas de dorso y segmentos strechos a segmentos nchos que reflejan el paso de la pesca y caza mayor a la caza menor. La pesca pierde mportancia rogresivamente a lo largo del periodo de los tres yacimientos, mientras que la recolección vegetal, inferible a partir de los morteros, aumenta continuadamente para empezar a decrecer al final antes del paso a una economía pastoril nómada.Extensive excavations were carried out in two Mesolithic sites, in the river area (Sheikh Mustafa-1, radiocarbon dated to c. 7930-7600 bp) and in the Wadi Soba zone (El Mahalab, c. 7705-6940 bp), and at a wadi Early Neolithic site (Sheikh el Amin, c. 5555-4590 bp). The results of comprehensive analysis of stratigraphical conditions, pottery and lithic material and other cultural types are presented. Multivariate methods such as principal component and rotated factor analysis have been applied to quantitative data from excavated sectors and squares at the three sites. Even though the Mesolithic sites are partially deflated, significant information was gathered on the cultural evolution in the area during the 8th – 5th millennia bp. The inferred scenario presents several change trends: from specifically Nilotic pottery decoration (incised wavy line) to Saharan types such as impressed rocker and dotted wavy line, from lithic backed points and narrow lunates, used for fishing and hunting big game, to wide lunates for the hunting of smaller game. Fishing importance decreased along the whole period of the three sites. Plant gathering, deduced from grinders frequency, increased to a maximum during the Neolithic but a decrease is inferable for the latter phases of this period when the transition begun to a pastoralist way of life

    The Neolithic site of Haj Yusif (Central Sudan)

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    Not AvailableInforme de la excavación de 1989, que incluye la descripción y análisis preliminar de la cerámica, útiles líticos y fauna. A pesar de su condición alterada por ocupaciones posteriores, en el yacimiento se han podido detectar dos áreas con distinta proporción de motivos decorativos en la cerámica, lo que implica diferencia funcional o, más probablemente, cronológica. El asentamiento parece haber sido de corta duración y corresponde a un grupo pastoril de alta movilidad, con rasgos similares a otros conocidos en el Sudán central durante el «Neolítico de Jartúm», tipo Shaheinab, en la segunda mitad del quinto milenio a. C

    Archaeological survey in the Blue Nile area, Central Sudan. Prospección arqueológica en el área del Nilo Azul, Sudán Central

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    Se presentan los resultados de una prospección intensiva del área de Wadi Soba-el-Hasib al este de Jartum en la orilla oriental del Nilo Azul y una exploración del Nilo Azul aguas arriba hasta Singa. El objetivo principal fueron losrestos prehistóricos, con un 80% de yacimientos mesolíticos (EarlyKhartoum), siendo el resto neolítico(Shaheinab-Jebel Moya) junto a escasos restos paleolíticos. Porprimera vez se han registrado yacimientosimportantes del Neolítico Final en el Sudán Central, siempreen áreas lejanas al Nilo de la Butana y laGezira. Se han aplicado métodos estadísticos multivariantes a los procesos de formación, seriación cerámica ymodelos de asentamiento. Se advierte elpaso primero de una explotación acuática por grupos móviles a unaconcentración demográfica decazadores-pastores de sabana, que luego adoptan una economía móvil contúmulos funerarios comoúnico resto arqueológico hasta la época moderna.The results are presented of an intensive survey of the Wadi Soba-el-Hasib area east of Khartoum on the east bank of the Blue Nile and the exploration of the Blue Nile Basin upstream to Singa. The survey focused mainly on the Prehistoric sites, with the Mesolithic period (Early Khartoum) as the mostly represented with more than 80% of the discovered sites, the Neolithic sites (Shaheinab-Jebel Moya) making up most of the remainder 20%. Very few Palaeolithic sites were recorded. Late Neolithic sites of large size have been found for the first time in the Central Sudan, all of them located away from the Blue Nile in the Butana and Gezira plains. Site structure and formation processes, ceramic seriation and settlement patterns have been analysed applying statistical multivariate methods to the survey quantitative data. Some historical trends have been noticed. The first is the change from a Nilewadi aquatic exploitation by small mobile groups towards demographic concentration of near-sedentary savanna hunting herding populations. During the Late Neolithic period the groups adopted a mobile economy and their only archaeological record thereafter are the burial tumuli fields up to the Christian and Islamic periods

    Revisión cronoestratigráfica de la cueva de la Güelga (Narciandi, Asturias) : del Musteriense al Peleolítico Superior inicial

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    Con este trabajo queremos presentar algunos de los datos más recientes sobre la estratigrafía y la cronología radiométrica de la Cueva de La Güelga (Narciandi, Asturias), con un particular interés por las descripciones sedimentológicas, las industrias y las dataciones cronológicas, en relación con los orígenes del Paleolítico Superior y muy especialmente con el Paleolítico Medio.In this paper we want to present some more recient results related to the stratigraphy and 14C chronology of the La Güelga Cave (Narciandi, Asturias),with major interest about sedimentological descriptions, industries and chronological datations, relationswith the origins of the Upper Paleolithic and speciallywith the Middle Paleolithic.</p


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    En este trabajo presentamos los datos tafonómicos y arqueozoológicos preliminaresobtenidos en la revisión que hemos realizado, de los restos de macromamíferos que proporcionaron lasexcavaciones de la cueva del Buxu. Se cuantifica y evalúa la presencia de carnívoros así como suposible incidencia en la formación del registro arqueológico, también se ofrecen los datos deestacionalidad y edad estimada en el momento de la muerte de los macromamíferos, fundamentalmentede los principales taxones: Rupicapra rupicapra y Cervus elaphus. Los datos que aportamos podrán serutilizados para que el debate sobre el tránsito a la diversificación de los recursos, observado a lo largodel Paleolítico superior, pueda ser efectuado con mayor precisiónThis paper presents the preliminary taphonomic and archaeozoological data obtained from the review of the remains of macromammals who provided the excavations of El Buxu cave. It quantifies and assesses the presence of carnivores and their potential impact on the formation of the archaeological record; also it offers the data for seasonality and estimated age at the time of the death of macromammals, mainly of the fundamental taxa: Rupicapra rupicapra and Cervus elaphus. The data could be used to debate about the transit to the observed diversification of resources, along the Upper Paleolithic, with accuracy

    A study of the artistic corpus of red cave paintings in El Buxu cave (Cangas de Onís, Asturias, Spain)

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    El Buxu cave, which is located in the village of Cardes (Cangas de Onís, Asturias), has been studied since the 1980s, with multiple excavations taking place inside the cave. This work has uncovered a complete artistic corpus, marking out several phases of occupation, with paintings dating to the first phases of the Upper Palaeolithic, Solutrean and Lower and Middle Magdalenian periods. This paper presents a new review of its rock art, documenting all of the red paintings inside the cave, most of which have never been published up until this point. The most notable inclusion is the new description of a zoomorphic figure painted in red, which has previously been interpreted as an aurochs, but whose features are in fact closer to those of a deer or reindeer. In addition, stratigraphic analysis of some of the paintings has revealed that they are overlapped by Solutrean and Magdalenian engravings and black paintings inside the cave. Elemental analysis was performed on series of red pigments and ochre samples, recovered from various strata using X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. The resulting dataset was treated using Principal Component Analysis, providing a deeper understanding of the composition of the rock art in El Buxu cave, while uncovering potential correlations between the samples ac- cording to their elemental composition. After comparing additional evidences from other red cave paintings in the region with the red pictographs in the cave, along with the stratification of paint pigments and their relationship with the ochre samples in each stratum, it appears that the red paintings comprise the oldest group of pictures inside the cave and can be broadly dated to the pre-Magdalenian cultural period.Our special aknowledgment to the National University of Distance Education (UNED), for its funding for open-access publishin

    Artistas y cazadores de ciervos : el papel del ciervo en el arte y la caza del Paleolítico Superior Cantábrico

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    El ciervo fue el animal prioritario en las prácticas de caza para las comunidades paleolíticas cantábricas y al mismo tiempo una de las especies más representadas en el Arte paleolítico. Este artículo propone algunas relaciones sugerentes entre las características ecológicas, su papel dominante en las estrategias de caza y los rasgos iconográficos de la especie durante el Paleolítico superior cantábrico.Red deer was the most important animal species hunted for food by Upper Palaeolithic inhabitants of Cantabrian region and almost it was one of the principal animals in Palaeolithic Art. This paper point out some suggestive relations about special ecological character, dominant role in hunt strategies and ichnographical record of this specie in Cantabrian Upper Paleolitihic.</p