390 research outputs found

    Valoración del efecto de la calcitonina en la consolidación de la fractura de Colles

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    Se estudian cuarenta pacientes en que se ha producido una Fractura de Epífisis Distal de Radio (Fractura de POUTEAU-COLLES) en pacientes mayores de cincuenta años, con signos de osteoroporosis. Se han hecho dos grupos aleatorios de veinte pacientes. El grupo A se ha tratado con un programa de calcitonina y calcio que cubre los tres primeros meses. El grupo B es tratado exclusivamente con calcio, por igual período. En ambos la reducción e inmovilización sigue los mismos criterios. Se evalúan los resultados, observando que el grupo A presenta menos secuelas dolorosas.The authors have studied 40 patients with fracture of distal epiphysis of radius (POUTEAU-COLLES' fracture) all of them fifty years old with signs of osteoporosis. They have made two groups of patients (20 every one). The group A has been treated with a program of calcitonin and calcium during three months. The group B has been treated only with calcium, three months, as well as the other group. Both groups have the same criterion of reduction and inmovilization. The evaluation of results in the first group showed less painful consequences

    Potentiation of acute morphine-induced analgesia measured by a thermal test in bone cancer-bearing mice

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    Agonists of mu-opioid receptors are currently used in the management of cancer pain. However, several data suggest that the analgesic effect of morphine can diminish during the development of experimental tumors. By using a thermal test, we have studied whether the analgesic effect evoked by morphine is altered in mice bearing two painful bone tumors. The analgesic effect evoked by systemic morphine remained unaltered after the intratibial inoculation of B16-F10 melanoma cells and was potentiated after the inoculation of NCTC 2472 osteosarcoma cells. Although the number of spinal mu-opioid receptors measured by western blot studies was not augmented in osteosarcoma-bearing mice, the analgesia evoked by intrathecal (i.t.) morphine was also enhanced. The analgesic response produced by the spinal administration of the Gi/o protein activator mastoparan was amplified, whereas the analgesic response evoked by the i.t. administration of the N-type calcium channel blocker ?-conotoxin remained unaltered. The efficacy of the GIRK channel blocker tertiapin-Q to antagonize the analgesic effect produced by a maximal dose of morphine was also increased in osteosarcoma-bearing mice. Our results seem to indicate that the analgesic effect of morphine on thermal nociception can be enhanced in response to the development of particular bone tumors in mice, being this potentiation probably related to a greater efficacy of the transduction system driven by Gi/o proteins and GIRK channels.Grants were provided by MEC-FEDER (SAF2009-10567). SL received a grant from CIBER of Enfermedades Raras of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII). The Instituto Universitario de Oncología is supported by Obra Social Cajastur-Asturias, Spain

    High dielectric constant in Barium titanate-graphene composites around the percolation threshold

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado a la 14th International Conference of the European Ceramic Society, celebrada en Toledo (España) del 21 al 25 junio de 2015.Peer Reviewe

    Barreras y beneficios percibidos en la participación en el cribado de cáncer de colon mediante test de sangre oculta en heces

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    [Abstract] Background: Colorectal cancer is the second cancer-related cause of death in the world. Tumour stage at diagnosis is the principal prognosis factor of survival. However, the participation in the programme is around 50%. The aim of the study was to identify the benefits and barriers perceived by the population when participating in a colorectal cancer screening programme with faecal occult blood test. Methods: We carried out a cases-controls study with 408 participants. We analyzed epidemiological and social variables associated with lifestyle and behavioural factors based in the Health Belief Model. We conducted a descriptive analysis, and identified variables associated to adherence by a logistic regression. Results: Variables independently associated with the participation in a colorectal cancer screening programme were age (OR 1.06; 95% CI: 1.01-1.11), having a stable partner (OR 1.96; 95% CI: 1.20-3.18), the level of education (OR 1.59; 95% CI: 1.02-2.47) and two of the barriers to participate in the faecal occult blood test screening: "you don't know how to do one" (OR=0.46; 95% CI: 0.23-0.93) and "it is not that important right now" (OR=0.43; 95% CI: 0.24-0.78). Conclusion: The existing barriers for screening with faecal occult blood test are the best factor predicting. This is relevant when designing the intervention programmes, as they should focus on reducing perceived barriers to increase the participation in colorectal cancer screening, thereby reducing colorectal cancer mortality.[Resumen] Antecedentes. El cáncer colorrectal constituye la segunda causa de muerte por cáncer en el mundo. El estadio del tumor al diagnóstico es el principal factor pronóstico de supervivencia. Sin embargo, la participación en el programa está en torno al 50%. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar los beneficios y las barreras percibidos por la población al participar en un programa de cribado de cáncer de colon mediante el test de sangre oculta en heces. Métodos. Estudio de casos y controles con 408 participantes en el que analizamos variables sociodemográficas, variables asociadas al estilo de vida y factores conductuales basados en el Modelo de Creencias en Salud. Realizamos un análisis descriptivo y, para identificar las variables asociadas a la adhesión al programa de cribado de cáncer colorrectal, una regresión logística. Resultados. Las variables que se asociaron de forma independiente a la participación en el programa fueron la edad (OR 1,06; IC 95% 1,01-1,11), tener pareja estable (OR 1,96; IC 95% 1,20-3,18), el nivel de estudios (OR 1,59; IC 95% 1,02-2,47) y 2 de las barreras para participar en el cribado mediante test de sangre oculta en heces: «no sabe cómo hacerlo» (OR 0,46; IC 95% 0,23-0,93) y «no es un problema importante en el momento actual» (OR 0,3; IC 95% 0,24-0,78). Conclusión. Las barreras existentes para el cribado mediante test de sangre oculta en heces son el mejor factor predictivo de participación. Esto es importante a la hora de diseñar los programas de cribado de cáncer colorrectal, ya que la reducción de las barreras percibidas aumentará la participación en los mismos, reduciendo así la mortalidad por cáncer de colon

    Modelización de la probabilidad de ocurrencia de incendios forestales por rayo en la provincia de León (NO de España)

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    Spatial relationships between lightning-induced forest fires and topography, vegetation, climate and lightning characteristics were analyzed in the province of León (NW Spain). The study was based on reported lightning-induced forest fires in the period 2002-2007. A statistical model based on logistic regression was developed to estimate the probability of occurrence of a lightning-induced fire in a 3 x 3 km grid. The importance of accurate location of the ignition point was also investigated in order to evaluate the sensitivity of the model developed to uncertainty of the location. The model developed with accurate ignition point data showed a better predictive ability than the model constructed with all the ignition points available. The former model was therefore selected for long-term prediction of the occurrence of lightning-induced fires in the province. According to this model, the probability of a forest stand being affected by lightning-induced fire increased with decreasing altitude, and when there was a high proportion of coniferous species in the stand, a high percentage of lightning strikes in forest areas and a high number of dry storm days in the area. Although the model has not been validated, the results can be considered spatially robust because it shows good classification ability and the predicted spatial probability distribution is consistent with the observed historical fire records. The model will be useful in the spatially explicit assessment of fire risk, the planning and coordination of regional efforts to identify areas at greatest risk, and in designing long-term wildfire management strategies.En este estudio se analizaron las relaciones espaciales entre incendios forestales originados por rayo y variables topográficas, de vegetación, de clima y de las características de las descargas de rayos en la provincia de León (NO de España). Se utilizaron datos de incendios forestales originados por rayo en la provincia en el período 2002-2007. La probabilidad de ocurrencia de incendio se estimó para una malla de 3 km x 3 km de lado mediante un modelo logístico. Se analizó también la importancia que posee una localización exacta del punto de inicio del incendio en los resultados del modelo desarrollado y la sensibilidad del mismo a la incertidumbre de la localización. El modelo desarrollado a partir de todos los puntos de inicio de incendio disponibles en la base de datos mostró una peor capacidad predictiva que el desarrollado a partir de datos exactos del punto de inicio. Este último fue, por tanto, el seleccionado para realizar la predicción a largo plazo de los incendios provocados por rayo en la provincia. De acuerdo con este modelo, la probabilidad de ocurrencia de un incendio causado por rayo aumenta según disminuye la altitud, cuando existe una elevada proporción de coníferas, un elevado porcentaje de descargas de rayos en terreno forestal y un elevado número de días de tormentas secas.Aunque el modelo no ha sido validado, los resultados del mismo pueden considerarse espacialmente robustos ya que el modelo tiene una buena capacidad de clasificación y la distribución espacial predicha es consistente con los registros históricos de incendios. El modelo obtenido es útil en la valoración explícita del riesgo de incendios, en la identificación de zonas de riesgo elevado, así como en el diseño de estrategias para la gestión de incendios forestales a largo plazo

    Modelling the probability of lightning-induced forest fire occurrence in the province of León (NW Spain)

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    P. 95 -107En este estudio se analizaron las relaciones espaciales entre incendios forestales originados por rayo y variables topográficas, de vegetación, de clima y de las características de las descargas de rayos en la provincia de León (NO de España). Se utilizaron datos de incendios forestales originados por rayo en la provincia en el período 2002-2007. La probabilidad de ocurrencia de incendio se estimó para una malla de 3 km × 3 km de lado mediante un modelo logístico. Se analizó también la importancia que posee una localización exacta del punto de inicio del incendio en los resultados del modelo desarrollado y la sensibilidad del mismo a la incertidumbre de la localización. El modelo desarrollado a partir de todos los puntos de inicio de incendio disponibles en la base de datos mostró una peor capacidad predictiva que el desarrollado a partir de datos exactos del punto de inicio. Este último fue, por tanto, el seleccionado para realizar la predicción a largo plazo de los incendios provocados por rayo en la provincia. De acuerdo con este modelo, la probabilidad de ocurrencia de un incendio causado por rayo aumenta según disminuye la altitud, cuando existe una elevada proporción de coníferas, un elevado porcentaje de descargas de rayos en terreno forestal y un elevado número de días de tormentas secas. Aunque el modelo no ha sido validado, los resultados del mismo pueden considerarse espacialmente robustos ya que el modelo tiene una buena capacidad de clasificación y la distribución espacial predicha es consistente con los registros históricos de incendios. El modelo obtenido es útil en la valoración explícita del riesgo de incendios, en la identificación de zonas de riesgo elevado, así como en el diseño de estrategias para la gestión de incendios forestales a largo plazoS

    Impact of Potentially Toxic Compounds in Cow Milk: How Industrial Activities Affect Animal Primary Productions

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    Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) frequently coexist in soils near industrial areas and sometimes in environmental compartments directly linked to feed (forage) and food (milk) production. However, the distribution of these pollutants along the dairy farm production chain is unclear. Here, we analyzed soil, forage, and milk samples from 16 livestock farms in Spain: several PTEs and PAHs were quantified. Farms were compared in terms of whether they were close to (5 km) industrial areas. The results showed that PTEs and PAHs were enriched in the soils and forages from farms close to industrial areas, but not in the milk. In the soil, the maximum concentrations of PTEs reached 141, 46.1, 3.67, 6.11, and 138 mg kg-1 for chromium, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and lead, respectively, while fluoranthene (172.8 µg kg-1) and benzo(b)fluoranthene (177.4 µg kg-1) were the most abundant PAHs. Principal component analysis of the soil PTEs suggested common pollution sources for iron, arsenic, and lead. In the forage, the maximum contents of chromium, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and lead were 32.8, 7.87, 1.31, 0.47, and 7.85 mg kg-1, respectively. The PAH found in the highest concentration in the feed forage was pyrene (120 µg kg-1). In the milk, the maximum PTE levels were much lower than in the soil or the feed forages: 74.1, 16.1, 0.12, 0.28, and 2.7 µg kg-1 for chromium, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and lead, respectively. Neither of the two milk samples exceeded the 20 µg kg-1 limit for lead set in EU 1881/2006. Pyrene was the most abundant PAH found in the milk (39.4 µg kg-1), while high molecular weight PAHs were not detected. For PTEs, the results showed that soil-forage transfer factors were higher than forage-milk ratios. Our results suggest that soils and forages around farms near industries, as well as the milk produced from those farms, have generally low levels of PTE and PAH contaminants.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2020- 117282RB-I00, MCI-20-PID2019-000081, PID2019-109698GB-I00, PID2021-126010OR-I00), and by Principado de Asturias Regional Government co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (grants IDI/2021/000081 and IDI/2021/000102). S.F. received an FPI fellowship (grant BES-2017-081314) supported by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the Investments for the Future program of the European Social Fund, “El FSE invierte en tu futuro”

    Nanoscale zero-valent iron-assisted soil washing for the removal of potentially toxic elements

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    The present study focuses on soil washing enhancement via soil pretreatment with nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) for the remediation of potentially toxic elements. To this end, soil polluted with As, Cu, Hg, Pb and Sb was partitioned into various grain sizes (500?2000, 125?500 and <125??m). The fractions were pretreated with nZVI and subsequently subjected, according to grain size, to Wet-High Intensity Magnetic Separation (WHIMS) or hydrocycloning. The results were compared with those obtained in the absence of nanoparticles. An exhaustive characterization of the magnetic signal of the nanoparticles was done. This provided valuable information regarding potentially toxic elements (PTEs) fate, and allowed a metallurgical accounting correction considering the dilution effects caused by nanoparticle addition. As a result, remarkable recovery yields were obtained for Cu, Pb and Sb, which concentrated with the nZVI in the magnetically separated fraction (WHIMS tests) and underflow (hydrocyclone tests). In contrast, Hg, concentrated in the non-magnetic fraction and overflow respectively, while the behavior of As was unaltered by the nZVI pretreatment. All things considered, the addition of nZVI enhanced the efficiency of soil washing, particularly for larger fractions (125?2000??m). The proposed methodology lays the foundations for nanoparticle utilization in soil washing operations.This work was supported by Project CTM2016-75894-P (MINECO). Carlos Boente obtained a grant from the “Formación del Profesorado Universitario” program, financed by the “Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España”. The authors thank the “Servicio Cientifico-Técnico de Medidas Magnéticas” of the University of Oviedo

    Geoquímica orgánica del registro de la Ría de Villaviciosa desde 1400 ad (norte de España)

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    We have reconstructed the palaeoenvironmental conditions in the Villaviciosa estuary during the last 600 yrs, from the biomarker content (alkanes and alkanoic acids) of the sediment. The amino acid racemization method in ostracodes allowed determining that the sedimentation in the Selorio bay started in 1400 AD. Organic matter was well preserved, although certain microbial activity was interpreted. Three periods were established from the alkane content: 1.- Between 1400 and 1580 AD terrestrial input was dominant; 2.- Between 1580 and 1720 AD there was a major influence of aquatic macrophytes, coinciding with the Little Ice Age, 3.- Between 1720 and 2015 AD there were alternating periods during which land plants or aquatic macrophytes predominated, probably linked to anthropogenic activities. RESUMEN Se han reconstruido las condiciones paleoambientales de la zona de la ría de Villaviciosa de los últimos 600 años, a partir de los biomarcadores (alcanos y ácidos alcanoicos) presentes en el sedimento. El método de racemización de aminoácidos en ostrácodos ha permitido determinar el inicio de la sedimentación en la ensenada de Selorio, en la ría de Villaviciosa, que comenzó en 1400. La preservación de la materia orgánica es buena, aunque se observa una actividad microbiana importante. A partir de los alcanos se han establecido tres episodios: 1.- Entre 1400 y 1580 predominó el aporte de vegetación terrestre, 2.- Entre 1580 y 1720 hubo una mayor abundancia de macrofitas acuáticas, coincidiendo con la Pequeña Edad del Hielo, 3.- Entre 1720 y 2015, hubo una alternancia de aportes terrestres y de macrofitas acuáticas, posiblemente ligados a la acción antrópica

    Enhancing the hydrogen transfer catalytic activity of hybrid carbon nanotube-based NHC–iridium catalysts by increasing the oxidation degree of the nanosupport

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    CVD-grown multiwalled carbon nanotubes were purified by applying four different treatments with increasing oxidation severity. The growing severity of the treatment results in progressive oxygen functionalization of the surface along with introduction of an increasing quantity of defects on the carbon nanotube walls. Iridium-N-heterocyclic carbene complexes were covalently anchored to those oxidized surfaces through their surface carboxylic acids via acetyl linkers. The carbon nanotube-based iridium-NHC hybrid materials developed are active in the hydrogen-transfer reduction of cyclohexanone to cyclohexanol with 2-propanol/KOH as hydrogen source but with rather different activity. The catalytic activity of the hybrid catalysts is strongly influenced by the type and amount of oxygenated functionalization resulting from the treatment applied to the support, being the most active and the most oxidized material.The authors thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO/FEDER) (Projects Consolider Ingenio 2010 CSD2009-00050 and CTQ2013-42532-P) and the Diputación General de Aragón (FSE-E07 and FSE-E69) for their financial support. Dr. P. A. thanks MINECO for a Ramón y Cajal contract. M. B. acknowledges his fellowship from MECD (AP2010-0025).Peer Reviewe