380 research outputs found

    Sunset Sail

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    Oxygen therapy in respiratory disorders

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    PhDOxygen therapy remains a cornerstone of medical practice and is generally regarded as being safe. However, there is a lack of clinical evidence to support the routine use of oxygen therapy, and in certain conditions, injudicious oxygen may cause harm. In this thesis, I will present two audits and three randomised controlled trials of oxygen therapy. Methods A prospective audit of the prescription and use of oxygen therapy before and after the introduction of an oxygen prescription section on a drug chart A retrospective audit of ambulance oxygen administration, in patients with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) Two randomised controlled trials of high flow versus titrated oxygen in 150 patients with community acquired pneumonia and 106 patients with acute severe asthma A randomised controlled trial of 24 subjects with obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) comparing 100% oxygen with air Results Oxygen prescription is suboptimal in hospital inpatients. Whilst an oxygen prescription section improved prescription, this intervention did not improve clinical practice Over 70% of patients presenting with AECOPD received high flow oxygen prior to presentation to the emergency department. The risk of adverse outcomes increased progressively with increased PaO2 High concentration oxygen leads to a rise in PaCO2 compared to titrated oxygen, when administered to patients presenting with asthma or pneumonia Breathing 100% oxygen leads to a rise in PaCO2 in patients with OHS Conclusion This series of studies has shown that further measures are warranted to ensure the safe practice of oxygen therapy in the pre-hospital and hospital setting. In addition, the findings suggest that the potential for high concentration oxygen therapy to increase PaCO2 is not limited to COPD but may occur in other respiratory conditions in which abnormal gas exchange or respiratory drive are present

    Output Grafis Untuk Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pada PT. Xyz Dalam Desain Aplikasi Rekapitulasi Penjualan Sales

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    In this study the author focuses on graphic design as a complement output tabular output for a recapitulation applications sales selling PT. XYZ. This is consistent with the goals of PT. XYZ is a manufacturing company that is developing, for that needed output as parameter manager within retrieve decisions development marketing area. Besides also there another destination namely simplify monitoring achievement mostly sales. Design of output in the application recapitulation sales salesman is based on direct observation and interviews with relevant parties. This research produces applications equipped facilities to record sales transactions its sales as primary data producer reports such graphics sale turnover nor tables sales salesman

    Pengaruh Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Yang Di Mediasi Oleh Minat Beli Konsumen Roxy Swalayan Ende

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Promotion on:1) Customer Purchase Decisions  at Roxy Swalayan Ende, 2) Purchasing Intention at Roxy Swalayan Ende, 3)Buying Interest on Customer Purchasing Decisions at Roxy Swalayan Ende, and 4)Promotion on Customer Decisions mediated by Buying Interest at Roxy Swalayan Ende. This research includes causality research using a quantitative approach. the samples in this study were customers who shop at Roxy Swalayan Ende amounting to 50 people. Data collection used a questionnaire while data analysis performed using Path Analysis. The data were collected using questionnaires that have been tested for validity and reliability. Path analysis was used to test the hypothesis of this study. The results of this study indicate that: 1)promotion has positive and significance influence on Customer Purchase Decisions with a beta Value of 0,469, 2) promotion has positive and significant effect on purchase intention at Roxy Swalayan with beta value of 0,582, 3)purchase intention has positive and significant influence on Customer purchasing decisions at Roxy Swalayan Ende with beta value of 0,438, 4) promotion has positive and significant effect on customer purchasing decisions mediated by buying interest has a beta value of 0,25

    Consolidating inclusive housing finance development in Africa: Lessons from Kenyan savings and credit cooperatives

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    How can Sub-Saharan Africa consolidate inclusive housing  finance development? Conventional urban economic approaches have had limited success for housing finance throughout the region. Community-based funds are a possible alternative to expand accessible and affordable financial services towards meeting the housing needs for lower-income and slum dwellers. We probe this approach using qualitative content analysis and quantitative data assessment methodologies, and analyse the  unparalleled development of Kenya’s financial cooperative societies, commonly referred to as savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOs). The article finds SACCOs are positioned to promote access to affordable housing finance in Kenya. The Kenyan experience with SACCOs has many  commonalities with other countries in the region and can inform African policymakers seeking to strengthen their financial sector, especially in terms of housing credit.Keywords: Community savings; Affordable housing finance; Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs); Credit unions; Kenya; Africa

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Dan Kompetensi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Sukses Mitra Sejahtera)

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      This study aims to determine the effect of leadership and competence on employee performance at PT. Success Partners Prosperous. Case studies were conducted on all employees of the HRD and GA division at PT. Success Partners Prosperous. This data was obtained through direct distribution of questionnaires. The samples studied in this study were 46 respondents using saturated sampling techniques or taking all members of the population to conduct research. The data analysis technique used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Leadership (X1) on Employee Performance (Y) has a partial effect with a coefficient value of 4.411 with a significant level of 0.000. (2) Competence (X2) has no significant effect on Employee Performance (Y) with a coefficient value of 0.932 with a significant level of 0.356. (3) Leadership (X1) and Competence (X2) on Employee Performance (Y) have a simultaneous effect with a coefficient value of 9.769 with a significant level of 0.000. Keywords: Leadership, Competence, Employee Performanc

    Insentif Pada Kebijakan Dividen: Apa Yang Kita Ketahui Dan Apa Selanjutnya? Tinjauan Systematic Literature

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    Companies are competing to increase the value of the company to improve the welfare of shareholders, one of which is by determining the best dividend policy. This study aims to present a systematic review of the catering dividend by examining publication trends, journal rankings and citation profiles, factors, and their interactions. This study also attempts to propose a conceptual model based on the identification of variables in a systematic review study. This research uses systematic review analysis by searching for article sources in the Scopus database. A total of 42 articles published from 2004 – 2022 were selected. This study uses systematic data to reveal trends in dividend catering studies with a qualitative inductive analysis to determine relevant themes by classifying and discussing potential future research. The results of the study show that the topic of catering dividends has been widely used by various studies on dividend policy. Interestingly, this study finds a limited focus on the ASEAN region. In addition, research on catering dividends is dominated by fundamental observations that influence investors' evaluation of paying firms. In addition, it is necessary to observe further regarding other antecedent factors such as the characteristics of the controlling shareholders and the majority gender of investors. Furthermore, the consequences can be studied broadly, for example the impact on the company's capital structure. This study provides future directions for research on dividend catering. In addition, this study maps the antecedents, processes, and consequences of catering dividends. This study reveals dividend catering study trends, journal rankings and citation profiles, factors, and their interactions studied. It also proposes a conceptual model based on the identification of variables in previous research to provide directions for future research on dividend catering. Keyword : Incentives Catering, Dividend Policy and Systematic Review

    Perancangan Marketplace Investasi Peternakan Online Pada Startup Farmerid

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    FarmerID merupakan platform dibidang peternakan yang mempertemukan antara peternak dengan investor. Kendala yang dihadapi FarmerID saat ini adalah pencatatan transaksi dilakukan secara manual, serta tidak adanya media pemasaran secara online. Sehingga FarmerID membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk membuat keputusan apakah investasi diterima atau ditolak karena harus mengecek secara manual jumlah ketersediaan stok ternak, tentunya sistem ini masih kurang efisien. Dalam segi pemasaran FarmerID juga belum maksimal karena tidak ada media yang dapat diketahui dan diakses oleh masyarakat luas untuk mencari tahu tentang FarmerID. Sistem Informasi ini memiliki fungsi sebagai berikut, untuk membantu FarmerID melakukan transaksi secara online agar dapat melakukan transaksi kapanpun, dimanapun, oleh siapa pun, untuk memantau ketersediaan ternak dan kondisi ternak tanpa harus berada di lokasi peternakan, juga untuk memasarkan kepada masyarakat tentang profil dan proses bisnis FarmerID

    Nutritional Evaluation of Icacinia manni (Earth Ball) Processed in Saline as a Source of Dietary Energy in Broiler Production

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    The effect of Icacinia manni meal fermented in saline on the performance, carcass and internal organ characteristics were determined in a 65-day feeding trial. Proximate composition of the meal showed that Icacinia manni is high in crude protein, crude fibre and Ash. Three (3) experimental diets were formulated both at the starter phase and finisher phase. Diet 1 (control) contained maize as source of energy; diet 2 and 3 contained Icacinia manni fermented in saline (IMS) at 10% and 20% levels; partly replacing maize in the diet. One hundred and eighty day old broiler chicks were used for the experiment. The birds were divided into three groups of 60 birds each and each group assigned to one of the experimental diets using completely randomized design (CRD). Each group was further subdivided in 4 replicate of 15 birds. The values of feed intake, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio were not significantly (p  different. The dressed weight, live weight, gizzard, liver and abdominal fat followed the same trend. Significant (p  difference was recorded in the heart and kidney weight. The 20% IMS recorded a higher heart and kidney weight than the control. It was concluded that Icacinia manni meal can be included in broiler diet up to 20% if fermented in saline

    Perencanaan dan Pengawasan Produksi pada PT. Deli Citra Kencana

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    Produksi di dalam suatu perusahaan akan merupakan suatu kegiatan yang cukup penting. Bahkan didalam beberapa pembicaraan dikatakan bahwa produksi merupakan dapurnya perusahaan. Apabila kegiatan produksi dalam suatu perusahaan berhenti, maka boleh dikatakan bahwa kegiatan dalam perusahaan tersebut secara menyeluruh akan ikut terhenti. Demikian pula apabila terdapat berbagai macam hambatan yang mengakibatkan tersendatnya kegiatan produksi, maka kegiatan perusahaan akan terganggu. Dalam hal ini diperlukan perencanaan dan pengawasan produksi yang efektif. Perencanaan dan pengawasan produksi adalah penentuan kegiatan-kegiatan produksi yang akan dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan dan mengawasi kegiatan pelaksanaan dari proses dan hasil produksi, agar apa yang telah direncanakan dapat terlaksana dan tujuan yang diharapkan dapat tercapai
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