1,635 research outputs found

    A checklist of digenean parasites (Platyhelminthes: Digenea) infecting molluscs and fishes in Portuguese waters (Northeast Atlantic)

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    The present work is a compilation of the digenean parasites infecting molluscs (gastropods and bivalves), crabs and fishes of the Atlantic coast of Portugal and the Archipelagos of Azores and Madeira, based on literature sources, including research conducted by the present authors. A total of 65 digenea taxa were found, belonging to 24 families, infecting gastropods, bivalves, shore crabs and fishes. The most representative families of digeneans were the Hemiuridae (11 taxa), followed by the Bucephalidae (5 taxa), Opecoelidae (5 taxa) and the Zoogonidae (5 taxa). Hosts, site of infection, sampling locality and life cycle strategy are given when available. Further fields of research on the digenean parasites are suggested.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A review of the parasites of deep-water fishes from Macaronesian Islands, North-East Atlantic Ocean

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    The deep-water fish fauna of Macaronesian islands is currently estimated at a total of 1029 different fish species, but records of both ecto- and endoparasites are from only about 30 of those species. This fact presents an exciting field of research for scientists interested in fish parasitology, by exploring the structure of parasite communities and their connections with ecological and oceanographic variables. Research on the effect of climatic changes on the parasite faunas, on the occurrence of fish parasites in man and its impact on human health, has not been carried out to date. The present review aims to collate our present knowledge about the parasites of deep-water fishes of Macaronesia, and to suggest directions for future research on the parasites of fishes from the deepwater realm. A checklist of the parasites infecting the deep-water fishes from this region is included.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A flight over histories: about indians and historians in Brazil and America

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    Brazilian and North American historiography share many aspects when it comes to indigenous issues. In both cases, the histories of native groups changed the ways of producing knowledge about them, creating and transforming public policy. Games of complex influences guided the ways of dealing with the knowledge about inter-ethnic relations. In many cases, such knowledge served as a fulcrum for the survival of the implicated groups. Historiographical trajectories, here and there, are full of convergence, divergence, dynamism and political complexity. That said, the purpose of this article is to present a vision of the two parallel processes of construction of historical discourses about Indians and trace from there, agendas and possibilities of mutual contributions

    Occurrence of microsporidians Glugea hertwigi and Pleistophora ladogensis, in smelt Osmerus eperlanus from two German rivers, North Sea coast

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    Monthly samples of smelt Osmerus eperlanus (Linnaeus, 1758) were collected from July 1985 to May 1986, in the river Elbe (Germany), and examined for infections with microsporidi ans. Two microsporidians were found: Glugea hertwigi Weissenberg, 1911, infecting the digestive tract and Pleistophora ladogenis Voronin, 1978, infecting the skeletal musculature. G. hertwigi in fection led to the formation of xenomas, whereas P. ladogensis was characterized by diffuse infec tions, with the production of macroscopic visible thread-like or oval-shaped infection foci. Develop ment of G. hertwigi in the host cells showed characteristics typical of the genus Glugea. The ultrastructural development of P. ladogensis showed features typical of the genus Pleistophora, without evidence of the production of 2 types of spores. Host reaction consisted of inflammatory tis sue surrounding some of the infection foci as well as phagocytosis of spores. G. hertwigi was only found in juvenile smelt (<10 cm in length), whereas P. ladogensis infected smelts from 6 to 26 cm in length. Prevalence increased with fish length to a maximum value of 9.6%. Seasonal fluctuations in prevalence of infection were also found, with the lowest value in the winter months (2.5% in January 1986) and the highest in summer (11.8% in July 1985). The differences in prevalence of in fection with fish length and date of sampling were significant. Additionally, samples of smelt caught in April 1986 from the rivers Eider and Ems revealed infections with P. ladogensis in the first river system only.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Entre Discursos, Prescrições E Percepções: A (Des)Valorização Do Estatuto Socioprofissional Dos Professores Da Rede Estadual Paulista De Ensino

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    This research analyzes some forms of control and (dis)qualification promoted by the Education Department of the State of São Paulo (SEE/SP), concerning teacher’s work, through reformist discourses and measures. In this sense, this research verifies which factors/instruments have been employed by the government of the State of São Paulo in order to judge the formation and the work of state teachers as insufficient/disqualified. Moreover, this dissertation aims at identifying the concept of “quality” that has been constructed by the SEE/SP over the last years, especially from the 1990s. The Education Department legitimized the States’ aim at a supposed improvement in the formation of its teachers as a condition for enhancing teaching quality. In order to verify the teachers’ perceptions facing the reformist measures set by the educational policies, semi-structured interviews were carried out with teachers, school managers and student coordinators in two State schools in São Paulo. Furthermore the corpus of data is also compound of documents issued by national and international institutions, such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco), the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) and the SEE/SP. The analysis of interviews and documents regarding educational policies is supported by the contributions of Bardin (2010), Fairclough (2001), Scheffler (1974) and Van Dijk (2008). The theoretical frame that grounds this research is based on Ball (1992, 2002, 2005) and Bourdieu (2007, 2008), besides other authors who engaged with similar discussions, as Adrião (2006), Ricardo Filho (2005) and Shiroma; Moraes; Evangelista (2011). As it emerges from the analysed documents, there is a network of legitimacy composed by institutional agents, which is essential for the multilateral agencies to consolidate their proposals for educational policies along with the national States. These agents prescribe the type of formation and work that must be performed by the teachers. The existence of a constant and systematic devaluation and accountability discourse as well as an intervention by the SEE/SP on the teaching work became evident from the analyzed documentation. The source of this legitimization is to be found in the results of external evaluation: those, who do not respond to the logic of productivity and performance established by the State educational policies over the last years, are to be classified as disqualified. Opposing this perception of crisis in the public schools, the pedagogical team and the students’ families expressed satisfaction regarding the teaching work quality in the schools. However, they expressed complaint about the financial and infrastructural difficulties faced by the schools, which affects the educational quality offered. Although the interviewees occasionally criticize the formation and the teaching work, the problems in State Schools in São Paulo were more often associated with an authoritarian and centralized management than with the type of work performed by the professionals working in the field of education.A pesquisa analisa algumas formas de controle e de (des)qualificação do trabalho docente promovidas pela Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo (SEE/SP) por meio de discursos e medidas oriundas do universo reformista. Nesse sentido, buscou-se verificar quais fatores e/ou instrumentos o governo do Estado de São Paulo tem priorizado para considerar que a formação e o trabalho do magistério paulista são deficitários/desqualificados, além de identificar qual conceito de qualidade tem sido construído pela SEE/SP ao longo desses anos, em especial, a partir dos anos 1990, legitimando o governo paulista a propor ações com vistas a uma pretensa melhoria da formação de seus docentes como condição para elevação da qualidade no ensino. No intuito de verificar como as percepções dos sujeitos se apresentam frente às medidas reformistas colocadas em curso pelas políticas educacionais, para a constituição do corpus de análise da pesquisa realizamos entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores, gestores e responsáveis pelos alunos de duas escolas estaduais paulistas, além da análise de documentos produzidos por instituições nacionais e internacionais, como a Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura (Unesco), o Banco Internacional para Reconstrução e o Desenvolvimento (Bird), a Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE), o Ministério da Educação e Cultura (MEC) e a SEE/SP. Para análise das entrevistas e dos documentos de política educacional nos apoiamos nas contribuições de Bardin (2010), Fairclough (2001), Scheffler (1974) e Van Dijk (2008). Em relação ao referencial teórico para fundamentar as discussões trabalhamos com Ball (1992, 2002, 2005) e Bourdieu (2007, 2008), além das contribuições de pesquisadores dedicados às discussões aqui empreendidas, como Adrião (2006), Ricardo Filho (2005) e Shiroma; Moraes; Evangelista (2011). Observou-se, em meio às recomendações presentes nesses documentos analisados, a existência da atuação de uma rede de legitimidade, composta por agentes ligados a essas instituições, imprescindível para que as agências multilaterais consigam consolidar suas recomendações nas políticas educacionais junto aos Estados nacionais, prescrevendo o tipo de formação e trabalho que os docentes devem realizar. A partir da documentação analisada constatamos a existência, por parte da SEE/SP, da produção de um discurso constante e sistemático de desvalorização, responsabilização e de intervenção do/no trabalho docente, utilizando como matriz de legitimação os resultados da avaliação externa, mensurando e classificando como desqualificados todos aqueles que não correspondem a uma lógica de produtividade e performatividade estabelecida pelas políticas educacionais implantadas na rede estadual nos últimos anos. Contrapondo-se a essa perspectiva de crise da escola pública, a equipe pedagógica e os familiares dos alunos entrevistados expressaram certa satisfação com a qualidade do trabalho docente realizado nas escolas, contudo, sem se eximirem de realizar apontamentos com relação às dificuldades financeiras e de infraestrutura vividas por suas escolas, o que incide sobre a qualidade ofertada por estas. Embora os entrevistados em alguns momentos façam apontamentos e críticas à formação e ao trabalho docente, as dificuldades pelas quais passa a rede estadual paulista de ensino foram muito mais atribuídas a uma gestão central autoritária do que ao tipo de trabalho realizado pelos profissionais da educação no interior das escolas.Dados abertos - Sucupira - Teses e dissertações (2017

    Martinho de Melo e Castro

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    Martinho de Melo e Castro foi uma figura histórica importante para o desenvolvimento da Marinha Portuguesa. Nasceu no ano de 1716, descendente da Casa das Galveias. Estudou na Universidade de Évora e na Universidade de Coimbra, sendo um aluno exemplar e com grandes capacidades. Iniciou a sua carreira diplomática em Haia e foi anos mais tarde enviado para Londres, onde teve um impacto importante na defesa do território Português. Foi nomeado em 1770 Secretário de Estado da Marinha e Domínios Ultramarinos, cargo que desempenhou até ao ano da sua morte em 1795. Até ao final do reinado de D. José I, que terminou com o seu falecimento em 1777, Melo e Castro trabalhava em conjunto com o Marquês de Pombal. No entanto, este sai do governo quando D. Maria I é coroada. Deste modo, Melo e Castro assume na totalidade a pasta de Secretário de Estado da Marinha e Ultramar. Tendo em conta a situação precária da Marinha na época, o ministro foi responsável por várias reformas na mesma, constituindo uma Marinha de Guerra moderna. Ao longo da Dissertação de Mestrado pode ser observada a forma como Melo e Castro reorganizou vários aspetos da Marinha, tais como a regulamentação dos postos da Armada, a fixação dos vencimentos da Armada, a reorganização do Dique da Ribeira das Naus, a estruturação da Cordoaria Nacional, entre outras, e a sua relação com os dois governos pelos quais passou, assim como estas medidas eram derivadas da situação de Portugal enquanto potência Europeia.Martinho de Melo e Castro was an important historical figure for the development of the Portuguese Navy. He was born in 1716, descended from Casa das Galveias. He studied at the University of Evora and at the University of Coimbra, where he was an exemplary student with unequal skills. He started his diplomatic career in Haia and was sent to London a couple of years later, where he had an important impact on the defense of the Portuguese territory. In 1770, he was appointed as Secretary of State for the Navy and Overseas Domain, a position he held until the year of his death in 1795. Until the end of the reign of D. José I, which ended with his death in 1777, Melo e Castro worked alongside Marquês de Pombal, however, he leaves the government when D. Maria I is crowned. After that, Melo e Castro fully assumes the role of Secretary of State for the Navy and Overseas Domains. Taking into account the precarious situation of the Navy at the time, the minister was responsible for several reforms in it, constituting a modern Navy. Throughout the master's thesis, it can be noted how Melo e Castro reorganized several aspects of the Navy, such as the regulation of the Navy rank, the new Navy´s wages, the reorganization of the Dique da Ribeira das Naus, the structuring of the Cordoaria Nacional, among others, and his relationship with the two governments through which he passed, just as these measures were derived from the situation of Portugal as a European power

    High cell density reactor for the production of Lactobacillus plantarum

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    The production of a flocculent strain of Lactobacillus plantarum was performed in a high cell density reactor: a fluidized bed reactor (FBR) with a settler and an external cell recirculation. Two variables were assessed, the recirculation rate (R) and the dilution rate (D). The effect of the latter is much more important than the effect of the former in ensuring a quick start up in the flocculation process. The cell volumetric productivities obtained with this system increase directly with dilution rate and recirculation rate. The values of cell volumetric productivities obtained are considerably higher than those obtained in continuous stirred tank reactors (CSTR) and much higher than in batch reactors

    Pedagogia social em âmbito escolar

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    Este trabalho em forma de Relatório Reflexivo apresenta o meu percurso pessoal e profissional de professora no ensino do segundo e terceiro ciclos. A introdução trata da importância do acto reflexivo na actividade de professora, bem como faz menção aos autores que elaboraram estudos sobre a “reflexão”. O cerne do trabalho, na primeira parte, consiste na descrição do meu percurso pessoal, social e axiológico, a percepção das questões educativas actuais, o encontro com os novos pedagogos; na segunda parte, a importância da escola na construção do “Eu” (dos alunos), abordando o sentido da origem da escola, e o seu papel na construção do carácter do aluno; na terceira parte, abordo o percurso do desenvolvimento ensino-aprendizagem, com o trabalho com os alunos, o papel do professor e a participação dos mesmos; por fim, na quarta parte, descrevo o percurso do desenvolvimento profissional ao longo da vida, abordando a formação de professores e o contributo do mestrado na profissão. A necessidade de formação ao longo da vida fica evidenciada no decurso da elaboração deste Relatório. Hoje é necessário ter consciência que é um direito mas também um dever do professor, ter uma formação actualizada, contínua e de acordo com as exigências do nosso tempo. A sua formação e actualização ao nível de conceitos e das práticas, reflectir-se-á na sua intervenção ao nível do trabalho com a comunidade escolar, bem como ao nível do seu desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional.This work is in the format of a Reflective Report presenting my personal and professional course as a teacher of the second and third cycles. The preface section targets the importance of the teacher’s reflective act, and mentions the authors that elaborated studies on the subject. The core of this work, in the first part, is a description of my personal, social and axiologic course, and the perception of educational questions, and the encounter with the today’s pedagogues; in the second part, the importance of school in the construction of the “self” (of pupils), addressing the meaning of the school’s origins and its role on the pupil’s character construction; the third part, focuses on the development of the teaching-learning process, the work with the pupils, the teacher’s role and the pupils participation; at last, in the fourth part, I describe my life long professional development, addressing the teacher training and the Master of Education contribution to the teacher profession. The need for life long training is evident in the course of preparing this Report. It is now necessary to be aware that it is a right and a duty of a teacher, to keep its training updated, continuously and in accordance with the requirements of his time. His training and updating of concepts and practices, will be reflected on its intervention in terms of working with pupils, as well as to the level of its personal and professional development