2,398 research outputs found
Lagarobasidium calongei (Aphyllophorales, Basidiomycota), a new species of corticioid fungi from Azores Islands
6 pages, 3 figures.[EN] On the base of morphologic and molecular studies, a new
species of the genus Lagarobasidium (Aphyllophorales, Basi -
diomycota), is described and illustrated. This new species was
collected on Pico Island (Azores) and is characterized by having
two types of cystidia, clavate leptocystidia and cylindrical skeletocystidia,
and smooth, thick-walled spores. It is compared with
Lagarobasidium detriticum (Bourdot) Jülich and L. cymosum
(D.P. Rogers & H.S. Jacks.) Jülich, until now the only two species
of the genus.[ES] Sobre la base de estudios morfológicos y moleculares se describe
e ilustra una nueva especie dentro del género Lagarobasidium
(Aphyllophorales, Basidiomycota). Esta nueva especie, recolectada
en la isla de Pico (Azores), se caracteriza por presentar
dos tipos de cistidios, leptocistidios claviformes y esqueletocistidios
cilíndricos, y esporas lisas con paredes gruesas. Se compara
con Lagarobasidium detriticum (Bourdot) Jülich y L. cymosum
(D.P. Rogers & H.S. Jacks.) Jülich, las otras dos especies del
género.Financial support was given by DGI project n.º CGL2005-
01192, Biogeographic interconnections of the Corticiaceae
(Aphyl lo phorales, Basidiomycota) of the Macaronesian Islands.Peer reviewe
Molecular analyses confirm Brevicellicium in Trechisporales
The genus Brevicellicium encompasses wood-inhabiting corticioid fungi characterized by isodiametric subhymenial hyphae, short basidia, and smooth, often subangular spores with a distinct apiculus. Eight new LSU nrDNA sequences and 13 new ITS nrDNA of this genus, including the type species, were aligned with 47 and 42 accessions respectively of species of Trechisporales obtained from GenBank, and phylogenetic analyses were performed. The order Trechisporales was confirmed as a monophyletic group; the genera Porpomyces, Sistotremastrum, Subulicystidium and Trechispora form a highly supported clade where all Brevicellicium sequences are included. Our analyses also support that this genus belongs to Hydnodontaceae. A new species, Brevicellicium atlanticum from the Azores Archipelago, is described.Peer Reviewe
Revisiting the South American Acanthocephalini (Hemiptera, Coreidae): Spilopleura Stål (status novum)
The family Coreidae is composed of some of the larger terrestrial Heteroptera, with showy colors and expansions on the legs, the antenna or the pronotum. Among the Neotropical fauna, the tribe Acanthocephalini Stål, including 18 genera, is recognized by the strongly deflexed juga, and the conspicuously projecting tylus. In the same work in which Stål established the tribe, he described two new subgenera to the genus Acanthocephala Laporte (currently synonymized under it): A. (Metapodius) (replaced for Metapodiessa Kirkaldy) and A. (Spilopleura). In the present work, the subgeneric name Spilopleura is removed from synonymy under Acanthocephala and elevated to generic rank, and the species A. parensis (Dallas) and A. ochracea Montandon are transferred therein. The genus Spilopleura status nov. and both included species are redescribed and illustrated, including characters from male and female genitalia; and a distributional map is given with the first records of the species from Argentina, Colombia, Paraguay, and Peru
Las emociones en la enseñanza de las ciencias
En la primera part de l'article, s'incideix en la importància de l'estudi de les emocions des de la didàctica de les ciències, així com en la necessitat d'establir programes d'intervenció metacognitivos i metaemocionales, tant en l'aprenentatge com en la formació del professorat, perquè alumnes i professors puguin conèixer les seves emocions, controlar-les i autorregularlas. En la segona part, ens centrem en les emocions en el coneixement didàctic del contingut del professorat de ciències, incloent alguns resultats tant del diagnòstic emocional del professorat, segons diferents variables, com del programa d'intervenció de la Universitat d'Extremadura.The first part of this communication highlights the importance of studying emotions in the context of science teaching. It also examines the need for programs of meta-emotional and metacognitive intervention in learning and teacher education that are aimed at both the future teachers’and their pupils’ gaining awareness of, and then controlling and self-regulating, their emotions. The second part focuses on the role emotions play in science teachers’ pædagogical content knowledge, with the presentation of some results concerning the University of Extremadura’s intervention program and the emotional diagnosis of teachers.En la primera parte del artículo, se incide en la importancia del estudio de las emociones desde la didáctica de las ciencias, así como en la necesidad de establecer programas de intervención metacognitivos y metaemocionales, tanto en el aprendizaje como en la formación del profesorado, para que alumnos y profesores puedan conocer sus emociones, controlarlas y autorregularlas. En la segunda parte, nos centramos en las emociones en el conocimiento didáctico del contenido del profesorado de ciencias, incluyendo algunos resultados tanto del diagnóstico emocional del profesorado, según distintas variables, como del programa de intervención de la Universidad de Extremadura
The status of redfish (S. mentella and S. fasciatus) in Divisions 3LN at present and the likelihood its follow up in the near future (under the ongoing the Management Strategy or a status quo TAC scenario)
There are two species of redfish in Divisions 3L and 3N, the deep-sea redfish (Sebastes mentella) and
the Acadian redfish (Sebastes fasciatus) that have been commercially fished and reported collectively as
redfish in fishery statistics. Both species, occurring on Div. 3LN and managed as a single stock, don’t belong to
isolated local populations but, on the contrary, are part of a large Northwest Atlantic complex ranging from
the Gulf of Maine to south of Baffin Island.
The ASPIC assessment of this stock is based on the logistic form of a non-equilibrium surplus
production model (Schaeffer, 1954; Prager, 1994), adjusted to a standardized catch rate series (Power, 1997)
and to all stratified-random bottom trawl surveys conducted in various years and seasons in Div. 3L and Div.
3N from 1978 onwards. Both CPUE and surveys were used with all observations within each series.
The 2018 assessment proceed on the threshold of the new 2014 approach, the main features of the
previous input framework were kept, with MSY fixed at 1960-1985 average catch and the rest of the
approved 2014 assessment framework updated. Despite its poor performance the 3L Spanish survey has
been kept in the analysis due to its high correlation with the autumn 3LN Canadian survey, one of the two
backbone series of the assessment.
ASPIC results confirm a stable stock from the 1960’s to the first half of the 1980’s, sustaining an
average yield of 21 000t. Stock declined with a sudden rise of the catch over the late 1980’s first half of the
1990’s, and started to gradually recover after catches fell to a residual level when the stock collapse. The
maximum observed sustainable yield (MSY) of 21 000 t can be a long term sustainable yield if fishing
mortality stands at 0.11/year, exploiting a correspondent Bmsy at 187 000 t.
From assessment results there is a high probability (CL’s 80%) that the stock was at the beginning of
2018 above Bmsy, after crossing 2017 under a fishing mortality most likely below 34% Fmsy
La cartografía de Bahía Blanca en los paradigmas históricos
El estuario de Bahía Blanca totaliza unos 3000km2 y cuenta con innumerables islas que se conforman en grupos los cuales son bordeados por extensas planicies de marea y marismas que drenan por una serie de canales paralelos entre si y unidos por canales menores. En 1520 los europeos descubren el estuario, sin embargo, los estudios sobre su relevamiento se iniciarían casi 300 años después. Su conformación limoarcillosa asociada a la intensidad de las corrientes originó una intensa dinámica morfológica de las planicies y canales donde la presencia de los numerosos bancos e islas dificultaron el acceso. Esta situación ambiental articulada con procesos históricos conllevaron a un tardío relevamiento cartográfico estuarial. En los últimos años, los nuevos paradigmas ambientales asociados al desarrollo de las diversas geotecnologías, permitió conocer la morfología estuarial para su posterior cartografiado de detalle.The area ofthe Bahia Blanca estuary is 300 km2, whith a series ofisland, tidal flats, salt marshes and major parallel channels with minors ones connected to them. In 1520 the europeans explorers discover the estuary, however, the morphological studies began 300 years later. The currents velocities associated to clay-silt sediments generated an intensive morphological dynamics ofthe flat and channels, where the presence of banks and island difficulted the access to the estuary. These physical characteristics plus the historical studies of the region originated late cartographic studies. At present, the new environmental paradigms related to the different geotechnologies permitted to understand its morphology and later on work in its cartography.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración de la Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas (UNLP).Asociación Argentina de Geofísicos y Geodesta
La cartografía de Bahía Blanca en los paradigmas históricos
El estuario de Bahía Blanca totaliza unos 3000km2 y cuenta con innumerables islas que se conforman en grupos los cuales son bordeados por extensas planicies de marea y marismas que drenan por una serie de canales paralelos entre si y unidos por canales menores. En 1520 los europeos descubren el estuario, sin embargo, los estudios sobre su relevamiento se iniciarían casi 300 años después. Su conformación limoarcillosa asociada a la intensidad de las corrientes originó una intensa dinámica morfológica de las planicies y canales donde la presencia de los numerosos bancos e islas dificultaron el acceso. Esta situación ambiental articulada con procesos históricos conllevaron a un tardío relevamiento cartográfico estuarial. En los últimos años, los nuevos paradigmas ambientales asociados al desarrollo de las diversas geotecnologías, permitió conocer la morfología estuarial para su posterior cartografiado de detalle.The area ofthe Bahia Blanca estuary is 300 km2, whith a series ofisland, tidal flats, salt marshes and major parallel channels with minors ones connected to them. In 1520 the europeans explorers discover the estuary, however, the morphological studies began 300 years later. The currents velocities associated to clay-silt sediments generated an intensive morphological dynamics ofthe flat and channels, where the presence of banks and island difficulted the access to the estuary. These physical characteristics plus the historical studies of the region originated late cartographic studies. At present, the new environmental paradigms related to the different geotechnologies permitted to understand its morphology and later on work in its cartography.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración de la Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas (UNLP).Asociación Argentina de Geofísicos y Geodesta
The status of redfish (S. mentella and S. fasciatus) in Divisions 3LN and two medium term scenarios (when recruitment is low, Risk Based Management Strategy or common sense?)
There are two species of redfish in Divisions 3L and 3N, the deep-sea redfish (Sebastes mentella) and
the Acadian redfish (Sebastes fasciatus) that have been commercially fished and reported collectively as
redfish in fishery statistics. Both species, occurring on Div. 3LN and managed as a single stock, don’t belong to
isolated local populations but, on the contrary, are part of a large Northwest Atlantic complex ranging from
the Gulf of Maine to south of Baffin Island.
The ASPIC assessment of this stock is based on the logistic form of a non-equilibrium surplus
production model (Schaeffer, 1954; Prager, 1994), adjusted to a standardized commercial catch rate series
(Power, 1997) and to all stratified-random bottom trawl surveys conducted in various years and seasons in
Div. 3L and Div. 3N from 1978 onwards. Both CPUE and surveys were used with all observations within each
The 2020 assessment proceed on the threshold of the new 2014 approach, with MSY fixed at 1960-
1985 average catch and the rest of the approved 2014 assessment framework updated.
ASPIC results present a stock stable from the 1960’s to the first half of the 1980’s while sustaining an
average yield of 21 000t. Stock declined with a sudden rise of the catch over the late 1980’s first half of the
1990’s, and started to gradually recover after catches fell to a residual level in response to stock collapse. The
maximum observed sustainable yield (MSY) of 21 000 t is linked to a Fmsy at 0.11/year and a Bmsy at 185 000 t.
There is a high probability (>90%) that the stock was at least 38% above Bmsy at the beginning of 2020, after
crossing 2019 under a fishing mortality not higher than 46% Fmsy
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