462 research outputs found

    Strategi Komunikasi Public Relations PT. Angkasa Pura 1 (Persero) Bandara Internasional Juanda Surabaya Dalam Menyosialisasikan Terminal Baru (T2)

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    Pada 14 Februari 2014, terminal dua (T2) Bandara Internasional Juanda Surabaya telah resmi beroperasi. Mega proyek yang menelan anggaran sebesar Rp 946 miliar tersebut merupakan solusi dari over capacity pada terminal satu (T1). Dalam menyosialisasikan T2, pihak pengelola memiliki strategi komunikasi sebagai pedomannya. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti ingin mengetahui bagaimana strategi komunikasi yang digunakan oleh PT. Angkasa Pura 1 (Persero) Bandara Internasional Juanda Surabaya dalam menyosialisasikan terminal baru (T2). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah penjelasan dari strategi komunikasi Perusahaan yang sesuai dengan teori Cutlip, Center dan Broom mengenai tahapan strategi komunikasi. Public Relations bersama Top Management memiliki tahapan-tahapan guna menyosialisasikan T2, dimana Public Relations bersama Top Management menentukan terlebih dahulu tujuan Perusahaan baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang, diikuti dengan tahapan perencanaan, lalu tahapan pelaksanaan sosialisasi dan dilanjutkan dengan evaluasi. Fokus strategi Public Relations untuk menyosialisasikan T2 adalah melalui media massa. Strategi komunikasi Public Relations di koordinasikan dengan Corporate Coomunication kantor pusat. Sosialisasi telah berjalan efektif namun masih didapati komplain dari Stakeholders. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan deskriptif sebagai jenis penelitiannya dengan menggunakan studi kasus sebagai metodenya

    Resonantly-forced Eccentric Ringlets: Relationships between Surface Density, Resonance location, Eccentricity and Eccentricity-gradient

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    We use a simple model of the dynamics of a narrow-eccentric ring, to put some constraints on some of the observable properties of the real systems.In this work we concentrate on the case of the `Titan ringlet of Saturn'.Our approach is fluid-like, since our description is based on normal modes of oscillation rather than in individual particle orbits. Thus, the rigid precession of the ring is described as a global m=1m=1 mode, which originates from a standing wave superposed on an axisymmetric background. An integral balance condition for the maintenance of the m=1m=1 standing-wave can be set up, in which the differential precession induced by the oblateness of the central planet must cancel the contributions of self-gravity, the resonant satellite forcing and collisional effects. We expect that in nearly-circular narrow rings dominated by self-gravity, the eccentricity varies linearly across the ring. Thus, we take a first order expansion and we derive two integral relationships from the rigid-precession condition. These relate the surface density of the ring with the eccentricity at the center, the eccentricity gradient and the location of the secular resonance. These relationships are applied to the Titan ringlet of Saturn, which has a secular resonance with the satellite Titan in which the ring precession period is close to Titan's orbital period. In this case, we estimate the mean surface density and the location of the secular resonance.Comment: Accepted for publication in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronom

    A Semiotic Analysis on the Perceived Meanings of Coca Cola “Anthem” Video Commercial

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    This study observes the perceived meanings produced by young adult (18 to 30 years old) and older (50 to 65 years old) respondents as respondents from different age group can produce different perceived meanings from each other. The writer's finding is that in perceiving, young adult respondents tend to emphasize on Coca Cola's emotional roles. On the other hand, the older respondents emphasize on Coca Cola's physical roles

    Middle School Teachers\u27 Experiences with Cross-Curricular Connections at the Incident Level

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    Many curricular innovations, including cross-curricular teaching, are started in schools without adequate teacher preparation and support, reducing the effectiveness of the interventions in supporting student learning. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to describe the implementation of the cross-curricular connections teaching technique in middle schools. Research questions focused on how middle school teachers experienced implementation of cross-curricular teaching at the incident level and how teachers perceived cross-curricular teaching and its long-term value. Myers-Briggs personality type theory informed the study, supporting the postulation that teachers are more comfortable teaching from their personality types. Data from 10 middle school teachers from 3 urban and semirural parochial schools in the northeastern United States were collected through interviews, focus group sessions, journals, and documents such as lesson plans and classroom materials. Open coding was used within progressive and comparative analyses. Primary themes included teacher comfort with cross-curricular connections; various applications of the teaching technique; cross-curricular connections within lessons; time constraints in planning, preparation, and implementation; and creative enhancement of lessons. Recommendations included enhanced professional development, more planning time for teacher teams, and more research about the technique. Positive social change implications include sustaining teachers\u27 adoption and implementation of cross-curricular instruction in support of student achievement

    The Spin-Orbit Evolution of GJ 667C System: The Effect of Composition and Other Planet's Perturbations

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    Potentially habitable planets within the habitable zone of M-dwarfs are affected by tidal interaction. We studied the tidal evolution in GJ 667C using a numerical code we call TIDEV. We reviewed the problem of the dynamical evolution focusing on the effects that a rheological treatment, different compositions and the inclusion of orbital perturbations, have on the spin-down time and the probability to be trapped in a low spin-orbit resonance. Composition have a strong effect on the spin-down time, changing, in some cases, by almost a factor of 2 with respect to the value estimated for a reference Earth-like model. We calculated the time to reach a low resonance value (3:2) for the configuration of 6 planets. Capture probabilities are affected when assuming different compositions and eccentricities variations. We chose planets b and c to evaluate the probabilities of capture in resonances below 5:2 for two compositions: Earth-like and Waterworld planets. We found that perturbations, although having a secular effect on eccentricities, have a low impact on capture probabilities and noth- ing on spin-down times. The implications of the eccentricity variations and actual habitability of the GJ 667C system are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS - V

    Migration and the formation of systems of hot super-Earths and Neptunes

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    The existence of extrasolar planets with short orbital periods suggests that planetary migration induced by tidal interaction with the protoplanetary disk is important. Cores and terrestrial planets may undergo migration as they form. In this paper we investigate the evolution of a population of cores with initial masses in the range 0.1-1 earth mass embedded in a disk. Mutual interactions lead to orbit crossing and mergers, so that the cores grow during their evolution. Interaction with the disk leads to orbital migration, which results in the cores capturing each other in mean motion resonances. As the cores migrate inside the disk inner edge, scatterings and mergers of planets on unstable orbits together with orbital circularization causes strict commensurability to be lost. Near commensurability however is usually maintained. All the simulations end with a population of typically between two and five planets, with masses depending on the initial mass. These results indicate that if hot super-Earths or Neptunes form by mergers of inwardly migrating cores, then such planets are most likely not isolated. We would expect to always find at least one, more likely a few, companions on close and often near-commensurable orbits. To test this hypothesis, it would be of interest to look for planets of a few to about 10 earth masses in systems where hot super-Earths or Neptunes have already been found.Comment: 29 pages, to be published in Ap

    Gynecomastia and Chest Masculinization: An Updated Comprehensive Reconstructive Algorithm

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    Background: Gynecomastia is a common finding in males. Clinical aspect varies widely in world populations showing peculiar hallmarks according to different body shapes reflecting personal expectations; therefore, a surgical plan must be tailored on individual basis to all type of patients. Materials and Method: A total of 522 patients, treated for bilateral gynecomastia from January 2007 to January 2019, were included and reviewed in this retrospective study. Considering physical status BMI, muscular trophism, hypertrophy of the mammary region, nipple–areola disorder, gland and skin cover consistency, a four-tier classification system has been used to classify the deformity and to assess a surgical plan. In all cases, a subcutaneous mastectomy was performed under direct vision. Results: No recurrence of the deformity was observed as well as major complications such as necrosis, and high level of satisfaction was observed in all groups. No breast cancer was found at the histological examinations Operative time ranged from 25 minutes up to 120 minutes and hospitalization time ranged from 1 to 3 days. Conclusion: Since the physical status is strictly related to the clinical features of the disorder, a comprehensive classification system and a reconstructive algorithm are proposed. Level of Evidence IV: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors www.springer.com/0026

    Implicit Social Trust Dan Support Vector Regression Untuk Sistem Rekomendasi Berita

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    Situs berita merupakan salah satu situs yang sering diakses masyarakat karena kemampuannya dalam menyajikan informasi terkini dari berbagai topik seperti olahraga, bisnis, politik, teknologi, kesehatan dan hiburan. Masyarakat dapat mencari dan melihat berita yang sedang populer dari seluruh dunia. Di sisi lain, melimpahnya artikel berita yang tersedia dapat menyulitkan pengguna dalam menemukan artikel berita yang sesuai dengan ketertarikannya. Pemilihan artikel berita yang ditampilkan ke halaman utama pengguna menjadi penting karena dapat meningkatkan minat pengguna untuk membaca artikel berita dari situs tersebut. Selain itu, pemilihan artikel berita yang sesuai dapat meminimalisir terjadinya banjir informasi yang tidak relevan. Dalam pemilihan artikel berita dibutuhkan sistem rekomendasi yang memiliki pengetahuan mengenai ketertarikan atau relevansi pengguna akan topik berita tertentu. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti membuat sistem rekomendasi artikel berita pada New York Times berbasis implicit social trust. Social trust dihasilkan dari interaksi antara pengguna dengan teman-temannya dan bobot kepercayaan teman pengguna pada media sosial Twitter. Data yang diambil merupakan data pengguna Twitter, teman dan jumlah interaksi antar pengguna berupa retweet. Sistem ini memanfaatkan algoritma Support Vector Regression untuk memberikan estimasi penilaian pengguna terhadap suatu topik tertentu. Hasil pengolahan data dengan Support Vector Regression menunjukkan tingkat akurasi dengan MAPE sebesar 0,8243075902233644%

    Apse-alignment in narrow-eccentric ringlets and its implications for the EPSILON-ring of Uranus and the ring system of (10199) Chariklo

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    The discovery of ring systems around objects of the outer Solar System provides a strong motivation to apply theoretical models in order to better estimate their physical and orbital parameters, which can constrain scenarios for their origin. We review the criterion for maintaining apse-alignment across a ring and the balance between the energy input rate provided by a close by satellite and the internal dissipation rate occurring through ring particle collisions that is required to maintain ring eccentricity, as derived from the equations of motion governing the Lagrangian-displacements of the ring-particle orbits. We use the case of the epsilon-ring of Uranus, to calibrate our theoretical discussion and illustrate the basic dynamics governing these types of ring. In the case of the ring system of (10199) Chariklo, where the evidence that the rings are eccentric is not conclusive, we apply the theory of apse-alignment to derive information about the most plausible combination of values of the surface density and eccentricity-gradient, as well as the masses and locations of their postulated but -presently undetected-shepherd-satellites. When the balance conditions that we predict are applied to the ring system of (10199) Chariklo, we are able to estimate the minimum mass of a shepherd satellite required to prevent eccentricity decay, as a function of its orbital location, for two different models of dissipation. We conclude that the satellite mass required to maintain the m = 1 eccentric mode in the ring, would be similar or smaller than that needed to confine the rings radially.Comment: In press in ICARU