112 research outputs found

    La deformabilidad de la explanada y el anĂĄlisis de firmes: 2ÂȘ parte, comprobaciĂłn estructural de las secciones de la 6.1 y 6.2 I.C.

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    Este curso tuvo lugar en A Coruña, del 6 al 8 de noviembre de 2000

    Analysis of the railway track as a spatially periodic structure

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    This article presents a new and computationally efficient method of analysis of a railway track modelled as a continuous beam of 2N spans supported by elastic vertical springs. The main feature of this method is its important reduction in computational effort with respect to standard matrix methods of structural analysis. In this article, the whole structure is considered to be a repetition of a single one. The analysis presented is applied to a simple railway track model, i.e. to a repetitive beam supported on vertical springs (sleepers). The proposed method of analysis is based on the general theory of spatially periodic structures. The main feature of this theory is the possibility to apply Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in order to reduce a large system of q(2N + 1) linear stiffness equilibrium equations to a set of 2N + 1 uncoupled systems of q equations each. In this way, a dramatic reduction of the computational effort of solving the large system of equations is achieved. This fact is particularly important in the analysis of railway track structures, in which N is a very large number (around several thousands), and q = 2, the vertical displacement and rotation, is very small. The proposed method allows us to easily obtain the exact solution given by Samartín [1], i.e. the continuous beam railway track response. The comparison between the proposed method and other methods of analysis of railway tracks, such as Lorente de Nó and Zimmermann-Timoshenko, clearly shows the accuracy of the obtained results for the proposed method, even for low values of N. In addition, identical results between the proposed and the Lorente methods have been found, although the proposed method seems to be of simpler application and computationally more efficient than the Lorente one. Small but significative differences occur between these two methods and the one developed by Zimmermann-Timoshenko. This article also presents a detailed sensitivity analysis of the vertical displacement of the sleepers. Although standard matrix methods of structural analysis can handle this railway model, one of the objectives of this article is to show the efficiency of DFT method with respect to standard matrix structural analysis. A comparative analysis between standard matrix structural analysis and the proposed method (DFT), in terms of computational time, input, output and also software programming, will be carried out. Finally, a URL link to a MatLab computer program list, based on the proposed method, is give

    La deformabilidad de la explanada y el anĂĄlisis de firmes: 1ÂȘ parte, mĂ©todos de dimensionamiento de firmes

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    Este curso tuvo lugar en A Coruña, del 6 al 8 de noviembre de 200

    The Construction of Stations and Tunnels by Slurry Trecnch, Method in the Madrid Metro Extension

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    Recently a new Extension of the Madrid Subway (Spain) is carried out (1995-2003). In 8 years more of 105 Km of tunnels are builded by several procedures: Traditional non-mechanized excavation, precast linings by E.P.B machines, cut and cover system, etc. In this paper the basic criteria adopted for the design of tunnels and stations built with the cut and cover method (reinforced concrete continuous and discontinuous walls) are analysed. Initially, to this purpose the geotechnical properties of the Madrid ground are reached, in order to establish a group of unified desion geotechnical parameters. The hypotheses made for the numerical analysis of in situ walls are shown (calculation model, water pressures, etc), together with the installed instrumentation and the obtained results

    Circulating carotenoids are associated with favorable lipid and fatty acid profiles in an older population at high cardiovascular risk

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    Carotenoid intake has been reported to be associated with improved cardiovascular health, but there is little information on actual plasma concentrations of these compounds as biomarkers of cardiometabolic risk. The objective was to investigate the association between circulating plasma carotenoids and different cardiometabolic risk factors and the plasma fatty acid profile. This is a cross-sectional evaluation of baseline data conducted in a subcohort (106 women and 124 men) of an ongoing multi-factorial lifestyle trial for primary cardiovascular prevention. Plasma concentrations of carotenoids were quantified by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The associations between carotenoid concentrations and cardiometabolic risk factors were assessed using regression models adapted for interval-censored variables. Carotenoid concentrations were cross-sectionally inversely associated with serum triglyceride concentrations [-2.79 mg/dl (95% CI: -4.25, -1.34) and -5.15 mg/dl (95% CI: -7.38, -2.93), p-values = 0.0002 and <0.00001 in women and men, respectively], lower levels of plasma saturated fatty acids [-0.09% (95% CI: -0.14, -0.03) and -0.15 % (95% CI: -0.23, -0.08), p-values = 0.001 and 0.0001 in women and men, respectively], and higher levels of plasma polyunsaturated fatty acids [(0.12 % (95% CI: -0.01, 0.25) and 0.39 % (95% CI: 0.19, 0.59), p-values = 0.065 and 0.0001 in women and men, respectively] in the whole population. Plasma carotenoid concentrations were also associated with higher plasma HDL-cholesterol in women [0.47 mg/dl (95% CI: 0.23, 0.72), p-value: 0.0002], and lower fasting plasma glucose in men [-1.35 mg/dl (95% CI: -2.12, -0.59), p-value: 0.001]. Keywords: Mediterranean diet; PREDIMED-plus study; cardiovascular health; liquid chromatography; mass spectrometry; plasma carotenoids

    El caso de José María Arguedas

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    This article aims to reflect on the self-translation of the Peruvian author José María Arguedas, by analysing the poem "Jetman, Haylli / Oda al jet", written in Quechua and translated into Spanish by the same author and compiled in Katatay / Temblar (1972). Arguedas, considering self-translation as a tool to translate the social and cultural heterogeneity of America, tells the image of a continent that demands a non-hierarchical dialogue with 'the West'. Self-translation is a form of cultural resistance against the hierarchies of power and representation according to which the indigenous would lose their 'authenticity' by coming into contact with modernity

    HIF-driven SF3B1 induces KHK-C to enforce fructolysis and heart disease.

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    Fructose is a major component of dietary sugar and its overconsumption exacerbates key pathological features of metabolic syndrome. The central fructose-metabolising enzyme is ketohexokinase (KHK), which exists in two isoforms: KHK-A and KHK-C, generated through mutually exclusive alternative splicing of KHK pre-mRNAs. KHK-C displays superior affinity for fructose compared with KHK-A and is produced primarily in the liver, thus restricting fructose metabolism almost exclusively to this organ. Here we show that myocardial hypoxia actuates fructose metabolism in human and mouse models of pathological cardiac hypertrophy through hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF1α) activation of SF3B1 and SF3B1-mediated splice switching of KHK-A to KHK-C. Heart-specific depletion of SF3B1 or genetic ablation of Khk, but not Khk-A alone, in mice, suppresses pathological stress-induced fructose metabolism, growth and contractile dysfunction, thus defining signalling components and molecular underpinnings of a fructose metabolism regulatory system crucial for pathological growth

    Social cooperation and resource management dynamics among late hunter-fisher-gatherer societies in Tierra del Fuego (South America)

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    This paper presents the theoretical basis and first results of an agent-based model (ABM) computer simulation that is being developed to explore cooperation in hunter–gatherer societies. Specifically, we focus here on Yamana, a hunter-fisher-gatherer society that inhabited the islands of the southernmost part of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina–Chile). Ethnographical and archaeological evidence suggests the existence of sporadic aggregation events, triggered by a public call through smoke signals of an extraordinary confluence of resources under unforeseeable circumstances in time and space (a beached whale or an exceptional accumulation of fish after a low tide, for example). During these aggregation events, the different social units involved used to develop and improve production, distribution and consumption processes in a collective way. This paper attempts to analyse the social dynamics that explain cooperative behaviour and resource-sharing during aggregation events using an agent-based model of indirect reciprocity. In brief, agents make their decisions based on the success of the public strategies of other agents. Fitness depends on the resource captured and the social capital exchanged in aggregation events, modified by the agent’s reputation. Our computational results identify the relative importance of resources with respect to social benefits and the ease in detecting—and hence punishing—a defector as key factors to promote and sustain cooperative behaviour among populationSpanish Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn (projects CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 SimulPast-CSD2010-00034 and HAR2009-06996) as well as from the Argentine Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas (project PIP-0706) and the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research (project GR7846)

    Exploring Functional ÎČ-Cell Heterogeneity In Vivo Using PSA-NCAM as a Specific Marker

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    BACKGROUND:The mass of pancreatic beta-cells varies according to increases in insulin demand. It is hypothesized that functionally heterogeneous beta-cell subpopulations take part in this process. Here we characterized two functionally distinct groups of beta-cells and investigated their physiological relevance in increased insulin demand conditions in rats. METHODS:Two rat beta-cell populations were sorted by FACS according to their PSA-NCAM surface expression, i.e. beta(high) and beta(low)-cells. Insulin release, Ca(2+) movements, ATP and cAMP contents in response to various secretagogues were analyzed. Gene expression profiles and exocytosis machinery were also investigated. In a second part, beta(high) and beta(low)-cell distribution and functionality were investigated in animal models with decreased or increased beta-cell function: the Zucker Diabetic Fatty rat and the 48 h glucose-infused rat. RESULTS:We show that beta-cells are heterogeneous for PSA-NCAM in rat pancreas. Unlike beta(low)-cells, beta(high)-cells express functional beta-cell markers and are highly responsive to various insulin secretagogues. Whereas beta(low)-cells represent the main population in diabetic pancreas, an increase in beta(high)-cells is associated with gain of function that follows sustained glucose overload. CONCLUSION:Our data show that a functional heterogeneity of beta-cells, assessed by PSA-NCAM surface expression, exists in vivo. These findings pinpoint new target populations involved in endocrine pancreas plasticity and in beta-cell defects in type 2 diabetes
