445 research outputs found

    Linking SSR 2.0, human security & development : community-based approaches to policing and police reform in Afghanistan

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    The thesis presents the results of an exploratory study of perceptions which examines the debate over community-based approaches to policing in Afghanistan. Putting the security of the Afghan people rather than that of the Afghan state at the centre of the study according to a human security approach, it attempts to explain how Security Sector Reform (SSR) and police reform embedded in an international statebuilding project are envisioned by some in a developmental perspective. To do so, it engages with the recent history and developments of civilian approaches to police reform in light of four normative dimensions of SSR, namely people-centrism, democratic accountability and oversight, civilianization and civil society engagement. It focuses on the case study of a few community-based policing pilot projects and argues that their models, in the ways they revisit these key principles of SSR, sketch the guidelines of an updated form of Afghan SSR 2.0 putting greater emphasis on building a humane, accountable and responsible police beyond the basic building of a „trained and equipped‟ police. It argues further that, despite internal tensions and external challenges, these models show definite potential for modeling revised police governance and SSR 2.0 along a path towards greater police civilianization taking into account the initiatives of bottom-level actors. It concludes that such potential can be exploited, provided these initiatives and actors are taken on board seriously in police reform and the creation of feedback mechanisms between the top and the bottom is made a normative priority on the international SSR and police reform agenda. The study is based on the qualitative analysis of over 50 individual and group interviews with development and security actors conducted in October and November 2013 in Kabul, Herat and Faryab provinces in Afghanistan.M-IE

    The mentoring-burnout relationship and predictors of nurse mentoring behavior

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    Employee burnout can be costly for organizations as well as employees as it contributes to turnover intentions, lost productivity and negative health outcomes (Aiken & Paice, 2003; Maslach & Leiter, 2008; Shaufeli & Bakker, 2004). The nursing profession appears to be particularly influenced by this stress-related phenomenon and is the targeted population in the current study (Shaufeli & Enzman, 1998). Using the Job Demands-Resources model, mentoring was examined as a factor that may impact burnout among experienced nurses. While positive mentoring experiences could serve as a resource that buffers against burnout, negative mentoring experiences may be a job demand that contribute to nurse burnout. While results of path analysis did not support these hypotheses, several moderators of the mentoring burnout relationship were identified. Predictors of actual nurse mentoring behavior, rather than stated willingness to serve as a mentor, was also examined. High workload and fixed shifts were associated with a greater proclivity to mentor


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    The article deals with the issues of providing support to pedagogical team in the inclusive education settings as the main condition for the success of inclusion implementation. As a methodological basis for the analysis, the teacher competence structure is used as an approach. There are given many ways to expand the circle for teachers support. Arguments are also made in favor of engaging and interested in organizations for all employees of an inclusive school to create an inclusive team and the necessity for interest in joint work of both the administration and the teachers, correctional teachers included.The article deals with the issues of providing support to pedagogical team in the inclusive education settings as the main condition for the success of inclusion implementation. As a methodological basis for the analysis, the teacher competence structure is used as an approach. There are given many ways to expand the circle for teachers support. Arguments are also made in favor of engaging and interested in organizations for all employees of an inclusive school to create an inclusive team and the necessity for interest in joint work of both the administration and the teachers, correctional teachers included

    Participatory budgeting as a social innovation: motives and outcomes of enactment: based on the example of the city of Tartu

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    The diffusion of Participatory Budgeting (PB) at a local level has attracted the attention of many researchers. PB has been invented in Porto Alegre, Brazil during the time of redemocratization of Brazil in 1989. Afterwards, it has been diffused globally and currently it exists in almost all continents. The diffusion of policies and social innovation is quite widespread and one policy can be applied to various kinds of contexts which, in their turn, can be quite different from each other. The current study explores the diffusion of PB at a local level, how it travels around the world and more specifically, how, why and with what results it was adopted in the city of Tartu in Estonia. The main aim of the thesis is to understand what drove the adoption of PB in Tartu and whether the expectations of city government and NGO from PB enactment have been met or not. The theoretical framework of the thesis is built on the existing literature about PB diffusion drivers around the world, starting from Brazil until Africa. Based on the existing theories, the main expectations of this study were that Tartu city government adopted PB for the purpose of gaining more popularity and votes as well as for increasing levels of citizen participation and awareness. Moreover, it was supposed that the city government wanted to find better practical solutions for various problems the city has. The research has been conducted using qualitative methods of research, relying on elite interviews with employees of Tartu city government and e-Governance Academy as the main source of empirical information. In order to ensure the validity of the research results, a triangulation of data was applied, combining statistical data and information from media articles with key-informant interviews. The results have shown that PB enactment in the city of Tartu was a result of a cooperation between an NGO (e-Governance Academy) and the city government of Tartu, both of them having the same objectives. The main incentives of PB implementation in the case of Tartu were citizen engagement and citizen education about the budgeting process of the city. During the six years of PB experience at Tartu (2013-2018) 3 only one of the main objectives has been met, which is the citizen engagement, as, every year the number of citizens interested in the process of decision-making is being increased. At the same time, PB failed to be a tool of citizen education about the budgeting process. This largely due to the fact, that only a very limited budget was allocated for the process, and there were not many opportunities for citizens to have a broader picture of the whole budgeting process of the city. In sum, this study contributes to the field of PB diffusion at a local level, and its results can be applied both in and outside of Estonia for understanding the objectives and possible results of PB enactment.https://www.ester.ee/record=b5239713*es

    The Home Room Aid and its Sponsor in the Junior High School

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    problems In human engineering will receive, during the coming years, the same genius and attention which the nineteenth century gave to the more material forms of engineering. Thomas A. Edison. The advisement and guidance of the pupil\u27s self-adjustment constitutes the whole of True Education; for education takes place within the child. philip W. L. Cox. For the past twenty years the junior high schools of the United States have developed at a rapid rate, one of the alms being to discover the individual characteristics of pupils and to provide a more adequate education for each particular child in whatever grade of the school he may happen to be, so that the real interests and needs of the American youth may be served more efficiently

    The influence of status on certain television habits.

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Boston University N.B.:Page 34 is mislabeled. No content is missing

    Avicenna and his Sources: Alexander of Aphrodisias and Themistius (Part 1)

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    This article is part of a broader investigation on Avicenna and his Greek Aristotelian sources. It aims to discuss the relation between Avicenna, Alexander of Aphrodisias, and Themistius from their theory about the intellect. Nowadays, there is a long debate among scholars concerning Avicenna’s noetic theory. One of its issues is the nature of the agent intellect and its relationship with the human intellect. However, since it is a difficult subject, the following lines are the first part of the mentioned investigation. They will be restricted to a general introduction to those three interpretations of the nature of the productive (or agent) intellect. One finds an analysis of the relation between Avicenna and his Greek sources based on the strict association (sometimes a strong dependence) of Avicenna’s theory with Alexander’s and Themistius’ ones. Thus, I will discuss their interpretation of Aristotle’s De anima 430a10-25 concerning the description and distinction of the intellects. Then, I will indicate some difficulties related to this strict association

    Urgensi Legalitas Gaar dan Saar sebagai Instrumen Preventif Penghindaran Pajak di Indonesia

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    Sekitar 80% sumber penerimaan negara, khususnya Indonesia ialah berasal dari pajak yang dipergunakan untuk membiayai pengeluaran umum negara yang tentunya untuk mensejahterakan rakyat Indonesia. Pada tahun 2020, berdasarkan Tax Justice Network, Indonesia diperkirakan mengalami kerugian sekitar Rp. 69,34 triliun akibat penghindaran pajak. Tentu adanya praktik penghindaran pajak telah diikuti pula dengan adanya ketentuan anti penghindaran pajak. Mayoritas negara-negara di dunia telah melengkapi sistem pajak domestik dengan ketentuan anti penghindaran pajak yang bersifat khusus dan umum. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk membahas mengenai urgensi dari Specific Anti Avoidance Rules (SAAR) dan General Anti Avoidance Rules (GAAR) sebagai instrumen preventif penghindaran pajak di Indonesia, dimana skema yang muncul akan penghindaran pajak juga semakin kompleks. Sifat penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitis, melalui penelitian dogmatik. Di kemudian hari, pembahasan terkait SAAR dan GAAR ini diharapkan dapat mengakomodasi keterbatasan informasi terkait dengan skema penghindaran pajak yang tidak dapat diketahui secara pasti. SAAR tedapat dalam Pasal 18 ayat (2) UU Pajak Penghasilan, Peraturan Menteri Keuangan nomor 107/PMK.03/2017 dan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan nomor 93/PMK.03/2019. Sedangkan dalam penjelasan Pasal 18 UU No 7 Tahun 2021 tentang Harmonisasi Peraturan Perpajakan, dinyatakan bahwa pemerintah berwenang mencegah praktik penghindaran pajak sebagai upaya yang dilakukan wajib pajak untuk mengurangi, menghindari, atau menunda pembayaran pajak yang seharusnya terutang yang bertentangan dengan maksud dan tujuan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang perpajakan. Namun masih kurang eksplisit terkait ruang lingkup GAAR

    Andrews Launches New Academic Program in Campus Ministry

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