12 research outputs found

    Unpublished Mediterranean and Black Sea records of marine alien, cryptogenic, and neonative species

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    To enrich spatio-temporal information on the distribution of alien, cryptogenic, and neonative species in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, a collective effort by 173 marine scientists was made to provide unpublished records and make them open access to the scientific community. Through this effort, we collected and harmonized a dataset of 12,649 records. It includes 247 taxa, of which 217 are Animalia, 25 Plantae and 5 Chromista, from 23 countries surrounding the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Chordata was the most abundant taxonomic group, followed by Arthropoda, Mollusca, and Annelida. In terms of species records, Siganus luridus, Siganus rivulatus, Saurida lessepsianus, Pterois miles, Upeneus moluccensis, Charybdis (Archias) longicollis, and Caulerpa cylindracea were the most numerous. The temporal distribution of the records ranges from 1973 to 2022, with 44% of the records in 2020–2021. Lethrinus borbonicus is reported for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea, while Pomatoschistus quagga, Caulerpa cylindracea, Grateloupia turuturu, and Misophria pallida are first records for the Black Sea; Kapraunia schneideri is recorded for the second time in the Mediterranean and for the first time in Israel; Prionospio depauperata and Pseudonereis anomala are reported for the first time from the Sea of Marmara. Many first country records are also included, namely: Amathia verticillata (Montenegro), Ampithoe valida (Italy), Antithamnion amphigeneum (Greece), Clavelina oblonga (Tunisia and Slovenia), Dendostrea cf. folium (Syria), Epinephelus fasciatus (Tunisia), Ganonema farinosum (Montenegro), Macrorhynchia philippina (Tunisia), Marenzelleria neglecta (Romania), Paratapes textilis (Tunisia), and Botrylloides diegensis (Tunisia).Stelios Katsanevakis, Michail Ragkousis, Maria Sini, Markos Digenis and Vasilis Gerovasileiou were supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) under the “First Call for HFRI Research Projects to support Faculty members and Researchers and the procurement of high-cost research equipment grant” (Project ALAS – “ALiens in the Aegean – a Sea under siege” (Katsanevakis et al. 2020b); Project Number: HFRI-FM17-1597). Konstantinos Tsirintanis was co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund-ESF) through the Operational Programme “Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning”, 2014-2020, in the context of the Act “Enhancing Human Resources Research Potential by undertaking a Doctoral Research” Sub-action 2: IKY Scholarship Programme for PhD candidates in the Greek Universities. Maria Zotou was supported by the project “Coastal Environment Observatory and Risk Management in Island Regions AEGIS+” (MIS 5047038), implemented within the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” (NSRF 2014-2020), co financed by the Hellenic Government (Ministry of Development and Investments) and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund, Cohesion Fund). Razy Hoffman was supported by Yad-Hanadiv Foundation, through the Israel Society of Ecology and Environmental Sciences and Israel Nature and Parks Authority, an integrated program for establishing biological baselines and monitoring protocols for marine reserves in the Israeli Mediterranean Sea (Grant #10669). Tatiana Begun, Adrian Teaca and Mihaela Muresan were supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 BRIDGE-BS project under grant agreement no. 101000240. Fiona Tomas was supported by the project “Invasion of the tropical alga Halimeda incrassata in the Balearic Islands: ecology and invasion dynamics (AAEE119/2017)”, funded by the Vicepresidencia y Consejería de Innovación, Investigación y Turismo del Govern de les Illes Balears, with support from the European Union and FEDER funds, and the project “Una nueva alga invasora en el Mediterráneo: invasibilidad, detección y erradicación del alga tropical Halimeda incrassata (INVHALI)”, funded by the Fundación Biodiversidad, del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico. Simonetta Fraschetti, Laura Tamburello, Antonia Chiarore were supported by the project PO FEAMP 2014-2020 - DRD n. 35/2019, “Innovazione, sviluppo e sostenibilità nel settore della pesca e dell'acquacoltura per la Regione Campania” (ISSPA 2.51) and the EU EASME - EMFF (Sustainable Blue Econ-omy) Project AFRIMED (http://afrimed-project.eu/, grant agreement N. 789059). Carlos Jimenez, Louis Hadjioannou, Vasilis Resaikos, Valentina Fossati, Magdalene Papatheodoulou, and Antonis Petrou were supported by MedPan Small Projects, Mava, and LIFE-IP. Louis Hadjioannou, Manos L. Moraitis and Neophytos Agrotis received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program within the framework of the CMMI/MaRITeC-X project under grant agreement No. 857586. Ernesto Azzurro was supported by the project USEIt - Utilizzo di Sinergie operative per la gestione integrata specie aliene Invasive in Italia, funded by the research programme @CNR. Antonietta Rosso and Francesco Sciuto were supported by the University of Catania through “PiaCeRi-Piano Incentivi per la Ricerca di Ateneo 2020–22 linea di intervento 2.” This is the Catania Paleoecological Research Group contribution n. 484. Diego K. Kersting was supported by the Beatriu de Pinós programme funded by the Secretary of Universities and Research (Government of Catalonia) and the Horizon 2020 programme of research and innovation of the European Union under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 801370. Francesco Tiralongo was supported by the AlienFish project of Ente Fauna Marina Mediterranea (Scientific Organization for Research and Conservation of Marine Biodiversity, 96012 Avola, Italy), a citizen science project for monitoring and studying rare and non-indigenous fish in Italian waters. Adriana Vella, was supported by funds through the BioCon_Innovate Research Excellence Grant from the University of Malta awarded to her. Noel Vella was supported by REACH HIGH Scholars Programme-Post Doctoral Grant for the FINS project. Some of the records provided by Victor Surugiu were obtained during surveys carried out within the framework of the project “Adequate management of invasive species in Romania, in accordance with EU Regulation 1143/2014 on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species”, SMIS 2014+ 120008, coordinated by the Romanian Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests in partnership with the University of Bucharest (2018–2022). Alan Deidun and Alessio Marrone were supported by the “Spot The Alien” citizen science campaign for the monitoring of the Alien species in the Maltese archipelago and by the Interreg Italia-Malta Harmony project. The authors from the National Institute of Biology (Slovenia) acknowledge the financial support of the Slovenian Research Agency (Research Core Funding No. P1-0237) and of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (project “Survey of the species richness and abundance of alien species in the Slovenian Sea”). Emanuele Mancini and Fabio Collepardo Coccia were supported by the project PO-FEAMP 2014-2020 “BIOBLITZ: research, knowledge and participation for the sustainable management of marine resources (BioBlitz Blu 2020)” coordinated by CURSA for MIPAAF, the Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, Measure 1.40 - Protection and restoration of biodiversity and marine ecosystems and compensation schemes in the context of sustainable fishing activities. Daniele Grech was supported by the PO-FEAMP 2014-2020 project ECOGESTOCK “Approccio ECOsistemico per la tutela e la GEStione delle risorse biologiche e STOCK ittici nelle acque interne”, the citizen science project Progetto Fucales: chi le ha viste? and the Paralenz Every dive counts sponsor. Jamila Rizgalla was supported by the project Snowball for the monitoring of alien species in Libyan waters له اهتفش له اهتدطصا ؟) have you seen it have you fished it?). Gerasimos Kondylatos and Dimitrios Mavrouleas were supported by the project “EXPLIAS” (MIS (ΟΠΣ): 5049912), design and piloting methods of commercial exploitation of invasive alien species with a view to contributing to their population control, coordinated by the National Technical University of Athens with the collaboration of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research and the University of the Aegean and co-founded by Greece and the European Union. G. Kondylatos and Savvas Nikolidakis were supported by the project “SAMOS” (ID CODE: 32.2072004/001), a study for a submarine productive park in Marathokampos of Samos. Paraskevi K. Karachle, Aikaterini Dogrammatzi, Giorgos A. Apostolopoulos, Kassiani Konida and Melina Nalmpanti were supported by the project “4ALIEN: Biology and the potential economic exploitation of four alien species in the Hellenic Seas”, funded by NRSF 2017-2020 (MIS (ΟΠΣ): 5049511). Fabio Crocetta and Riccardo Virgili were partially funded by the project PO FEAMP Campania 2014–2020, DRD n. 35 of 15th March 2018, Innovazione, sviluppo e sostenibilità nel settore della pesca e dell’acquacoltura per la regione Campania, Misura 2.51, WP5, Task 5.5 Presenza e distribuzione di specie non indigene del macrozoobenthos e del necton in Campania. Michel Bariche was partially funded by the University Research Board of the American University of Beirut (DDF 103951/2592). Constantinos G. Georgiadis, Dimitra Lida Rammou, Paschalis Papadamakis and Sotiris Orfanidis were supported by the MSFD monitoring program. Sonia Smeraldo was supported by the MPA-Engage project, led by the Institute of Marine Sciences of the Spanish National Research Council and funded by the Interreg MED program. Evgeniia Karpova acknowledge that the publication of this article was in part carried out within the framework of the state assignment of the FRC IBSS “Patterns of Formation and Anthropogenic Transformation of Biodiversity and Bioresources of the Azov– Black Sea Basin and Other Regions of the World Ocean” (No. 121030100028-0). Elena Slynko’s work was carried out within the framework of a State Assignment no. 121051100109-1 of IBIW RAS. Manuela Falautano and Luca Castriota were supported by ISPRA citizen science campaigns for the monitoring of alien species through the dedicated institutional project ([email protected]). María Altamirano was supported by the project RUGULOPTERYX funded by Fundación Biodiversidad-Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el reto Demográfico (Spain) and the project UMA20-FEDERJA-006 with support from the European Union and FEDER funds and Junta de Andalucía. Records provided by L. Mangialajo were collected in the framework of projects funded by the Pew Charitable Trust, by the European Commission (AFRIMED, http://afrimed-project.eu/, grant agreement N. 789059) and by the Académie 3 de l’Université Côte d’Azur (projet CONVOST).Peer reviewe

    Unpublished Mediterranean and Black Sea records of marine alien, cryptogenic, and neonative species

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    To enrich spatio-temporal information on the distribution of alien, cryptogenic, and neonative species in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, a collective effort by 173 marine scientists was made to provide unpublished records and make them open access to the scientific community. Through this effort, we collected and harmonized a dataset of 12,649 records. It includes 247 taxa, of which 217 are Animalia, 25 Plantae and 5 Chromista, from 23 countries surrounding the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Chordata was the most abundant taxonomic group, followed by Arthropoda, Mollusca, and Annelida. In terms of species records, Siganus luridus, Siganus rivulatus, Saurida lessepsianus, Pterois miles, Upeneus moluccensis, Charybdis (Archias) longicollis, and Caulerpa cylindracea were the most numerous. The temporal distribution of the records ranges from 1973 to 2022, with 44% of the records in 2020–2021. Lethrinus borbonicus is reported for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea, while Pomatoschistus quagga, Caulerpa cylindracea, Grateloupia turuturu, and Misophria pallida are first records for the Black Sea; Kapraunia schneideri is recorded for the second time in the Mediterranean and for the first time in Israel; Prionospio depauperata and Pseudonereis anomala are reported for the first time from the Sea of Marmara. Many first country records are also included, namely: Amathia verticillata (Montenegro), Ampithoe valida (Italy), Antithamnion amphigeneum (Greece), Clavelina oblonga (Tunisia and Slovenia), Dendostrea cf. folium (Syria), Epinephelus fasciatus (Tunisia), Ganonema farinosum (Montenegro), Macrorhynchia philippina (Tunisia), Marenzelleria neglecta (Romania), Paratapes textilis (Tunisia), and Botrylloides diegensis (Tunisia).peer-reviewe

    Identification of candidate molecules and pathways for prevention and treatment of cardiometabolic diseases

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    Das metabolische Syndrom wird beschrieben durch mehrere Risikofaktoren, einschließlich Insulinresistenz, abdominale Adipositas, Hypertonie, Dyslipidämie und abnormalem Glukosemetabolismus, was die Wahrscheinlichkeit an kardiometabolischen Krankheiten, wie Typ 2 Diabetes, aber auch andere kardiovaskuläre Krankheiten zu erkranken, begünstigt. Die steigende Prävalenz des metabolischen Syndroms macht dieses zu einem weltweiten Problem für die Gesundheit der Menschen, wodurch die Dringlichkeit der Entwicklung für neue Interventionen steigt. Entzündungserscheinungen, die mit Adipositas in Verbindung gebracht werden, wurden als wichtiger Mechanismus in der Entstehung von Typ-2-Diabetes und kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen beschrieben. Auf Basis dieser Daten gilt die Blockade von bekannten, entzündlichen Faktoren, die in unterschiedlichen metabolischen Geweben bei Adipositas eine Rolle spielen, als eine potenzielle Strategie, um kardiometabolischen Komplikationen entgegen zu wirken. In der vorliegenden Arbeit etablierte ich eine erwartungstreue bioinformatische Methode mit welcher bereits publizierte und originale Genexpressionsdaten von weißem Fettgewebe und atherosclerotischen Aortengewebe kombiniert wurde, die Hauptgewebe in der Entwicklung und Verschlechterung von Typ 2 Diabetes und kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen. Daraufhin stellte ich die Hypothese auf, dass mit Hilfe dieser Methode neue und potentielle Moleküle und Signalwege identifiziert werden, die bei der Entstehung und der Behandlung von kardiometabolischen Erkrankungen eine Rolle spielen können. Ein erstes Ziel war die Identifizierung und Evaluierung von Faktoren die gleichzeitig bei Insulinresistenz und Atherosklerose, welche in wichtiger Verbindung mit Typ 2 Diabetes und kardiovaskulären Krankheiten stehen, hochreguliert sind. Zur Ergänzung von Einzelgenanalysen und zur besseren Evaluierung von bereits bekannten Faktoren, die bei Typ 2 Diabetes und kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen eine Rolle spielen, wurden Analysen der Signalwege durchgeführt, um gängige, fehlerhaft-regulierte Signalwege beider Erkrankungen aufzeigen zu können. Zur Durchführung der Analysen erhielt ich eine wertvolle Datensammlung bestehend aus bereits bekannten und neuen, potenziellen Molekülen, die durch Immunisierung oder andere spezifische Blockaden gezielt neutralisiert werden könnten. Aus diesen Daten ging die Matrix-Metalloprotease 12 hervor und wurde als Schlüsselmolekül auf mehreren Ebenen im murinen und humanen Gewebe bestätigt. Zusätzlich wählte ich ein anderes Molekül, Myostatin, für die weitere Evaluierung aus und identifizierte dieses als einen stabilen Prädiktor für Insulinresistenz im Menschen. Ergänzend zur Analyse der einzelnen Gene identifizierte ich 22 dysregulierte Genexpressionspfade. Anhand dieser Daten wurden Pfade für Entzündungsreaktionen und oxidativer Phosporylierung ausgewählt, um eine genauere Evaluierung auf der Einzelgen-Ebene zu erzielen und die außerordentliche Überschneidung von Änderungen in der Genexpression bei der Fettgewebsentzündung und Atherosklerose aufzuzeigen. Zusammenfassend gesagt; es konnten interessante Moleküle als auch Stoffwechselwege identifiziert werden die einen pharmakologischen Nutzen als Schlüsselmoleküle und/oder Biomarker zur Vorbeugung und/oder zur Behandlung von kardiometabolischen Erkrankungen darstellen könnten.Metabolic syndrome is a compilation of risk factors comprising insulin resistance, abdominal obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia and impaired glucose metabolism resulting in a markedly increased incidence of cardiometabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes as well as cardiovascular diseases. The increasing prevalence of the metabolic syndrome has become a global health challenge, which urgently requires novel modes of interventions. Obesity-associated chronic low grade inflammation has been recognized to be a common mechanism underlying type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Thus, blockade of common inflammatory factors expressed in different metabolic tissues in obesity represents a potential therapeutic strategy to disrupt the cardiometabolic risk linked to these diseases. In this thesis, I established an unbiased bioinformatic approach combining published as well as original gene expression data from obese gonadal white adipose tissue and atherosclerotic aortae, the main tissues involved in type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, I hypothesized that this approach would lead to identify novel and potentially interesting targetable molecules and dysregulated pathways, for the prevention and treatment of cardiometabolic diseases. Hence, as a first approach, I aimed at identifying and evaluating factors simultaneously upregulated during insulin resistance and atherosclerosis, as basis of type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease, respectively. In order to complement the single gene level approach and achieve a better evaluation of the common basis for the concurrent development of type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease, a pathway analysis was conducted for identification of common dysregulated pathways in both diseases. A valuable pool of well-known as well as novel molecules potentially targetable by immunotherapy or other specific blockade was obtained. As an outstanding candidate molecule, matrix metalloproteinase 12 was validated at multiple levels in murine and human tissues. In addition to the unbiased approach, I chose myostatin for further evaluation and identified it as a robust predictor of insulin resistance in humans. Complementing the single gene approach, twenty-two commonly dysregulated pathways in the analyzed metabolic tissues were identified. Out of them, inflammatory response and oxidative phosphorylation pathways were selected to conduct a deeper evaluation at the single gene level, which emphasized the vast overlap in gene expression alterations in adipose tissue inflammation and atherosclerosis. In conclusion, an interesting pool of candidate molecules and pathways were identified, some of which have potential pharmacological value as targets and/or biomarkers of cardiometabolic diseases.submitted by Lic. Melina AmorZusammenfassung in deutscher SpracheMedizinische Universität Wien, Dissertation, 2016OeBB(VLID)192549

    Identification of Matrix Metalloproteinase-12 as a Candidate Molecule for Prevention and Treatment of Cardiometabolic Disease

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    Abstract Obesity is strongly associated with metabolic syndrome, a combination of risk factors that predisposes to development of the cardiometabolic diseases: atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Prevention of metabolic syndrome requires novel interventions to address this health challenge. The objective of this study was to identify candidate molecules for the prevention and treatment of insulin resistance and atherosclerosis, conditions that underlie type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease, respectively. We used an unbiased bioinformatics approach to identify molecules that are upregulated in both conditions by combining murine and human data from a microarray experiment and meta-analyses. We obtained a pool of 8 genes that were upregulated in all the databases analyzed. This included well-known and novel molecules involved in the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. Notably, matrix metalloproteinase 12 (MMP12) was highly ranked in all analyses and was therefore chosen for further investigation. Analyses of visceral and subcutaneous white adipose tissue from obese compared with lean mice and humans convincingly confirmed the upregulation of MMP12 in obesity at the mRNA, protein and activity levels. In conclusion, by using this unbiased approach, an interesting pool of candidate molecules was identified, all of which have potential as targets in the treatment and prevention of cardiometabolic diseases

    Impact of (intestinal) LAL deficiency on lipid metabolism and macrophage infiltration

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    Objective: To date, the only enzyme known to be responsible for the hydrolysis of cholesteryl esters and triacylglycerols in the lysosome at acidic pH is lysosomal acid lipase (LAL). Lipid malabsorption in the small intestine (SI), accompanied by macrophage infiltration, is one of the most common pathological features of LAL deficiency. However, the exact role of LAL in intestinal lipid metabolism is still unknown. Methods: We collected three parts of the SI (duodenum, jejunum, ileum) from mice with a global (LAL KO) or intestine-specific deletion of LAL (iLAL KO) and corresponding controls. Results: We observed infiltration of lipid-associated macrophages into the lamina propria, where neutral lipids accumulate massively in the SI of LAL KO mice. In addition, LAL KO mice absorb less dietary lipids but have accelerated basolateral lipid uptake, secrete fewer chylomicrons, and have increased fecal lipid loss. Inflammatory markers and genes involved in lipid metabolism were overexpressed in the duodenum of old but not in younger LAL KO mice. Despite the significant reduction of LAL activity in enterocytes of enterocyte-specific (iLAL) KO mice, villous morphology, intestinal lipid concentrations, expression of lipid transporters and inflammatory genes, as well as lipoprotein secretion were comparable to control mice. Conclusions: We conclude that loss of LAL only in enterocytes is insufficient to cause lipid deposition in the SI, suggesting that infiltrating macrophages are the key players in this process

    Incorporation of Drosophila CID/CENP-A and CENP-C into centromeres during early embryonic anaphase.

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    The centromere/kinetochore complex is indispensable for accurate segregation of chromosomes during cell divisions when it serves as the attachment site for spindle microtubules. Centromere identity in metazoans is believed to be governed by epigenetic mechanisms, because the highly repetitive centromeric DNA is neither sufficient nor required for specifying the assembly site of the kinetochore. A candidate for an epigenetic mark is the centromere-specific histone H3 variant CENP-A that replaces H3 in alternating blocks of chromatin exclusively in active centromeres. CENP-A acts as an initiator of kinetochore assembly, but the detailed dynamics of the deposition of metazoan CENP-A and of other constitutive kinetochore components are largely unknown. Here we show by quantitative fluorescence measurements in living early embryos that functional fluorescent fusion proteins of the Drosophila CENP-A and CENP-C homologs are rapidly incorporated into centromeres during anaphase. This incorporation is independent of ongoing DNA synthesis and pulling forces generated by the mitotic spindle, but strictly coupled to mitotic progression. Thus, our findings uncover a strikingly dynamic behavior of centromere components in anaphase

    Genetic deletion of MMP12 ameliorates cardiometabolic disease by improving insulin sensitivity, systemic inflammation, and atherosclerotic features in mice

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    Abstract Background Matrix metalloproteinase 12 (MMP12) is a macrophage-secreted protein that is massively upregulated as a pro-inflammatory factor in metabolic and vascular tissues of mice and humans suffering from cardiometabolic diseases (CMDs). However, the molecular mechanisms explaining the contributions of MMP12 to CMDs are still unclear. Methods We investigated the impact of MMP12 deficiency on CMDs in a mouse model that mimics human disease by simultaneously developing adipose tissue inflammation, insulin resistance, and atherosclerosis. To this end, we generated and characterized low-density lipoprotein receptor (Ldlr)/Mmp12-double knockout (DKO) mice fed a high-fat sucrose- and cholesterol-enriched diet for 16–20 weeks. Results DKO mice showed lower cholesterol and plasma glucose concentrations and improved insulin sensitivity compared with LdlrKO mice. Untargeted proteomic analyses of epididymal white adipose tissue revealed that inflammation- and fibrosis-related pathways were downregulated in DKO mice. In addition, genetic deletion of MMP12 led to alterations in immune cell composition and a reduction in plasma monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in peripheral blood which indicated decreased low-grade systemic inflammation. Aortic en face analyses and staining of aortic valve sections demonstrated reduced atherosclerotic plaque size and collagen content, which was paralleled by an improved relaxation pattern and endothelial function of the aortic rings and more elastic aortic sections in DKO compared to LdlrKO mice. Shotgun proteomics revealed upregulation of anti-inflammatory and atheroprotective markers in the aortas of DKO mice, further supporting our data. In humans, MMP12 serum concentrations were only weakly associated with clinical and laboratory indicators of CMDs. Conclusion We conclude that the genetic deletion of MMP12 ameliorates obesity-induced low-grade inflammation, white adipose tissue dysfunction, biomechanical properties of the aorta, and the development of atherosclerosis. Therefore, therapeutic strategies targeting MMP12 may represent a promising approach to combat CMDs

    Adipocyte p53 coordinates the response to intermittent fasting by regulating adipose tissue immune cell landscape

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    Abstract In obesity, sustained adipose tissue (AT) inflammation constitutes a cellular memory that limits the effectiveness of weight loss interventions. Yet, the impact of fasting regimens on the regulation of AT immune infiltration is still elusive. Here we show that intermittent fasting (IF) exacerbates the lipid-associated macrophage (LAM) inflammatory phenotype of visceral AT in obese mice. Importantly, this increase in LAM abundance is strongly p53 dependent and partly mediated by p53-driven adipocyte apoptosis. Adipocyte-specific deletion of p53 prevents LAM accumulation during IF, increases the catabolic state of adipocytes, and enhances systemic metabolic flexibility and insulin sensitivity. Finally, in cohorts of obese/diabetic patients, we describe a p53 polymorphism that links to efficacy of a fasting-mimicking diet and that the expression of p53 and TREM2 in AT negatively correlates with maintaining weight loss after bariatric surgery. Overall, our results demonstrate that p53 signalling in adipocytes dictates LAM accumulation in AT under IF and modulates fasting effectiveness in mice and humans

    The "Woundosome" Concept and Its Impact on Procedural Outcomes in Patients With Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia

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    This editorial assembles endovascular specialists from diverse clinical backgrounds and nationalities with a global call to address key challenges to enhance revascularization in chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI) patients.- Dedicated below-the-ankle (BTA) angiography and revascularization is underutilized in ischemic foot treatment. Existing guidelines do not address comprehensive BTA vessel analysis. CLTI trials also often lack data on in-line arterial flow to the ischemic lesion and BTA vessel evaluation, hindering outcome assessment.- Dedicated multi-planar angiographic evaluation of the distal microcirculation is key: Direct arterial flow or good-quality collaterals are crucial in influencing wound healing and need to be assessed diligently to the level of the distal ischemic wound territory, termed “woundosome.”- An important primary emphasis of future trials should be on validating technologies and strategies for assessing tissue perfusion before, during, and after revascularization undertaken to heal tissue loss in CLTI patients. This will allow determination of a potentially significant delta in tissue perfusion prior to and following intervention at the “woundosome” level. Once changes in arterial perfusion have been identified as positively correlated to wound healing, these could serve as a much-needed novel primary technical outcome measure for patients with tissue loss undergoing surgical, hybrid, or endovascular revascularization