398 research outputs found
Hydroelectric Power Plant Project
Import 02/11/2016Bakalářská práce se zabývá popisem a funkcí malé vodní elektrárny a následným návrhem malé vodní elektrárny v konkrétní lokalitě. V první půli se zaměřuje na teoretické otázky jako stavební řešení, strojní řešení a elektrotechnické řešení. Druhá část se zaměřuje na konkrétní lokalitu na řeku Opava v Moravskoslezském kraji. Na základě hydropotenciálu lokality je navržena malá vodní elektrárna. Závěr práce je věnovaný celkovému zhodnocení z pohledu energetického, ekonomického a ekologického.This Bachelor Thesis deals with the description and function of small hydropower plant followed by design of small hydropower plant in specific locality. The first half is focused on theoretical issues such as structucal solutions, mechanical solutions and electrical solutions. The second part is focused on a specific location on the river Opava in the Moravian – Silesian Region. Based on the data of hydropower potencial is designed small hydropower plant. The conclusion is devoted to overall evaluation of view of energy, economic and environmental.361 - Katedra energetikyvýborn
Data report: preliminary assessment of Pleistocene sediment strength in the Ursa Basin (Gulf of Mexico continental slope) from triaxial and ring shear test data
We report the preliminary results of a triaxial and ring shear study
on clay-rich, fine-grained Pleistocene sediments cored in Ursa Basin,
Gulf of Mexico continental slope. Specimens from Integrated
Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 308 Sites U1322 and
U1324 document friction coefficients in the range of 0.13–0.31,
with internal angles of friction of ~7.4°–17.2° in ring shear experiments.
At intermediate (7.624 MPa) to high (15.237 MPa) overburden
pressure, the majority of the samples tested show velocity
weakening, whereas lower overburden pressures do not give a
clear trend regarding velocity weakening or strengthening of the
samples. In consolidated-undrained triaxial tests, peak shear
stresses observed are between 27 and 140 kPa, with the strongest
sample by far coming from a core catcher section. We suspect that
this is an effect of fabric changes induced during hydraulic piston
coring. One sample coming from the base of a mass transport deposit
at Site U1322 is the weakest one tested. Young’s moduli calculated
range from 2 to 17.4 kPa. Stress paths indicate slight overconsolidation
of the samples, which is in line with the
information gained from preconsolidation stresses in other studies.
Permeability determined from consolidation data is in the
range of 10–16 to 10–17 m2, and hydraulic conductivity is around
10–9 to 10–10 ms–1. Grain density of the tested samples is around
2.7 g/cm3, and water content ranges from 18.3% to 30.7%
Einsatzmöglichkeit von Georadar (GPR) zur Erkundung des Epikarsts in Karstwasser Einzugsgebieten
Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Fragestellung in wie weit Georadar (GPR) für die Erkundung der oberflächennahen Zone in verkarsteten Gebieten einsetzbar ist.
Georadar ist eine wichtige geophysikalische Methode wobei kurze elektromagnetische Impulse in den Untergrund ausgesendet werden. Diese Wellen werden an Inhomogenitäten und Strukturen wie Störungen, Schichtgrenzen oder Hohlräumen reflektiert und an der Oberfläche wieder empfangen.
Im Fokus der Arbeit liegt der Epikarst, wobei getestet werden soll ob mit Hilfe der erhaltenen Georadardaten, Aussagen über die Mächtigkeit bzw. die Beschaffenheit des Epikarst gemacht werden können. Der Epikarst stellt den obersten Bereich in verkarsteten Gebieten dar und definiert sich als die Zone, die sich zwischen dem Oberboden und der eigentlichen Felszone in Karstsystemen befindet. Die Wasserbewegungen in den Porenräumen und Störungen des Epikarsthorizonts spielen eine wichtige Rolle im hydraulischen Regime eines Karstmassivs.
Als Erkundungsgebiet wurde das Schneebergmassiv in Niederösterreich ausgewählt. Der Schneeberg befindet sich 80 km südlich von Wien und bildet das Einzugsgebiet für mehrere große Quellen.
Im Untersuchungsgebiet wurden insgesamt acht Georadarprofile aufgenommen, die sich aufgrund ihrer Morphologie, sowie an der unterschiedlichen Mächtigkeit des Oberbodens unterscheiden.
.Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass bei Messungen mit dem Georadar, Strukturen wie Schichtgrenzen und Störungen in verkarsteten Gebieten erkennbar sind. Messungen unter verschiedenen Wetterbedingungen zeigen, dass die Feuchtigkeitssättigung des Bodens sowie die Mächtigkeit des Oberbodens einen relativ großen Einfluss auf die mögliche Eindringtiefe der Wellen hat. Zusammenfassend hat sich das Georadar als sehr gute Methodik bewährt, um im Untergrund verborgene Strukturen, Störungen und Hohlräume nachweisen zu können.Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is an important geophysical method to investigate the subsurface using very short electromagnetic pulses that are radiated into the ground and reflected back to the surface due to inhomogenities caused by structures and boundaries. The uppermost zone of the karst system – the epikarst - is defined as the interface zone between soil and rock in karst landscapes where water movement and storage in small voids appear to play an important role in the hydrologic regime and vulnerability of karst aquifers.
Hence, the aim of this feasibility study is to investigate if GPR can be used to derive information of the thickness and storage capability of the epikarst. The study was carried out on the Schneeberg karst plateau (80 km south of Vienna, Austria).
Field studies and data acquisition were realized at different weather conditions and therefore, different degrees of humidity saturation were to be expected in the investigated area.
The results show that structures like fractures and cavities in the epikarst can be clearly detected by GPR. Field data acquisition under different weather conditions reveal that humidity saturation is an important parameter when subsurface fractures on the karst plateau are imaged. Furthermore, the amount of topsoil seems to be an important parameter especially under wet conditions.
In conclusion, our study clearly demonstrates that GPR is a non destrucitve method that can be used to produce a crosssectional image of structures and features buried in the ground, especially in sensitive karstic areas
A novel method for unambiguous ion identification in mixed ion beams extracted from an EBIT
A novel technique to identify small fluxes of mixed highly charged ion beams
extracted from an Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT) is presented and practically
demonstrated. The method exploits projectile charge state dependent potential
emission of electrons as induced by ion impact on a metal surface to separate
ions with identical or very similar mass-to-charge ratio.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
Proposal to Increase Efficiency of Combustion Microturbine for Cogeneration Unit
Cílem práce je navrhnout řešení pro zvýšení účinnosti kogeenerační jednotky se spalovací mikroturbínou a nakreslit výkres sestavy výměníku spaliny-voda pro jednoduchý obvod. Upravoval jsem vstupní parametry i konstrukční řešení a sledoval, jak se mění elektrická a celková účinnost jednotky. Z pohledu elektrické účinnosti se nejslibněji jeví zapojení s dělenou kompresí s mezichlazením, dělenou expanzí s mezipříhřevem spalin a regenerací tepla spalin s využitím tepla z mezichladiče s tlakovým poměrem 4 a teplotou spalin před turbínou 1200°C. S těmito parametry jsem dospěl k elektrické účinnosti 55 %. Celková účinnost vyšla nejlépe pro zapojení s dělenou kompresí vzduchu s mezichlazením a využitím tepla z mezichladiče a odpadního tepla spalin a to 82 %. Výsledky nám říkají, že ve spalovacích mikroturbínách se skrývá velký potenciál a s nástupem zemního plynu mohou promluvit do energetiky v České republice.The aim of the thesis is to propose a solution for increasing the efficiency of the cogeneration unit with the gas micro-turbine. I changed the input parameters and design and watched how the unit's electrical and overall efficiency changes. The highest electrical efficiency had solution with split compression with the intercooling, split expansion with the intercooling of the flue gas and regeneration of the flue gas heat using the heat from the intercooler, with the pressure ratio of 4 and the flue gas temperature 1200°C. With these parameters I have reached an electrical efficiency of 55%. The highest overall efficiency is 82%. I have reached this value with solution with split air compression with intercooling and heat recovery from intercooler and flue gas waste heat. The results tell us that there is a great potential for cogeneration units with gas micro-turbines, and they can speak to the Czech Republic's energy sector in the future.361 - Katedra energetikyvýborn
wittgensteinskulptur - eine formalästhetische betrachtung des tractatus logico philosophicus
der als kunstwerk aufgefaßte tractatus logico philosophicus wird anhand
des von oswald wiener geprägten begriffes der ergriffenheit, sowie der von
vertretern der konkreten poesie erstellten formalen kriterien zur bezeichnung
der ästhetischen qualitäten des sprachmaterials, analysiert.
durch die formalästhetische beschreibung dieses
textes wird auf eine im tractatus immer wieder erhobene forderung
nach "richtiger" formulierung bezug genommen. es ist der versuch diese forderung
insofern wörtlich zu nehmen, als sich nach auffassung des autors, außer eines
so und so formulierten materials nichts finden läßt, das man als inhalt bezeichnen könnte.
in letzter konsequenz sollte diese arbeit auf einen gedanken verweisen, der
sprachgebundenes denken als problem der ästhetik versteht
Consistent time-to-failure tests and analyses of adhesive anchor systems
Motivated by tunnel accidents in the recent past, several investigations into the sustained load behavior of adhesive anchors have been initiated. Nevertheless, the reliable lifetime prediction of bonded anchor systems based on a relatively short testing period still represents an unsolved challenge due to the complex nonlinear viscoelastic behavior of concrete and adhesives alike. This contribution summarizes the results of a comprehensive experimental investigation and systematically carried out time-to-failure analysis performed on bonded anchors under sustained tensile load. Two different adhesive materials that find widespread application in the building industry were used, one epoxy and one vinylester based. Performed experiments include full material characterizations of concrete and the adhesives, bonded anchor pull-out tests at different loading rates, and time-to-failure sustained load tests. All anchor tests are performed in a confined configuration with close support. After a thorough review of available experimental data and analysis methods in the literature, the experimental data are presented with the main goal to (i) provide guidance for the analysis of load versus time-to-failure test data, and (ii) to derive a set of recommendations for efficient time-to-failure tests having in mind the needs associated with different analysis techniques. Finally, a new approach based on a sigmoid function, previously used only for concrete, is for the first time applied to bonded anchors systems and compared to the established regression models
Plan de negocios
El motivo de este trabajo es la puesta en marcha de una residencia universitaria a través de
un plan de negocios. Se muestran los elementos conceptuales y operativos para la apertura de la
misma, brindando la información que explica las decisiones que se han tomado respecto al negocio. La residencia brindará alojamiento a estudiantes de carreras de grado, nacionales y
extranjeros, principalmente se centrará en el segmento de estudiantes mayores de 19 años hasta 24 años. A través de una gestión profesional del negocio se hará énfasis en la calidad del servicio y en la competitividad de su precio. La misma, cuenta con treinta y cinco habitaciones, individuales, dobles y triples, con baño privado y capacidad total para sesenta y cinco personas. Además posee un amplio comedor, cocina y sala de ocio comunes a todos los clientes.
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar si es viable o no la apertura de una residencia universitaria en la ciudad de Mendoza. Para ello se desarrolla un plan de negocios que contiene todos los aspectos necesarios para poder describir la idea, el servicio, analizar el micro y macro entorno, como así también un análisis FODA. Se realiza un plan financiero, operativo, administrativo, de recursos humanos etc. Se pretende analizar una forma de alojamiento que dé respuesta a los cambios en el contexto como al habitante estudiantil, es decir, cómo el contexto responde a las necesidades de este nuevo estudiante, y como este último puede potenciar su entorno por medio de la satisfacción de sus necesidades.Fil: Maidana Meissl, Victoria. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
Neural elements in the pineal complex of the frog, Rana esculenta, II: GABA-immunoreactive neurons and FMRFamide-immunoreactive efferent axons
The photosensory pineal complex of anurans comprises an extracranial part, the frontal organ, and an intracranial part, the pineal organ proper. Although the pineal organ functions mainly as a luminosity detector, the frontal organ monitor the relative proportions of short and intermediate/long wavelengths in the ambient illumination. The major pathway of information processing in the pineal and frontal organs is the photoreceptor to ganglion cell synapse. It is not known whether interneurons form part of the neural circuitry. In the present study, we demonstrate GABA-immunoreactive (GABA-IR) neurons in the pineal and frontal organs of the frog, Rana esculenta. No GABA-IR axons were observed in the pineal nerve between the frontal and pineal organs, or in the pineal tract that connects the pineal complex with the brain. The GABA-IR neurons differed in morphology from centrally projecting neurons visualized by retrograde labeling with horseradish peroxidase. Thus, we suggest that the GABA-IR neurons in the pineal and frontal organs represent local interneurons. Axons of central origin, immunoreactive with a sensitive antiserum against the tetrapeptide Phe-Met-Phe-Arg-NH2 (FMRFamide), were observed in the intracranial portion of the photosensory pineal organ. The immunoreactive axons enter the caudal pole of the pineal organ via the posterior commissure. The largest density of axons was observed in the caudal part, while fewer axons were detected in the rostral portion. The uneven distribution of the FMRFamide-immunoreactive axons may be related to the distribution of different types of intrapineal neurons. FMRFamide-immunoreactive varicose axons were observed in the extracranial frontal organ. A central innervation of the pineal organ, previously known exclusively from amniotes, is probably not per se linked with the evolutionary transition of the pineal organ from a directly photosensory organ to a neuroendocrine organ. It could rather represent a centrifugal input to a sensory system which has been retained when the directly sensory functions have changed, during phylogency, to neuroendocrine function
Raf-1 sets the threshold of Fas sensitivity by modulating Rok-α signaling
Ablation of the Raf-1 protein causes fetal liver apoptosis, embryonic lethality, and selective hypersensitivity to Fas-induced cell death. Furthermore, Raf-1–deficient cells show defective migration as a result of the deregulation of the Rho effector kinase Rok-α. In this study, we show that the kinase-independent modulation of Rok-α signaling is also the basis of the antiapoptotic function of Raf-1. Fas activation stimulates the formation of Raf-1–Rok-α complexes, and Rok-α signaling is up-regulated in Raf-1–deficient cells. This leads to increased clustering and membrane expression of Fas, which is rescued both by kinase-dead Raf-1 and by interfering with Rok-α or its substrate ezrin. Increased Fas clustering and membrane expression are also evident in the livers of Raf-1–deficient embryos, and genetically reducing Fas expression counteracts fetal liver apoptosis, embryonic lethality, and the apoptotic defects of embryonic fibroblasts. Thus, Raf-1 has an essential function in regulating Fas expression and setting the threshold of Fas sensitivity during embryonic life
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