289 research outputs found

    The Best Workplace According to an Artificial Intelligence Algorithm

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    This work opens an avenue for organizations to immediately understand why their employees want to leave for other opportunities in the job market and act in time, taking precise internal measures to avoid losing talented personnel that consumed substantial investments in training. Data were collected from two well-known websites over nine months, gathering a sample of 1,307 employee reviews of companies. The reviews refer to ten of the largest global organizations, often cited in recent articles as companies with outstanding organizational agility. One by one, the sample reviews were submitted to artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm that conducted a sentiment analysis. This procedure offered a ranking of organizations based on how happy employees work there, overriding other negative feelings, such as fear, sadness, and anger. The analysis results showed that Google was the place where people feel happiest. Other dimensions were identified and inspired reflections, such as the employees’ joy of belonging when comparing the current and former employees and the dimension of the best country to work in when the employer is a global organization. The study allowed us to infer which career position workers are more likely (positive sentiment) or less likely (negative sentiment) to commit to the organization. We believe that AI will emerge as an important tool in structuring organizational agility, allowing the concept of a great workplace to be developed and assessed in real-time. This research is aligned with studies that recognize the organization as a living organism where people are the main actors. We understand and hope that organizational processes will be revisited and will consider this new avenue, in due course, paving the way for the integration of external variables, such as emotions, to support human resources internal measures aimed at reversing low engagement and loss of talents


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    In accordance to Resource Based View (RBV), the main cause of the variety of firm's performance in the market lies on the specific nature of their resources and accumulated competences. Nevertheless, the majority of explicative variables are qualitative what makes it hard to quantify and identify the correlation degree between the competitive performance and the resources of the company. Through a research performed in 1999, the French economist Rodolphe Durand developed his own methodology, building latent variables (proxys) that permit a highly satisfactory evaluation of the relationship between firm's performance and their specific resources. Based on this methodology we evaluated, in the specific case of Brazilian software sector, the degree of influence of the firm's productive assets on its competitive performance The theory establishes that the higher the inimitability and immobility of assets, the higher their profitability, margin and market performance. In inimitability we have found a relevant positive association only with the market performance. In relation to immobility we found a positive association with profitability and a negative association with margin.

    The role of information and communication technology in the transformation of consolidated business model: A study of taxi cooperatives in Brazil

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    The first radio taxi service in Brazil was created in Curitiba in 1976. The business model used that time was still in place until the creation of taxi service online applications for mobiles in 2012. Taxi cooperatives and associations saw their traditional business model being run over by the new technology. The final objective of this investigation is to verify how the cooperative business models adaptation happened in an innovation scenario generated by the use of technology. In this first work is presented a description of the changing face of how taxi cooperatives in Brazil operate before and after the proliferation of taxi mobile apps. A qualitative study was undertaken in Sao Paulo – biggest city in the country – and Curitiba – first Brazilian city with a radio taxi association. Among the interviewees there were taxi service customers, taxi drivers, cooperatives and taxi service online app companies’ representatives. Changes generated by the new technology were mainly perceived on customers’ value aggregation and on cost model. The transition from one model to another had many steps and not all cooperatives went through all of them. The duration of each one also varied among the cooperatives analyzed. Special attention was given to the steps that allowed the transition from one model to another


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    This article aims to evaluate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) spending in five Brazilian states (Goiás, Paraiba, Pernambuco, São Paulo, and Santa Catarina). Specifically, it sought to identify patterns of ICT use indicators and compare the efficiency of spending, which required contextualizing the research problem, which refers to inefficiency in the delivery of information in public service, through a bibliographical review on Public Administration, ICT, ICT use in Public Administration, Public Administration in Brazil, and description of the accounting-financial systems. In fact, the general objective is to elaborate an analysis and diagnosis model of IT expenses in five Brazilian states based on data extracted from the Budget and Financial Preparation and Execution System (Siconfi) and the Transparency Portal. Methods and procedures used in the research were also exposed, proposing the complementation of ICT use indicators with efficiency comparative (DEA) results among the five states. The results showed the success of the model by using, as a selection criterion of the IT commitments their classification within the nature of the detailed expense which contains, in its basic coding structure, the expense element, that is, the object of spending. It concluded that it is necessary to identify the Siconfi data and validate them with the expenses referring to the agencies in order to refine the identification of the object of the IT spending. Regarding the diagnosis, the exploratory analyses and inferences on the transformed data (obtained after the organization of the base ) allowed to demonstrate mainly that, despite the noticeable increase in IT spending in the five states in the period considered (2014 to 2020), the average percentage of 13.3% of this volume refers to the costing of personnel expenses in relation to the total ICT spending for the five states (ITIC4).In the period studied, , there was an increase in the percentage of the states’s ICT expenses  as a percentage of the Gross Domestic Product - %ICT/GDP. The values of the states of Goiás and, especially, Paraíba, stand out. The exploratory analysis on personnel expenses shows that none of the federal units exceeded the spending limit of 60% of current expenses determined by the LRF (LC101/2000) for state entities. The state of Santa Catarina, followed by Sao Paulo, are the ones that have the most contribution by ICT per capita and the state of Pernambuco stand out in the ranking as the most efficient. For the state of SP, the nominal ICT values have proportions that are close to ten times the value of the other states however, due to the lack of standardization of indirect ICT spending by several departments, some indicators for this federative unit may have been affected.         Este artigo objetiva avaliar o uso de Indicadores de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) de cinco estados brasileiros Goiás, Paraíba, Pernambuco, São Paulo e Santa Catarina. Para isso, propôs-se identificar padrõesde indicadores de uso de TIC e foi comparada a eficiência dos gastos de hardware, software e pessoas, contextualizando a problemática da pesquisa, referente ao comportamento no serviço público estadual, por meio de revisão bibliográfica sobre esse uso na Administração Pública. O objetivo geral é sugerir cenários de indicadores para as entidades estaduais, complementar o modelo atual de análise de Indicadores de TIC, a partir de dados extraídos do Sistema de Elaboração e Execução Orçamentária e Financeira (Siconfi), do Portal da Transparência, do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) e da Associação Brasileira de Entidades Estaduais de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação (Abep-TIC), bem como validá-los com os gastos referentes às entidades, para identificar a eficiência do gasto de TIC. As análises exploratórias e inferências sobre os dados processados demonstraram que, apesar do notório aumento dos gastos de TI, entre 2014 e 2020, o percentual médio de 13,3% desse volume diz respeito aos gastos com pessoal em relação ao gasto total de TIC. Para comparar a eficiência entre estados, conclui-se ser necessário a utilização do modelo DEA (Análise Envoltória de Dados) através das DMU (Decision-making units). Além disso, observou-se que somente Pernambuco alcançou desempenho suficiente no modelo de eficiência e, integrando a divisão não eficiente, estão os estados de Goiás e de São Paulo

    Dynamic Gait Index - Brazilian version

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    The Dynamic Gait Index (DGI) is a useful test to evaluate balance and gait. AIMS: The objectives of this study were to culturally adjust the DGI to the Portuguese language and to assess its reliability. METHODS: The method proposed by Guillemin et al. (1993) was used for a cultural adaptation of this tool. A prospective study was performed with 46 patients that were assessed in the cultural adaptation phase. The items that not understood by 20% or more patients were reworded and reapplied. The final Portuguese version of DGI was applied to 35 elderly in order to check intra and interobserver reliability. The Spearman rank coefficient was used to correlate intra and interobserver scores and the Wilcoxon test was applied to compare these scores. Internal consistency was analyzed by the Cronbach alpha coefficient. RESULTS: There were statistically significant correlations among the scores for intra and interobserver assessments for all items (p or = 0.820 to µ or = 0.894). CONCLUSION: The DGI was culturally adjusted to Brazilian Portuguese and proved to be a reliable tool.O Dynamic Gait Index (DGI) é um teste que avalia o equilíbrio e marcha do corpo humano. OBJETIVOS: Os objetivos deste estudo foram adaptar culturalmente o DGI para o português e avaliar a sua confiabilidade. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Seguiu-se o método de Guillemin et al. (1993) para a adaptação cultural do instrumento. Trata-se de estudo prospectivo em que 46 pacientes foram avaliados na fase de adaptação cultural e os itens que apresentaram 20% ou mais de incompreensão foram reformulados e reaplicados. A versão final do DGI em português foi aplicada em 35 idosos para examinar a confiabilidade intra e inter-observadores. O coeficiente de Spearman foi utilizado para correlacionar os escores inter e intra-observador e o teste de Wilcoxon para comparar as pontuações. A consistência interna foi analisada pelo coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. RESULTADOS: Houve correlações estatisticamente significantes entre os escores obtidos às avaliações inter e intra-observadores para todos os itens (p ou = 0,820 a a=0,894). CONCLUSÃO: O DGI foi adaptado culturalmente para o português brasileiro, mostrando-se um instrumento confiável.UNIBANUNIFESP-EPMUniversidade Cidade de São PauloUNIFESP, EPMSciEL


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    Este artigo objetiva avaliar o uso de Indicadores de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) de cinco estados brasileiros Goiás, Paraíba, Pernambuco, São Paulo e Santa Catarina. Para isso, propôs-se identificar padrõesde indicadores de uso de TIC e foi comparada a eficiência dos gastos de hardware, software e pessoas, contextualizando a problemática da pesquisa, referente ao comportamento no serviço público estadual, por meio de revisão bibliográfica sobre esse uso na Administração Pública. O objetivo geral é sugerir cenários de indicadores para as entidades estaduais, complementar o modelo atual de análise de Indicadores de TIC, a partir de dados extraídos do Sistema de Elaboração e Execução Orçamentária e Financeira (Siconfi), do Portal da Transparência, do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) e da Associação Brasileira de Entidades Estaduais de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação (Abep-TIC), bem como validá-los com os gastos referentes às entidades, para identificar a eficiência do gasto de TIC. As análises exploratórias e inferências sobre os dados processados demonstraram que, apesar do notório aumento dos gastos de TI, entre 2014 e 2020, o percentual médio de 13,3% desse volume diz respeito aos gastos com pessoal em relação ao gasto total de TIC. Para comparar a eficiência entre estados, conclui-se ser necessário a utilização do modelo DEA (Análise Envoltória de Dados) através das DMU (Decision-making units). Além disso, observou-se que somente Pernambuco alcançou desempenho suficiente no modelo de eficiência e, integrando a divisão não eficiente, estão os estados de Goiás e de São Paulo

    Impacto dos Investimentos em Tecnologia de Informação no Desempenho Financeiro das Indústrias Brasileiras

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    This article comes from research that sought to deepen existing discussions on the evaluation of IT investments and to assess their impact on organizational performance. The goal was to identify and analyze the impacts of spending and investments in information technology in the financial performance of Brazilian industries. The results allowed to state that the industries that have invested in Information Technology (IT), from 2001 to 2011, had higher growth of its operating revenue and improved operating results compared to the industries that invested less in the period. We adopted a research model that used accounting and financial indicators and IT spending metrics, also the combination of statistical techniques for analysis in several of doing thesis work. The study population was composed of Brazilian companies, which were publicly traded, from the industrial sector, with active stocks at BOVESPA, totaling 119 companies. Through a survey, additional data were obtained related to expenditures and investments in IT, the semi-structured questionnaires were sent directly to the Chief Information Officer (CIO). These efforts in collecting data, gave the possibility of obtaining a significant sample, with 53% of the population. Empirical research culminated with the adoption by the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM), a dynamic econometric model, satisfying the requirements of the Arellano-Bond (1991) model. This model was more suitable to treat possible spurious correlations; allowing identify the cost/expenditures and IT investments in two previous periods, (IGTIt-2) impacted in current Operating Income (ROPt), reflecting the lag effect. The main variable of IT research, IGTI is calculated through the sum of expenditures and annual IT investments (OPEX/CAPEX), divided by the annual net Operating Revenue. For future research, there is the possibility of seeking measures of evaluation by types of IT investment, linked to each investment and could also be used time dummies in the regressions, to mitigate the confirmed results and potential interference with the performance.Este artículo proviene de una investigación que buscó profundizar las discusiones existentes sobre la evaluación de las inversiones en TI y para evaluar su impacto en el rendimiento de la organización. El objetivo fue identificar y analizar el impacto del gasto y las inversiones en tecnología de la información en el desempeño financiero de las industrias brasileñas. Los resultados permitieron establecer que las industrias que han invertido en tecnología de la información (IT), de 2001 a 2011, tuvieron un mayor crecimiento de los ingresos de explotación y la mejora de los resultados operativos en comparación con las industrias que invierten menos en el período. métricas e indicadores en el gasto de TI contables y financieras se adoptaron, y la combinación de técnicas estadísticas para el análisis en varias etapas del trabajo de tesis. El universo de la investigación fue compuesta por empresas brasileñas, que cotiza en bolsa, el sector industrial, con participaciones activas en Bovespa, por un total de 119 empresas. A través de una encuesta se obtuvieron datos adicionales relativos a los gastos y las inversiones en TI; los cuestionarios semi-estructurados fueron enviados al Director de TI (Director de Información). De este modo, se obtuvo una muestra significativa, con un 53% de la población estudiada. La investigación empírica culminó con la adopción del modelo econométrico dinámico estimada por el método generalizado de momentos (GMM), que cumpla los requisitos de los Arellano-Bond (1991) modelo. Este modelo era más adecuado para tratar las posibles correlaciones espurias, lo que permite identificar los gastos e inversiones en TI (IGTI t-2), dos periodos anteriores de impacto sobre el rendimiento operativo actual (Ropt), que reflejan el efecto retardado (lag efecto). La principal variable de la investigación de TI, IGTI, se calcula mediante la suma de los gastos anuales de TI y las inversiones (OPEX / CAPEX) dividido por los ingresos operativos netos anuales. Para futuras investigaciones, existe la posibilidad de solicitar medidas de evaluación por tipos de inversión en TI, vinculados a cada inversión y también se podría utilizar dummies de tiempo en las regresiones, para mitigar los resultados confirmados y posibles interferencias con el rendimiento.Os resultados obtidos possibilitam afirmar que as indústrias que mais investiram em Tecnologia de Informação (TI), no período de 2001 a 2011, obtiveram maior crescimento da sua receita operacional e resultados operacionais mais eficazes, comparadas com as indústrias que investiram menos no período. Adotou-se um modelo de pesquisa que utilizou métricas contábeis financeiras e indicadores de gastos em TI, bem como a combinação de técnicas estatísticas para as análises, visando alcançar o objetivo da pesquisa de identificar e analisar os impactos dos gastos e investimentos em tecnologia de informação no desempenho financeiro das indústrias brasileiras. O trabalho aprofunda discussões existentes sobre a avaliação dos investimentos em TI e como aferir o impacto destes sobre o desempenho organizacional. O universo do estudo foi composto pelas companhias brasileiras, de capital aberto, do ramo industrial, com ações ativas na BOVESPA, totalizando 119 companhias. Por meio de uma survey obteve-se os dados complementares referentes aos gastos e investimentos em TI; os questionários semiestruturados foram encaminhados ao Gerente de TI (Chief Information Officer). Dessa forma, obteve-se uma amostra significativa, com 53% da população estudada. A pesquisa empírica culminou com a adoção de modelo econométrico dinâmico, estimado pelo Método dos Momentos Generalizado (GMM), satisfazendo as condições do modelo de Arellano-Bond (1991). O modelo proposto permitiu tratar de forma adequada metodologicamente as correlações espúrias, possibilitando identificar que os gastos e investimentos em TI, (IGTI t-2), de dois períodos anteriores impactaram no Resultado Operacional Atual, (ROPt), evidenciando o efeito tardio (lag effect). A principal variável de TI da pesquisa, o IGTI, é calculada pela soma de gastos e investimentos em TI anuais (OPEX/CAPEX), dividida pela Receita Operacional Líquida anual. Para pesquisas futuras, há a possibilidade de buscar medidas de avaliação por tipos de investimento em TI, visando ao aprofundamento da análise destes impactos no desempenho ligado a cada investimento

    Prever e melhorar o desempenho dos alunos com o uso combinado de aprendizagem de máquina e GPT

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    This research used Machine Learning algorithms combined with GPT to predict and improve students' performance. This approach can have an innovative impact on education and the learning experience. The study adopted a quantitative approach based on experimental research and various techniques. 900 students were processed in 21 algorithms. The results indicated a powerful tool for predicting and improving students' performance, combined with GPT, surpassing other methods. Knowing students' knowledge gaps and providing personalized feedback enables more effective training. This combination can be a valuable tool for enhancing education.Esta investigación utilizó algoritmos de aprendizaje automático combinados con GPT para predecir y mejorar el rendimiento de los estudiantes. Este enfoque puede tener un impacto innovador en la educación y la experiencia de aprendizaje. El estudio adoptó un enfoque cuantitativo basado en investigación experimental y diversas técnicas. Se procesaron 900 estudiantes en 21 algoritmos. Los resultados indicaron una herramienta poderosa para predecir y mejorar el rendimiento de los estudiantes, combinada con GPT, superando otros métodos. Conocer las brechas de conocimiento de los estudiantes y proporcionar retroalimentación personalizada permite una capacitación más efectiva. Esta combinación puede ser una herramienta valiosa para mejorar la educación. La investigación contribuye a la innovación en el campo educativo y puede considerarse original y valiosa.Cette recherche a utilisé des algorithmes d'apprentissage automatique combinés à GPT pour prédire et améliorer les performances des étudiants. Cette approche peut avoir un impact innovant sur l'éducation et l'expérience d'apprentissage. L'étude a adopté une approche quantitative basée sur la recherche expérimentale et diverses techniques. 900 étudiants ont été traités dans 21 algorithmes. Les résultats ont indiqué un outil puissant pour prédire et améliorer les performances des étudiants, combiné à GPT, dépassant d'autres méthodes. Connaître les lacunes de connaissances des étudiants et fournir des commentaires personnalisés permet une formation plus efficace. Cette combinaison peut être un outil précieux pour améliorer l'éducation. La recherche contribue à l'innovation dans le domaine éducatif et peut être considérée comme originale et précieuse.Por meio deste texto, apresenta-se resultados de pesquisa na qual se utilizou algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina combinado com o GPT para prever e melhorar o desempenho dos alunos. Essa abordagem pode ter impacto inovador na educação e na experiência de aprendizado dos alunos. O estudo teve abordagem quantitativa, com base em pesquisa experimental e técnicas variadas. Foram processados 900 alunos em 21 algoritmos. Os resultados indicaram uma ferramenta poderosa para prever e melhorar o desempenho dos alunos, combinado ao GPT, superando outros métodos. Conhecer as lacunas no conhecimento dos alunos e fornecer feedback personalizado, permite uma formação mais efetiva. Essa combinação pode ser uma ferramenta valiosa para aprimorar a educação


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    Large companies in the information technology sector are opening the codes of strategic products to gain a competitive advantage. Under the philosophical paradigm of Critical Realism, the study aims to identify the mechanisms involved in the decision to adopt the open model of software development by small Brazilian companies. Using multiple case studies, the data were obtained from four Brazilian technology companies. The qualitative material collected in 2017 was analyzed using inductive and deductive methods, seeking evidence to corroborate the existing literature and identify eventual mechanisms associated with the specific context explored in this study. The main contributions of the study are the level of analysis, its anchoring in empirical data, the chosen context and the philosophical paradigm used by the authors. The study found that political instability and the high cost associated with adopting the open model of software development could be barriers for small companies wishing to adopt this model. The study also allows market managers to reassess their software development strategies.Nas últimas décadas, o modelo aberto de desenvolvimento de software foi de passatempo de programadores, para inimigo de empresas de tecnologia e, mais recentemente, passou a ser uma estratégia destas. Sob o paradigma filosófico do Realismo Crítico, o estudo tem o objetivo de identificar os mecanismos envolvidos na decisão de adoção do modelo aberto de desenvolvimento de software por pequenas empresas brasileiras. Utilizando estudo de casos múltiplos, os dados contemplam quatro empresas brasileiras de tecnologia. O material qualitativo foi analisado utilizando técnicas indutivas e dedutivas, buscando evidências para suportar um modelo preliminar de pesquisa baseado na literatura e a identificação de novos fatores. O principal resultado do estudo foi a identificação de três fatores não endereçados pela literatura utilizada como base para o estudo, são eles: o receio de uso oportunista do código; o custo envolvido na adoção do modelo aberto de desenvolvimento; e, a instabilidade política. Aos gestores do mercado, permite a reavaliação de suas estratégias em relação ao desenvolvimento de software